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The Big and Dandy DXM Thread (archive start - 12-13-07)

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I have a question pertaining to DXM usage 2 days in a row. I used to use DXM about twice a month for close to half a year 2 years ago but since then I have not used it more than 2 times max. Last night, after re-uniting with a good friend, we each took 500mg and had a wonderful enlightening trip. I was able to take my experiences and masterful skills at working my psyche to give a new light to dxm and it was very mind expanding. We would like to boost again tonight, would it be possible and how quickily does tolerance build up, since I have never done it multiple times in a row before.
Not tripping... wtf?! (DXM question)

Ok, here's my story:
I have tripped on DXM countless times, and due to the fact that I cant smoke weed any more, it's become my DOC...
I typically dose two 4oz bottles of Robitussin (cough, just DXM) which equals 708mg. This is enough to get me to the third plateau, borderline 4th if the set and setting's right.
Now just recently I found that I can trip fairly decently (3rd plateau-ish) off one bottle, but still function (2nd plateau-ish) if I need to. I can trip off one bottle, I've done it before.
Now my question. The beginning of this week I tripped off three 4oz bottles of tussin (1062mg), the next night I tripped off two 4oz bottles. The next two days I didn't consume any kind of drug. I dont know if it matters, but I will mention that I usually trip once a week max, very rarely twice a week (a few days apart). Now last night, after two days of abstaining from DXM, I drank a bottle of tussin. And I waited. And waited.:|
I never tripped last night, not even any slight dissociation. I got a little dizzy for an hour or two, but that was the extent of my "trip":p
Oh, and today my hangover is more dissociative than my "trip":X
What's going on? Have I built a tolerance?
Will I ever be able to trip off 354mg of DXM again?

(mods merge this if you must, but i thought i'd get more of a response in a new tread, then in the B&D):\
You probably built a tolerance...cool it for a week or two, your tolerance should drop.
I built a tolerance back when I ate DXM on a regular basis. I still have a tolerance to this day, and I've only done DXM perhaps five times in the past five years. It takes me about 600mg for a 2nd plateau experience these days, when I used to get off on 300 or less. Has nothing to do with my body mass, either. Sucks man. But sometimes that's just what happens.
is there anything (other than grapefruit juice) that could help lower my tolerance or potentiate DXM?
^^ Yes, do this, and then eat again, especially sugary foods once the effects begin to set in, trust me, it helps.

Oh yeah, and remember sometimes it takes hours for DXM to kick in. DXM doesn't get you high, its the DXO that its converted into in the liver.
Merged in a DXM not tripping question...
ink907 said:
is there anything (other than grapefruit juice) that could help lower my tolerance or potentiate DXM?

DUH the best way to lower your tolerance is to of course NOT do it for awhile but then again while your not doing it, you may realize that you def don't need to anymore.I stopped after doing it every weekend for 6 months.Stupidest thing I've ever done.Hope this helps. 8(
Yeah I've found grapefruit and cimetidine and such greatly increase tolerance faster after you start taking various substances with them, makes it last longer, but your body is naturally also upping your tolerance the whole time its in your system.
stop talking about dosages please... Nobody knows what 350 mg will do to you... if you are like 50kg it will do a lot, but if you are some 120kg muscle man it won't nearly affect you as much...

so please, can we start talking in xx.xmg/kg ? that would make things waaaay easier. Thanks :)
DXM addiction

I have used DXM recreationally since 1998. I have had some bad trips over the years but the overall experience has been awesome. DXM is by far my favorite drug, but I have not done that many other 'harder' drugs though - both because of lack of availability and me having quite an addictive personality so I'm a bit worried I wouldn't be able to handle substances like smack or coke.

Anyways, I started out slow in 1998 and just had the occasional weekend trip, then for a while it was every weekend, then no DXM at all. When I got my hands on pure powder in 2002 or so I kinda lost control over my use and went on some binges (3-4 times a week on some occasions). Used to mix it with Marzine every now and then (motion sickness drug) and got crazy hallucinations, both visual and auditory.

Back in the days I remember having the best trips on around 400-500 mg (5-6 mg/kg) but the last two or three times I had a batch of pure (2005-2007) I went through 100 grams of pure in just a few months... doing 800-1000 mg almost every night (10-13 mg/kg). Sadly I haven't been able to get any form of DXM for about 9 months now - I really miss it.

Anyways, I was just curious how others experienced the addictive side of DXM. I know that DXM is not physically addictive - but have you experienced any psychological cravings?

has anyone on here had good dxm experiences after having several bad ones and, if so, what changed to make them good (if you know....)?

i'm assuming pure dxm powder is way better than dxm in cough medicines (dxm-only products, of course.)

i can't believe dxm and k are even in the same class. i always have the most amazing experiences on k, and as soon as i start coming down, i immediately want to do more k, but all of my dxm experiences have been either bad )throwing up, totally passing out, dysphoric hallucinations) or neutral. all my dxm experiences were before k, so i wasn't comparing the two.

i haven't used dxm since i downed a bottle of zicam cough mist two years ago. the entire bottle only had either 100 or 200 mg (tried to figure out which online, but i couldn't find it.) i had to unscrew the spray cap top to drink the contents. my friend and i figured that this would be "instant release" dxm rather than the 8 or 12 hour suspension syrups.

well, i threw up violently 20 minutes later and then maybe one more time after that. my memory from then on is pretty hazy but other people tell me we were responsive but seriously fucked up.....no idea why such a small amount produced such a large effect. eight hours later we still had serious robowalk. has anyone else drank these cough mists? did i get sick because there's something in them that shouldn't be consumed in large amounts?
I've found extracting the DXM from cough syrups makes the experience much more pleasant for your stomach, and getting up and moving around makes the experience much more fun "motion euphoria" and all that.

The first couple of times I took it I just lay down and watched a movie, it was fun and pretty trippy, but getting up and trying to dance and chat with friends made things hilarious... a friend of mine feels really bad at first and throws up every time, but after that he has fun and enjoys it, I guess it just disagrees with some people.
i built such a tolerance and whatnot that i don't get nauseous, ever, and i do everything i normally do, better and with more enthusiasm. more energy. it makes me normal because of its SSRI effect. people mistake me for being sober (as if)
has anyone on here had good dxm experiences after having several bad ones and, if so, what changed to make them good (if you know....)?
I used to have just as many bad experiences as good but these days I couldn't imagine having a bad experience. The first thing I changed was how I approached the come up - if I'm taking a large dose of non-extracted DXM I lie down and just try to ignore the nausea, it will pass - if by about 90 minutes after dosing the nausea is still bad I will induce vomiting - all the DXM will have been absorbed by this point.

In terms of disphoric trips I would the next day try to figure out exactly what caused the trip to go in that direction. The next trip I would use the first stage of the trip where you are still somewhat capable of logical thought to examine these issues - for me the main issue was the DXM making me feel separated from the real world and this scared me. Once I had got it in my head that I would be back to earth in a few hours it allowed me to enjoy the trip a lot more.

IMO another reason DXM trips take such a darker path compared to K is even extracted DXM has such a large body load, I'm sure if you were physically sick and took Ketamine you would have a much darker trip.
I just had 90mg of dxm then, never had it before and I'm currently on 25mg sertraline (Zoloft SSRI) as I am weaning off it. Will this be enough to get any effects? I don't want to get fucked up from the combination hence the small dose.

How long before you experience any effects ? (last meal about 4 hours ago and I'm 80kg)
Please don't ever take DXM with an SSRI again... it can easily lead to serotonin syndrome! :\

Seriously, you could cause a lot of damage that way. It's not safe at any dose.
Yeah I read about that, from everything Ive read its only a problem if you are a proper dose of an SSRI (100mg+) and you take 400mg+ of DXM. What makes you say its not safe at any dose?

25mg is bugger all of sertraline, and I took it over 14 hours ago so my body would have processed almost half of it (half life something like 20 hours)
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