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The Big and Dandy DXM Thread (archive start - 12-13-07)

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Yeah, I've skulled the syrup before and done the extraction before... the other attraction of extracting besides the nicer taste is that you can boil it down, so you don't have to drink much liquid at all... I also remember reading that the bromide in syrup DXM isn't all that good for you either

I think I'll do the extraction and just monitor the temperature carefully
Its always advised that you simmer the liquid to reduce down to a drinkable quantity, so while 122 deg may seem close to 100 deg its not - keep it at the point where it is only just boiling and you wont have any problems.
So, I'm debating whether or not I should give this stuff a try. A lof of people seem ot suggest that it offers an interesting experience, however a lot of people say they wouldn't do it again, or that it was a negative experience.
Do you guys think it's worth it to try it? I would go for 300mg with the pills.
"Shold I take drug X?" is really not a question anyone can answer for you. If in doubt, I would postpone it until I feel I'm completely ready, but that's just me.

Also, a test dose (maybe 100mg or so) is recommended before jumping in at more desired levels to test for CYP2D6 liver enzyme deficiency, which is not as rare as one would think (according to Wikipedia, Ethnicity is a factor in the occurrence of CYP2D6 variability. The prevalence of CYP2D6 poor metabolizers is approximately 6-10% amongst white populations, but is lower in most other ethnic groups such as Asians (2%) [4]. In blacks, the frequency of poor metabolizers is greater than for whites (1.6% vs. 0.44%) [2]. The occurrence of CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolisers appears to be greater amongst Middle Eastern and North African populations [3].). DXM can cause adverse reactions in individuals with said deficiency.
It is quite an odd feeling, but as long as you stay in the lower 2 plateaus you should be fine for your first go. Many people's negative experiences seem to revolve around throwing up, so will that bother you much??

Also if you have tried Ketamine or Nitrous, or some other dissociative before that will give you some idea of what it's like... if you haven't, just keep the doses low and if you like it, work your way up

The mental effects aren't scary at all until you start getting up near the 3rd plateau, it's an odd feeling but that's what I find fun about it :)
I took 240mg my first time and I can honestly say it was VERY CONFUSING. So confusing I couldn't tell the different between reality and fantasy.

But then again, dissociatives aren't really my thing.

But in the end, I would say it was worth it. I like trying new things.
Soma24 said:
It is quite an odd feeling, but as long as you stay in the lower 2 plateaus you should be fine for your first go. Many people's negative experiences seem to revolve around throwing up, so will that bother you much??

Also if you have tried Ketamine or Nitrous, or some other dissociative before that will give you some idea of what it's like... if you haven't, just keep the doses low and if you like it, work your way up

The mental effects aren't scary at all until you start getting up near the 3rd plateau, it's an odd feeling but that's what I find fun about it :)
No, throwing up doesn't really bother me. I will be taking the pills though, so I might not end up throwing up.

And yea, I was mainly worried about having an overly intense mental high. Don't get me wrong, I love changing my consciousness, that the only reason I smoke cannabis. However, I am not experienced with anything else that effects the mind. (I've used marijuana a couple of hundred times by now, along with vicodin and roxicodone)
I've never thrown up before, but a friend I usually take it with throws up every time, even when we extract it. Once it kicks in he feels really gross, goes and throws up, but after that he's fine and enjoys it.

Stick to first or low second plateau doses and you'll be fine I think... and make sure DXM is the only active ingredient in what ever you are taking, they can put some nasty shit in cough medicines, but read the label and you'll okay :)
Yea, I am familiar with the ingredients, there is only dxm. And I don't plan on going to very high doses, at least not for a while. I figure if I really want to trip, I might as well just buy shrooms, because they would probably be more enjoyable.
Dissociatives can be quite fun, I recommend you try nos, for a short lived, intense experience

Even if you totally hate it, it will be over in a minute or so... I doubt you'll hate it though :)
Does anyone else have the smell of cough syrup radiating from their pubic hairs for days after using DXM?
Prea said:
Yea, I am familiar with the ingredients, there is only dxm. And I don't plan on going to very high doses, at least not for a while. I figure if I really want to trip, I might as well just buy shrooms, because they would probably be more enjoyable.

I find dxm to be just as enjoyable as shrooms, I don't get the same visual effects as shrooms but i love the dissociative effects. Its just something you have to try to see if you like it. Just because some one else had a bad trip dosent mean you will. just stick to a lower dose and go from there.
Although a few of my third plateau trips (due to the dizzyness I get on higher plateaus, combined with motionsickness) were pretty damn scary, I don't regret them. I've learned alot during my trips. I stick to the lower two plateaus most of the time.
The furthest I've ever gone was bordering on the third plateau I think... every now and then I'd find my vision going, like when you get out of bed too quickly :p

It was still very enjoyable though, I think my nos experience prepared me a lot, because you can totally dissociate yourself and then return to reality over and over again, and get very familiar with the experience

Although no matter how many times you do it, no matter how many times you say "alright, this time I'm gonna remember and do such and such when I come back to reality" you never remember :p
The furthest I have ever gone is 17.5mg/kg (1300mg). I was in a White world with this mystery song playing in the background from what i can remember. I lost total track of time. I came to laying in a laundry basket in my basement at around 5am, I dosed at 10 pm. I cant remember much about the whole experience witch kinda sucks. But ever since then things seem allot more vivid, colors seem allot more vibrant and my outlook on life most deff changed for the better. I also get these weird urges to draw now and Ive never been big into art only photography. Anyone else have experiences like this?
Would you guys suggest smoking bud with dxm? Or should I just stick to only dxm my first time?

Also, is it better to trip at night, or early in the day, in your opinions?
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^ I liked robotripping at night either is better or worse it's for the experimenter to decide.As for smoking bud I'd recommend smoking bud all day, everyday as it is my lifestyle of choice so yes I'd say smoke a joint or 2..or 5 with your dxm HAVE FUN :D
dxm is the shit, do it, smoke weed with it
take 150mg for your first time (10 robo gels)
work your way up
eventually you'll probably settle on 2nd plateau, 300-450mg
I seriously had some oft the most profound, psychedelic, and enlightening experiences of my life on dxm.
I took 1450 mg and traveled through space, time, mayan landscapes etc...

Then I abused it and it stopped working as good and made me sick all the time.

I recommend trying it but if you like it as much as I do it very infrequently.
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