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The Big and Dandy DMT Thread - The Fourth Dimension

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Fishface said:
Hope the view's good on the other side of this Universe, Youkai ;) 8) <3

Just melted 50mg (of the 250mg gifted by a true gent back at the start of 2007 ;) <3 ) onto the steel wool in my 'machine' and about to lay back and enjoy a very rare and special treat :) <3

whats with the roll eyes?

Im getting abck into my groove with DMT, just smoked DMT isnt for me anymore.

and I can see my self leaving ti alone for awhile again. I went I guess a few months without using DMT, it wasnt untill I was put into a situaton where I would be around it that I started experimenting with it. :eek:


and yes, the veiw is very good, alil color washed, but still beautiful.
Youkai said:
whats with the roll eyes?
Suppose I wonder what it is you're pushing so hard for, especially when you write lines such as, 'over all I didnt learn much of anything' or 'quite plessant yet still confusing' - just worried about you, tis all :\ <3
Fishface said:
Suppose I wonder what it is you're pushing so hard for, especially when you write lines such as, 'over all I didnt learn much of anything' or 'quite plessant yet still confusing' - just worried about you, tis all :\ <3
just killing time.

I find pushing the limits of my mind and body to be kinda fun I guess, its a like a roller coaster, you can ride it a few times and then know every turn, dip, loop, curve, swirl but there is still something to be said about riding it even after this knowledge. I dont liek to drop LSD, eat mushrooms or any other longer more introspective psychedelics because I feel there isnt much for me to learn from any of them right now, but that doesnt mean I cant enjoy the roller coaster ride of them (DMT, ketamine, n2o).

I mean honestly can everyone else say that they strickly use substance x for introspective personal growth all the time? or might youa ctualy find soem enjoyment out of it? even though you've been there befor?

Iv found the deepest realisation on DMT, the deepest point of love and understanding, I just dont see my self going any deeper (though I might go more intence) then Iv already been. thats why I said I didnt atke much from it. it was basicly the same message. you can ehr a song for teh first time and be moved by it, and listen to it over and over again but still never find anything more but still have that movement from it right?

I personaly think DMT is better for me then shooting a bunch of ketamine or doing any of the other selct few plessure drugs I enjoy.
I personaly think DMT is better for me then shooting a bunch of ketamine or doing any of the other selct few plessure drugs I enjoy.

I agree I think that ketamine versus DMT is a no contest situation.
^I almost ottally view ketamine as recreational...
^Even combined with things like dmt? That combo shook my world up far more than either on their own.

I see your point though.

Dmt feels better for me than ketamine to be sure.
SomeKindaLove said:
LSD+Ketamine+DMT = wow 8o 8o

care to elaborate a bit?
im interested.

Sounds like something i may experiencing towards the end of this month ;) (except with a bit of mdma in the mix aswell.)

I love me a psychedelic cocktail every now and then.
Did a couple of rails of K about directly after peaking on ~300ug of LSD, then as I started feeling it, took a big old rip of deemsters. There are no words. Let me try. Psychic transdimensional hyperspace. No, there really are no words :) You know Star Trek, when they go into warp drive? I felt like I was doing that.
^ somekindalove, it sounds like my night last night...wow LSD and ketamine go together SO WELL 8o

I just took a teeny weeny hit of DMT though for the love of it all.
being all dosed out on a greyhound bus and taking rails of K in the bathroom ... now THAT's some warp drive ... i was in new york city and next thing i knew i was in vermont and i swear to God GDTRFB was playing the whole time ...
yeh S_s, LSD and K are spectacular.
In fact K used with pretty much any psychedelic including mdxx works wonders.

SKL, i wish that song was called "goin down the road feelin GOOD," cuz everytime i hear it while actually cruising in a car it sends a shiver down my back and makes me smile so big =D

As for DMT, i <3 it.
Didnt end up working with the xylene because that shit wreaked up my entire house.
Naptha it is for now.

You know what i noticed about extracting.
When you start with a smaller amount of bark the spice you pull even before recrystalizing or washing is alot whiter than what comes out when working with large amounts of bark.
Thought id let you all know.
I should try K and DMT once. Never tried DMT tho, should try it on its own at first.

If one was to do the extraction, could he IV the finished product ?
the finished product is a freebase and must be put into solution with vinegar or the like, much like shooting crack. if your product is clean then you are probably okay, although i would strongly suggest the use of a wheel filter just in case some plant particles made their way in (but often dmt that is well-extracted is really quite clean, the stuff that i've been experimenting with cooks up cleaner than most heroin!)
SomeKindaLove said:
the finished product is a freebase and must be put into solution with vinegar or the like, much like shooting crack. if your product is clean then you are probably okay, although i would strongly suggest the use of a wheel filter just in case some plant particles made their way in (but often dmt that is well-extracted is really quite clean, the stuff that i've been experimenting with cooks up cleaner than most heroin!)
Thanks for the fast answer.
kong said:
^Even combined with things like dmt? That combo shook my world up far more than either on their own.

I see your point though.

Dmt feels better for me than ketamine to be sure.

I've been taking ket with DPT recently...I've never used ketamine much before, just the odd bump here and there....though I had a notorious (well in some parts) friend who basically sold pure K pills which I'd gobble down and dance all night- add a bit of MDA/MDMA and meth and your cracking.

Its only now that I've thought about using ketamine in a more mindful way.
ketamine and 4-HO-DMT is also a lovely combination - pure love descended into my body on that. (oops a little offtopic but look the parent molecule DMT is embedded in psilocin!).

but I agree with you swilow, ketamine on its own is pure recreation for me.

too good...ah must resist...ahhhhh.... *is able to resist thankfully*
SomeKindaLove said:
There are no words. Let me try. Psychic transdimensional hyperspace. No, there really are no words :) You know Star Trek, when they go into warp drive? I felt like I was doing that.

That sounds familiar to me........but like it happened in another dimension or something ;)
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