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The Big and Dandy AMT Thread - 2nd incarnation

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I decided to take real ride, so I plugged 25mg. :)

Do you think that taking 1g Vitamin C will prevent possible neurotoxicity?
I doubt it and I'm not aware of AMT being especially associated with neurotoxicity. But vitamin C won't hurt as long as you're not taking silly amounts. One of those "can't see it making a difference one way or the other but won't hurt" kinda things, I suspect. Have fun :)
I doubt it and I'm not aware of AMT being especially associated with neurotoxicity. But vitamin C won't hurt as long as you're not taking silly amounts. One of those "can't see it making a difference one way or the other but won't hurt" kinda things, I suspect. Have fun :)


Hmm can't say that I feel much, beside some side effects, shouldn't it start faster when plugged? It's already +1,30h, I wait half hour more and then take about 15mg more.

Maybe MDPV has some cross tolerance with this?

edit. Ok, now I start to feel pretty stimulated and nice. Too bad it's night and I'm alone in middle of nowhere. Time for some introperspective moments I guess, if this will get me that far.
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I find rectal peaks around 2-2.5 hours. My 28mg RA dose was mostly stimulating, and only a little bit psychedelic (open-minded, empathetic). Try vaping it for a quicker comeup (peak around 1-1.5 hours in)
I find rectal peaks around 2-2.5 hours. My 28mg RA dose was mostly stimulating, and only a little bit psychedelic (open-minded, empathetic). Try vaping it for a quicker comeup (peak around 1-1.5 hours in)

I have HCl, can you vape that too?
Can't vape HCl but you can convert it to freebase if you know about such things. I don't so no point asking me but pretty sure it's been covered in this thread previously :)

And yeah, RA still takes a good 2+ hours to come-up. Vaped has me fully up in around 60-90 minutes as Ayrios says. Dose is a lot lower too when vaped. Need freebase to do it though so better get your chemistry research hat on ;)
I doubt it and I'm not aware of AMT being especially associated with neurotoxicity. But vitamin C won't hurt as long as you're not taking silly amounts. One of those "can't see it making a difference one way or the other but won't hurt" kinda things, I suspect. Have fun :)

Huge release of dopamine & serotonin at the same time is always gong to have a little neurotoxicity associated with it
Yeah, F&B, could you inform us on just how harmful you feel aMT really is? I ask you specifically because of your long history with aMT and generally extensive knowledge of neuropharm-related stuff.
At long last! A Mighty Tryptamine is coming my way.
Me so happy.
Cool, I recall you used the stuff extensively for a period - do you still do it?
I really like your descriptions and besides I find that I can identify better with some peoples experiences who just seem like they react to stuff in a "reasonable" way, as opposed to idiosyncratic.
Of course bodies, minds and opinions differ always and everywhere but I still think that more pure people who are less affected by preconceptions, logical fallacies and other misleading stuff present a more clear, conscious and intelligent approach and analysis of their experiences. Not that I have the illusion that anyone is immune to idiosyncracy!

You know that expression great minds think alike? Well I don't want to suck up or boast arrogantly but I think it's really true. A small margin of people, my best friends in it as well, I can get fantastic discussions with where thoughts run deeply synchronous and the discussion becomes a dialogue - like a telepathic monologue...
Like pure unimpeded thought where personal identity doesn't come in the way, almost makes me believe in our true nature we are all the same!!

Hopefully you get what I'm saying.
It's like 15:00 here you know: time to rant.
I've had similar discussions with my friends when we all trip. And yet we are actually quite different in reality.

I personally believe brains communicate to an extent without us realizing it, and i believe psych's enhance this property. We know we have brainwaves, I often think other brains can get more in tune with other ones. People who are close seem to finish eachothers sentences, know what the other is thinking, and respond similarly to stimuli despite being different people.

Of course the other theory is that the drug puts everybody in a more equal mindset, and it is actually the cause of the thought processes being aligned. As opposed to my theory that the drug aids in mental communication and therefore the synchronization of thought and feeling.
Does anyone have any information on combining AMT with piracetam?

I find AMT to be quite like MDMA at times and in the past I have combined piracetam and MDMA with good results. The effects were not tremendously noticeable but made the ride smoother.

I am thinking that taking a couple g's of piracetam right after I throw up on AMT would turn out good. I always throw up about an hour and half into it.
I haven't tried it, but am patiently waiting for my chance, should be soon. Maybe this or next weekend.

I hope it is a lot better than 5-meo-amt. Should find out soon.

I've heard it can be intensely psychedelic, but also that it is like a weak dose of lsd with a bit of amphetamine.

I'll try it soon, thinking about 40mg oral to start, then snorting 10mg 2 or 3 times when I peak if not strong enough. Some time after that I'll try smoking it as I've read it is much more potent smoked without reducing quality or quantity of trip. It's been a while and I can't get on erowid right now, so don't take that as truth.

If not to hard on my body, I'll try it at 125mg oral or equivalent other method with maybe 5mg of DOI. So much to look forward to trying during a time when time is quite limited.

I may initially try a lower 25mg oral dose if I need more study time so I won't be too wasted to get some done. My trips are going to be highly dependent on how I'm doing in college. If I find my classes easy or I am motivated to study lots, I should be able to trip up to twice a month, even with my other obligations.

If I get lazy and start getting bad grades, I won't get to trip. I have my drugs locked away except for poppies and I have to ask for the key. It won't be given if I am not making A's and B's, unless maybe 2 classes are A's and one I'm making C's.
Who do you have to ask for the key? Seems like a kinda strange system.

I feel like poppies would be the one to lock up if anything.

I know this is off topic but I'm just curious.
I have compulsion to trip on psychedelics and I am not functional while tripping. I easily tripped 2-3 times per week before this. I've had little trouble keeping my opiate use under control even after it became every day, but tripping I couldn't control. I would sometimes take rediculous doses or redose many times, often eyeballed. It was not uncommon for me to trip for 30+ hours at a time.

With opiates, I take just enough to help me deal with my social anxiety and depression(which seems to have gone away with depakote). I rarely use them to get really high, just using daily at the low end and occasionally tapering down to lower/eliminate tolerance during periods of low depression and anxiety provoking stimuli. I have no trouble keeping my use at what I consider a sane level.

My mother controls the safe. Yes, I'm 26 and still living at home, but that is because my parents are seperated, mom in poor health needs help with both everday tasks and finances, I go to college full time, and I have a 10 hour/week job along with several times each year getting big loads of obsolete computers(sometimes free sometimes for $200 orless) to dismantle and recycle ($1,500-$4,000 profit each time varying with amount and commodity prices), I make around $150/month on ebay, but it varies wildly with over $700 last time. I could leave home if I wanted and am not a freeloader. I pay my mom well for rent.

Some may see this as a showing of weakness and perhaps it is. I still say there is no need to change things when they are working so well. My mom knows I use drugs and accepts it. Now she has more peace of mind that nothings going to happen until she gets a request for use, then she knows what I am using and doesn't find me high as a kite conversing with beings in an unknown language unexpectedly. The thing with the safe is good for both our mental well beings and for my physical and academic well being.

I think there are others on this board who would benefit from a similar system and I feel no shame or weakness from implementing this plan. I think it was an intelligent decision to make.

My mother would usually figure out I was tripping before this anyway, so it makes her worry less, not more.

I don't know why it is psychedelics that I needed help with. I just love tripping more than anything else. It may be impossible to become physically addicted to them, but they have been extremely psychologically addictive to me. Good thing is that I don't spend too much time thinking about tripping when there is no way I can actually trip. I haven't craved the experience too much since they were locked away and I used up the small stash I kept out of the safe.

Having to ask my mom further reduces the likelihood of asking as I don't want her to think I'm a hopeless case. There are several sleeping meds with varying degrees of usefulness and fun and she gives me one of those before bed. I've got phenazepam the last two nights. Tomorrow the less enjoyable but effective amitriptyline. Then cyclobenzaprine. Then it will be carisoprodol. I'll cycle through a mix of fun and unenjoyable meds to prevent addiction and keep me from staying awake too much. Seroquell the antipsychotic is in there somewhere.
Thanks for the detailed answer. I figured it was a unique situation. Whatever works for you and improves your quality of life.

I have the exact opposite problem. I have never had much trouble controlling my psychedelic use but I have been addicted to kratom before which I am glad to have gotten past. I don't really screw with opiates anymore.
Does anyone have any information on combining AMT with piracetam?

I find AMT to be quite like MDMA at times and in the past I have combined piracetam and MDMA with good results. The effects were not tremendously noticeable but made the ride smoother.

I am thinking that taking a couple g's of piracetam right after I throw up on AMT would turn out good. I always throw up about an hour and half into it.

Piracetam with AMT works fine, sort of like piracetam and MDMA. But you should take it about 45 minutes to an hour BEFORE you take the AMT (and likewise with the MDMA). If you take the piracetam afterwards, it is unlikely to interact with the other drug(s) very much, if at all. You need the piracetam fully working in your brain when the AMT/MDMA/whatever begins to be absorbed.

I hope it is a lot better than 5-meo-amt. Should find out soon.

I've heard it can be intensely psychedelic, but also that it is like a weak dose of lsd with a bit of amphetamine.

It's definitely way, way better than 5-MeO-AMT... not very similar drugs at all.

I find it more like LSD mixed with MDMA if anything, not amphetamine. But it's not like the actual combo of LSD and MDMA, which is synergistic. It's more like it has properties of MDMA and LSD. Some people find it highly psychedelic and visual. Personally I find it not very visual at all, sort of like a low dose of mescaline where colors brighten and everything looks beautiful. I find it very mentally focusing and enhancing, which I suppose it like amphetamine now that I think of it, rather than like MDMA which clouds my mind and makes me kind of retarded.
Planning on going to smoke... the Freebase... from a lightbulb. My only question is this: Do you find the visual element reduced with smoking" I've read some of this from other reports. I dont wanna smoke it only to get a head rush and feel off.

I may just put it into a solution again, only this time i'll be ready to HCL it immediately, thereby preventing any loss of the compound like last time.
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