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The Benzodiazepine Thread Version 5

Anyone had experience with benzodiazepines causing agitation, irritability, insomnia? I feel a great deal of relief from my anxiety when taking diazepam or clonazepam, but while it relieves my anxiety, it also causes anxiety, if that makes any sense.. I feel a sense of urgency and restlessness sometimes that seems directly caused by the benzo(s). I know this is common with high doses of potent benzos, but I get this effect with 10mg diazepam, likewise, with 1mg clonazepam. I don't have a huge tolerance anymore, so I feel 10mg of Valium, moreso the 1-2mg of Rivotril - but that goes without saying! :) I had abused Xanax heavily in the past for a couple of years, and wonder if this side effect may be because of my past use.

Excuse the short erratic post, I will elaborate further later.

EDIT: It's like a stimulant effect, rather than a depressant after thinking about it.


Ash. <3
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Anyone had experience with benzodiazepines causing agitation, irritability, insomnia? I feel a great deal of relief from my anxiety when taking diazepam or clonazepam, but while it relieves my anxiety, it also causes anxiety, if that makes any sense.. I feel a sense of urgency and restlessness sometimes that seems directly caused by the benzo(s). I know this is common with high doses of potent benzos, but I get this effect with 10mg diazepam, likewise, with 1mg clonazepam. I don't have a huge tolerance anymore, so I feel 10mg of Valium, moreso the 1-2mg of Rivotril - but that goes without saying! :) I had abused Xanax heavily in the past for a couple of years, and wonder if this side effect may be because of my past use.

Excuse the short erratic post, I will elaborate further later.

EDIT: It's like a stimulant effect, rather than a depressant after thinking about it.


Ash. <3

I've had that effect happen a few times, even though I've only been using benzos frequently the last 3 months or so. Seems to happen the most when I go without for a while, or taper down a bit, then start dosing again or jump the dose back up. Which seems totally contradictory, but there you go :p
Anyone had experience with benzodiazepines causing agitation, irritability, insomnia? I feel a great deal of relief from my anxiety when taking diazepam or clonazepam, but while it relieves my anxiety, it also causes anxiety, if that makes any sense.. I feel a sense of urgency and restlessness sometimes that seems directly caused by the benzo(s). I know this is common with high doses of potent benzos, but I get this effect with 10mg diazepam, likewise, with 1mg clonazepam.
This thread came up a little while ago.

Nothing definitive, but some interesting discussion on the subject nonetheless.
Seems that paradoxical responses are not that uncommon, but it depends on the drug, the individual, the dosage and the circumstances (like anything else, I guess).
Seems that paradoxical responses are not that uncommon, but it depends on the drug, the individual, the dosage and the circumstances (like anything else, I guess).

yeah. paradoxical effects jumped straight to mind for me though, they are more common with the older folk.

if you dont have a gorilla or even decent sized monkey on your back id advise using sparingly as possible.

if theyre prescribed speak to your gp and work something out with them over a discussion.

best of luck mate.
They should not have change the scheduling from 4 to 8. Instead of doctors automatically quoting "panic disorder where other treatments have failed' to get the authorization code, only say it if the patient has panic disorder. There is a massive difference between a 60mg MS conting or a 40Mg oxy or a 75ug/h fentanyl all of which can kill those without opioid tolerance. Xanax alone cant. Morphine and oxycodone hydrochloride require a naxolone shot and fentanyl requires a stomach pump.
Anyone had experience with benzodiazepines causing agitation, irritability, insomnia? I feel a great deal of relief from my anxiety when taking diazepam or clonazepam, but while it relieves my anxiety, it also causes anxiety, if that makes any sense.. I feel a sense of urgency and restlessness sometimes that seems directly caused by the benzo(s). I know this is common with high doses of potent benzos, but I get this effect with 10mg diazepam, likewise, with 1mg clonazepam. I don't have a huge tolerance anymore, so I feel 10mg of Valium, moreso the 1-2mg of Rivotril - but that goes without saying! :) I had abused Xanax heavily in the past for a couple of years, and wonder if this side effect may be because of my past use.

Excuse the short erratic post, I will elaborate further later.

EDIT: It's like a stimulant effect, rather than a depressant after thinking about it.


Ash. <3

I get this with temazepam. The second or third time I tried 10mg of temazepam, I had the worst panic attack I have ever had in my life - it felt like I was in hell for about 4-6 hours. I was super anxious, experiencing dysphoria, my heart was going nuts, and I thought I was going to end up in hospital. I got out of it eventually, but I took like 4 showers and had to basically keep moving to keep myself from losing the plot. I've had temazepam a few times since and it hasn't been too bad, but I get bad hang overs from it so I just avoid it completely now.
Anyone had experience with benzodiazepines causing agitation, irritability, insomnia? I feel a great deal of relief from my anxiety when taking diazepam or clonazepam, but while it relieves my anxiety, it also causes anxiety, if that makes any sense.. I feel a sense of urgency and restlessness sometimes that seems directly caused by the benzo(s). I know this is common with high doses of potent benzos, but I get this effect with 10mg diazepam, likewise, with 1mg clonazepam. I don't have a huge tolerance anymore, so I feel 10mg of Valium, moreso the 1-2mg of Rivotril - but that goes without saying! :) I had abused Xanax heavily in the past for a couple of years, and wonder if this side effect may be because of my past use.

Excuse the short erratic post, I will elaborate further later.

EDIT: It's like a stimulant effect, rather than a depressant after thinking about it.


Ash. <3

i get this with clonazepam mainly, no other benzo does it, just clonazepam. ive read a fair few other people experience the same sorta thing with only clonazepam (agitation, irritability etc) but thats all i get, and its not all the time. yet sometimes i take a few and fuck me everything and everyone gets on my nerves and coz my inhibitions are down i dont give a fuck about what i say or do, and once they wear off or wake up the next day i just think to myself, "fuck...probably shouldnt have said or done that" and start sending a text or buzz my mate about what was said or done to keep things all g.
I know what you mean.. when I could only get a couple of bars, I'de only take 1-2mg to relax but after over using them, 8mg+ would put me on the same level n it didnt take long for it to get to that point.. nor does it seem my tolerance is going away :X might have something to do with all the piss I drink as bennies n alcohol both work on your GABA receptors yeah?

and people think clonaz. is in the same ball park in terms of potancey as alpraz.? could just be me but bars seem much stronger that those minty kpins.. since my last post, I have only used benzoes when coming down from stimulants and thats strictly been clonaz..

whats your tolerance like to opiates? for the last month, I'd only use twice a week but for eg. 100mg of oxy would just get me starting to nod (Im currently having a break from opiates aswell due to tolerance)

luckily, the only things in life I've been addicted to have been pot n piss and I've stopped smoking mull so now its just alcohol

Agree kpins are not strength for strength mg wise however it could be alpraz's quick onset that makes it feel stronger...
Oxazepam just feels like a weaker, maybe less sedating valium to me, even at supposedly equipotent doses. But I think benzos often come down to personal preference.

When you say generics, do you mean the Antenex bottles? I've been getting those and they seem to work fine for me, but if the Valpam (the ones in the boxes?) are stronger for you, maybe I should ask for them at the pharmacy and compare.

I notice the same thing with clonazepam, the brand name feels noticeably stronger.
i always experience paradoxical effects, much like said pcp experiences where i have the tendency to want to get unclothed, steal, charge copious amounts of drugs, drive fast cars, chat to girls and blare loud music for hours on end until i crash, get detained or get sent home by acquaintances concerned for my safety, even sometimes at the petrol station or chemist filling up. ALL while under the spell of hypnosis and no memory at all of said events.

This is the one drug(as well as datura, dxm,rc's) i can safely say i would never take again.
Yeah those are the ones I was thinking about, I took them a few times buying them off other people, but my tolerance was different back then, so it's hard to compare.

The ones I take at the moment come in a bottle, they're split on one side with a DM on top of the split and a 5 on the bottom of the split, then a G shaped symbol on the back.


Well, It really depends on your toxerance. Whem i first started taking xanax i took 2 2mg bars and was completley destroyed. I feel like i overdosed because the whole week after i couldnt remeber anything and couldnt think well at all. But no after months of abusing benzos i can take 3 2mg bars and not even blackout. I blacked out from 1bar in the beging of my abuse. Now I can take about 6mg of xanax and not even feel it. Your tolerance builds very quickly. But the first time someone does a benzo they will only need a small dose.
Valpam is a generic brand of diazepam as well, Valium is the proper brand. Valium comes in a big box and it has two blister packets inside each containing 25 tablets, each blister pack is perforated in such a way that every individual tablet can be seperated from the rest but remain sealed. I have always found these to be slightly more effective than any of the generics, but only slightly, and it could easily be placebo.

When given the choice I will always pay the extra dollar or two for the name brand.
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Sorry, Long post but I think it has some relevant info for those in this thread

Ok. Long post. No TL;DR because my thoughts and points are all interconnected, sorry. I also am tired now, so it may need an edit in the morning. Aplogies in advance if it's out of order or half written, or something.


Thankfully I found Bluelight when I did because if I hadn't, I would have no doubt become another victim of the easily fallen into trap of benzo addiction. I used to think that if I had a script for (insert benzo here) that would solve all my problems. It actually caused a lot of problems on Bluelight here, but that's another story altogether. They are an absolutely necessary tool for some people, I consider myself one of them but I have never been dependant and have cut down my use considerably, especially after a recent binge made me re-evaluate how they were sometimes negatively affecting my life, both online and offline.

I need benzo's for certain things in my life, I won't go into particulars (Bluelight isn't one of them) but my body simply physically reacts extremely harshly to specific triggers and without benzo's I would either need to be drunk (which would not work most of the time for most situations), asleep (which would be even harder to make work in almost all situations) or simply avoid (which was always my preferred option, and still is sometimes when life is just too much).

However avoiding those things which I relied on benzo's to do only made the situations worse in the long run, and I'm still working on that, but I am getting better at confronting what used to be impossible to do without the help of anti-anxiety drugs. That's where I've found the most benefits from the short term use of benzo's, once your body (and mind) has been through those daunting tasks/places/actions/experiences, it becomes used to them and it becomes easier and easier to do each time. Eventually with the goal of having minimal or zero reliance on benzo's at all. When I know a trigger will happenm, I like to prepare by having some on hand to use as a last resort when things become too overwhelming for me, it can be comforting to know I have them but also empowering if I don't need to use them.

Benzo's are a very useful tool which IMO should be used as part of an overall anxiety management strategy, preferably with a counsellor or even friend of some kind which could incorporate things such as breathing techniques (more important than I used to think), meditation, counselling, mindfulness, chilling out, understanding your own body and mind and simply knowing what your triggers are and when you may need to take a breather, literally, in order to help yourself overcome a particularly difficult obstacle. Again IMO, benzo's should never be the first, and definitely not the only long-term aod for all of your anxiety, panic and stress disorders and if at all possible, they should not be used as a crutch for your mental life whenever you feel overwhelmed. It is easy to fall into addiction if you use them in that way.

I am not saying that there is nobody out there who doesn't need benzo's daily in order to live a normal, stable and fulfilling life, some people have gone through things I can't even fathom and I am not suggesting that this post is for them, nor am I attacking them or denying their existence. What I am trying to say is that if you suffer from anxiety, even moderate to severe anxiety, including panic attacks, you shouldn't be considering Valium, Xanax, Clonazepam or any equivalent as the first and/or only method of attacking the problem. That would be like attacking a deep splinter in your finger by cutting off your finger. You'd get rid of the splinter, but it would most likely be more detrimental in the long run than slowly prying out the splinter with time, antiseptic, needle, more time, and caution. Benzo's can cause a lot of harm when abused, especially if you end up addicted and they are very dangerous, potentially deadly to withdrawal from, which unfortunately some doctors don't even recognize which can make matters even worse when you find yourself addicted and with a doctor who doesn't understand the potential risks.

Some people may need to use benzodiazepines for longer periods than others and some may not need them at all. It's possible that finding a genuinely good counsellor that you can personally relate with will actually help you quicker than dropping a valium or 2, as that won't affect your mental ability and motor control.

In order to find out the why's and what's and learn to listen and understand why your body reacts to certain situations the way it does. They should not be used as the only treatment to a complex problem such as anxiety or panic attacks, but they are the best thing I've found to help tackle that initial indescribable fear that only those with anxiety can relate. You need to be able to confront those fears to overcome them, in my opinion, and without benzo's there is no way I could have.

I still use them on occasion, but if not for Bluelight, I'd think that they were going to be a magic bullet and I may have found myself dependant like many other unfortunate souls, which has the undesirable results of both dependance and the fact that they no longer work for their required purpose, they simply make you feel normal, and your anxiety is much worse when you don't have them in your system.

Instead of a witch-hunt on benzo's which seems to be happening in Australia, I would like to see other medicines researched for anxiety and related disorders such as LSD & MDMA for PTSD, marijuana for general anxiety (which doesn't work for me, in fact it has the opposite effect but it does work for a lot of people I understand) and countless other restricted drugs that are listed as having "no medical use" because they are either fun at certain dosages or analogues of those which may be fun, therefore making them unable to be studied due to the world's draconian drug laws and the war on people, I mean war on drugs.

I think the point I was trying to make was the drugs are good mmmkay, just don't overdo them, because they can be bad too. If you have a problem caused by anxiety that is preventing you from living your life you should talk to your doctor, but in general, GP's aren't trained in mental health so you'd probably want to see a psychologist or a psychiatrist (or both) which your GP should be able to refer you to.
I've also significantly reduced my tolerance and how often I use them.

I went into detox to get off 24mg of xanax a day last year(I started on 18 5mg Valium(reduced by 10mg a day then 2 days with no benzos to make sure I was OK, I was a skeptic but it worked) as well as normison at night.

Soon after I began using too much methamphetamine, every day for 9+ months so I got a psychological habit with xanax but mostly rivotril and at the most needed 20mg of alpraz even though I didn't use daily but for some reason I got more out of clonazepam, often only needing 8mg for a good sedative or 2mg for a panic attack. Considering they have equivalent potency I don't get it but maybe coz I've used way more xanax I don't know. Plus the muscle relaxation properties of the clonaz plus the length is longer and rivs are less than half the price of xanax too.

I have had 15 2mg xanax in my possession in last 2 days but they just don't compare to my beloved clonaz. I like a few for true panic/anxiety attacks that I can't manage but its the method that they are useful for as drinking isn't something I enjoy. If only GHB/GBL were in my circle coz they are beyond enjoyable. My fav drugs actually. In different doses they can be a party drug, a sex drug, a comedown aid or a complete knockout but only if u know exactly what your doing :)
I have had 15 2mg xanax in my possession in last 2 days but they just don't compare to my beloved clonaz. I like a few for true panic/anxiety attacks that I can't manage but its the method that they are useful for as drinking isn't something I enjoy. If only GHB/GBL were in my circle coz they are beyond enjoyable. My fav drugs actually. In different doses they can be a party drug, a sex drug, a comedown aid or a complete knockout but only if u know exactly what your doing

I'm surprised you're having trouble finding G, every time I partied in Sydney meth and G went pretty much hand in hand, didn't know many people who took one without the other.
Yeah I guess I never looked that hard. I hate to say it but I only bought meth in Sydney coz it was usually at a gay sex club and all the money would go on transport, drugs and entry fees. Sometimes I'd get a few caps of coke of heroin from the cross but coke will kill me(the ice I shot last night nearly killed me I'm sure, vaso-constriction and a shamefully abused heart are silly things to force that much constant strain on) and heroin is a waste of time on methadone. or eccies from techno clubs. I don't do either anymore but g has such a bad rep. I really do wish it was available to us responsible ones. Benzos are so unpredictable on when they'll be around and they are something I need or the last few hours before sleep are filled with dread, panic and tension, plus I'm sure everyone is aware of the ludicrous price increase xanax has been subjected to this year. Rivotril is so underrated, just as potent if not a small % less, longer duration, is a muscle relaxant unlike alprazolam and its less than half what people spend on xanax. I find it far superior and while most benzos give you amnesia if abused xanax is well known as one of the worst, clonazepam will do it in higher doses but people don't usually get violent or stupid with clonaz. I'm sure there are exceptions though so I'm strictly speaking of my own experiences.

I'm hoping this little break from being a good boy is the last for awhile but I deserve it. I've done well in organizing my life again :) I just need to do it all in private and not leave the house :p
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^ No offence dude but I really don't know by what measure you are lumping yourself in with "us" responsible drug users.

As far as I know you have had serious addictions to methamphetamine and opioids, I am pretty sure benzodiazepines as well. You regularly engage in poly drug use, as well as other risky drug taking behaviours and IIRC have been to rehab several times. Scarily, I have literally lost count of the amount of times you have came on here saying you OD'd while using benzodiazepines and heroin at the same time. You are now facing jail time for actions that in another thread it seemed like you were blaming your drug use in large part for. This in no way represents what responsible drug use looks like, to be entirely honest with you, it is pretty much the dead opposite.

I am not judging you, I have used drugs irresponsibly, I have been and currently am dependent on drugs, I just feel obliged to point these facts out to you. I can't help but wonder if the fact that you somehow view yourself as a responsible drug user is part of the reason that you keep fucking up so badly, I genuinely think that could be a big part of your problem is you are in denial.

I hope the Magistrate goes easy on you next week and I hope that you manage to clean yourself up successfully, however, if you are going to achieve this I believe you have to accept the fact that you have not been using drugs responsibly for a long time.
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I definitely agree that once upon a time. in the not too distant past I was wreck less and at that point I constantly apologised and deleted inappropriate posts but in the last few months I've been very responsible. I don't use opies. I only had 4mg of xanax which is a tiny dose for me and with court looming in over my head I've been careful not to get silly. But anyway looks like I'm not going to be able to separate my past & present on here so I give up.
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