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The Benzodiazepine Thread v. IV

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A high Benzos dose

"Originally Posted by ThHardMotherfucker
Yeah same, agree with pinkanga...There was no HR value in that other thread.

I'm currently scripted 6 mg Clonazepam/4 mg Alprazolam daily"

In Australia, Clonazepam ( under the brand only 2 of them, Rivotril and Paxam), is used only for an anticonvulsant.

With your use of 6mg of Clonazepam, if you are here in Australia, the Doc must have prescribed it for Epilepsy.
( But in States, it's a diffetent case. Clonazepam is used for Panic Disorder, and the dose ...... well it depends on the severity of your symptom and how many mg your Doc is going to give you. But not here, in Australia. it's a different case.) The MIMS book only states that it's for anticonvulsant. But, off-label, the Doc could give it for Panic Disorder. But the problem is, out of 50 Doctors.......I would say, only 2 or 3 of them that know Clonazepam is used for Panic Disorder like Alprazolam. It's a sad thing...:(

As with 4mg Alprazolam, it is still within therapeutic dose " only for Panic Disorder" here in Australia.
The Max dose is 10mg/day for it.

But, seldom, any Doctors, would prescribe beyond 2-3mg of Xanax ( Alprazolam) daily, even it's stated could be up to 10mg for Panic Disorder.
The most, the are comfortable to write a prescription of Alprazolam, 1mg t.i.d. ( 1mg 3x/day). TOTAL 3mg
( but it depends on the severity of your symptom too, and the Doctor too. He may prescribe 2mg b.i.d ( 2mg 2x/day) .. TOTAL 4mg

"I take 2 mg Clonazepam, after my Omeprazole, with either another 2 mg of Clonazepam or 2 mg Alprazolam for a severe debilitating anxiety disorder."

Well, Seldom, one doctor would prescribe 2 different benzoz. You may be an exception, for a reason by the doctor.

Omeprazole is a Proton Pump Inhibitor. It actually is a newer medication after Zantac ( Ranitidine) and Cimetidine ( which has lots of interactions if you read in MIMS ANNUAL.
The advantage of Omeprazole, like Ranitidine, they both inhibit acid secretion to the stomach. ( To treat stomach ulcers, etc)., but, Omeprazole also forms a sort of " coating to the stomach lining", and that's why, when you take NSAIDs ( Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Piroxicam, etc) you don't get "stomach bleeding".

"Omeprazole does wonders at giving your benzodiazepine of choice, a boost. I highly recommend it. Plus, it's added benefit includes the reduce risks associated with NSAID use, such as peptic ulcers, a few people who might read this, this applies to you Panafen + people...:p

So Proton Pump Inhibitors ( Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, etc) could give a boost to Benzodiazepines.

Well, yes I know Panafen. It's an OTC meds ( Only Ibuprofen 200 + Codeine 12.8mg ) comes in 15 or 30 tabs boxes.

This is an interesting thing if Omeprazole amplifies the use of Benzos.

All I know, Luvox ( Fluvoxamine), an SSRI antidepressant, when combine with a Triazolo-Benzodiazepines like Alprazolam, Triazolam ( Halcion, a Hypnotic) and Midazolam ( Available only via injection in hospital use), could double up the amount of those Triazolo-Benzos, like Alprazolam.

In other words, You take Fluvoxamine and Alprazolam, you only need a small dose of Alprazolam, as the effect in your body "feels" as if you are taking double the dose. ( This works via CYP4503A4. Fluvoxamine is an inhibitor of that iso-enzyme. Alprazolam is the substrate. So by inhibiting it, there are more of the Alpha-hydroxy-alprazolam in the plasma. This will result more of the predictable amount in plasma levels. so far, it doubles up.)

As with Serzone ( Nefazodone), an antidepresant, it could make 4x of the predictable amount of Alprazolam in the blood plasma levels.
( But Serzone is taken off the market bcoz of hepatotoxicity it induced).

"Starting tomorrow though, I'm going to limit my benzodiazepine use to 2 mg Clonazepam. I've been on it for a month, time to taper off it, started off using it as an augmentation therapy until the Zoloft 100 mg kicked in. I don't know though, I feel as if the Zoloft is making me more anxious, rather than my previous Rx'd antidepressant, Paroxetine 40 mg."

IN MY EXPERIENCE, YES, ZOLOFT, made me more anxious. I don't know why. ( I read a book, it's a Testimony, of , well, mainly Zoloft then other SSRIs, ruins life.)
The title of the book in the Library is : DYING FOR A CURE . by Rebekah Beddoe

Even 25mg of Zoloft ( Sertraline) caused akathisia to me.

( Prozac, they say is activating, Aropax/Paxil they say is rather sedating. I don't like actually TO USE THE WORD,"Activating", as it is not a stimulant, but rather, it causes akathisia or inability to sit still, or relax, so someone taking it must move around, and I would say, it's a torture like experience rather than a nice one. It's like taking an antipsychotic :)- )

Maybe you should stick to Paroxetine if it helps you.

just remember, everyone reacts differently even to the same medication, coz our bodies' way of metabolizing it. ( Some has more CYP2D6, some don't.)
Brewster: I had to do that but only once, I cant seem to open up to anyone.

Beat Narrative: I suggested Antenex cause it only comes in bottles of 50 as far as im aware, I dont see why he wouldn't prescribe it if you tell him you want to taper off.

i thought aall diazepam comes in boxes of 50, thanks for your suggestion and i apologise if i my response seemed antagonistic
tis cool man :) I used to get boxes of Roche only 25. Actually I just read on a website that someone got scripted 25 of the Antenex, my mistake I guess its up to the doctor how much.

I thought it only came in 50s cause I read this:

Antenex tablets are packed in bottles
containing 50 tablets.

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Yeah antenex are generic diazepam. I stole a bunch of my mums once.... so easy to grab say 10 out of a little pill container and have them go unnoticed, compared to the normal valium blister pack.

Still, I felt like a douche.
haha yeah its preety bad, iv ganked a cpl of my old boys fortes but when he asks me about it i just tell him i took them, he doesnt like it but atleast i didnt flat out deny it.
^^^ he prescribe me 25, valpam I think. The box obviously had 50 to start with but the chemist must have taken the other 25 out, two blister packs with 10 and one blister pack that had been cut in half (fairly roughly) to make 5.
Brew: How many mg are they? I got scripted Ritalin today 100x10mg, pdoc wants me to cut out the Valium eventually and caffeine though case my BP was up I drank one wicked drink ~160mg caffeine and had a coffee just before i saw him.
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i thought aall diazepam comes in boxes of 50, thanks for your suggestion and i apologise if i my response seemed antagonistic

I think that's correct, if a doctor writes a script for 25 the pharmacy always seems to break a packet.
Well antenex appears to come in a container. Implying they didnt originate in a blister pack of 50.
^ They can still break it; I know a pharmacy that used to use the methadone takeaway bottles for such circumstances, since they were usually well stocked up on the bottles.

I Want your opinion on a benzo called Etizolam,
i recently got hold of some of this stuff but haven't
used it much as i also have alot of alprazolam on my
hands and don't need it yet. I Will in a few weeks though,
what's it like? How strong is it? Is it euphoric? What benzo
is it most comparible to? And how is it on a mg to mg basis?
^ It's roughly the same strength as alprazolam or lorazepam I think, I had a tolerance when using it so hard to say. I like it, it has a short duration similar to alprazolam and mental calming like alprazolam, but it's muscle relaxant properties are way above alprazolam's. I was quite a fan of it actually, though like with any benzodiazepine and any other drug your mileage may vary.
Yeah thats the highest mg I got, my doc claimed 10mg didnt exist (blue 10s anyone?) but he would give me but 50x5mg with repeats.. Probably to make more $$
Mr Blonde you throw lorazepam in with alpraz as far as strenth/potency? I found lorazepam to be one the most subtle benzos Ive tried. Defeiniteyl keen to give it another try as I found it a good substitute for alpraz or even diazepam.

I remember concluding at the time that they would be good to have a stash of as a substitute for the more habit forming benzos and also handy to have to assist in the occasional taper. Each to their own though I guess.... especially with benzos. Some claim temazepam to be the best ever and that certainly isnt an opinion I share (although I dont mind temaz, I just dont find them all that exciting).
^ Roughly around the same potency for me but these things are all subjective on some level; I personally loved the hell out of lorazepam, a couple of friends did as well but a lot of other people seem to not like it as much. On the other side of the coin, I never really liked clonazepam that much (apart from use for tapering) yet I have spoken to many BL'ers who are big fans of it for recreational use.
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