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The Benzodiazepine Thread v. IV

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Needless to say, i wish doctors where more liberal with benzodiazepines, they treat
it like it's heroin or something, yet they dish out oxycodone to people like lollies !!!!

if you just mean endones then maybe, but i find benzos are handed out a lot in perth compared to substantial amounts of oxy
Benzos are deffinately dished out like candy IME but im lucky to get panadeine fortes....
also, is temazepam better than oxazepam

Everyone has their own preferences... I definitely don't mind oxazepam, maybe would even take it over temazepam but I know a fair few people who would see the same situation the other way aroud.
Cant make up my mind on temazepam. I guess its hard to guage its potency when using xanax at the same time. But 30mg temaz with a glass of GFJ always seems to put me in a better mood. I do go through the 25x temaz in the packet extremely quickly too. Ridiculous.... should be 50 considering they are weaker than diazepam despite 10mg being roughly equivalent to 5mg diaz. Id say its more like 10-15mg temaz = 5mg diazepam.
Yeah when I used to get 25 temazzies 10mg they always went so quick, used to like dosing 60mg + was a nice high for me.
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Been on 5-10mg's Valium for 4-5 months daily ... The last four days I have only had 2.5mg this morning and feel no ill affects =D

Although when that 2.5mg kicked in this morning it felt oh so good! my tolerance is pretty damn baseline. :D

This Friday I have a date with the cutest girl ever! i'm taking her to the photo gallery and then for some sangria! .. I will probs end up taking 5mg's so her hotness doesn't wig and get me all shy like most hotties do :p
Im with ya on that baseline tolerance, waited till 10am this morning and popped half my 5mg and it took the edge off :) will pop other half when I feel it wearing off :) Yesterday only needed 5mg in 2 doses :D :D

Had RLS last night but I just put up with it for a cpl hours and I was asleep.
i have been on valium only since the start of the year, its only been prescribed in the last 6 weeks, my doctor told me to take about 30mgs a day, he is now saying he wants to take me off it, he is a weird guy, i have been taking between 15 and 30mgs since the start of the year but my doctor thinks its only been the last 6 weeks

he is a judgemental prick so thats why i have not been totally honest, i am hoping he does not just stop my script because the wd's are not something i am to keen on, i used the valiums to get off opiates, now i am addicted to benzos (i assume i am, i have not been without yet so don't know if my body would be dependent or not), i should have done it cold turkey

valium is a weird drug, more does not seem to get me more euphoric, just makes me drosier in the morning, 15mgs with a bottle of wine at night is my normal amount but i may have 10mgs in the morning just to prevent me smoking bongs and drinking before i enter into society for another day
Valium has a long half life so the WD might not kick in for a few days or possibly 5. I would have some antenex (5mg) on hand just incase should you need to taper down. 3 months of everyday use is enough to have w/d symptoms.
I'm thinking about heading back to the docs for some more, I have a feeling I won't be so lucky this time though.

I got prescribed 25x10mg three weeks ago to help me cope with my dads passing. It helped a lot and actually got me to stop drinking every night to help me relax and sleep.

I also noticed that when on them I could talk though a lot of shit with people, mainly workmates and the boss. I actually feel like we have a better relationship now because of how easy I could explain myself, and other work related things.

It made me realise I have never been very social with these people, my workmates ffs.

But now the shits wearing off and I'm turning back to my usual, quite, uncomfortable self. Having strange dreams again, waking up shitting myself that someone's broken into the house and coming to get me (this was happening before I started diazepam and stopped while taking it), my GF thought I was singing in my sleep one night, then it got louder till I yelled "f@#k off".
I got out of bed and started looking for somebody/thing in every room of the house. Took me a good 10 mins to snap out of it and realise that nobody would attempt that in the area we live (again, before diaz consumption).

It's shit, the doc said to take them for two weeks only, because (of course) they are addictive. So I dont think he'll be much more helpful in terms of benzos a week from the two weeks I was on it.

Anyone know what they prescribe after that? Don't think I want to try anti-depressants, the old man was on them before he passed, I think they made it a lot worse for him.
Valium has a long half life so the WD might not kick in for a few days or possibly 5. I would have some antenex (5mg) on hand just incase should you need to taper down. 3 months of everyday use is enough to have w/d symptoms.

sorry for my ignorance but thanks for your sarcsam
Capt Brewster, it sounds like you could benefit from long term use, thats if you have tried SSRI/SNRI before, my doc put me on various SSRI/SNRI before he let me take valium permanently, you just need to explain your symptoms to him and how it affects your day to day life, like before you took valium and if you have gone through a couple of different SSRI/SNRI then he should keep you on the valium, you just need to explain how it has helped you atleast IME anyway.

sorry for my ignorance but thanks for your sarcsam

Where was the sarcasm in that? Your doctor wants to take you off the drug and for good reasons. I gave you advice on how to do it... You took the benzo to withdraw from the opiates, why would you want to stay on the benzos?
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Capt Brewster, it sounds like you could benefit from long term use, thats if you have tried SSRI/SNRI before, my doc put me on various SSRI/SNRI before he let me take valium permanently, you just need to explain your symptoms to him and how it affects your day to day life, like before you took valium and if you have gone through a couple of different SSRI/SNRI then he should keep you on the valium, you just need to explain how it has helped you atleast IME anyway.

Where was the sarcasm in that? Your doctor wants to take you off the drug and for good reasons. I gave you advice on how to do it... You took the benzo to withdraw from the opiates, why would you want to stay on the benzos?

well i am ignorant about benzo's but isn't antenex also diazepam, so i am not sure my doc will prescribe me the same drug with a different name

maybe i am wrong, if so i apologise about the sarcasm coment
if you've been on val's everyday 25-30mg a day since the start of the year, that means you've been on it almost 4months straight. You'd def be in the addicted side of things yo. Wd'els would be a cunt. but at least you've only been on it for 4months. The WD's would be somewhat easy, compared to someone that has been on stronger harder benzos for like years etc.
would love to help anyone come off pills or methadome what ever i have 20 years in this game the pass 5 years clean just had open heart bypass please feel free ask anything
Capt Brewster, it sounds like you could benefit from long term use, thats if you have tried SSRI/SNRI before, my doc put me on various SSRI/SNRI before he let me take valium permanently, you just need to explain your symptoms to him and how it affects your day to day life, like before you took valium and if you have gone through a couple of different SSRI/SNRI then he should keep you on the valium, you just need to explain how it has helped you atleast IME anyway.

Cheers for the info, he wants me to see a counceler, which I'm down with, I think it will actually do me some good.

Oh well, maybe one day in the future I'll have another awesome week or two (did enjoy those benzos).
Brewster: I had to do that but only once, I cant seem to open up to anyone.

Beat Narrative: I suggested Antenex cause it only comes in bottles of 50 as far as im aware, I dont see why he wouldn't prescribe it if you tell him you want to taper off.
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I Am a benzo addict, i cannot function without
them. Besides amphetamine(s) and other stimulants
they are my favorite drugs. My only problem is continually
sourcing the cunts, god it gives me the shits, i have one
good doc who is like my best mate that gives me two boxes
of 50 .05 mg xanax every month and a half but i go through
them in about 3 weeks, so i have another month without' em.
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^Damn that sucks dude, If I were you I would try cut back...

Thats almost 2.4mg/day on average...
What does Omeprazole got sthing to do with Benzos? I dont get it !

Yeah same, agree with pinkanga...There was no HR value in that other thread.

I'm currently scripted 6 mg Clonazepam/4 mg Alprazolam daily. I don't take it all though. I take 2 mg Clonazepam, after my Omeprazole, with either another 2 mg of Clonazepam or 2 mg Alprazolam for a severe debilitating anxiety disorder.

Omeprazole does wonders at giving your benzodiazepine of choice, a boost. I highly recommend it. Plus, it's added benefit includes the reduce risks associated with NSAID use, such as peptic ulcers, a few people who might read this, this applies to you Panafen + people...:p

Staring tomorrow though, I'm going to limit my benzodiazepine use to 2 mg Clonazepam. I've been on it for a month, time to taper off it, started off using it as an augmentation therapy until the Zoloft 100 mg kicked in. I don't know though, I feel as if the Zoloft is making me more anxious, rather than my previous Rx'd antidepressant, Paroxetine 40 mg.

You said that Omeprazole gives a boost to benzos.
I've never tried it.
Omeprazole is a Proton Pump Inhibitor, an advance meds to the old Cimetidine, Ranitidine(Zantact),etc.

Before I try the combo,
Has anyone got any input that Omeprazole gives a boost to Benzos?

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