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The Benzodiazepine Thread v. IV

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As a matter of fact, I was watching this documentary about American painkiller addiction nation mentality, and you can cross the border to Mexico and barter with them, they sell OxyContin 80mg to the undercover reporter, 5 of them. Later they were destroyed...(Yeah right). The chances of that happening are 0.2% of occurrence in Australia.

...the chances of us easily accessing another country where prescription standards for these kind of things are lax? I suppose so, here in QLD Mexico is NSW. ;)

America has it's own prescription drug issues though that are on a much larger scale then what we see here in Australia. There are articles about the problem semi-regularly on Medscape, they make for interesting reading.
Florida is the Oxy capital of the US. Everyone should watch the doco "The Oxycontin Express". Its shocking. Just be sure to have the relevant xray and paperwork with you and these docs in Florida dish out scripts for 100+ oxys IN ADDITION to 100+ Xanax scripts. WTF Xanax has to do with pain management I have no idea but this shit is absolutely for real.
^ Sometimes I use lorazepam if Im having a pain flare up. Works for me.
I think it helps via making me relaxed enough so Im not focusing on the pain.
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^ Sometimes I use lorazepam if Im having a pain flare up. Works for me.
I think it helps via making me relaxed enough so Im not focusing on the pain.

Yeah it makes sense that a benzo would help in a severe or chronic pain scenario. For sleep or whatever. I just wouldnt expect them to be prescribed for such a purpose. I guess they probably wouldnt, but in Florida yes they probably would.

A really interesting doco I highly recommend to anyone here.

This is a story of a small blackout which occured to me. It is not a dramatic story and it is entirely my fault because I used alprazolam and alcohol together for no good reason other than to get intoxicated. I just wanted to post it to illustrate again how easily memory loss can creep in when one uses benzos incorrectly. It really can't be repeated enough. After taking strongly intoxicating/mind-altering substances like stimulants or psychedelics, benzos seem so benign and low key, like they aren't really doing much of anything. You feel so normal. It can actually be pretty boring if you are looking for something recreational.

I am not a noob when it comes to combining benzos and other things. I know it's not safe, but I also believe that I know my limits and have never had any issues. But herein lies the problem with benzos: one's limits become hard to detect after benzo consumption.

A couple of weeks back I had 2mg of alpraz and a few beers and lost about five hours of my life. This shocked me because I've done that before numerous times with clonazepam and diazepam and had no problem. And it was embarrassing, because the next day I suggested to my girlfriend that we try that new restaurant down the road and she looked at me funny and replied "we went there last night". I just stared at her blankly because I couldn't believe it. I strained my mind to think of some detail of it, but I couldn't come up with a single thing. Not a shred of that experiences remains.

I know, I'm lucky that I got off lightly. No trouble or silly regrettable behaviour on my part. My girlfriend was a little freaked out by this sudden amnesia (she didn't know I took the alprazolam) and didn't know why I couldn't remember. I tried to blame it on the beer, even though i only had a few. She knows what I'm like when I'm drunk, and said I behaved completely normal.

I ended up telling her the truth because she was getting really concerned that I had some serious brain issue or something.

Anyway, I shouldn't have mixed the two. I won't do it again. Has anyone else noticed that short acting benzos seem to create more memory loss?
Dude.. that's VERY lucky you were able to act normal under the influence of benzo's and not remember it! I wish I were able to do the same. My mates were easily able to tell that I was waaay out of it and I also have to tendancy to do some pretty random shit whilst under the influence. I'd be pretty thankful that you didn't 'fuck up' during your blackout

I've vowed never again to dose higher than 2mg of Xanax due to my previous experience/s..

But then I've also found that blackouts are only experienced with me with certain benzo's and never with others. Eg I can take a shit load of nimetaze or clonaz and be fine in most senses. Has anyone else found this?
yes, p-man, I find that I don't seem to suffer much memory loss with clonazepam, even though that particular benzo feels to me like one of the most intoxicating ones. I mean on a few mgs of clonaz I feel like I'm on something; relaxed, loose, say a few stupid things. But on etiz and alpraz, I often don't feel like anything has happened to me at all, or i only feel it for half an hour and then it seems to have gone. This is how I felt in the past when i had a beer or two while on etiz/aplraz: "I'm fine. I know what it feels like to be wasted - and this ain't it". And yeah you're right, I'm lucky that I (apparently) behaved normally and didn't do/say anything stupid on that night at the restaurant.

Speaking of saying stupid things...

I've often thought of asking my girlfriend how she would feel about a threesome while under the influence of benzos... thank gods that I never came out and said it, because I already know the answer (bye bye balls) and the truth is I don't really even want to have a threesome - it's just the kind of shit that pops into my head while I'm on benzos. I also think of placing huge orders online for RCs that could get me in trouble ("sure a couple of kilos is risky, but if it gets through... yeah I should try it!"). Lucky I've haven't done that either.

Another time on diazepam I started burping loudly in public (in a shopping mall). I felt like I really needed to burp, and usually I would try to do it discreetly but this time I was having fun (I mean, really enjoying it way too much) burping as loudly as possible and I actually wanted people to notice (some kids nearby thought it was great). I think I enjoyed it because i was doing something that normally would have caused embarrassment and anxiety, but I felt perfectly safe and calm because of the benzo. It was a real novelty. Nice for me, pity about the other people, and my poor girlfriend again. When she told me to stop, I reasoned with her: "hey, at least I didn't whip my dick out or take a shit on the table or something". More benzo talk. (sorry baby, you still love me right?)

Benzos for me are a selfish indulgence. I don't really need them. Sometimes I use them "correctly" - if there is such a thing - to get to sleep when I have insomnia (etiz is good for this) or to help with opiate WDs when I can't score (clonaz is good for this), but often I take them for no good reason other than to get fucked. And when I do that, I sometimes treat people in a really shitty way without noticing. Not cool at all. Only alcohol makes me more of an asshole. With alcohol I get wound up and contentious. With benzos I get relaxed, chatty and vapid. Luckily I haven't mixed the two enough to have any serious problems. I'm genuinely embarrassed about forgetting a whole evening and freaking my girl out, and after fessing up I told her I wouldn't do that again, and I meant it.

Anyway, someone else has posted before (can't remember which forum or where - i blame benzos:p... really though, i do:() that they experience mini blackouts shortly after taking repeated doses of etizolam. I've found the same. The first one is OK, but I will often forget I've taken a second or third one or what I did in the half hour or so after I take it. I actually put the tablets together in a bag with a piece of paper and count them. Then I write how many there are in the bag and cross out the number and write in the new number every time I take one, and through this I've had a couple of surprises the next day where I look at the number sheet and it says I took 4 tablets, but I only recall taking two.
Goddam down to 1x1mg alpraz tab left. For about 3 wks was taking maybe 3-4mg a day and had pretty steep taper of 1 day on 2mg and 2 days on 1mg. Not really a taper I know, more like a 90 degree cliff face.

Anyway. We reap what we sow. Its like when I have benzos I put all my bullshit aside that might be depressing me or causing anxiety and just "forget about it". Until they run out. Doesnt seem to matter what the dosage is.... I generally suffer after a sudden cessation of benzos regardless.

Ah well. Get up. Exercise. Take each day as it comes. A few weeks of good times followed by a few weeks of bad I guess:\
If anyone has any information about Etizolam then
would you please be so kind to pm me info. Thanks boys and girls.

I prefer the agony of alpraz. It starts the first morning and is over in a eek
Valium doesnt even get bad until day 10. Alcohol. stay drunk for a week.
^ Are you saying Valium withdrawl takes 10 days to really kick in?

I'm on 5-10 mg's a day for the past 4 months ... about to stop in 1 week and have ten 10mg's pills to taper. Maybe I should wait until I start feeling withdrawl and take 5 mg's to ease it and taper like that.

That's if I even feel withdrawl 5-10 mg's a day aint much from what I read on this forum.
With me it is day 10. Everyone is different obv. But with a half-life of 8 days do some maths. 10mg on day one, approx 9mg left day 2 + another 10mg = 19. About 29 by day 2. After 1 month it will level out at about 80mg in your system everyday for 4 months. The people who are telling you that it is not much have not taken it constantly for longer than a few weeks (unlikely) or they have replaced it with something else that works on the same part of the brain. Codeine, alcohol etc.

It is true that 10mg a day for 4 months is not a lot comparatively, but you will know about WD. There is another factor: after a week of no Valium and only mild to no symptoms people think they can stop easily, but have they gone chemical-free for a month? The real WD may not have even kicked in.
I used to go hard before i realised they last longer and do basically the same thing when eaten a couple at a time
I have been on 10 mg diazepam a day for about 2 years :( I want to quit but I feel withdraws despite the long half life, when I stop abruptly, mainly my body gets a little shaky best way to describe it, so I plan on tapering off 7.5mg for 2 weeks, 5mg for 2 weeks, 2.5mg for 2 weeks, then try stop. I dont want to go lower than 2.5 as that would mean breaking my 5mg in quaters which sounds preety pointless.
Good luck dude! I bee\an on 5-10 mg a day for like 4-5 months! ... yesterday I had 2.5 mg's today I will have none and will update this if or when I start feeling withdrawals and if I do I'll just pop 5mg's to stop em. Hehe in a strange way i'm kinda interested to see how easy it is to stop and what affect it has on my body.
Did you have trouble sleeping last night?

I have so many benzos on hand 500mg valium, 30mg clonazepam and like 15 triazolam 0.125mg

Dont have the courage to flush them, they might come in handy for trips anyway but thats always how it starts :|
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