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Benzos The Benzodiazepine MEGA THREAD - Direct Benzo Questions Here

I've tried just about every benzodiazpeine at some time in my life. The best is clonazepam. It's very very strong and it doesn't screw your head up. I've heard its the only benzo that has actually been indicated for long term anxiety. Second strongest I found to be bromazepam. Lorazepam is like bromazepam but without the sedative effect and at least as hard t withdraw from..Valium makes you agitated and anxious and its not so strong.Nitrazepam is strong but it makes you hungry. Oxazepam is considered weak but I quite like it. Librium is very very weak and xanax is strong but utter hell to withdraw from. Stay away. The z drugs (zopiclone and zolpidem) are not quite as difficult to withdraw from. Zopiclone tastes terrible and you can;t get rid of the taste becsuse its secreted in your saliva. Zolpidem is strong for a while I guess. Versed (midazolam) is a bit of a disappointment compared with my expectations. Don't even think of going anywhere near triazolam. The half life is so short and potency strong that you suffer withdrawal inbetween individual doses! They say nimetzazepam which is available in some south east countries is very strong but I've never had. If you have to go long term, go for klonopin (clonazepam). t will be hard to withdraw from because its very very high potency so you'll prob. have to do a valium conversion but its strong, sensible (ie. doesn't screw your head up) and keeps working longer than the others.Oh.. and a word about temazepam. I know it's very highly abused. Don't know why. It's not so strong. Take more than two and you can get a headache (and it's toxic!)Doesn't do much for muscle relaxant
I'd go with brotizolam or nitrazepam, maybe triazolam, but it lasts so shortly. Oh, Loprazolam would be a big temptation for me, you're lucky to have a checkbox filled sheet of what sedative benzos you'd like to try. Loprazolam can be snorted btw, IV'd..it's as water soluble as midazolam. I'd skip the IV'ing, but I'd definitely be tempted, also it's apparently an excellent sleeper. They're all pretty good choices. Lormetazepam we don't have in Canada, so I don't know, I know it a very liked one too, like those confined to Europe. Flunitrazepam is a good choice but too typical and also lasts shortly and is fiendish in the triazolam way.

Right now though I'd go with brotizolam or midazolam (you lucky b-tards and your pilled Versed). Brotizolam is as potent as triazolam but lasts way longer. 0.25mg pills are the largest dose.
I was lucky enough to get a Versed vial from my ex's workplace - a vet's clinic. :D

If I'm getting a short-acting one, give me brotizolam or midazolam, since triazolam is basically exclusively hypnotic and amnesic. Didn't like it that much when I had it.

Otherwise, I'm not walking out without a (flu-)nitrazepam, lormetazepam, or loprazolam script. Nitrazepam I can back up with old scripts but they may be unwilling to prescribe relatively long-acting ones.

I'm surprised lormetazepam isn't more common in other countries, even in Europe. Subjectively I loved it for both medical and recreational value, and objectively tests indicate it's a lot better than the commonly prescribed hypnotics.

right i know they have been out for ages now but i cant remember their name its the ezti replacement ones i mean any one else find when mixed with stims cause dysphoria it doesnt last to long but its the first time ive had a benzo do this
Thanks. Ill just need to learn more self controll with the clonazolam I have... could get FLUB(OL) but fuck that shit.

Could you cite this info? I've read diclaz is 7-10x more potent than valium and metabolizes into ativan somew. Was on a 35mg daily diclazepam habbit for a while.

More potent means it needs less miligrams to take effect, not the effect themselves...
Thanks Deezy! You cleared some thoughts I have had about analogs. Much appreciated!
Random question incoming.

Do benzos lower serotonin in the brain or something? I cannot take a single Xanax or etizolam without feeling suicidally depressed for days afterward. It's like some hellish form of rebound depression/anxiety that won't let up. My bowels also go apeshit (literally) after using benzos for a couple days. I took 20 Xanax over 3 weeks and am currently fighting my way out of a crushing bout of depression/anxiety. Nothing else in my life is contributing to these symptoms. It's the same thing that happened with etizolam, so I know it's the benzos.

I'm obviously not taking them anymore. Just wondering what the mechanism could be.
So as I posted I while ago I stupidly got re hooked on benzodiazepines,as in heavily physically dependent,taking doses of ~12~ mgs (sometimes 7 mgs sometimes 15) twice daily.or the same amount of clonazepam in one daily morning dose

I began experiencing delerium tremens and grand mal seizure if I went 48-72 hours without anything.

I was placed on a long term taper,where I was first stabilized at a once daily dose of 100 mgs of diazepam.I am proud to say I have successfully tapered down to a once daily dose of a mere 16 mgs of diazepam....not even really enough for someone benzo naive to catch a buzz IMHO.

My question is, I intend to taper as low as possible,I currently take 8 of the 2 mg diazepams and don't want to jump off from any higher than 0.5 mgs,a quarter of a 2 mg tablet. I may even go to 0.25 or even 0.1 mgs by pill splitting and making a solution with peg or whole fat milk if I decide to go to 0.1 mgs or even 0.05 mgs....im thinking if I go this low any withdrawal will be negligible or easily controlled with perhaps Valerian tea or low dose of lyrica (for me lyrica is a miracle drug for benzo withdrawal and I know other xanax addicts who agree)

Or should I switch to Librium?if I got down to 5 mg chlordiazepoxides and split that into micro doses would it be easier due to the lower potency?

Do you guys think the method I'm thinking of going with is too complicated? Should I perhaps just jump off at 1-2 mgs of diazepam and deal with the withdrawal?I expect my withdrawal from this dose will be nothing like when I was full on abusing benzos daily.but you would be surprised, I know someone who takes 0.5 mgs of ativan and 5 mgs of diazepam once daily and he develops surprisingly intense w/d symptoms from a miniscule dose.

Any addicts who have kicked via tapering slowly to a low dose your input is greatly valued. I kicked cold turkey about 5 years ago and desperately want to avoid living that chaotic bad acid trip hell ever again!
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Hello everybody,
I had my first experience with benzos. I found them really boring, more of a tool than something to have fun with. Anyway, two nights ago I took klonopin .5mg in the afternoon, .5 mg just after supper, 1mg at around 8 I think, and another 1 mg around 10. I then had 4 drinks of gin measured with measuring shots spaced out after that. Anyway, today I am just starting to feel the klonopin wearing off. Should I taper with .5mg or so to make sure I don't have a nasty comedown? Drink a bit? I don't want to have seizures or crippling anxiety, though I'm not sure one time would lead to that.
Thanks a bunch.
Hiya fellow BLers, much love to ye all xxx I'm proudly down to .5mg xanax daily, I tapered it all down on my own, do ye reckon I would suffer withdrawal symptoms if I stopped abruptly?
First of all let me say that I am aware that there is a strict rule about pill identification on Bluelight but I feel like this question about taste is a bit in between, in the dark zone of whether it is or isn't so to speak. Hopefully it's okay, it's just that I have a long experience of Alprazolam use, I've tried the Upjohn 90's, both the Xanax and the Xanor "versions", the infamous purple/pink footballs, and I've tried Galenikas Ksalol and some other Alprazolam pills. The major consistency of these ones has been that they have all been 1mg and that they have all had an extremely bitter taste.

But recently I got a free sample of a few 2mg Xanax bars, and let me first say, I have seen them on pictures on internet but they were way smaller than I imagined in real life. I know there has been a lot of fake ones around the last couple of years, especially the yellow ones which contained Phenazepam and were directly deadly if the person thought it was Alprazolam.

Anyhow, back to topic, I have compared mines to pictures and also the measurements are correct and they really look like the real deal, I can't see any flaws at all to pointing that they would be counterfeit.
So I broke off just a small bit earlier and tasted it and... it wasn't bitter at all, almost tasteless, maybe a bit sweet but it was hard to tell on that small piece I broke off (but if it would have been bitter I would have been able to tell).

So, hopefully not breaking the rule about identification my question is about the taste, do the manufacturers of the real Xanax 2mg bars mask the bitter taste that Alprazolam has? And if so, I find it weird they don't do it with the 1mg's. After all it's the same manufacturer (the ones I've tried has been Pfizer, I mean Upjohn <> and these 2mg bars, they look exactly like Pfizers 2mg bars).

1mg Xanax (Pfizer Upjohn 90 or Galenika's Ksalol for example) taste bitter and Pfizer Xanax 2mg bars are almost tasteless, maybe a tiny bit sweet but not even the slightest taste of bitterness. Is this correct?

I am mostly curious since I have almost very recently quit a benzo addiction/abuse a second time and this time I feel I have control over it, I have a lot of benzos at home but I don't want to take them, that kind of control. And Alprazolam has never been a favorite of mine but they are very good to sleep on. So I want to know if these are real and I can save them for a (hopefully not of course) time where I would need them or if they are fake and then I would just throw them away or flushing them down the toilet.
I'm a relatively new member here, I mean I'm just reading the posts, etc.. I wasn't certain to make a new thread for my question, maybe my question is simple, and can be answered here.
So I'm going to psych for more than a year, and we tried many meds for my problems, for example: insomnia, anxiety, social anxiety, non 24-sleep-wake disorder,and bipolar disorder, although it turned out that it wasn't bipolar at all.
The most functioning meds I used was benzos.
Recently I got prescribed mirtazapine, (gave me hangover), and then trazodone (hangover again). My psych said, that two meds was the last opportunity. Despite these I'm certain that there is a benzo that would work for me. I have prescribed monthly 100x 0,25mg generic alprazolam.
So the bottom line: there are these kind of benzos out there in my country: cinolazepam, medazepam, clonazepam, diazepam, lorazepam, medazepam, nitrazepam, temazepam.

Which one should I go for? I use alprazolam recreationally also, so I would like a rohypnol-like effect basicly, are there something like this amongst these that I can get?

Thanks in advance.
First of all let me say that I am aware that there is a strict rule about pill identification on Bluelight but I feel like this question about taste is a bit in between, in the dark zone of whether it is or isn't so to speak. Hopefully it's okay, it's just that I have a long experience of Alprazolam use, I've tried the Upjohn 90's, both the Xanax and the Xanor "versions", the infamous purple/pink footballs, and I've tried Galenikas Ksalol and some other Alprazolam pills. The major consistency of these ones has been that they have all been 1mg and that they have all had an extremely bitter taste.

But recently I got a free sample of a few 2mg Xanax bars, and let me first say, I have seen them on pictures on internet but they were way smaller than I imagined in real life. I know there has been a lot of fake ones around the last couple of years, especially the yellow ones which contained Phenazepam and were directly deadly if the person thought it was Alprazolam.

Anyhow, back to topic, I have compared mines to pictures and also the measurements are correct and they really look like the real deal, I can't see any flaws at all to pointing that they would be counterfeit.
So I broke off just a small bit earlier and tasted it and... it wasn't bitter at all, almost tasteless, maybe a bit sweet but it was hard to tell on that small piece I broke off (but if it would have been bitter I would have been able to tell).

So, hopefully not breaking the rule about identification my question is about the taste, do the manufacturers of the real Xanax 2mg bars mask the bitter taste that Alprazolam has? And if so, I find it weird they don't do it with the 1mg's. After all it's the same manufacturer (the ones I've tried has been Pfizer, I mean Upjohn <> and these 2mg bars, they look exactly like Pfizers 2mg bars).

1mg Xanax (Pfizer Upjohn 90 or Galenika's Ksalol for example) taste bitter and Pfizer Xanax 2mg bars are almost tasteless, maybe a tiny bit sweet but not even the slightest taste of bitterness. Is this correct?

I am mostly curious since I have almost very recently quit a benzo addiction/abuse a second time and this time I feel I have control over it, I have a lot of benzos at home but I don't want to take them, that kind of control. And Alprazolam has never been a favorite of mine but they are very good to sleep on. So I want to know if these are real and I can save them for a (hopefully not of course) time where I would need them or if they are fake and then I would just throw them away or flushing them down the toilet.

That bad taste is alprazolam itself, it is possible to cover it up a bit but if you dissolve the bar on your tongue not under it you should definitely be left with a lingering of that taste you know so well, and sugars or flavorings are generally water soluble and will not stick to your tongue in the same manner, and for it's qty alpraz is extremely bitter. Any legit company trying to formulate a tab that doesn't taste like dog ass is likely trying to cover u[p the taste for those who swallow whole bars. I'd be suspect, but we can't know from here. So yeah, it's sort of an off limits question. I've been pushing it lately so that's all...
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That bad taste is alprazolam itself, it is possible to cover it up a bit but if you dissolve the bar on your tongue not under it you should definitely be left with a lingering of that taste you know so well, and sugars or flavorings are generally water soluble and will not stick to your tongue in the same manner, and for it's qty alpraz is extremely bitter. Any legit company trying to formulate a tab that doesn't taste like dog ass is likely trying to cover u[p the taste for those who swallow whole bars. I'd be suspect, but we can't know from here. So yeah, it's sort of an off limits question. I've been pushing it lately so that's all...
I have been awake for 60 hours now so I apologize in advance if I misunderstood you or if it was you who misunderstood me or whatever, it doesn't matter (I realize that the way I phrased that sentence sounds harsh or unfriendly but in lack of sleep and not being a native English speaker I'm afraid I can't make it sound more friendly so I would like to offer you a smiley instead to show you that I mean it in a friendly way: =D).

What I meant was that I already know that Alprazolam itself is very bitter in its taste, that's why I found it weird when these 2mg Xanax bars I got was almost tasteless and not at all the least bitter.

I have been searching everywhere and it seem like they could still be the real deal. For example; I read somewhere that Pfizer put a small "layer" (in lack of a better choice of word) around the bar to mask the bitterness. And since I recently got off a benzo abuse period I don't really want to take more than I did the first time in case I get a relapse. But I actually feel in control for once. Tomorrow I might take a fourth part of it (they have three cuts for easy split after all) and let it melt ON the tongue and not under and see if it is bitter or not, I can still spit it out if I don't want to risk a relapse but I think 0.5mg Xanax wouldn't make me feel anything since it is not long ago I took my last dose from tapering down so I still have some tolerance.

But I mean, someone here probably know how Pfizer Xanax 2mg bars should taste and the easiest way would be for him or her to simply put it "they should taste xxx". Are they supposed to be as bitter as the regular 1mg pills or are the 2mg bars different in taste?

After all this is all about harm reduction and NOT pill identification, if the pills I got are counterfeit I would like to know that so I can throw them away immediately. I would never in my life put something in my body that I don't know what it is, and even knowing what I put in my body I need to read for several hours first to find out as much as possible, rather safe than sorry.
^^ no worries, I'm not one to take offense on a board, we can't see each other so interpretations get "off" sometimes.

You have the exact idea i was getting at, if you put it on your tongue as stated and allow it to melt / disintegrate at some point I think you'll taste the telltale alprz taste. I'm also helping bump this to find someone with exact experience with this tablet. It is possible that the taste does get coveted up, Suboxone is a good example, bupe it'self bitter as puke

The taste, forgive me if I've said this before, is - to me a lot like what I've been told flubromazolam tastes like when prepared in EtOH, a little less so in PG.
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Depression after use of Xanax is pretty well known. According to my psychiatrist, it is one of the reasons he doesn't like to prescribe it, especially to patients already prone to, or suffering from depressions. Apparently, in succeptible people, all benzos can cause rebound depression once they wear off.

I haven't noticed this side effect to the Ativan and Restoril I take, and I'm Bipolar II and prone to depression.
I have now tried my Xanax 2mg bars and have to say they are fake. I took a half in my mouth, started tasting around. Immediately transformed into the same consistence that Flubromazolam gets when you put it under your tongue. At first very tasteless then the exact same taste as Flubromazolam. Also the bars are easily broken and lots of powder/smoke comes from breaking them, I've heard the real ones are stern.

Oh well, just to throw them away.
Am I the only one that don't get fucked up from Klonopin?...
I take lots of Valium & Xanax and that shit does the trick no problem!
Just took 50mg (100x 0.5mg tabs) of Klonopin over 90 minutes ago, chased them with two pints of Rickards Red and jack shit!

400mg of Valium or 20mg of Xanax fucks me up too the point where I cant walk straight.
Anybody else have this issue with Klonopin?

...I fucking hate the shit!