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Benzos The Benzodiazepine MEGA THREAD - Direct Benzo Questions Here

Anyone know anything about Nitrazepam?

I only take 10mg at night MAX. It's been like 3 months that I have taken this dose, It's gotten to the point that melatonin makes me go to sleep more effectively than this stuff.
I'm not really complaining because honestly, I don't even have withdrawal symptoms if I stop using it, or skip a few days. But I have noticed since it has a long half-life it has become increasingly difficult for me to study or remember things the next day, and it doesn't help that I mix like six beers with it.

You shouldn't take nitrazepam everyday for sleep, but it's wonderful when it works isn't it? It's one of my fav rx'able benzo with temazepam. Of course it isn't an everyday thing so, 10mg isn't much, it's just the largest dosed pill out of 2 dosages. If you were munching 10's like smarties there would be an issue. I think you know yourself what you got to do, Ada. (your avatar looks like Ada Wong).
You shouldn't take nitrazepam everyday for sleep, but it's wonderful when it works isn't it? It's one of my fav rx'able benzo with temazepam. Of course it isn't an everyday thing so, 10mg isn't much, it's just the largest dosed pill out of 2 dosages. If you were munching 10's like smarties there would be an issue. I think you know yourself what you got to do, Ada. (your avatar looks like Ada Wong).

I love temazepam, but I no longer take it.

Any reasons why Nitrazepam is one of your fav's? Would love to know.

Anyway, I sure as FUCK miss my etizolam. Not even ONE MONTH passed before I could no longer get it. FUCK!!! Oh well....Europeans have it good.
my experience

Check the thread on clonazolam. Good shit... if you like to sleep deep and be benzo hung over for a full day. Not very rec, imo, would be good when you have the flu or are in opi w/d to knock you out. I keep a bit around for... I don't know. I like Flubromazolam better, I get a nice buzz for twenty minutes then go into semi-opioid nods. Seriously, but I snort 8-mgs of bupe a day too. Only these two benzos that bring out a nod in me. That, I must say, I do enjoy. But the clonazolam is just so strongly seadting that I start & finish a few nods then bam, I'm out until my damn dog thinks I'm dead and barks me awake. He's a good one really, if only he could admin narcan

N.B.: Narcan/naloxone doesn't work for bupe or benzos, so in my case it wouldn't help - good HR info. We as a community need to request investigation of drugs to reverse bupe ODs, there's one compound SAMHSA endorsed as a reversal agent but I've never seen it used or know anyone that has despite several bupe ODs where bupe was the primary intoxicant... (not myself, people i know through my HR work at a syringe access program ("SAP")) Bupe involved ods need immediate medical invention, often involving intubation, I've personally witnessed it. Very scary too see an opioid/benzo/alcohol/cocaine OD that responded to no pharmaceutical intervention by EMTs, or the hospital. They kept him alive until he metabolized out the drugs until they were all ND in his blood (not urine). Sorry for rambling...


That's a great ?, anyone try any of the new AZOs, Flubro or Clonaz during acute opioid, w/d? Did you not sleep? That shit is like a shot of Midazolam to me.

TL: ClonaZOLAM is a knock out agent for me. Potentials my bupe. Helps deep, almost motionless (for me) sleep greatly. Day long hangover, not much rec use, imo. Some love it. Check the dedicated thread.
Appreciate that.

Great idea, will do.

took 20+ 1MG Zs and an 18pk and lived. Also blacked out. Not recommended.
Won't happen. Literally the Soma(s) of this Brave New World.

plus there would suddenly be scores of people arriving in ER going through acute wds.
speaking of soma, i wonder if there is or ever was a caprisodal RC in the pipeline?
Surely the government will catch on and crack down soon? I'm thinking of stocking up basically a lifetimes supply.
I love temazepam, but I no longer take it.

Any reasons why Nitrazepam is one of your fav's? Would love to know.

Anyway, I sure as FUCK miss my etizolam. Not even ONE MONTH passed before I could no longer get it. FUCK!!! Oh well....Europeans have it good.

Look over Canada for it, that's all I can say.
plus there would suddenly be scores of people arriving in ER going through acute wds.
speaking of soma, i wonder if there is or ever was a caprisodal RC in the pipeline?

There was a "RC" store sellin carisoprodol in Canada, but he was ridiculously careful, I passed his 13 questions questionnaire, saying I was good to buy from him, only to have my order of carisoprodol(carisoprodol was removed from Canada in 2000 or something like that, would have to check our Health Canada Drug Database) but it's been gone since a long ass time, nobody knows what it is, but they probably did in the 80's and 90's and that's why it's gone. The guy refused my business and I had to wait 10 days to get the money back on my credit card. Gave no valid reason as to why he decided not to sell it to me. Sucks, he was my backup source of etaqualone freebase and now my main source has no more of it and doesn't plan on having it again (something about the law, although they always sell stuff knowing its safe with the law). That's why they still got etizolam powder but never sold straight up benzos.

Carisoprodol analogs exist, there was one and that site said they were looking to sell this one, but most of them suck and exist. Look up robaxin and guaifenesin, lol.
You just order from overseas then, it's what we do in Canada mostly, lots of continental european and well until not so long ago, lots of canadian vendors, I can only think of 2 now, while last year I could think of maybe 5. It hurts buying elsewhere, in euros is acceptable, but fucking GBP's to CAD is rape, rape I tell ya. I wouldn't worry about a blanket ban on benzos in the UK. It would not make sense pharmaceutically and like that one person said, all of the people suddenly searching for a doctor, if lucky, get help soon, if not, all over the ER until the nurses break and shoot up Versed into everybody in the waiting room, would be ugly. (a UK problem mostly too). I buy rc's but they are mostly complimentary to my rx's..which I keep on the low side on purpose,so that when I take my 20mg of valium a day for a couple weeks I can feel a slight taper, it's not like I eat em too fast. Only exception to that is clonazolam. This sucker lasts too short for me, it's just like clonazepam, it has a half-life of "35-105h"...how precise, when I was scripted clonazepam and decided to taper it was because I was metabolizing it way too fast. It was easy to taper with long ass lasting diazepam, but couldn't get lower than 20mg.

But by then all my memory was back to A+/100% levels, I didn't notice how much my memory sucked on 3.5mg a day of clonazepam, but my life sucked less, I was having pleasure doing things then. Diazepam puts me in a mehhh mood where all I do in my free time after work is listen to podcasts drinking coke and if I got some flubromazolam/pam, then I'll get into an active / kind of like drunk mood. Clonazolam is very much like clonazepam, but at least, its easier to follow a normal dosage with it. (Hardly ever take over 1.5mg). Clonazepam, I had the 2mg pills heh.

Sorry for triple posting btw, I'm pretty drunk (almost not benz'd, but there's some leftover eggnog).
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Im torn between a gram of diclazepam, or a gram of Clonozam..

I got a sample of both. Both have large have lives. Clonazolam had seome relaxing properties but mostly euphoric (betterh than etiz or flub), but I think I need to go with the less fun diclazepam for my back/anxiety problems.

I blow through the euphoric benzos like hell... think i answered my question. Seeing a psych soon anyways.
Go with clonazolam. Diclazepam is a lot like like nordazepam. One of the active metabolites of valium, so it's weaker than valium. There ya go.
Thanks. Ill just need to learn more self controll with the clonazolam I have... could get FLUB(OL) but fuck that shit.

Could you cite this info? I've read diclaz is 7-10x more potent than valium and metabolizes into ativan somew. Was on a 35mg daily diclazepam habbit for a while.
What are RC benzos such as flubromazepam etc? What does the RC stand for?

I've seen a bunch of posts about them and I'm confused.
Guys is Clonazolam any good, iv been reading lots of reviews but today found it i was reading about clonazepam :eek:([h=2][/h]

I think clonazolam is one of the more worthwhile benzodiazepines the designer drug market has to offer. In my experience, it's an effective sedative-hypnotic for treating insomnia, and has more recreational value than many other benzodiazepines I have tried.

I think it's worth a try.
I been having some gnarly withdrawal symptoms from mixing 10mg valium and about 6 beers a night. I start sweating balls late in the afternoon. and today was pretty harsh. I had to drink a liter of water and just let the coldsweat pass.

It's about god damn time though, I been doing this for months...
Gotta go see a doc soon for hypnotics. I'm all set in the anxiolytic department (diazepam, lorazepam, clonazepam, alprazolam) but of those only Valium is sedative in any way, and it's far from the best. I've got to eat a ton with a few beers for sleep.

On the formulary they've got brotizolam, midazolam, triazolam, loprazolam, lorazepam, lormetazepam, oxazepam, temazepam, nitrazepam, flurazepam and flunitrazepam as hypnotics.

I don't want temazepam (find it meh), lorazepam (manifestly un-sedative for me), oxazepam (meh-iest benzo there is) or necessarily flurazepam (up to 250h half-life). Triazolam, midazolam and brotizolam I might want, but they're short-acting. I don't see her prescribing flunitrazepam but I could score that elsewhere. I'm gonna insist on nitrazepam (got a previous script) but may say its duration is too long, hoping to get loprazolam or lormetazepam.