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Benzos The Benzodiazepine MEGA THREAD - Direct Benzo Questions Here

any one tried flubromazolam before should of had some on blotters coming Wednesday .5mg told that they are very very strong
^^ heard they are strong too... comparable to flunitrazepam... miam!

Do you take benzos therapeutically? have a tolerance? if so how much/day, and what benzo?

Anyone, any ideas about sublingual benzo BA's?
if you do i self medicate for medical reasons yes but i have a nasty habit of abusing them as well some tolerance changes from day to day and type of benzo
Most sources say Xanax peaks in 2 hours or so, and last for up to 5.

However, Usually when I take Xanax I have lingering effects into the next day. If I go to sleep while peaking on Xanax, I can sleep for 12 hours and be groggy the rest of the day.

So, How long does Xanax really last? Do the effects really last longer then 5 hours or could the drug just be hindering my sleep causing this?
I would also like to know if 2 hours is accurate for peaking. I'm trying to control my re-dosing tendencies better.
Most sources say Xanax peaks in 2 hours or so, and last for up to 5.

However, Usually when I take Xanax I have lingering effects into the next day. If I go to sleep while peaking on Xanax, I can sleep for 12 hours and be groggy the rest of the day.

So, How long does Xanax really last? Do the effects really last longer then 5 hours or could the drug just be hindering my sleep causing this?
I would also like to know if 2 hours is accurate for peaking. I'm trying to control my re-dosing tendencies better.

Half-life is around 10hrs so that is the longest it would last if you were lucky.. in most cases its very short acting [around 4-6hrs]
The peak should be within an hour of taking it IMO/IME.

Of course this all goes for instant release alprazolam.
& everyone's mileage may vary.

Half-life is around 10hrs so that is the longest it would last if you were lucky.. in most cases its very short acting [around 4-6hrs]
The peak should be within an hour of taking it IMO/IME.

Of course this all goes for instant release alprazolam.
& everyone's mileage may vary.


Yea, I am taking IR. I understands everyone's mg is different, but even if I take Xanax 4-5 hours before sleeping I will have lingering effects, even if I sleep for 10-12 hours (I try not too, but Xanax makes me sleep a while.)
I feel groggy, like I only got a few hours of sleep.
I think it may have something to do with effecting my sleep cycle while on them, it would make sense.
Ah, I don't need them for sleep. Would avoiding taking them 6-8 hrs before bed reduce the effect?
They really don't make me tired, but once I'm asleep on them I can not wake up.

Everyones different, some people.. if the take a benzo in the morning no matter which one it is, that night their REM sleep is still suppressed.. only thing you can do is try different lengths of time between the xanax and sleeping.
Just my thoughts on Xanax here: I used to be a HUGE pothead with my wife until we accidentally got pregnant. Since then the reefer gives me bad anxiety and I still have no idea why that is but thats beside the point. I got a prescription for 1 mg of Xanax and I have been using it sparingly for about 6 months or so now and I have been lucky enough to not get addicted. I love the way it makes me feel and melts all of my troubles away but I know how dangerous it can be so I limit myself to just a few a week. During the month of October I wasnt able to take any and I was just fine. I guess my point is that as long as you take it easy with the stuff and dont do it a lot you can still get a nice high without having to suffer the withdrawal symptoms later. :)
Xanax gives me mini black outs and I'm not down with that shit. Have to parse out my meds so I get the desired effects and avoid the shitty side effects.
Been taking xanax for years. for stress and occasionally for recreational use. I have been prescribed every possible version you could imagine. I just switched from taking 1 2mg ir twice daily (supposed to be the max dosage) to taking 1 3mg XR twice daily. Immediately after the switch i noticed that the effect of this medication was completely different than that of the instant release tablets and that they work how they are supposed to work but are fairly difficult to abuse. Tried chewing them but as the other poster said they just gelled up in my mouth however that did seem to make them kick in faster but still not the same feeling as an instant release tablet. Snorting xanax even the IR TABS is completely asinine and the least effective way to get a good buzz. For the IR tabs dissolving them sublingually is by far THE fastest way to get the most bang for your buk. I began to experiment with the XR tabs and after several methods of trial and error it donned on me to change it from a solid capsule to a liquid medicine. The easiest and most effective way to do this is to take a standard 2 ounce shot glass fill it about halfway full with water drop your desired amount of tablets into the glass and stick the glass in the microwave for 10-20 seconds on high. make sure that you watch it the entire time because in half a second it can boil over with no warning once you see the water start to rise remove the glass from the microwave stir around until you see that most everything is dissolved. There will be little flakes left floating in the mixture DO NOT FILTER OR STRAIN the flakes you are seeing is the substance that works with the xanax to make it function as an XR tablet but it is now separated from the actual xanax itself which it more potent because it is now in liquid form and will almost instantly get into your system because you have already skipped the dissolving stage in the pills life you drink the mixture with the flakes in it to receive the instant release effects and feelings from the liquid along with the extended amount of time the pills work by taking in the flakes with it. My brother is a chemist and i discussed this with him and the easiest most dumbed down way to explain how this works is that somehow the chemical reaction in the microwave separates the benzo and the XR compounds and makes them both work separately doing what they are supposed to do but also at the same time they are working together. Im no scientist just a connoisseur of benzos this is THE best method for increasing the potency of the XR tab to the same potency of an IR tab while keeping the long lasting effects of the XR tab so you get the best of both worlds in 3 easy steps. Hope this helps man
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Hey guy's i used to be addicted to Etizolam for 12 months(Only drug iv ever been addicted to) stopped after i siezed, not done stims in a LONG time and plan on doing some next weekend, will i be ok to dose 8mg of Flubromazapam to sleep without doing any stupid shit? (Last time i did it i took 8mg+6mg etiz with no tolerance and blacked out)

Just want to destroy the stim come down and sleep and not wake up three days later naked in another country (0 tolerance to any drugs apart from Cannabis)
Sounds like its not the best idea given your history.

Is this because of risk of addiction again or seizure because i planned on putting just a bit of money in and using this JUST for the come down, thank you for the words though mate (Y) (Will only be receiving 2x4mg) i mean i used to just get 4 cans of beer and smoke some weed but that always makes me feel too fresh and end up going to the pub hahaha, just really want to sleep :p
my doc has me on 1mg of clonazepam for RLS and the stop the symptoms but I am thinking of asking him to take me off them. I have been on them for over a year now and they mess with my sleep. At first I slept really well on them but now I find it hard to sleep and have turned to RC benzos as I cant cope with the insomnia it fucking my life up. I have heard Gabbapentin works for my problem and they are not addictive. question 1. will I have to taper off the K-pins and whats the likelihood of my doc putting me on gabbapentin.
I got a question here. My friend and I go to the same pain clinic.

They seem to have an issue with short acting benzos all of a sudden.

I do not know if this affects me as I take clonazepam but anyone who takes xanax has to switch over to xr.

Anyways if you switch over to xanax xr and you get 6 mgs of xanax or and equivalant benzo they can up you to 10 mgs or so of xr.

Is that a fair trade in terms of exchange to xr. I personally would really dig 10 mgs of xanax but have not experienced the xr. I need a benzo that acts throughout the day to prevent panic attacks where as my aquaintance has more sudden panic attacks hence the xanax.

I did get offered to switch to xanax in the past but declined because I would have only gotten 3 bars a day which would be 6 mgs and 6 mgs of clonazepam (klonopin) seemed better for me.

So I guess the question would be how would a change to xanax xr affect both of our lives?

I personally would not abuse the medication unless I had to. Is it easy enough to abuse and does abuse yeild better results or for someone who rarely has acute panic attacks other than in the morning would this be a smoother way to do things?
You cannot defeat the time-release mechanism of Xanax XR, it's the same OxyContin style unbeatable polymer matrix.