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Benzos The Benzodiazepine MEGA THREAD - Direct Benzo Questions Here

Yeah I never really get panic attacks, more I have anxious periods that last until I fall asleep. At least a few hours at a time.
Klonopin, Xanax, or Valium would be my only choices I guess.

Anyway, I have a question since we are talking about benzo's. I go to a buprenorphine Dr every month and have been for years.. I just began this new Dr for the last year or so and this Dr makes me take a piss test every time. So, one time I tested positive for benzo and I told them I never take anything except for my bup. So I told them it is def a false positive. They believed me anyway because I always pass. So they have to send it to a lab to make sure and when it came back it was a false positive. Alright, so now I just went to the Dr a few days ago and again I tested positive for Benzo. Again I told them I am 100 percent sure I did not use any benzo's and they def beleive me and again are going to send it to the lab.

So my Question is why am I testing positive for benzo when I do not take benzo?
Klonopin, Xanax, or Valium would be my only choices I guess.

Anyway, I have a question since we are talking about benzo's. I go to a buprenorphine Dr every month and have been for years.. I just began this new Dr for the last year or so and this Dr makes me take a piss test every time. So, one time I tested positive for benzo and I told them I never take anything except for my bup. So I told them it is def a false positive. They believed me anyway because I always pass. So they have to send it to a lab to make sure and when it came back it was a false positive. Alright, so now I just went to the Dr a few days ago and again I tested positive for Benzo. Again I told them I am 100 percent sure I did not use any benzo's and they def beleive me and again are going to send it to the lab.

So my Question is why am I testing positive for benzo when I do not take benzo?

Are you maybe taking any herbal sleeping meds that contain kava kava or something . I'm not certain but I think kava kava may break down to a metabolite in the benzo family. I may be wrong, but I definetly know that kava kava has an effect on the GABA receptors and I've taken 10-20 of some kava containing herbal insomnia pills I have while on a stimulant come down and they definetly worked similar to a dose of a benzo.
Yeah I never really get panic attacks, more I have anxious periods that last until I fall asleep. At least a few hours at a time.

I've used oxazepam, diazepam and xanax for G.A.D (general anxiety disorder) and diazepam (valium) trumps all. Even having used lorazepam, temazepam and etizolam recreationally and to measure up against the others and diazepam works best personally.

With a DDD, where I get regular muscle spasms, its just the all-rounder which most effectively covers all bases.
No I don't take anything.... I know when it goes to the lab it's going to be all set because I know I didnt take anything. Maybe when I go to my Dr next month I can ask them and see what it happens. It's just weird I guess.
Well I never got a reply from a mod I pm'd asking if posting this would be OK, so I'll just go ahead and assume it is. Obviously feel free to delete if this isn't allowed.

How hard is it to get a medicine (not necessarily narcotics) happy doctor to prescribe a benzo if you have a good reason? Could I just walk in to my regular doctor that does my yearly check ups and say I have anxiety problems and I've tried a lot of behavorial type treatments like breathing patterns and imagery, and it hasn't worked, or would he still tell me to go see a psychologist/iatrist?
Well I never got a reply from a mod I pm'd asking if posting this would be OK, so I'll just go ahead and assume it is. Obviously feel free to delete if this isn't allowed.

How hard is it to get a medicine (not necessarily narcotics) happy doctor to prescribe a benzo if you have a good reason? Could I just walk in to my regular doctor that does my yearly check ups and say I have anxiety problems and I've tried a lot of behavorial type treatments like breathing patterns and imagery, and it hasn't worked, or would he still tell me to go see a psychologist/iatrist?

50/50 chance IMO

Depends on how long you've been seeing the Dr, how well they know you and how much they like you.
But if they have any idea you've used drugs in the past, i'd forget about it.
I would be careful ordering etizolam in America it's not legal like most ppl think and it's definitely not a RC ( research chemical ) it's prescribed in japan as a prescription drug

And it's not authorized for use in America

Controlled substances can get you arrested and the most recent case was a man getting arrested for 4 counts of possession of Etizolam this year

That's a maximum 1year sentence I think and a minimum of 6 months and also it's banned in the state of Arkansas now
How can it be controlled if it's not prescribed and not schedule 1 or 2 even?

The analog act only works on schedule 1 and 2 drugs.
Seeing benzos are schedule 4 and this particular one isn't in use in the country it makes it fair game.
They can arrest people for having it, but that doesn't mean the charges will stick.
I was caught with phenazepam in '12 and it was the same scenario.. turned out i beat it.

The risk IS there that you can get caught up in legal trouble.
But i only see that trouble sticking in court if you are a heavy supplier of the substance to people you know are going to take it and not "research" it.

I don't feel like having this conversation, it's been done time and time again.
Any rebuttals will be ignored.

Hi all, so far I have tried Diazepam, Chlordiazepoxide, Etizolam, flubromazepam,dclazepam and pyrazolam. Out of these, my favourite is diazepam and etizolam. Diazepam for length and feeling, and etizolam for feeling, but damn the short half life.
I'm in the UK, what other benzos are popular that can be used recreationally over here?
totally fuming run out of benzo for my taper tried nhs 111 last night to try and get some advice and possibly a supply to get me through to my next score just to be told a load of shit and fobbed of yet again as a drug seeker now i am starting to go in to full withdrawal and no way of getting help this country way of treating addicts is disgusting
Got any 'headshops' in York ? Have they got any benzos. I wouldnt reccomend c/t quitting benzos.
one or two but the problem is cash flow i am skint till Wednesday only got a small amount to stop me over doing it wont be doing that again its ride it out time and a kicking off with the doctors when i see them on Tuesday
Diazepam is an old classic. Tried and tested and works like a charm. My top choice every time.
Temazepam because it's potent and short-acting, you wake up clear-headed.
Temazepam because it's potent and short-acting, you wake up clear-headed.

I remember the first time I took it when I had severe chronic insomnia, was up for literally over a month without sleep and I went in like half-dead to the doctors and that first night I took 30mg of temazepam, I felt so refreshed after having slept 8 hours for the first time in 30+ days, but this effect was extremely short lived, I've been prescribed it half my life, and it does nothing for me anymore so I don't bother taking it for insomnia. Why bother getting more benzo-dependent than I already am if it's not going to get the job done.
I remember the first time I took it when I had severe chronic insomnia, was up for literally over a month without sleep and I went in like half-dead to the doctors and that first night I took 30mg of temazepam, I felt so refreshed after having slept 8 hours for the first time in 30+ days, but this effect was extremely short lived, I've been prescribed it half my life, and it does nothing for me anymore so I don't bother taking it for insomnia. Why bother getting more benzo-dependent than I already am if it's not going to get the job done.

Yeah been taking it for years now and had similar issues but found that abstaining from it (and any other downer) for 3 days a week kept tolerance buildup in check. My dosage is 45mg which is still the same I had started with. Going above that caused sleepwalking, never could figure that one out but it's a very potent substance so I treat it with respect.
Hi all, so far I have tried Diazepam, Chlordiazepoxide, Etizolam, flubromazepam,dclazepam and pyrazolam. Out of these, my favourite is diazepam and etizolam. Diazepam for length and feeling, and etizolam for feeling, but damn the short half life.
I'm in the UK, what other benzos are popular that can be used recreationally over here?

There are quite a few new "RC" benzo's being synthed (especially in Swden apparantly... wwhy? dunno...), anyway theres flubromazolam (rated very highly by those who have tried it) not to be conused with flubromazepam, is on the internet market, and more such as "meclonazepam" (which i imagine will have some similarities with clonazepam) and various others appearing UTSE