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The ANGRY thread v3

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Well done, Fubar! You should take over from the sherlock twat lol

Wasn't my intention to start the guessing game!
Complained to council about neighbours (now four) dogs after they did fuck all about them barking, just had them come and bang on our door rather loudly. Ignored it, and now they've gone through our bins and thrown rubbish all over our front yard. Fucking raging.
Don't you think that by confessing your previous handle the other stuffs still gonna follow you?

Complained to council about neighbours (now four) dogs after they did fuck all about them barking, just had them come and bang on our door rather loudly. Ignored it, and now they've gone through our bins and thrown rubbish all over our front yard. Fucking raging.

Ah that's shite. I always worried something like that would happen if I reported the neighbours.

I once did the same thing (tipping the rubbish at a neighbour's door) because someone kept stealing our bin and leaving us without for two weeks at a time. It had been going on for months. I woke up early on the Monday morning, before the lorries arrived, and found our bin in the alley. I opened it and they had stupidly left a few pizza boxes with their name and address on it. There were also a few intact bank statements, which was even more idiotic because there were often Roma women in our alley, hoking through the bins.

I emptied it at their door and not a peep was heard from them. Our bin was not stolen again, either %)
Haha don't blame ya, shit like that is infuriating and happens a lot round here. Also we totally have the bin-raking thing going on too, seen a few people do it, proper paranoid about tearing stuff up and all. Need a shredder I feel! But yeah I nearly rang council back and said 'don't send the letter' cps I was worried about summat happening and knew if it did my missus would kick off big time and want to march round all ragey. All I can think is that I mentioned the dogs scratching at our walls but then said twice to the bloke not to say that to them in the letter cos it'd identify us but he didn't seem like he was listening. Police can't do owt yet but gave us an incident number, and I'd rather not deal with 'em but hey ho. Bloke came to the door in his work uniform tho which is pretty damning considering the van is parked right outside his house.
Oh man I know I was torn between going 'NO' and following her out the door with me bottle o' cider and a camera!
Doesn't look like the game I'm currently working on is going to be released. This is the fourth game I've worked on that this has happened to now (compared to three published titles in my career, which is actually a pretty standard ratio). I have to keep working on it for now in the hope that it can be turned around, but in my experience that's fairly futile. Doesn't do much for your motivation. Applied for two new jobs, both fairly different to what I've been doing the last few years. Time for a change.

Was proper angry earlier but then I came home and ran a sub-24min 5km, and felt much better. Great stress relief.
That sucks, man. So many great looking games have been resigned to development purgatory over the years :\

Has anybody ever suffered from whiplash? I was always led to believe that its existence was rather dubious. Regardless, I've picked up neck injury of some kind. I got in a taxi last night and the passenger seat was at an angle of about 120º. I was leaning forward to put my seatbelt on and yer man accelerated really quickly, which forced me back into the car seat. I didn't think much of it until a few hours later when my neck suddenly started to seize up, and I had shooting pain going from one of my top thoracic vertebrae further up into my cervical vertebrae.

I had a very uncomfortable sleep last night but it's not as bad today as when the pain first started. My movement is still very limited though.

Has anyone else experienced something similar?
Don, could be anything from muscle injury to a pinched nerve. Sadly it can't be diagnosed or treated easily. If your tummy is able to take it I'd suggest 400-800 mg of Ibuprofen as not only is a pain killer it is also an anti-inflammatory.

Mibbe some co-co's but I was only really given them when I cut the tip of my finger off and I can in all honesty tell you they did sweet fuck all for the pain. Then again, I had lost the tip of my fucking finger so who am I to talk to about such things.
Aye I'm not going to go to the doctor over a wee bit of neck pain unless it persists. I've had neck pain before but nothing this bad. I was also always able to directly correlate it to recent events. I was playing guitar with a friend when it struck last night, so maybe that triggered it. I've also been doing a lot of astronomy so there's another big contender for neck strain. It just seemed strange to come on so suddenly :\

I shall get the NSAIDs on the go and maybe an ice pack. I've got a pack of those 400mg ibuprofen than look like mints, I should be able to wolf a few in me :)
Have you been sitting in any draughts of cool air? That regularly gives me neck pain, sometimes so excruciating that I can barely move it at all.
I'm not geriatric :p

Only joking haha :D

No draughts of cool air, as such, but, as I say, I've been outside for long periods in the early hours of the morning with a telescope. The cold + highly inclined neck angles might have contributed, but it would mean a very delayed onset.

I've been up and walking about for a while which seems to have helped it. I just hope it's a bit better by tomorrow as I'm returning to work which may be a pain in the neck in itself :\
I shall get the NSAIDs on the go and maybe an ice pack. I've got a pack of those 400mg ibuprofen than look like mints, I should be able to wolf a few in me :)
Make sure you don't do that on an empty stomach or you're gonna have a bad time.
My rage levels have pretty much reached supersaiyan hulkrage levels. Massive stock take tomorrow which was meant to be organised when I was off.... so I have been in sorting it out since monday (no surprises there!) Been in since 8 every morning, haven't left until 7 and I am in early tomorrow for when it actually takes place. Another store said they weren't finished until 10am and they don't have two of the main ranges that we have on top. How on earth we are going to keep the stock correct whilst selling it is beyond me. Roll on 2pm tomorrow :( I'll hopefully have lost the green hue by then.
Who the fuck lets their child stay up until 7am when school starts back on Monday. Are you fucking kidding me!!?!?!?

Learn to be a fucking parent! Trying to breathe through the stupidity. It's slightly working. WTAF! All my re-intro sleep schedule work out the window. GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I'm working all day today and tomorrow and can't even be here to make sure the boy gets back into sync! WHAAAAAAA!
No longer able to stay over any ones house that has children, no I am not on the sex offenders list, I am deemed too mentally unstable and had someone casually mention I might be going over their new flat to visit at some point to their service worker who knows me as well and they rang social services and they are threatening to take the kid if I go over -WTF! Yes I have problems but my fighting days are long over, I am one of the most chilled non aggressive people going. Yes I used to be a trouble magnet in my pub days but that was ages ago and I have never hit anyone who has not hit my first or pulled a weapon. This all seems very fucked up and unfair, bet they are glad I have been made impotent.
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