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RCs The AH-7921 (Ah7921) Megathread (v1)

Iirc it was more like 2 heaped teaspoons. And yeah, I only took it once a day. Sort off as a replacement and to have something to consume even if it did not affect me the whole day. More like a psychological thing.
its a very unexpected thing thats happened to me. My lowering of tolerance has made this drug enjoyable at 100mg to 200 mg and it no longer just something to send me to sleep. Its gonna be doubly hard to quit the stuff now im enjoying it again, and life feels good again.....

rather than being on endless dreary tapers, denying myself a further 5 mg everyday.. Will try a much faster taper next time i think.

My "Wall" seems to be 35 - 50 mg. Every time i hit that i m lost, i need much more support from all these drug agencies. not gettin much in even psychological support. Oh and some fuckin subutex would help as well you tight arsed Nazis.
This is unfortunate. Then try to switch to kratom without AH-taper? Are you taking it orally or sublingual?
Hm, I got my Bupe at the first day, why is this so damn hard in other areas?
But I think only a fast Bupe taper would make sense in your case or it goes higher up the ladder again...

€: For me its day 13 and I took 2mg Lorazepam today and saturday. Only 2mg more left which is good. No access anymore but I think I will get some Gabapentin as a backup.
So where would people rank this among other opiates? Does it come close to morphine/hydrocodone? Or is it just a mild codeine/dihydrocodeine type opiate? I know it's not anywhere near oxy/heroin but if it's better then codeine then i'll be willing to give it a try.
So where would people rank this among other opiates? Does it come close to morphine/hydrocodone? Or is it just a mild codeine/dihydrocodeine type opiate? I know it's not anywhere near oxy/heroin but if it's better then codeine then i'll be willing to give it a try.

It depends on the ROA. It has little to no use via any, apart from IV in my opinion, but IV is not for everyone.
I have to disagree with you. I think PO is a perfectly acceptable ROA for this compound.

I've tried this compound twice so far with almost 4 months between the two trials and no other opiate use whatsoever, which also includes no kratom use or any other non-morphinan opioids.
My first try was first 5 mg, for checking any adverse reactions, followed by 20 mg an hour later, not much happened on that trial. This week I tried 55 mg PO and after a couple of hours (2-3) I definitely got into a nice opioid buzz.
And from reading the first couple pages of this thread, I seem to remember that for an opioid naive person a dose between 20 and 75 mg was recommended, which seems fairly correct to me, based on my two trials.

The two peculiar things that I noted about this compound (and I note sure if this is already discussed in thread) is the slow come-up and the long duration. Like I said the come-up lasted between 2-3 hours and the duration was almost around 12 hours before I was back to baseline. Has anybody else (that is fairly opioid naive) also similar experiences with this compound? I'm really curious what the reason for this could be, perhaps some active metabolite(s)?
Whoever said a few pages back that withdrawal from this shit is no fun, wasn't wrong. I'm on day 6 and still feel like shite.I was dosing up to 350mg per day for about 4 months, so that excessiveness might have something to do with it... The w/d is nowhere near as intense as from, say, ODT or H but I think with the long half life of AH-7921 this is going to be a long haul. Does anyone think kratom would help? And the real problem is: I've still got 10 grams of this horror sitting on my bedroom shelf, God help me!
Me, I think. I definitely said it at some point in this thread anyway. Keep going, it doesn't last too long! Well, your habit is a bit bigger than mine was (250-300mg over a month or so), so maybe it'll last longer, but my w/ds were over in a couple of weeks. I ordered a little stash of clonidine to help after a week of horrible, sweat-drenched, sleepless nights, but by the time they arrived the w/ds were pretty much gone and I didn't have to use them. Yes, kratom can help. Try 6-7g of Red Vein Borneo for a fairly long-lasting but mild aid. White Vein Sumatra doesn't last as long but you feel more like you've taken a drug - although you'll be totally functional :)

Oh, send me the 10g, I'm running low! (joke, I'm not sourcing)
I've just found out that Kratom is a REAL help. Had some RVB knocking around. 8g and farewell aching legs and a good proportion of the other symptoms. So thank you for your welcome advice.
Does the duration seem to shorten vastly after a week or so of constant abuse? I find this happens with opiates a lot, but not always.
Well I didn't find any diminution in duration after several months of abuse.
Hey folks,

New here. Been following Bluelight for ages, but had not registered until now.

The many mixed opinions in this thread have compelled me to procure some AH-7921, in order to see for myself. The information here is invaluable, and I want to thank everyone for taking the time to share their experience with others.

It's been suggested to me in another forum that the caustic properties of the polar molecule AH-7921 might be neutralized or greatly reduced by way of its dissolution into 99.9% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), itself a polar molecule that is extremely well tolerated by human tissue. The resulting solution would, in theory, by suitable for intramuscular injection, affording a high degree of bioavailability with minimum risk to muscular tissue (and epithelial tissue as well, by avoiding other ROAs like sublingual and intranasal).

I have a great deal of experience with intramuscular injection, but only with distilled water + ketamine. I'd love to hear people's thoughts on AH-7921 + DMSO for intramuscular injection, as I would prefer a maximum degree of confidence before attempting it.
Ironically it looks like the CRI have had a turn around and will now prescribe me buprenorphine/subutex to get off the AH after all the efforts ive put in myself. Someone with a heart seems to have stepped forward. Someone somewhere must have had words with the Dr who turned me away cos AH didnt show up on his poxy test. It could have been anyone of 5 different workers. I seem to have ammased a small army of workers, all women, all on my side. The one male in the story apart from myself turned out to be a cunt.

The ironic thing is that im on taper attempt number 4 now; BUT i have it figured out this time, and i know where ive been going wrong. Ive been cutting too slowly from the high doses - so from to 200 mg to 195, and then reduce another 5 the next week. As you can imagine this took fuckin ages. By the time i was down to 50 mg or so i was fuckin sick of tapering. I had several relapses during, and then would slowly taper down agaain. Ive found theres no need, i can have a fucking 350mg blow out 1 night. then taper down to like 200,175,150,125,100. Itll be 75 tonight. When i get down to 50 ill switch back to 5mg decrements (is that a word?).

Dont know for sure yet if im gonna be given subs. I know fuck all about them. Not gonna start reading up on them until i get the prescription in my hands. I think they wanna do it over 4 or 5 weeks; like .8 1 week, .6 the next etc etc... I thought bupe tapers could and should be done very quickly ? I was hoping to use them to taper off in 5 days. Any comments from anyone familiar with buprenorphine/subutex ?
Hey mdb, great to hear you are getting some professionell help :)
But as you said, I agree with tapering as fast as possible. I was on 1mg for over a month and that was definitely too long for my previous habit. Buprenorphine is so potent and can just hook you as bad as AH or even worse although being a partial agonist.

I can't say much more but I think 4 or 5 weeks would be too long not just because of the long and drawn out WDs but in general. More like 1-2 weeks max in my opinion. That said I am not that familiar with Bupe-detoxes. Only personal experience.

Btw, after 18 days I consumed some Tilidine again in the idiotic illusion of maybe using once in a blue moon...
Not regularly but still unbelievably stupid. This defies my character so much since I am a very rational person :/
Just take my stupidness as an example how not to behave during the Paws. Good luck and success with your taper, my PM-box is always open.
Are you saying you dont think you'll be able to be a "chipper" then. Im pretty certain i wont be able to either. Unless it was a one off chance meeting to acquire just 1 nice dose of something interesting.

Drugs have a way of getting through defences like intelligence and rationality. The part of you that craves them will have done this (it happens to me every time i stopped smoking). If youve already taken it, just put it down to a mistake, but dont beat yourself up, youve done great, one mistake is nothing. You might have made things harder for yourself in PAWS though. If it increases cravings again for a while remember all the toughness, effort and sweat you put into getting clean. You dont want all that to be for nothing.
As we all know "once in a blue moon" can easily become "once a month" then "once a fortnight" etc.
Are you saying you dont think you'll be able to be a "chipper" then. Im pretty certain i wont be able to either. Unless it was a one off chance meeting to acquire just 1 nice dose of something interesting.

Yeah, pretty much the same for me. I appreciate the kind words. My future tactic is just to take 300mg Gabapentin if the cravings get bad again.

Oh, I forgot to mention that my switch from AH to Bupe was very easy, nearly unnoticeable. Maybe a little encouragement for you.
That is very encouraging. Can you remember how much AH you were using just before you switched. Also what dose of bupe did you start on, and how long did your taper take ?.....

I think that's enough questions for now ! Sorry ! :eek:
So where would people rank this among other opiates? Does it come close to morphine/hydrocodone? Or is it just a mild codeine/dihydrocodeine type opiate? I know it's not anywhere near oxy/heroin but if it's better then codeine then i'll be willing to give it a try.

it is simillar to morphine - pretty low on euphoria, so you need to find a dose high enough to get you high, but if you take too much it will just send you to sleep. That came to be its main attraction for me - on my last taper i got stuck on 35mg. For 9 days and nights i got an hour or 2 sleep. I couldnt take any more as i was going stir crazy. I do not cope at all well with a lack of sleep.

I went back on it with a vengeance for a few days. Started off with some poppy tea and AH and i was completelty fucked. It forgotten the first harm reduction rule of opiate tapering or quitting - remember your tolerance will have dropped a very long way....
That is very encouraging. Can you remember how much AH you were using just before you switched. Also what dose of bupe did you start on, and how long did your taper take ?.....

No need to apologize. I was using about 75mg sublingual or between 100 & 150mg oral once a day. Then started on 1mg Subutex (first also sublingual, later sniffing if possible) and kept that dose for about two weeks and then reduced to 0,8 for one and to 0,4 for another week (this time only nasally...) before jumping off. Maybe a few days more or less in between so it is not 100% accurate.

But I don't know if you will be good with 0,8mg if you have to take it via sl. Obviously the snorting is contraproductive so I'd advise against that and try it the more reliable way even if the BA is lower.
yeah, i hear you can get a buzz of it if you snort it your first one or 2 times. The oral bioavailabilty is 10 % which is fuckin abysmal. SL is 30 %.

I dunno if i'll be good on it either. It all sound very confusing atm. You take 2mg every time you feel wds, and keep topping up every half hour until you feel better ? I could use a whole weeks script in one day ! ? :sus: