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The 3-FPM Discussion Thread V2. Fumes of Fiend Fuel

Well, I'm getting ready to undertake a crash course very soon... ;)

Without getting into specifics, I presume it's advisable to stick with domestic suppliers?

In your experience, what's the average turnaround time from order to delivery?

Like I said ages ago, I am happy to help ya set up :)
Yea best to stick to domestic, on avg, from the time it takes to buy ur coins to the package arriving is generally 24 hrs, once u get ur coins sorted and send them to the site then place the order it generally takes 24 hrs, usually next day delivery for most ppl
I would have thought MDPV was far more damaging than meth for long term use

You may well be right. I guess it's just that the consequences of long term meth use are far more well known and widely known due to its far greater user base. Total devastation on the body, mind and teeth for many users. Though on that documetary Louis Theroux made about meth use in the states it seem to depend a hell of a lot of the physical constititution of each user. He interviewed a husband and wife, who had both been using meth for the same amount of time at similar amounts, the guy was completely 'together' and apparently in good health, fit and strong looking, but his wife was already a total wreck.:(

I guess as MDPV wasnt around for very long before being wiped off the face off the earth, and on the whole the only accounts of its' use are those we have on here, too right there have been a lot of casualties, especially psychologically, i seem to recall a few psychiatric hospital admissions, severe weight loss for others, and at least 1 fatality of a Bler. :|

I wouldn't like to go too far down either road. In fact no further than 1 stop with meth if i ever chance upon any. I dabbled a bit with MDPV over about 6 months, but as i was really looking for a mephedrone replacement all along it never really had the kind of high that i was looking for, and so it never really got its hooks into me too badly.8(
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Evelevibe thank you for such a supportive response to my thread on my fear of stopping 3-fpm and your invite to this thread! Just wanted to drop by and say hi before I head of to bed.
Also I think I will blog my experience as a taper and come to and through the daily use of RCs.
Thank you again.
And hello to everyone else!!
OP copied over from V1., V3. will likely have a revised piece to home the knowledge gained since.

In order to cement its place as a popular drug of recreational human usage, here is the dedicated #1 EADD resource for 3-FPM information, data, and experience. =D

What Is It?
3-FPM is a stimulant drug closely related to Phenmetrazine. Phenmetrazine was widely available as the HCl salt in the 1960's, under the name of Preludin. Prescribed as an appetite suppressant, its anorectic properties were known and sought after, particularly as a replacement for Amphetamine compounds and salts thereof, which were rapidly becoming known for abuse. The most popular recreational users of Preludin were arguably The Beatles, and their use of Phenmetrazine is documented repeatedly such as here.

Patented in Germany in 1952, Phenmetrazine HCl rapidly received approval once pharmacological data was published in 1954, with Preludin being used clinically in the same year. Compared to Methamphetamine and Cocaine, Phenmetrazine boasted superior anorectic effects with reduced impact on the PNS and reduced side-effects in both animal and human studies. After just 5 years on the mass market, Phenmetrazine was withdrawn from use in Sweden in 1959 with 1965 marking the last year of widespread, licit manufacture. This meteoric rise and fall as a pharmaceutical remains a large part of the lore surrounding Phenmetrazine and can be almost certainly attributed to reports of abuse of Preludin in the US.

3-FPM Molecular Structure.


Structure And Pharmacology
3-FPM exists as a functional group isomer of Phenmetrazine, the Meta- Carbon of the Phenyl ring has been Fluorinated, resulting in the first recorded Halogenated Phenylmorpholine to see human use. The academic literature is sparse when searched for 3-FPM, instead it is termed PAL-593 as was its name in the patent documentation.
As Phenmetrazine is the closest compound to have seen human use, its clinical data can be assessed and interpreted for tentative application to 3-FPM. The LD50 value for Phenmetrazine consumed orally by rats is 370mg/kg, 125mg/kg for mice. 125mg/kg is also attained when intraperitonial administration occurs, with subcutaneous administration having a value of 195mg/kg. These values would give relative human dosage of Phenmetrazine as approaching 14,000mg for a 70kg subject, clearly this is ridiculous. When primates are exposed to Phenmetrazine, we see a vastly reduced picture with 15-20mg/kg as the LD50 for adult monkeys and just 5mg/kg for young monkeys. 5mg/kg equates to a 350mg dose of Phenmetrazine being sufficient to kill 50% of test subjects of ~70kg. There exists data suggesting that the lowest recorded dose resulting in fatality is 1.3mg/kg, this is the figure for Methamphetamine and not Phenmetrazine. Currently, no data exists for the LD50 of 3-FPM in humans. The subjective effects of 3-FPM can be attributed to its function as a releasing agent of Dopamine and Norepinepherine, with a slight affinity for Serotonin.



Preludin was prescribed at dosages of 12.5mg/25mg/50mg and 75mg to be taken orally, once per day. Anecdotal evidence exists that most abuse of this form of Phenmetrazine was done by crushing the tablet to a fine powder and insufflating the powder, vapourising or I.V. injection - all of which are more dangerous than oral and more difficult to ascertain safe dosages for.
As a tentative guide, and subject to massive variation for environmental and biological reasons:

Light: 25mg.
Common: 30-40mg.
Strong: 60mg+

3-FPM appears to be generally well-absorbed from the gut, with first alerts perceptible within 20 minutes on an empty stomach. As an aside, like with oral Amphetamines it is likely that altering the pH of the GI tract to be more basic will result in slightly improved absorption. This is often achieved through Calcium Carbonate tablets 30 minutes prior to ingestion. Main effects will last about 3 or 4 hours, taking 2 more to tail off. Taking consecutive doses before prior doses have worn off will result in an extended duration of often uncomfortable residual stimulation.

Light: 20mg.
Common: 30mg.
Strong: 55mg+

As with most Amphetamines, 3-FPM appears to absorb fairly rapidly at a slightly greater rate than oral administration. However, if one is to use 3-FPM intranasally they should be aware of the highly painful, uncomfortable and debilitating pain signals that you will experience. No matter how fine the powder or good the technique, the powder will burn every mucus membrane it touches, it is acute in duration but intensity is greater than that of EPD and approaching 2C-I territory. Duration is less than oral at 1-2 hours of main effects but still with a similar time spent coping with subjectively more uncomfortable residual stimulation than ingestion would provide.

Light: 15-20mg.
Common: 25mg.
Strong: 40mg+.

Efficient, rapidly absorbed and with a solid duration, rectal administration of 3-FPM in roughly 1ml or 2 of sterile, warm water using a needleless oral syringe provides many positives if only one can get over squirting drug solution up their rectum. Expect roughly 4 hours of positive stimulation, peaking at the 2nd hour, and a 2 hour ride to baseline that feels smoother than other ROA's.

Vaping/Chasing the Dragon:
Light: 10-15mg.
Common: 20-25mg.
Strong: 35mg+.

My personal choice when it comes to getting 3-FPM into my system, vapourising 3-FPM on aluminium foil and inhaling the contents provides a highly euphoric, short lasting, fiendish Dopamine hit in just a few short seconds. 3-FPM combusts at a very low temperature and should be heated carefully and evenly, running the liquified matter a short distance while keeping the heat behind it provides massive lungfuls of vapour so intoxicating. If going this route, exercise caution: the high lasts all of 10 minutes and the rapid reward of Dopamine flooding one's synapses can lead to compulsive redosing at higher and higher levels for longer than initially intended.

Light: 10mg
Common: 20mg.
Strong: 30mg.

I.V. use is probably the most dangerous way one could choose to administer 3-FPM, it is literally impossible to overstate the risks associated with poor aseptic technique or unsterile products and practices. If you do not already have experience with intravenous use of powerful drugs then you are lucky, do not start for 3-FPM, do not start for any drug. Blood, pain and hypodermic needlepoints are not often associated with pleasurable and voluntary use and once one begins shooting 3-FPM directly into their bloodstream, chances are it stopped being fun a while ago.
After a minute or two of admittedly glorious Dopamine derived rush, one begins to sober up. Colours fade to their usual state, breath leaves the lungs like menthol, the mind accelerates like a Bullet Train and slows to the treacle we are accustomed to in just under a minute. As a powerful psychostimulant, one would not expect to see one's eyelids droop upon IV administration of a large dose of 3-FPM, yet such an occurrence has been experienced and reported by at least two IV users in myself and Cr00k. As with other rapid ROA's, IV use will quickly skyrocket your tolerance, with 25mg becoming 250mg in a very short space of time.
One should also remember that some posters who used via IV report incredibly compulsive redosing which can be destructive very easily. 3-FPM inevitably exhibits tremor as a side-effect which can present problems when maneuvering a needle's tip into one's circulatory system. Combine that with the potentially severe visual issues one can experience as a result of Pound coin pupils and hypertension and it becomes clear why IV use of a drug that causes vasoconstriction and tachycardia is rarely advised. Especially when one may be shooting up 12 times an hour. 8(
Also, early IV reports from Cr00k suggested highly abnormal tissue damage and subsequent neuronal pain in the joints after multiple injections of concentrations above 42mg/ml which equates to around 400-500mg per dose. Subsequently I used 3-FPM via IV myself, wishing to avoid severe pain I opted for a concentration of 33mg/ml (1g/30ml) and injected 1ml of 3-FPM/Sterile Na+/Cl- into my forearm vein. No pain was felt and the injection was without issue, a slight stimulation was felt and so a few minutes later I prepared another 3ml. Administered at 1ml per injection, another 100mg/3ml was injected over the next hour with only slight pain reported on the final injection. As enjoyable as it was, I opted to chase the rest of my 3-FPM as the reward was simply not worth the risk of IV use.

Recently, some people have reported IV use of 3-FPM at aqueous concentrations exceeding 42mg/ml by a substantial margin without any adverse effects reported. My personal use has seen 250mg/ml regarded as a concentration that did not result in similar symptoms as Cr00k but a dose to be regarded as nothing but stupid. 8)

Physical Effects

Increased stimulation/energy levels.
Increased Cardiac Output.
Appetite Suppression to a greater extent than seen in other stimulants.
Increased perspiration.
Dilated pupils.
Vasoconstriction leading to ED.
Poor temperature regulation.
Reduced thirst.
Increased speech.
Involuntary movements.
Exaggerated patterns of speech.
Reduced sense of taste.
Possibly reduced or improved visual acuity.
Sexual arousal.

Cognitive Effects

Accelerated thought.
Increased brightness of colours.
Improved analysis.
Increased focus.
Improved motivation.
Improved creativity.

Obviously, these effects may be experienced in varying amounts based on dosage, ROA, time of consumption and many other factors.
It is also vital to remember that prolonged stimulant sessions have a habit of becoming nasty, a la Amphetamine Psychosis. Abuse of 3-FPM combined with poor diet and rest will also result in the grandiose, persecutory, supernatural delusions that stimulants are famed for. However, in my experience 3-FPM is far more forgiving in similar circumstances than Amphetamines, producing less anxiety and physical tension after equal sessions.
Please be aware that stimulants have a habit of biting you on the arse after binging, 3-FPM is no exception and if binging on it it is even more vital to keep track: it's all too easy for Saturday to become Tuesday... ;)


While engaging in drug combos with a stimulant that hasn’t seen 2 years of use will never be anything but stupidly dangerous, 3-FPM doesn’t seem explicitly dangerous in tandem with most popular drugs.

Heroin/Opioids: There isn’t much to say aside from pointing out that combining stimulants and Smack is infamous for dropping bull elephants. However, there doesn’t seem to be any particular problems with this specific combo. I will say that it’s actually quite a let-down, it sounds far better than it feels given the mental stimulation of 3-FPM takes away from the empty bliss of Heroin. Other opioids feel more suited, Fentanyl shares the duration and ROA’s and so was my combo of choice – probably the most dangerous thing one could choose, though.

SCRA’s: Cannabinoids in conjunction with 3-FPM vary wildly in effects, obviously reflecting on the dose and specific CRA. Anxiety, paranoia and psychosis are the #1 worry once one remembers that their heart rate should be below 160. Be careful, keep the dose low, and make sure you are well aware of how each compound affects you mentally. 5F-AKB48 and AM-2201 are my personal flavour, and seem relatively well tolerated. PB-22/3-FPM sent me psychotic, however.

GABA-ergics: Perhaps the most common combination is that of 3-FPM and Alcohol, simply due to availability. As with any other stim, alcohol seems ineffective until six hours pass and you’re vomiting into your tin foil…
Benzo’s are excellent to come down with, but the duration is important. 3-FPM’s tail-end is quite stingy, and it’s not uncommon to drop double your benzo dose and feel nothing through the residual stimulation.

Ceres informs me that when chasing 3-FPM, if a UVB flashlight is shone on the melted compound, a green colour is given off by unvapourised 3-FPM. ;)

So that's my first Megathread, written in one tweaked-out evening. Enjoy, EADD, and viva la 3-FPM!

=D <3

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Evelevibe thank you for such a supportive response to my thread on my fear of stopping 3-fpm and your invite to this thread! Just wanted to drop by and say hi before I head of to bed.
Also I think I will blog my experience as a taper and come to and through the daily use of RCs.
Thank you again.
And hello to everyone else!!

No problem. As I say we're all in the same bost so you're in hood friends. We also have a benzo thread here where many pthers are coming off rc benzos due to the ban. As I say I'm not sure what to advise if you've been taken them 3-4 daus a week as to whether it would be the same as coming off from daily use buf many on there are well experience n willbe better at advising than me.

Are you still on 3-FPM or have you run out?

Luck luck, [MENTION=357640]Eyregirl[/MENTION] <3 and please jusr call me Evey lol

I picked up 3 grams for a shoddy big crowds I would never normally use but it arrived overnight last weekend and i used about a gram of it to help as an eye opener over a couple of mornings this week, as after 2 years of 5am getups I am oversleeping every morning now. It didn't look quite right as a powder but performed perfectly on the foil with regards to taste, smell and being crystal clear on melting. It was just so weak 250mg over the course of a morning had totally worn off by noon. Perfect for this kind of use, but had then I woke up yesterday with my arm covered in a rash and have had severe problems taking a piss since. The rash has calmed down my waterworks seem to be getting back in order but I am going to have to see the quack first thing on Monday if it hasn't disappeared. I thought it was probably whatever these toxin merchants had watered the stuff down with was the problem but then another informed party had come across this a few times and pointed me towards the below abstract, as it is a sign of possible renal damage caused by the drug that I was not aware of. I haven't battered it to the extent that some folk have, but I have used it regularly for a year every couple of weeks and this is the first sign of any issues in this area.

The abstract relates to one of 3fpm's analogues

Its the one thing that went down the toilet fine Evey - the 2 grams I had left of that shit.

The high purity stuff I held onto will possibly follow it come Monday.

Remember - it's your choice what to use but I would not personally not be happy having these issues in light of the above.

Stee x
hehe oh it's probably a good thing. I'm om day 3 recovery from 3-FPM after 6 months' use. The stuff drove me mad, paranoid, obsessive (more than normal hehe). Shoulda listened to others who said stay away from this. You're right it's our choice ehat we use n never again will I EVER touch stuff like this.

Ive learned most lessons like this the hard way and its only in the last year - ironically starting with my 3fpm use and ending up with the new bits and bobs I recently have had to start getting my head around - the key to any use of anything of this kind is - moderation - something i've never used in my approach to life that needs to start becoming consistent on a few levels.

A little bit of anything every now and then doesn't harm most folk, but too much of anything will cause trouble who ever you are.
I wish I'd learned the easy way I really wish I had. This stuff really made me feel like I was losing my mind. I felt so paranoid n angry on it like venous anger. Mad because the was the stuff i replaced alcohol with as it made me calm n serene but turned on n me n had me feeling the way I'd been using to run sway from, if that makes sense.

Reslly Its mad to think we're basically acting as ginie pigs with is opposite to harm reduction.

Right i really better be off or will miss lilvibe's play.

Hope the modding's going well <3

Well I haven't accidentally pressed anything that's blown up the servers yet so that's about as good a first week as I could have hoped for. I'm not counting a single chicken at the moment tho. Go see to MinEvey and I'll catch u later x
I never bothered with these novel rc's myself. I just stuck to the classic phet and meth and they were bad enough.
I still dream of smoking meth...loved the feeling that shit gave me. Wanking for 3 days straight kinda got in way of life though :D
Hi all.
Evey I am still in possession of 4 grams of 3-fpm remaining.
I also have the delightful Synthacaine 6 grams and phenzincane 6 grams (which to be fair was from a reputable supplier and contains the ingredients it says it does)
So I am using the blends to curb my daily use and allowing myself to enjoy the pure 3-fpm on weekends with my boyfriend.
I'm trying to teach my brain every day that it does not need pure 3fmp to find energy and happiness in each day! So use shitty synth or phenz instead!

Am also taking supplements from a natural product shop which claims to build immunity, energy and zest for life Naturally!

Hope you are all well. I can't actually belive I allowed myself to get so caught up in the whole rc scene. However I can completely understand how it has provided for me and others the help that they can't get from the gp. Because the GPs often do not listen or understand. No I'm not fucking depressed, I do not want anti depressants. I just want to feel alive sometimes, like I matter in the world. Does anyone else get what I mean?
I'm. Gonna stop the rambling now as I fear it's possibly the alcohol talking! Lol!

I really hope though that I can be fully non reliant on any kind of stimulant and that it's not too much of a painful process, although maybe I deserve for it to be painful as i have got into debt again because of my be life that 3-fpm makes life a little brighter.
Night night all.
Eyre girl. X
You may well be right. I guess it's just that the consequences of long term meth use are far more well known and widely known due to its far greater user base. Total devastation on the body, mind and teeth for many users. Though on that documetary Louis Theroux made about meth use in the states it seem to depend a hell of a lot of the physical constititution of each user. He interviewed a husband and wife, who had both been using meth for the same amount of time at similar amounts, the guy was completely 'together' and apparently in good health, fit and strong looking, but his wife was already a total wreck.:(

I guess as MDPV wasnt around for very long before being wiped off the face off the earth, and on the whole the only accounts of its' use are those we have on here, too right there have been a lot of casualties, especially psychologically, i seem to recall a few psychiatric hospital admissions, severe weight loss for others, and at least 1 fatality of a Bler. :|

I wouldn't like to go too far down either road. In fact no further than 1 stop with meth if i ever chance upon any. I dabbled a bit with MDPV over about 6 months, but as i was really looking for a mephedrone replacement all along it never really had the kind of high that i was looking for, and so it never really got its hooks into me too badly.8(

The problem with MDPV is its ability to quickly induce psychosis due to its apperant high da activity, its not issue for me togheter with benzos but, starting benzos just tot ake mdpv is overkill tough, but if your a regular mdpv user and tend to induce psychosis then the addition of benzos is advices, togheter with memantine for tolerance and with diazepam/clonazepam and a proper taper pklan to ge toff them, or etizolam which makes withdrawal for some easy its adviced, if i take 2 tablet sof etizolam when addicted to clonazepam i suddenly withdrawal off it, etizolam is proven to have a much milder withdrawal.
3fpm really is weird crap for me, seems very benign in my case you can take a shitload and theres no comedown or side effects in my case but its soo boring on its own.
Well, I'm getting ready to undertake a crash course very soon... ;)

Without getting into specifics, I presume it's advisable to stick with domestic suppliers?

In your experience, what's the average turnaround time from order to delivery?

Setting up as a mexedrone vendor?
No comedown???? Im on day 4 n im exhausted to hell. Mind you i have been on it 6 months. Im Never taking any other drugs again im done with drugs. Recovery n helping others from now on. This stuff almost sent me mental. I thought i was losing it many times tae fuck with that shit.

Edit: how come this stuff never seemed to send any of you crackers?

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