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The 3-FPM Discussion Thread V2. Fumes of Fiend Fuel

This is purely speculation, but I believe that the sparkly 3fpm powder I constantly moan about, may be cut with MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) which is a popular bulking agent for crystal meth as it exhibits similar properties when vaped. I've long suspected that the sparkly bits are adulterants as I generally find that the more sparkly it is, the weaker it is. This isn't really an issue if your ROA is oral or anal as the dose can be upped accordingly, but it significantly impacts upon the vaped experience. Can anyone confirm or deny these suspicions?

i cannot confirm this exact adulterant, but i have the sparkly crystalline powder, of which i have tested with marquis, liebermann and froehde reagents. according to the bunk police marquis and froehde give off an almost unnoticable reaction, whereas liebermann goes bright yellow(almost neon like). When i tested my 3-fpm, it gave the same result as the bunk police with the froehde and marquis reagents (hard to notice since they basically didn't react), but with the liebermann reagent it went yellowish, but with an orange tint to it. So not quite the same reaction as the bunk police reported.
I've just looked through their database and the only 2 other chemicals that gave off the same result (but went orange with the liebermann reagent) were ephenidine and phenetrazine, which leads me to believe these might have been cutting agents in my batch. Although, without further testing, my findings and assumptions are purely subjective and non-factual
i cannot confirm this exact adulterant, but i have the sparkly crystalline powder, of which i have tested with marquis, liebermann and froehde reagents. according to the bunk police marquis and froehde give off an almost unnoticable reaction, whereas liebermann goes bright yellow(almost neon like). When i tested my 3-fpm, it gave the same result as the bunk police with the froehde and marquis reagents (hard to notice since they basically didn't react), but with the liebermann reagent it went yellowish, but with an orange tint to it. So not quite the same reaction as the bunk police reported.
I've just looked through their database and the only 2 other chemicals that gave off the same result (but went orange with the liebermann reagent) were ephenidine and phenetrazine, which leads me to believe these might have been cutting agents in my batch. Although, without further testing, my findings and assumptions are purely subjective and non-factual

10 out of 10 for effort mate, but when you say 'phenetrazine', do you mean 'phenmetrazine' as in the parent compound, or something else? This lot I've got has given me a bangibg headache all day today - which is a bugger, because 48 hours after hitting the foil, the metabolites are starting to kick in.

Anyway, all this speculation will be irrelevant in a few days time and I guess we'll never know. Just debating whether to scrape some cash together and order just one more batch, or get some 1p-LSD and 2C-B-Fly instead...
I read up on the two respective chemicals, phenetrazine is also an analog og Phenmetrazine. Ephenidine is a dissociative with anaesthetic properties which can give almost similar effects to other stimulants in low doses. I've also noticed some numbness in my mouth, specifically my tongue, when in insufflating this batch, which should be in line with this chemicals anaesthetic properties. Since I've only ever had this batch, I wouldn't be able to tell this apart from the real deal.
It's also worth noting that I need to bomb around 100-150mg for my batch to have any recreational effects, and this is for someone with little to no stim tolerance(beside coffee and nicotine)
have to say the batch i received last week of 3f is fucking awful :( tried it last night - at first its seems good but then after about an hour or so that horrible feeling with palpitations began - even had to take a diazepam to try get rid of the feeling, the first batch i got months ago was great - so major dissapointed :(
Ephenidine sells.
Nobody is using it as a cut. Makes no sense.
I don't know how popular these RC'S are, but it all depends on price of the product and how much the vendor has on hand. If it doesn't seem like they will sell it all, they'll definitely use it as a cutting agent. But you're probably right
yea this batch is slightly sparkly - i even have a small amount of the last batch left and to look at them both together one against the other - you would never think they were the same substance! and both from same vendor.
although having said that my hubby used it last nite and he though it was ok - but i wont be having it again
Even though I have to take higher doses than recommended to reach satisfactory effects, all the effects are definitely in Line with everything reported in this thread. I haven't even had any negative effects such as headaches etc. as many have reported. It might just be cut with good ol' caffeine, also, when synthesised in a lab, and crystallised, 3-fpm should produce crystals just like any chemical. If it doesn't it's most likely milled to a powder. This however determines nothing towards the purity, as powders can be cut with powders and vice versa...
I've never had any sparkly 3-FPM.


I find that really hard to believe as the sparkly stuff appears to be the norm - even with vendors that I've had good clumpy powder from.

Edit: Just remembered - you sent me a photo once of some sparkly 3, asking "is this the shit stuff?" So you have had it...
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Anyway, all this speculation will be irrelevant in a few days time and I guess we'll never know. Just debating whether to scrape some cash together and order just one more batch, or get some 1p-LSD and 2C-B-Fly instead...

would definitely go for the latter, 3-fpm is far too popular to not be cut at this point... plus 1p-lsd is said to be better than the real deal
I find that really hard to believe as the sparkly stuff appears to be the norm - even with vendors that I've had good clumpy powder from.

Edit: Just remembered - you sent me a photo once of some sparkly 3, asking "is this the shit stuff?" So you have had it...

Oh its definitely cut with something n I feel it would be naive for anyone to assume otherwise they're bound to do it to get rid of the stuff they sell I don't agree with it n its maddening that we still purchase it hoping it won't be yet knowing it will be n they know it. While I can understand their logic for doing it I feel kinda cheated ib doesn't loyalty n respect mean anything to anyone anymore. Yes they can get away with doing such a thing but do the people who have kept them in business for so long, n probably got them more business through word of mouth, mean so little at all????

Oh its definitely cut with something n I feel it would be naive for anyone to assume otherwise they're bound to do it to get rid of the stuff they sell I don't agree with it n its maddening that we still purchase it hoping it won't be yet knowing it will be n they know it. While I can understand their logic for doing it I feel kinda cheated ib doesn't loyalty n respect mean anything to anyone anymore. Yes they can get away with doing such a thing but do the people who have kept them in business for so long, n probably got them more business through word of mouth, mean so little at all????


They do it because they can, they know people will come back, money is money
If people REALLY objected to it and didn't part with their cash then they would sell uncut product, so really you can only blame yourselves because as you said, you KNOW it's gunna be cut yet still buy it
^you're right - it's maddening. I think it's cause kit's so neae tge end n we rationise it. We wouldn't spend £55 on dodgy food or a smart javket with the arm cut out, say. I know we can't return stuff in a similar way but yes we've ourselves to blame in a way. Jusr feel they'd have had a bit of loyalty off the their most loyal customers at least as I feel. It's the government that's basically ended their business. Ah well nowt we can do about it now I'm assuming most stuff have sold out now n am prsonally using this ban as a way out of all of this.

well there is something you can do about it, there are vendors on the darknet selling 3fpm which they guarantee is uncut, as they dont have as many clients as the clearnet sites they can offer these chems untouched most prob at a slightly higher price, but as with everything u get what you pay for...

If people took the time to learn how to use these markets then there would be none of these issues IMO
This is purely speculation, but I believe that the sparkly 3fpm powder I constantly moan about, may be cut with MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) which is a popular bulking agent for crystal meth as it exhibits similar properties when vaped. I've long suspected that the sparkly bits are adulterants as I generally find that the more sparkly it is, the weaker it is. This isn't really an issue if your ROA is oral or anal as the dose can be upped accordingly, but it significantly impacts upon the vaped experience. Can anyone confirm or deny these suspicions?

Mannitol has made up a good chunk of 3-F cuts/filler almost as much as Lidocaine, neither of which wash out much at all via A/B but are infinitely preferable to random Phenidate dumps. I can absolutely guarantee the last gasp random grams are almost entirely Phenidate scrapings, the emergence of the para-Fluoro iterations costing all 7 pence to produce commercially that induce massive dysphoria and tachycardia if pushed by just a few milligrams really leaves little but to flush any sample active at <15mg orally. 3-FPM is a lot of things when pure, but it's none too potent by weight by any stretch of the imagination. I would hope anyone who stocked up has sent off for analysis already, and if not I implore doing so. 3 is not worth wearing your tricuspid valves as earrings.
If people took the time to learn how to use these markets then there would be none of these issues IMO

Well, I'm getting ready to undertake a crash course very soon... ;)

Without getting into specifics, I presume it's advisable to stick with domestic suppliers?

In your experience, what's the average turnaround time from order to delivery?