TDS The 2024 Suicide Support Group

This young woman is hurting, I don’t know her, but feel love for her as she is a person who deserves love and compassion.

Love is what gets us through. Parents to kids, spouses, friends, at the highest level it is all the same Love. And in science they talk of the weak force or the strong force, Love is the strongest glue for all of us. It drives everything we do. So that statement you made does heal. Love does heal. And believe it or not just typing out a post as we do is an act of Love. You can't get away.from it.

I know I have felt way down and still do at times. But I remember we are really only here about 5 minutes of galaxy time. It takes the galaxy 26,000 years to rotate once. So yeah, we are not here long. Mother Nature winks at us in different ways.

Hang in there and I appreciate all of you. Feel better by any means possible and then be thankful. Takes practice. But practice that.
Nothing like getting your ass kicked by k! Yeah I don't know specifically what vials my k is being crystallized from. However, I have tried the analogue 2FDCK and that was amazingly potent and more psychedelic. I wonder if that is the one you are talking about? I prefer 2FDCK more than regular k.
I think there are two the Germans can legally offer. That may or may not be the other one, but I gathered the impression, Ketamine-F & Co are stronger than pharma ket at least. And from the Germans, as pure as can be.
Love is what gets us through. Parents to kids, spouses, friends, at the highest level it is all the same Love. And in science they talk of the weak force or the strong force, Love is the strongest glue for all of us. It drives everything we do. So that statement you made does heal. Love does heal. And believe it or not just typing out a post as we do is an act of Love. You can't get away.from it.

I know I have felt way down and still do at times. But I remember we are really only here about 5 minutes of galaxy time. It takes the galaxy 26,000 years to rotate once. So yeah, we are not here long. Mother Nature winks at us in different ways.

Hang in there and I appreciate all of you. Feel better by any means possible and then be thankful. Takes practice. But practice that.
Love is the glue that binds all and compassion is what keeps it together, I hope to see this young lady’s green light come back on so we know she is still with us, we all believe in something and I believe God is watching over her right now and will not take her from us.

I will be praying for her life, the most precious thing we have.
Thank you so much guys for the support it's mean so much for me ❤
I'm still here and will stay here, its better to fight for what you love (internet, cuteness, antidepressants)
Thank you so much for coming back and letting us know you’re still with us, I meant what I said sister, you can chat with me if you need to talk.
Thank you so much guys for the support it's mean so much for me ❤️
I'm still here and will stay here, its better to fight for what you love (internet, cuteness, antidepressants)
Well done girl! That makes me so happy to hear this. You have shown yourself you have more strength than you realised maybe.

I think, sometimes, things just have to be "on the table" for genuine, rational consideration, for us to make a choice, I speak here of death of course.

To be sufferring too much in life, and feel that death is absolutely not an option, this can make the sufferring unbrearable, in my own feelings anyway, because it's like we have no choice.

But to lay it on the table, see it as an option, it can suddenly empower us with the realisation that we have a choice, and we can "choose" to live, which is very empowering.

Thanks for sharing with us today and huge credit to you. And remember to tell yourself, this may be the rock bottom for you right now, but life holds invisible heights ahead, never moreso than at such a young age, and these troughs are actually the making of us in various ways.

Hang in there with me. I was at my limit of endurance many, many years ago.

Somehow I kept going, and now I'm increasingly thankful for the small things, and just not sufferring so much at times is a joy in itself.
What do you do when the only support person you had tells you caused your husband's suicide?
I got high but i still feel that god awful pain so i want to get high again and again until it kills me
I have spent years trying to shed that guilt
What do you do when the only support person you had tells you caused your husband's suicide?
I got high but i still feel that god awful pain so i want to get high again and again until it kills me
I have spent years trying to shed that guilt
I would first try and acknowledge, that that one support person, was not actually a support person. But a wolf in sheep's clothing, no true friend at all.

Guilt is often not a very helpful emotion to anybody or any aspect of a situation.

My own father committed suicide when I was 3 years old. He overdosed on heroin after my mum left him to give me a better life as he was not able to stop his heroin addiction.

My step-father, was a remarkable man, but with true bi-polar. He blew his brains with a shotgun when I was 7.

I don't think my mum actually made the mistake of misunderstanding the situations so as to feel responsible.

It is just unfortunate that we live in a world with so much deliberate wickedness, and consequently so many unhappy and unwell people.

It's just very unfortunate that your non-friend threw a red herring at you, creating some emotional blocks and preventing you from being able to process and heal from the grief itself of losing your husband, any feelings of guilt aside.

I would like to suggest to you- look into a developing and extremely effective mental and emotional health therapy known as "Heartspeak" which is N.L.P. or Neuroliguistic programming.

It can be booked and performed online or in person, with skype or zoom.

There is a world leading pioneer of this therapy called Anne Jensen.

In your shoes, I am 100% certain it would unlock so much emotional blockage, confusion, misunderstanding and pain, and enable healing and release you aren't currently aware exists to be had.
The problem is when you die, you don't end. Killing yourself only sets you up for another life of even more hell. You gotta ride through to the bitter end. Suicide will sacrifice your next 100 years and your family as well. You will probably come back blind and have to do it again in the dark.
Such horse shit speculation there. No one knows for sure,
I hope myself for a "favourable" reincarnation, at least, or ideally something much better, easier and more comfortable, which doesn't involve me losing my memory in the process and starting as another blank slate.

But who knows? I definitely cannot and won't accept that our soul, life spark, consciousness is terminated permanently when we die in this, or any life.

That's just way too incongruous, wrong feeling in my gut, and phopilosphically illogical to me, but who knows?

I suppport legal euthanasia, with a very sophistacredly crafted system and process design.

I definitely don't support trying to throw guilt burdens on others, like the social stigma of being selfish as it is seen, and taking the easy way out.

I think in many cases, to a degree, we should have the free choice over whether we live or die.

Without feelings of life guilt and obligation to "go on" being subjected onto us and haging round our necks.
As a matter of interest:

By a show of hands how many that have posted on this thread have asked (possibly even privately) the two members that appear to have suicidal thoughts exactly what their problems are and if there's anything that can be done for them (this as opposed to only publicly grandstanding, for want of a better phrase, on this thread) (and I say that with the utmost respect as there are members that have posted on this thread that I do indeed respect and very much too)? There's no need to publicly answer (to me) (and frankly no reason to even respond to this post of mine). I'm just making a point which (hopefully) those that have posted here will understand, not be offended by, and will not get defensive nor belligerent. Call it food for thought if you like.

Unfortunately it's not something that I am in a position to do i.e. it would in all probability be counter-productive for me to do the same (I make this clear lest I be deemed to be judgmental and disingenuous).
I get where you’re going with this. You’ll find that HR is mostly don’t do as I did here. We’re addicts, and a self centered lot. Its been my experience that if someone mentions thinking of suicide, either they are dead set and gonna do it or just thinking out loud.
Have seen brain matter up close from two close family members; neither said a word. And I was the last person to talk face to face with both
I get where you’re going with this. You’ll find that HR is mostly don’t do as I did here. We’re addicts, and a self centered lot. Its been my experience that if someone mentions thinking of suicide, either they are dead set and gonna do it or just thinking out loud.
Have seen brain matter up close from two close family members; neither said a word. And I was the last person to talk face to face with both
Sorry you had to experience and witness that, but pleased to feel you coped well with it and the healing over time, without blaming yourself.

We are also here as a sounding board. No strings attached, open sharing and expression of emotions and feelings in dark times, without even an objective as such, can be a therapy and form of release in itself.

I mean, rather than directly say something along lines...Don't do it. Do this. Think this etc etc... I mostly just share my own thoughts and feelings I guess because it just feels like the right thing to do to me at the time, to add some different perspective and serve as a thought distraction in the process.

My own life is one of very serious hardship, pain and sufferring due to illness and multiple longterm conditions.

I think about death the whole time. I have actually embraced it now, death itself, on a higher level.

It is the lesser evil by infinity vs the actual process of dying, or living in insufferable torture.

I'm just too much of a coward to make this huge step and take my own life, though I do practically and logically contemplate it, just as I do in the same manner, rationally examining and exploring all potential ways to go on living and achieve and maintain a more stable, comfortable and happy way of living.

If I myself actually posted- I'm thinking of/planning to kill myself, it would be because I felt like I needed to see if sharing that with strangers (i.e. not close friends or relatives) in a totally non-pressured and fear free situation, to potentially discuss, hear from others, to help me see if I can change how I'm feeling about it, or realise how I'm really feeling, having "sounded" something out onto paper, from it being trapped inside my own head alone without an outlet or sounding board.

I try to show empathy always, without seeming like I know better or can tell anybody what I think they should do.

I would suggest that just opening up and talking about suicidal ideations is effectively a coping mechanism in itself.

Very far from clinically black and white at least.
Nice responses. And very pleased you took my post in the spirit in which it was meant.
I can see without question that your meaning is always only purely well.

And it did make me laught to hear you had a little banning incident lol, due to clearly lesser intelligent people failing to read between lines and understand your real intent, being a joker at times like myself.

I'm all for just being totally open, dead straight and honest at all times. We can help each other this way I feel.

Still wasted here from my 450ug trip 3 days ago, hppd extreme! My witts are there, but everything is still moving, hence the typos lol!

Hope you are doing well and please by all means feel free and confident about letting your thoughts and feelings out here, in the name of helping others, and providing humour, enetertainment and distraction- these things are very underrated IMO in such a serious world. I always try to mix them together in the most appropriate manner.

Thankfully, I've never been banned from any forums. A few friendly PM's on Kavaforums to ask- we don't allow discussion of other drugs here etc, which is kind of stupid when the mention or comment has relevance to and adds perspective to the topic at hand, but such is the internet.

And moderators on Fccombustion have kindly remonded me double posting is not permitted. Which I also think is a vefy silly rule, becasue simply going back and editting has it's drawbacks if you remembered something important, where the members have already read your post, also the fact that on that vaporizer website (Fc) when you @ tag another member in an edit, they will not actually receive an alert notification.

I think 2 or 3 consecutive posts should be permissible in such circumstances.

I am just thankful BL doesn't adhere strictly to that silly rule.

Although...I did actually get a 90 day ban from Reddit, I can't remember exactly why, but I think it was related to sharing some info of just a coded hint, to help people source their own clearnet LSD.

It seemed ridiculously harsh and innaprorpiate to me at the time, but Reddit is utterly stupidly dictated by rules IMO.

I think I only go there when I am a bit cranky to see what stupidness some fool is asking, or advising, to unleash some words of wisdom on those green bananas lol to let some steammout in a constructive manner!
You mean- needing to KEEP a life right? It came to me as jest, but actually I think it could find it's way into figure of speech slang one day.
Go outside. Try some face to face. It’s found it’s way long ago, where you been? Oh yeah, writing kitschy novellas. Which I read, hence the ‘We’
reference. Sunshine good, doesn’t burn
Go outside. Try some face to face. It’s found it’s way long ago, where you been? Oh yeah, writing kitschy novellas. Which I read, hence the ‘We’
reference. Sunshine good, doesn’t burn
Well I'm npt entirely sure how to take that, but it doesn't feel very sensitive or understanding.

Actually I love to go outside, and I crave good company with genuine friends. But physical illness alone deprives me of any sort of real life and capability of keeping any sort of active social contact with people.

And I am a natural born philospher, thinker, writer and comedien. So I feel that if you are effectively moccking and reproaching me for that, which is simply my nature, and MY way of coping and keeping going, then that is a bit harsh and ill considered.

I'm sorry if I misread you. I just would not expect such insensitivity in a thread like this!