• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Recovery The 2023 Recovery Thread

No, it was "Now" brand, the same company that I get all of my supplements like B12 from. it came in capsule form. I got the warm fuzzy feeling from it, so I know that it was the real deal (plus there's no mistaking that smell/taste).

Part of the problem is that I would have to take like 20 of them for the full effect (you know my crazy tolerance to everything), so I think that it was just was too hard on my stomach.

I've heard of people ordering 70% online, making it with a cheesecloth and drinking it out of a shell. I'd like to try that, but right now I don't have a credit card or any funds really to speak of.

Mods: If naming the brand is considered sourcing, please feel free to delete this and I apologize.
It's legal like Coca-Cola and McDonald's in my estimate, obviously lines to draw but I can't see them being crossed it's nothing like clear pimping of brand, product or even breaking no sourcing rules.

Thanks for the answer. Still though, I am aware of Now and so many of their supplements.

They've long been highly reputable but as a longterm Lyme liver and investigator of supplements, examination of all ingredients plus idea of certain weak or strong suits, I'm still v dubious re Now's Kava capsules.

However legit and decent they are.

I'd just personally never bother with kava capsules. Real stuff, blender method. Only way, or high q instant kava powder not from Amazon ever but straight from a reknowned legal US vendor only.

That Kona 70% paste and maybe other brands on Etsy I'd be v fishy of.

This is the great kava trap. The front line misleading so many new tryers away from the source.

But anyway kava does co$t lol, way less comparatively if you live in USA & infinitely easier to get.
Kava makes me horribly nauseated for some reason. I took a very good brand name 30% kavalactone extract. but I just couldn't tolerate it. I can't sleep, but other than that I feel okay. I'm playing the Beatles "Revolver" album on repeat and it's comforting me as always.

hey @Dreamflyer mate! 🌱🙂 i hope all is well! just popping in late tonight, while my girlfriend & my kitty are asleep beside me, all snuggled up. i just wanted to pop in as i’ve come up with quite a few clonzepam & have a few sitting under my tongue whilst listening to some aphex twin’s selected ambient works. enjoying the relaxation & the taste of the clonz. it’s been awhile since i’ve had some benzos and the relief from my generalized anxiety is giving me a little bit of euphoria before i head to sleep.

i haven’t seen my girlfriend in 3 weeks due to her working a new job and hasn’t been able to drive to see me until now since she just got her first paycheck & could put some gas in her car to come stay the night with me. i bought us some new york strip steaks, some zucchini, squash, & onions sautéed, & some homemade mashed potatoes for our memorial day weekend dinner. that, with my missus + 2 glasses of white zinfandel & these klonopin are hitting the spot for the evening.

much love everyone ~ be safe this weekend, local law enforcement here in the states are on high alert looking for DUIs to catch.

Down to two 25oz. cans of beer a day. Planning on just one tomorrow and then not having any on Sunday!

Hope you're all doing well.

Peace, Love and Faith,
waaaaaaay cool! fuck yeah man. been taking a few gabapentin here & there, ran out of kratom today so might make a run to the corner shop. other than that just staying busy!
God, I got hammered last night. Feeling it this morning. I had to go buy some THC vape.
i did as well, had like 10 beers with my neighbor playing guitar all night and wasn’t hungover but felt a little crummy this morning lmao

I hate how opiate cessation drastically increases your alcohol tolerance for a while. I can put down a gallon of whiskey with minimal help from my father in one night and into the next and I've seldom been a drinker in my life. I dont see how alcoholics do it.
I hate how opiate cessation drastically increases your alcohol tolerance for a while. I can put down a gallon of whiskey with minimal help from my father in one night and into the next and I've seldom been a drinker in my life. I dont see how alcoholics do it.
Maaaaaan I’m the opposite, my alcohol tolerance is zilch. I drank 3 yeunglings yesterday while at a music jam & i felt tipsy- very tipsy.

hope you’re doing well sommy! i’ve just been on kratom & gabapentin each day, it helps my mood immensely. have been very productive writing music
Maaaaaan I’m the opposite, my alcohol tolerance is zilch. I drank 3 yeunglings yesterday while at a music jam & i felt tipsy- very tipsy.

hope you’re doing well sommy! i’ve just been on kratom & gabapentin each day, it helps my mood immensely. have been very productive writing music
Probably cause of the kratom and GABA. I'm still in wds a little bit because it being methadone. I can't really take gbs or I get wds similar to opiates. Kratom makes it where I can't ever sleep for some reason.
Probably cause of the kratom and GABA. I'm still in wds a little bit because it being methadone. I can't really take gbs or I get wds similar to opiates. Kratom makes it where I can't ever sleep for some reason.
kratom messes up my sleep sorta - i used to nap a LOT but now i’m up all day and sleep at night, and sleep pretty soundly considering i got clean only a few months ago. i take 3 600mg gabapentin a day, one in the morning, sometimes i’ll stagger my second one on top of it, and the third around 4pm :)

i take around 20g of kratom a day as well.
how’re you feeling coming off methadone? that’s a tough one given it lasts soooo long. clinics make relapse so easy if you quit their program, which quite frankly is bullshit lol
kratom messes up my sleep sorta - i used to nap a LOT but now i’m up all day and sleep at night, and sleep pretty soundly considering i got clean only a few months ago. i take 3 600mg gabapentin a day, one in the morning, sometimes i’ll stagger my second one on top of it, and the third around 4pm :)

i take around 20g of kratom a day as well.
how’re you feeling coming off methadone? that’s a tough one given it lasts soooo long. clinics make relapse so easy if you quit their program, which quite frankly is bullshit lol
I'm doing alright. I still feel rather restless, can't really sleep and I'm bored out of my mind but every time I try to do something I lose interest within minutes. Its been about 7 weeks but I took kratom for a week from 3-4. Then I went to Colombia for 2 weeks. I did codeine one day there and snorted coke, drank and took high doses of Lyrica all day everyday. I had a rough time on the plane back cause the Lyrica gave me some WD's. Then I got back and did methadone one day about 8 days ago. It might even be 8 weeks since I left the clinic. So I haven't been completely opiate free but being that I walked straight off 90mgs id say i'm doing alright.
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that dose from 8 days ago may be why you aren’t feeling the best, maybe a little reset? not from day 1 of course but maybe some backlash from it?
I'm doing alright. I still feel rather restless, can't really sleep and I'm bored out of my mind but every time I try to do something I lose interest within minutes. Its been about 7 weeks but I took kratom for a week from 3-4. Then I went to Colombia for 2 weeks. I did codeine one day there and snorted coke, drank and took high doses of Lyrica all day everyday. I had a rough time on the plane back cause the Lyrica gave me some WD's. Then I got back and did methadone one day about 8 days ago. It might even be 8 weeks since I left the clinic. So I haven't been completely opiate free but being that I walked straight off 90mgs id say i'm doing alright.
also i meant to say i’m super proud of you mate. you’re doing well, it sounds like & im massively proud of you for having 8 weeks under your belt ❤️ i’m just glad you’re navigating those incredibly long weeks, and documenting your success / failures as you go along. even if it’s on here, yanno? i know exactly what you feel like, ESPECIALLY the anhedonia. it’s so mentally difficult to try to stick to one simple task, nevermind multiple ones. trying to find joy in those labeled ‘life’s delicacies’, can be really trying. having fun doesn’t come east :(

i’m with you, all day - everyday - if you ever have any triggers, need a m8 to speak to; or just to shoot the shits & banter. pm me anytime - i check / get notifications for instagram too so that would be a pretty good way to get my attention asap!

much love,
joon ❤️
also i meant to say i’m super proud of you mate. you’re doing well, it sounds like & im massively proud of you for having 8 weeks under your belt ❤️ i’m just glad you’re navigating those incredibly long weeks, and documenting your success / failures as you go along. even if it’s on here, yanno? i know exactly what you feel like, ESPECIALLY the anhedonia. it’s so mentally difficult to try to stick to one simple task, nevermind multiple ones. trying to find joy in those labeled ‘life’s delicacies’, can be really trying. having fun doesn’t come east :(

i’m with you, all day - everyday - if you ever have any triggers, need a m8 to speak to; or just to shoot the shits & banter. pm me anytime - i check / get notifications for instagram too so that would be a pretty good way to get my attention asap!

much love,
joon ❤️
Thanks.... that means a lot. I'm not good at reaching out or sharing. I get down on myself and its hard to give myself credit because ive done this so many times and at 42 I thought id be so much further.
322 days with no alcohol.

Life has been better without it.
I no longer feel like a kid at Christmas hoping for the clock to tick faster.

Recently made friends with some weird hippy shaman types and opened up some doors to exotic psychs.

I drink alcohol because it's more socially acceptable, but why should I give a fuck?

I'm going to return to my roots and embrace psychedelia.

I've always been a psychonaut. That's who I am. I need to be me. Shit started going off track when I got into IV meth (in a big way) and started drinking heavily.

When I get to day 366, I'll still have a drink... but I could easily go without.

I definitely don't want to drink every day anymore and I never want to have another nightmare hangover where I spend the whole day with my head in a toilet. Chronic vomiting is too painful, due to a medical condition I have. If I keep vomiting, I will develop cancer of the oesophagus which has a very low prospect of survival.

I might be coming to the end of my alcohol journey and (for the first time ever) that's okay with me.

It's just one of many drugs and it has NEVER been a favourite.

I'd probably rank alcohol above the inhalants I've tried like amyl nitrate and nitrous... and it has more recreational benefit than hardcore shamanistic drugs like Amanita Muscaria... but it has less recreational value than so many other drugs.

I'd rather have: opiates, benzos, cocaine, MDMA, meth, dexamphetamine, DXM, ketamine, psilocybin, LSD, mescaline... plus a LONG list of RC psychs (most of which I haven't tried).

I wish my wife was more open-minded about drugs, like she used to be. She hasn't had any drugs since we started trying to get pregnant, 7 years ago. I often get high by myself. It would be so much easier to avoid alcohol without peer pressure... but I can always just hang out with drunk people while I'm high like I used to.

Maybe I need more druggie friends?

I'm 40 now. Sadly, most people I know don't partake anymore... so I tend to get high alone.

It's weird. I'm not even particularly looking forward to drinking again. The only thing that interests me is how I'm going to feel about it after such a long break. Last time I took a big break (six months) from booze, the first beer I drank tasted like piss. It was fucking awful. And the drug effect was sloppy. It made me stupid, impatient and irritable. Alcohol doesn't really relax me. I'm not sure what I like about it.

I've been thinking about getting some heroin for the first time in about 8 years. Last time after a three month binge I ended up in rehab then on methadone for half a year. I've been telling myself it'll be different this time. I am in a different place. I've never tried H when I'm stable... I've also learnt how to moderate. I moderate weed. I moderate the internet. I don't want to escape anymore. I don't want to switch off. Maybe I can use it recreationally? I suspect I am lying to myself, but it's hard to tell. If I tell my wife about this, she will flip out. I wish I could talk to her about my problems without her making them about her... but she's endured a lot of trauma as a result of my drug use so I get it.

She'd actually rather me take drugs than drink alcohol, but I'm not sure which drugs.

Our relationship has been so rocky for so long, it's probably not a good idea to open old wounds.

But I'm sure she'd rather me talk to her about it than do it behind her back... which isn't something I'm likely to do anyway.

I'm fundamentally honest in relationships even if that means I am shooting myself in the dick. I believe in complete honesty and openness. It hurts me physically to have to withhold things from her, but maybe I'm just being selfish... because I think it hurts her when I reveal too much?
I admire that. I’ve been brutally dishonest from a very young age
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Well, I'm back to my old tricks. I've had 32mg. of Klonopin today and I don't even feel it. I've been on medication for so long that I have an insanely high tolerance to things. The good news is that I only had one 25oz. beer. I have one left in the house but no desire to drink it. I really need to taper off the Klon though.