• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Recovery The 2023 Recovery Thread

For sure, I understand this. I had amphetamine offered to me but I declined maybe for the first time ever a few weeks ago. Luckily now my brain is starting to recognize amph as a bad thing as in just thinking about it makes me ill.

Im still on methadone and will stay for years but all things considered, I havent felt this good + actually had money for, lets say, movie tickets + many other things in over 3-4 years.
isn’t that such a good feeling? i’m really into fashion, producing music & just fun silly things like going thrifting and such, and it feels so good to put money into my craft again. it also feels good to be able to purchase new outfits and clothes as during my active addiction i just did not give a shit how i looked at all.
unfortunately they’re not just ‘plugs’ and very good friends of mine - they aren’t just using pals. they understand my situation and it’s understood that i’m not going to be hanging out with them but that i’m always here if they need consolidation or a friend to talk to.

i find my strength to not use when the option is available more effective because it makes me feel in control. sorta as if the pill is laying on my be

I can totally understand that because I still have a very good friend with whom . I used with and with whom I bought from.

You're doing better than I am. I was taking kratom for a while coming off 90 mgs of methadone. I kept it under 10 grams of kratom but now I'm in Medellin Colombia and I started snorting pedico but I cut that out real quick though because it's so sketch buying at this spot I go to. There are Federalas everywhere and they have plain clothes police blending into the crowed and on top of that the prostitutes tries to work you for money. It's a hassle for sure.

You can wind up being in a bad situation very quick. I had confusing situation with 2 prostitutes and money and a pimp came out and got in my face talking shit but he was at least a foot shorter than I was and a lot skinnier. I would have kicked his ass but I got the fuck out of their though before a gang of people were after me.

Now I'm popping Lyrica because I'm out of kratom and I'm day drinking beer, while smoking tons of pot.

What I'm trying to say is keep up the good work amigo. You're doing great!
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You know what's really getting on my my nerves right now? My mom busted my balls for days because I wasn't eating or sleeping (from withdrawal). Well, I had a really good night last night. I only drank a little bit of beer, ate well, composed/recorded music and acted fine.

Well, She complained that I was making too much noise all night. So I've spent all of today holed up in my room. I just can't seem to do anything right.
I just can't seem to do anything right.
Well I just came here to make sure you are ok DF. 120 mgs of clonazepam in 6 days is something to keep an eye on. Glad you are ok, even making music. Not seizing. :tunein: Tolerance is amazing with benzos I see.

Anyone a person lives with will get on a person's nerves. Mother, wife, room mates, any family. It is just the way it is. And it for sure comes off as me not being able to do anything right. That is the feeling.. lol But we identify with the criticism and we feel bad. Next time criticism comes make it third person, like it is another guy that is getting the criticism. Basically let it go, as we can really drag ourselves down. Seems others try to drag us down too, but it is just habit. We all do it. But I know I do not get on my wife at all unless I see something that involves health.

Even if you lived alone you would get on yourself. How many times have I mumbled under my breath I am an asshole lol. So yeah, we even do it to ourselves.
You know what's really getting on my my nerves right now? My mom busted my balls for days because I wasn't eating or sleeping (from withdrawal). Well, I had a really good night last night. I only drank a little bit of beer, ate well, composed/recorded music and acted fine.

Well, She complained that I was making too much noise all night. So I've spent all of today holed up in my room. I just can't seem to do anything right.
what sorta music do you produce / compose? 🙂💕
I took my last 3 Klons the other day and I'm on my 2nd day without them. I feel okay, but I'm nursing a beer because I'm getting a ride to band practice in an hour and I don't want to be shaky. Wish me luck!
Just got back from jamming with my music buddy. Had a great time and we rocked out! Smoked a tiny bit of weed and had a couple of beers (I'm not driving), but Day #3 without Klonopin and so far so good.

Making spicy rice & beans for dinner. Yum! 🌶️
Apparently I overdid it a bit last night because I spilled an ice cream sundae all over myself and barely remember it. Now I have a little mess to clean up.
So I'm right back where I was a month ago: Day 4 without Klonopin after going on a five-day binge (sixty 2mg. tablets). Nursing a 25oz. Natty Daddy beer to keep the anxiety at bay, but I haven't really had any to speak of anyway (only when I get startled awake with morning anxiety). Will I ever learn???

Other than my idiotic drink/drug intake, I'm actually doing pretty well. I mean, I'm not falling down drunk and making an @$$ out of myself or anything; I'm getting things done around the house, seeing my friends, helping my mom, writing/recording music, etc.

I know, that sounds like total denial, justification, etc. And you know what? It probably is. The only thing that makes me feel even remotely good about myself is that I'm still a good person despite my addiction. I'm a Christian. I'm a vegan. I try to be the best friend, son, employee, etc. that I can be. I probably suck at it half of the time, but at least I keep working at it.

Okay, enough of my mindless babbling...

So I ended up quitting heroin, buprenorphine and methamphetamine almost a month ago and haven't drank alcohol in close to 2 months. Also quit cannabis and all forms of tobacco 2-3 weeks ago and started excercising much more.
I think those drugs and especially heroin kind of fucked up my metabolism because my blood glucose and ldl-c were a bit high (limit of the normal range) despite not being overweight. I have more tests next week, hope I don't have cancer or something, always been a bit paranoid because it seems to be common in my family.

I'm still taking about 20-23g of kratom a day and vaping nicotine, plus the occasional caffeine. Fucking nicotine is sooo hard to quit, I think I could do it but it might end up being counterproductive to do it right now...
I don't want to be a square or anything like that, just get rid of my bad habits and build healthier ones.

Edit: well I don't have cancer fortunately, just an asymmetrical thyroid :)
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Well I just came here to make sure you are ok DF. 120 mgs of clonazepam in 6 days is something to keep an eye on. Glad you are ok, even making music. Not seizing. :tunein: Tolerance is amazing with benzos I see.

Anyone a person lives with will get on a person's nerves. Mother, wife, room mates, any family. It is just the way it is. And it for sure comes off as me not being able to do anything right. That is the feeling.. lol But we identify with the criticism and we feel bad. Next time criticism comes make it third person, like it is another guy that is getting the criticism. Basically let it go, as we can really drag ourselves down. Seems others try to drag us down too, but it is just habit. We all do it. But I know I do not get on my wife at all unless I see something that involves health.

Even if you lived alone you would get on yourself. How many times have I mumbled under my breath I am an asshole lol. So yeah, we even do it to ourselves.
I see what you mean instantly there, still just began scrolling reading catching up.

I took the RC equivalent Clonozolam. Not sure but think possibly even bit heavier vs Clonazepam because just one 0.5 mg blotter was as near to Ambien as I've had with a benzo at such low dose.

V v v bitter. Lights out no time 7 hrs like Dylan lol.

But feeling not right in my skin for about 12 hrs post waking ev time, took 3 gave 7 away!

When Etiz then, 3 mg's would just be a nice "chill pill".
Well I just came here to make sure you are ok DF. 120 mgs of clonazepam in 6 days is something to keep an eye on. Glad you are ok, even making music. Not seizing. :tunein: Tolerance is amazing with benzos I see.

Anyone a person lives with will get on a person's nerves. Mother, wife, room mates, any family. It is just the way it is. And it for sure comes off as me not being able to do anything right. That is the feeling.. lol But we identify with the criticism and we feel bad. Next time criticism comes make it third person, like it is another guy that is getting the criticism. Basically let it go, as we can really drag ourselves down. Seems others try to drag us down too, but it is just habit. We all do it. But I know I do not get on my wife at all unless I see something that involves health.

Even if you lived alone you would get on yourself. How many times have I mumbled under my breath I am an asshole lol. So yeah, we even do it to ourselves.
And.....you are NOTTT an ah brother. That, is delusion. :)
yeah man, i used to see this psychiatrist who prescribed me 90 2mg alpraz a day on top of 30 valium 10mg, & ambien. i’d fly through that script in like a week and then think everyone in my house took my prescription LOL

it’s so weird - there’s this odd problem i’ve been wanting to address recently - or at least try to understand. i used to abuse benzos majorly & every blue moon i’ll take some. well, i took maybe 4-6mg of klonopin about 2 months ago, and it’s always late at night if i can’t sleep when this happens - but it sometimes induces like, this psychosis feeling and it’s like i’m dreaming, but still awake. just basically distorted reality. my girlfriend was sitting beside me and i was blabbering about why dolphins couldn’t make coffee & she was like ‘are you okay? what are you on about??’ LOL. also to note it isn’t just clonzepam, the same thing has happened to me on a pretty high dose of alpraz too (my ‘high doses’ are rookie numbers since i’m not dependent on them anymore, so 4-6mg of xanax usually causes this now too) but this is all post-benzo addiction. this never happened to me when i was abusing my medication 4 years ago, but now if i go for the high doses, it genuinely sorta contorts my reality at night before bed.
I believe for those dabbled enough, they take 2 mg's Alpra, vs 5 mg's Bromazolam too. As a dosage guague on that one.
So I'm right back where I was a month ago: Day 4 without Klonopin after going on a five-day binge (sixty 2mg. tablets). Nursing a 25oz. Natty Daddy beer to keep the anxiety at bay, but I haven't really had any to speak of anyway (only when I get startled awake with morning anxiety). Will I ever learn???

Other than my idiotic drink/drug intake, I'm actually doing pretty well. I mean, I'm not falling down drunk and making an @$$ out of myself or anything; I'm getting things done around the house, seeing my friends, helping my mom, writing/recording music, etc.

I know, that sounds like total denial, justification, etc. And you know what? It probably is. The only thing that makes me feel even remotely good about myself is that I'm still a good person despite my addiction. I'm a Christian. I'm a vegan. I try to be the best friend, son, employee, etc. that I can be. I probably suck at it half of the time, but at least I keep working at it.

Okay, enough of my mindless babbling...

You can treat this as a non obligation rhetorical probe but,

Could kava help you at present?

I don't know you at all I confess outside recent activity in social tripping thread but JackaRoe alerted me to the fact we may have some commonality re how we've misused benzos.

Seems like you are a whail ahead of myself atm sternly proactively tapering while I'm currently just aiming to get some ahold, and by mental force and as a vital too gradually pull myself up these vines.

Had I been using benzos initially without kava, I feel confident bringing in the kava when tapering would be like an extra firm rope.

Without knowing you well enough ofc though I've no clue of your personal kava experience if any, if it could work for you.

It's easy pie to have on hand though, optimum prep methods are simple enough and easily optimised further with little tricks, and like cannabis every individual kava cultivar is slightly or more markedly distinct, some more heady, euphoric.

Others more indica like sedating numbing physically sleep aids.

I can shout numerous qual vendors inside USA as legal as Coca Cola at Walmart too lol. And suggest specific cultivars too depending on your own preferences.
how’re you holding up today @Dreamflyer ?

usually around the week mark after abusing heavy benzo doses i start to feel myself again - given that i’m just coming off of a huge binge and not months-long dependency.

an update on my end: just got back from getting some kratom from my neighbor & a small walk. it’s beautiful out today, may also write & record some music in fruity loops today as i’ve been chipping at an album for a year and a half now. ❤️
how’re you holding up today @Dreamflyer ?

usually around the week mark after abusing heavy benzo doses i start to feel myself again - given that i’m just coming off of a huge binge and not months-long dependency.

an update on my end: just got back from getting some kratom from my neighbor & a small walk. it’s beautiful out today, may also write & record some music in fruity loops today as i’ve been chipping at an album for a year and a half now. ❤️
Day #5 without Klonopin and doing fine. Need to get back off the beer though. Had like 10 yesterday.

It's a running joke with my music buddies because I've been working on my "album" since I got my digital 8-track recorder back in 2005!

Now I have like 100 songs to convert to .wav files or something and then figure out how to use my 2006 CD burner! (Yeah, I tend to procrastinate a bit!)
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You can treat this as a non obligation rhetorical probe but,

Could kava help you at present?

I don't know you at all I confess outside recent activity in social tripping thread but JackaRoe alerted me to the fact we may have some commonality re how we've misused benzos.

Seems like you are a whail ahead of myself atm sternly proactively tapering while I'm currently just aiming to get some ahold, and by mental force and as a vital too gradually pull myself up these vines.

Had I been using benzos initially without kava, I feel confident bringing in the kava when tapering would be like an extra firm rope.

Without knowing you well enough ofc though I've no clue of your personal kava experience if any, if it could work for you.

It's easy pie to have on hand though, optimum prep methods are simple enough and easily optimised further with little tricks, and like cannabis every individual kava cultivar is slightly or more markedly distinct, some more heady, euphoric.

Others more indica like sedating numbing physically sleep aids.

I can shout numerous qual vendors inside USA as legal as Coca Cola at Walmart too lol. And suggest specific cultivars too depending on your own preferences.
Kava makes me horribly nauseated for some reason. I took a very good brand name 30% kavalactone extract. but I just couldn't tolerate it. I can't sleep, but other than that I feel okay. I'm playing the Beatles "Revolver" album on repeat and it's comforting me as always.

Kava makes me horribly nauseated for some reason. I took a very good brand name 30% kavalactone extract. but I just couldn't tolerate it. I can't sleep, but other than that I feel okay. I'm playing the Beatles "Revolver" album on repeat and it's comforting me as always.

Was it Kavadepot? The extract source?

Because, be mindful of the shameful counterfeit kavateerers (lol, pretty confident that word hasn't been uses before)

A whole range of "30% extracts" were lab tested. All but one were under 5%, kavadepot being legit 32% and a clean product.

Kava has a tendency to induce nausea yes, but shady fake extracts made via toxic methods may also. Without any reward for your buck.

Like say the sham Walmart & equivalent capsules. It's dudd economy.

But importantly kava can never be overlapped with alcohol. Golden rule.

Maybe you had alcohol in your system at the time? I say aim 48 hrs but 24 minimum separation both ways. Forget extracts. Get real stuff and prep optimally.

I'm not saying the same won't apply re your experience of nausea it has deterred many, doing everything correctly.

It makes me nauseous variably is both dose and condition dependant but I'm allergic to 99% I always say of all "things" incl psychoactives like say Kratom, Kanna, Psilocybin even, everything chemica, except pure lysergamides and pure benzo powder only no tablets any kind even say Zinc etc.

So I just live with work around and try to balance out the nausea.

The better I am constitutionally especially stomach etc, the more pleasant bodily and mentally lifting & anxiolytic effect kava has on me.

Just in case you haven't really tried kava properly at all.

But can't be mixed ever with alcohol and I've just spotted you "nurse" a beer or fews lol.

Just for your consideration in time mate.
Was it Kavadepot? The extract source?

Because, be mindful of the shameful counterfeit kavateerers (lol, pretty confident that word hasn't been uses before)

A whole range of "30% extracts" were lab tested. All but one were under 5%, kavadepot being legit 32% and a clean product.

Kava has a tendency to induce nausea yes, but shady fake extracts made via toxic methods may also. Without any reward for your buck.

Like say the sham Walmart & equivalent capsules. It's dudd economy.

But importantly kava can never be overlapped with alcohol. Golden rule.

Maybe you had alcohol in your system at the time? I say aim 48 hrs but 24 minimum separation both ways. Forget extracts. Get real stuff and prep optimally.

I'm not saying the same won't apply re your experience of nausea it has deterred many, doing everything correctly.

It makes me nauseous variably is both dose and condition dependant but I'm allergic to 99% I always say of all "things" incl psychoactives like say Kratom, Kanna, Psilocybin even, everything chemica, except pure lysergamides and pure benzo powder only no tablets any kind even say Zinc etc.

So I just live with work around and try to balance out the nausea.

The better I am constitutionally especially stomach etc, the more pleasant bodily and mentally lifting & anxiolytic effect kava has on me.

Just in case you haven't really tried kava properly at all.

But can't be mixed ever with alcohol and I've just spotted you "nurse" a beer or fews lol.

Just for your consideration in time mate.
No, it was "Now" brand, the same company that I get all of my supplements like B12 from. It came in capsule form. I got the warm fuzzy feeling from it, so I know that it was the real deal (plus there's no mistaking that smell/taste).

Part of the problem is that I would have to take like 20 of them for the full effect (you know my crazy tolerance to everything), so I think that it was just was too hard on my stomach.

I've heard of people ordering 70% online, making it with a cheesecloth and drinking it out of a shell. I'd like to try that, but right now I don't have a credit card or any funds really to speak of.

Mods: If naming the brand is considered sourcing, please feel free to delete this and I apologize.
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