Test your basic drug knowledge!

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Interesting quiz. However, I have some issues with some of the questions. For instance:

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^^^Please follow the directions.

Catch-22 said:
The answer key will be posted in 10 days. Everyone needs a chance to take the quiz before the answers are made public. Please be patient and do not spoil it for others by prematurely discussing the contents of the test.

Okay, a few hundred people have taken the quiz but there will be more next week. I went through this thread and removed anything that revealed too much information. Please don't spoil the fun for people who are gone for the weekend and won't see it until Monday. Jase grabbed the most flagrant post where someone copied questions verbatim...I grabbed the rest.

Hope everyone enjoys the quiz!
Excellent idea! It exposed a lot of gaps in my knowledge that I'll make sure to read up on, mostly related to MDMA (with which I have very limited experience).

38/50 , definitely room for improvement :(

--- G.
50/50 is a score i would liked to have achieved in that splendid test. My actual score was 40 out of 50 which is pretty good considering 3 months ago i was blagging about these stong trippy Mitsubishi's which must have contained acid and cocaine... *cough*

wish I could go back and see the quesitons I got wrong so as to learn the right answer....
42/50... the questions on drugs ill never ever see in this sleepy lil corner of the world killed me. ;)
28/50(56%), i'm glad i don't know alot of those questions. i'm just not that much of a crackhead.
This was good for showing areas that we might not know enough about...
40/50 = 80%

I was hoping for 100% but lack of interest/exposure in some areas I think led to a slightly lower score;)
I got an 84%, I'm pretty sure the questions I got wrong had to do with injection, cocaine and heroin which are all subjects I prefer to keep a little distance from.
damn. i only made a 70%. and i troll these forums religiously (sp?)... maybe i need to take that quiz not fubar'd and see how i do.
Sigh... I don't know what happened, but when I hit number 38, I think I may have accidentally hit the wheel on my mouse... and that somehow fouled my test up... I'll try again later under a different name.
35/50 for 70%
I'm very disappointed...But at least I passed...BARELY!!....
O well, I'll just go look up some of them questions I guessed on.
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