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Test your basic drug knowledge!

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Mar 16, 2001
Update: the quiz has finished and you can now check out the correct answers on page 5 of this thread. Thanks everybody for participating! I guess the originators of the test will probably come up with some statistics or meaningful words. Great work people :) -skydancer


How much do you know about drugs and harm reduction? Are you curious? Want to take a short quiz to find out? Now is your chance! ;)

Welcome to the first "official" Bluelight quiz. The test consists of 50 multiple-choice questions. Everything is hypothetical and at no point will you be asked about your actual experiences. There is a 20-minute time limit, which allows plenty of time to think but not enough time to look up the answers!

If you have 20 minutes to spare and want to take the quiz, go to this link:


Register by using your Bluelight name, a non-sensitive/unimportant password and an email address (can be bogus, if you prefer). You can begin the quiz immediately. Remember there is no penalty for guessing as you answer the questions. When you are done, click the "Submit Answers!" button and scroll down to the bottom of the next page to see your score.

The answer key will be posted in 10 days. Everyone needs a chance to take the quiz before the answers are made public. Please be patient and do not spoil it for others by prematurely discussing the contents of the test.

Have a technical problem?
If you experience a technical problem while taking the quiz (your modem shuts down or your computer is struck by lightning), try coming back at a later time and registering again. (For example, if your Bluelight name is Biff Loman then register the second attempt as Biff Loman2. The same email address can be used multiple times.)

Want to provide feedback or argue about the validity of a question?
Please direct all comments to forgotten either by PM or email. He will clarify everything when he posts a detailed answer key in 10 days.

Will there be more quizzes?
Be warned that this is our first attempt at putting something like this together. If this test is well received, it is possible that more quizzes will be written. Future ideas might include more advanced questions, a detailed quiz focusing on a specific drug or perhaps just a fun quiz to test your familiarity with Bluelight.

Who put this together?
This quiz would not be possible without forgotten and MrGeezer, who wrote most of the questions and did most of the research.The technical aspects were handled by forgotten and chr1.5. babydoc_vic, BigTrancer, Catch-22, ceryc, mashead testing and skydancer provided additional help. The original concept was developed by mashead testing and Catch-22 in June 2002.
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damn, 2 people have scored higher than me so far :( [/brag] ;)
well i only just passed.. makes me realise how much i don't know.. but i feel ok about that because most of the drugs listed i would not use - therefore my lack of knowledge is ok because the only reason i would need to know half those things is out of interest.
90%... how do you see the stats after you leave the results page?
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Got a little over half way through it before I got fed up with it. I think that only one of my answers would have been correct.the one about water consumption after a pill! :p
I definitely did badly. 16/50. I can't complain, though. I have little drug experience besides marijuana & alcohol, so I didn't expect myself to do well. 43/50 is amazingly high IMO.
(removed a question)

88% here
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yep...35/50 here...70%. just barely passed. but like one poster said, i don't do a lot of the drugs that were asked about, so hopefully i got the ones right that i do do! ;)
37/50 or 74%.

Not bad. 'Specially for knowing basically nothing about hallucinogens or IV drug use and not having done any drugs in 2+ years.

Cool quiz, great idea guys. :)
great idea but one commment.. could u design one for each drug as im not familar with quite alot of them so dont really know my knowledge
92%...Mainly because I don't know shit about injecting things. I'm kinda proud of my inexperience in that realm.
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