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Tell us about today's workout/exercise (v.new thread, finally)

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hahaha frig...you got me! I swear today I will use it today.
I am up for a colour appt this morning with my husband so no Bodypump.
Haha hun I know how hard it is to break out of your usual routine and do something new, we had our treadmill for a couple of months before I started using it regularly :D
15 minutes high intensity skipping. No joke, its great cardio, and IMO easier than jogging because once you get the rope going well it feels like CAN'T stop. When I jog I often get the urge to stop sooner. Also the equipment is pretty cheap, and super-portable.
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Yeah skipping is awesome! I haven't done any skipping for years but I used to frequently incorporate it in to my exercise routine :)
Yeah skipping is awesome! I haven't done any skipping for years but I used to frequently incorporate it in to my exercise routine :)

Well, jump on it, so to speak :p. If you want a good rope - and I find a good rope makes a happier skipper - then I can't reccomend Duvide highly enough. Avoid Buddy Lee like the plague.
I probably won't at this stage, I'm training for a half-marathon so I'm kinda focussed on that. But I certainly won't overlook skipping in the future!
How long have you been doing it? Do you have any other forms of exercise in your routine?
Around a year, and its done wonders for my agility and overall fitness. I actually reckon I walk faster now because of it! During Winter if its too cold to skip, I do a 15 minute improvised aerobic workout, which I like less because it feels more intensive, and harder to do :p! Approx 3 times a week I do an hour of assorted weight lifting, but nothing too serious. Actually fucked my arm up a bit the other day, and according to my Physio, its probably due to not warming up and warming down. Woops!
Yes!! Warming up and stretching are extremely important for any exercise!
After two months of doing practically no exercise due to injury (and packing on a few kilos around the middle :( ) I'm starting back at krav maga training today! =D This thread has just influenced me into grabbing a skipping rope when I next can too. I don't think I've skipped since I was around 5!
n3o, you doing the sydney 21kms? that's an awesome circuit around the whole city. runs right past both my old apartment (we used to watch it :)) window and my current balcony. i'm really tempted but it's like eighty bucks to enter and we're heaps tight right now.

with your times, you'll kill it. the cut off is like 3+hrs.

i've decided on my 3 visit a week routines (not including runs and body pump and other cardio and some skipping and boxing in the warmer months).
A- biceps and back (upper, lower and lats)
B- triceps and chest and shoulders
C- Abs and legs.

Today i did A.
seated row machine 55kgs, 60kgs and then 57.5kgs
lat pull down 55kgs, 60kgs x 2
free weights bicep curls bench only about 20kgs, 15kgs x 2 (was pretty hurties from the above)
reverse sit up machine to focus lower back 3 x 10 reps (the last set held out 5kgs at full arms length).
n3o, you doing the sydney 21kms? that's an awesome circuit around the whole city. runs right past both my old apartment (we used to watch it :)) window and my current balcony. i'm really tempted but it's like eighty bucks to enter and we're heaps tight right now.

with your times, you'll kill it. the cut off is like 3+hrs.

Yeah mate that's exactly what I've been training for! :D
I entered on Saturday night so there's no backing out now haha. I'm excited!
You should come and do it with me next year <3

I'm also hoping to do the Central Coast half-marathon in November, and my first marathon next year (the Gold Coast marathon, it's like the flattest/easiest course in Australia =D)

with your times, you'll kill it. the cut off is like 3+hrs.
When I began my training I was hoping to do the half in less than 2 hours, but now I'm pretty sure I won't quite crack 2 hours. I reckon I'll do it in about 2:15-2:20? Unless I'm not running well on the day...

Sounds like your gym training is going well!
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chronic shoulder bursitis has been acting up, no presses for me :(

but my hand is healed so I'm greasing the groove with everything else :)

Tonite was short:

5-4-3-2 hang cleans @ 135#

4x12 conventional deadlifts overhand grip @ 135#

4x12 cable tricep push-downs @ various #

3x8 neutral grip pull-ups with full ROM

Then I did some bicep curls, some lateral raises, got bored and left. Rest was 1 minute except for the cleans which was more like 2.5 minutes.
30 mile bike ride, 7 mile bouldering hike.

tomorrow- 3 hours hiking and 3 hours multi-pitch mountain climbing.
Cycled 6 miles and back earlier. Haven't been able to do that in a while, been sick for the past week.
ran 10kms. nice hour, but i could taste my heavy dinner.
^^ My golden rule is to not eat anything substantial within 2 hours of running, and definitely never an actual MEAL within like 5 hours of running!

Tonight I did pilates at home and a quick 4km run afterwards.
truth. i had my worst workout ever after i had lunch with my gal once. i almost threw up the burger i had.

tonight, running pushups and situps. my favorite three. :)
good tip, guys :)

tonight i used my excess caffeinated energy after flexing the head muscle all day on a philosophy piece on smashing my chest, shoulders and triceps. too many exercises to list and i don't even know what some of them are called.
today was chest abs and traps. i met this really cool guy after my first circuit about a year older than my dad. we were talking about alot of things.

yesterday was biceps triceps and back....tomorrow is rest...i need to get a jump rope again, i lost it since my ankles were sprained. and i was gonna shuffle for an hour or so but it's only 10 and i feel burnt out. blahblahablh
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