TDS Photo thread.....round 2.

I was going to take pics of my newly pink frosted hair today, but I got busy. Maybe another day.
It's time I joined in the fun I guess. I've recently decided to grow a beard, both for laziness and aesthetic reasons. But I'm not too sure whether or not to keep it. Opinions?


Hey Dave, it's good to finally put a face to the name!!
I say keep the beard!!!!! It looks great. I'm a big fan of a bit of scruffy beard action =D

I was going to take pics of my newly pink frosted hair today, but I got busy. Maybe another day.

Oooh I wanna see! Take some pics asap please :)
agreed with neo, dave - i like a man with a bit of facial hair
but then im a bogan :p
Thanks n3o and DW! I've gotten a few positive comments so far, so I'm feeling pretty good about the beard. It's still technically on probation though. I've read somewhere that you're supposed to wait 6 weeks before making any judgement on keeping a beard, but they also suggested not even trimming it until then either. Above the line where I trim it my beard gets really patchy, so I couldn't do that and maintain a slight veneer of professionalism at work.

PT-- Pics are always welcome!

And I'm not sure what a Bogan is, but I don't see why that should invalidate your opinion.
hmmm a bogan might b equivalent sort of to a redneck in america....wud u agree aussies?
yea but more civilized lol , and dont marry our cousins ;) hahaha only kiddin.
i like facial hair too.. but not wen u kiss them and prickles u.fuckin hurts.
Some pics from the darker sides of my life...


3 day speed binge

Yeah bogans are a bit like rednecks, but not as dimwitted and by no means incestuous. Or perhaps that's just a stereotype we have of rednecks?! Hehehe

I don't mind kissing a scruffy beard owner, once it gets past the prickly phase it is actually quite soft!

Wow that pic is so dark, I love it.
Thanks ladies, I've learnt something new today!

n30-- I'm almost at the soft beard stage. It's not prickly, but it's not quite soft either. Perhaps I should condition it? :)
Teehee! I'm sure a little conditioning wouldn't go astray!

Actually it probably wouldn't do anything...

But you can try! :D
And take photos in the process! Haha
i got photos of my cats :)

here is jemma licking hugo.. this always ends up in a fight as he dislikes it immensely.. she loves him cos they grew up together


hugo the idiot posing =D cats are totally unphotogenic :X


random tabby stray that hangs around my house and sleeps on the couch , eats all my cats food etc. in loooove with hugo follows him around EVERYWHERE. he must not have high standards. and this kitty peed in my house! 3 times! but hes cute


beautiful jemmie :)
Oh my goodness they're all so cute!! I love Tabby!!!
Hahaha that situation with Jemma licking Hugo also happens frequently in our household :D
Usually with Smoodge (the ginger kitty) licking Toby (the other boy kitty).
Hilarious =D

Awww davey, you're pretty damn handsome! What on earth have you been so afraid of? Thanks for posting <3

I have to say, thanks for listening to me about the chinstrap. I think it is the best thing you've done for your looks since your "before" pic.

But yeah really, don't be so hard on yourself. I'd do ya' ;).
Clair: Jemma is soooo cute!

And are you suggesting the the random homeless cat is gay? :D
Clair: Jemma is soooo cute!

And are you suggesting the the random homeless cat is gay? :D

he might be, following around my male cat.. hmm.. he isnt de-sexed who knows, his hormones may be raging and sexually confused :D
& yes neo is right, all handsome men happen to be gay :! maybe its the same with cats!
& jemma definitely knows she is cute, she parades around and gives you a cute little whingey meow whenever she wants something, and she always gets it!
she'd be a blonde with big tits if she were human, hahaha
hahaha i just noticed in the last pic, in the bakground tabby is sitting there doing the exact same pose as jemma
^^ Hahaha! So he is!! WAY too cute =D
And our girl kitty is like that too claire, she parades around like she owns the place :D
Oh wait...she DOES own the place.
Contrary to what you may think, the cats own the house and we just live here...

Some fun photos:

Baby n3o at my second rave ever! SO YOUNG AND TINY!! (a good 7 years ago now eeep!)

Young blonde n3o with the first kitty I hand-raised:

Me drunk out of my SKULL with my sisters and some associates (i.e. boyfriends :)):
omgg that tiny kitten, so cute, i want it!!
oh god i know what you mean, my cats own the place too. tabby is now sleeping on my couch.
im the biggest softie when it comes to animals i let them control me!
Dogs see God in their owner. Cats see God in a mirror.