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im not judging, just baffled by your thinking if im to be honest. but you must admit coincidences seem like alot more than they are when we obsess over them
If they are nothing, then everything is... Except maybe love, and being- simply. (To say something back)

That's another thing on my mind, about "23"-- a number I often find, and my first conscious link into the world of "synchronicity". I have found over time that, as I have mentioned, out of our 10-characters that we use to represent numbers, 6, 8, and 9, which can sum to 23, always share a common form, with 0 (and, they always connect back to themselves)- 0, which is "nothing"... But I say to myself, is that not something?

0 as well, as anyone can see, can be representative, or seen as (or like) one of the most widely seen things in nature, and stable forms (as circular motion). "0", is very "powerful".

I tend to fluctuate in the way I see things. I put this foot/hand/eye forward, though. I don't like to talk about it all being "nothing". That's kind of depressing, sometimes. I guess it doesn't have to be, but you know.

How is it obsessive, though... Here? I was talking about mom, a lot. Here a dude (FromHereToEternity) comes (in challenge) and says 1139, which is a number I called to get connection to her. I wasn't talking about my cousin, third cousin, or the guy at that gas station in Reno, NV. I was again again again talking about MY MOM (and girls, and her), and one, comes and presents this number...

Yea, obsessive. /sarcasm. This, my friends, is how it unfolds. It is not complex. You don't have to dig for these bones. My dog does it for me. Or God. Ehhhhhh.

*If it was 1138 I probably wouldn't say anything. If it was 1135 I can't think of anything. If it was 1112 I can't think of anything. If is was 9087 I can't think of anything, except that I just thought it. But it was 1139, and he was attacking me, and I had been talking about synchronicity that involved or that I had connected with my mother, and that these girls find mirror with her, too. The amount of disrespect here, and stupidity, is astounding. People are a sorry lot, indeed. Sorry for my disrespect. I will revert to a basic mode, where I accept you as just something teaching me- me teaching me. You as a part of me. You teaching me lessons. Me (hopefully) getting something from it. Completely selfish. And the mistake is only with me. I see I should maybe "bear this cross"- perhaps so to speak, because I need to- because I need to, eventually, anyways, and I kind of want to get it over with.
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I have found over time that, as I have mentioned, out of our 10-digits that we use to represent numbers, 6, 8, and 9, which can sum to 23, always share a common form, with 0 (and, they always connect back to themselves)- 0, which is "nothing"... But I say to myself, is that not something?
but the following combinations also sum to 23:

4, 5, 6, 8
2, 3, 4, 6, 8
3, 4, 7, 9

which common form do they share?

you complain that others are making assumptions. i think you're doing that here.

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Which way does the water flow? Up? That is what you are describing, Alasdair. And it doesn't. Where it might... That is not "up".
These numbers may have something in common (lines? shapes?), but they don't have something so easily in common, with everything, and with 0- the base "number", besides being themselves, from it. 0, 6, 8, and 9, besides having anything in common with 23 (which they happen have a sum of), in their forms are the forms that are so easily, without much thought, found in vital natural forms/motions.

I move my arms around in circles.
I walk and my legs move in circles.
The planet moves in circles.
The particles move in circles (more or less, all of this).
My tongue moves in circles as I...

The wheels on the bus, go "_______________"...

The combinations you presented might hold their own value/common thing or some pattern, somehow. I don't discount. But it is harder to find than what I am presenting. Mine is much simpler.

More in argument in "favor" of the numbers 6, 8, and 9, is that they are obviously self-similar. 9 and 6 are obvious, and combine them, and easily enough, an 8.

One might say 1 and 7 are similar. 5 and 2. 3 and 5, and 2. But they don't play, as well. Still, some interest.
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@1139 above. My mom, who I had been talking about, when you came... She worked at that school, which was not not built in 1923, which again, did not not have a phone number of common local numbers, with not not the addition of 1139.

I guess, maybe, this sarcasm/my attitude might not help things much, but frankly, sometimes I feel like I am arguing that the earth is round.
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Alasdairm and I were in discussion, with strong emphasis on "self".

so you feel there's a connection to yourself because his name had the word self in it? well, don't you see that means his name is connected to everybody because everybody has a self.

this is what i'm talking about. that is not special or noteworthy in any way but you are choosing to load it with meaning. to me, this example is not even tenuous. it's completely non-existent.



Foreigner closed the thread.

Alasdairm requested the thread be reopened.

After further consideration, this thread has been re-opened.

Please let's stay on topic.

Alasdairm's profile, here, on Bluelight, shows one number, that he chose.

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I think the more you try to justify your synchronicities to others, the less power and meaning they will have for you. The reason is that it might not be significant to others since they have their own version of things that occurs differently for them. Why does it matter if others are seeing what you're seeing? If the numbers are resonating with you, then great.

I used to have a very close friend who was always detailing her synchronicities to me because she was so excited when they were happening, and she wanted me to enjoy it too. I did notice some uncanny things when I was around her, but sometimes I just did not connect with what she was talking about.

It's kind of like when you have a dream that has really impacted you, and then you go telling it to all your friends. Some people just don't understand what it means because they're not you.

I believe synchronicity is real, but not everyone has it happening at all times. Sometimes it's a special circumstance. I've even wondered, from a scientific perspective, if there are spatial distortions that pass through earth and cause more synchronicity to happen; because sometimes it's happening to me with regularity that is so obvious it would be impossible to ignore. Other times, it's just absent. It's been suggested that it has to do with making the choice to look for it, and deciding to see. But to me that's when confirmation bias kicks in. For me the "real deal" is when it happens *to me* and I unexpectedly notice, and not when I go looking for it.

I prefer not to look for synchronicity in numbers because by virtue of their limited combinations you will always find something. It's like people who look for significance in what time it is: "Look, it's 11:11!" There is a much greater probability of finding alignments with numbers than if you expanded the system of variables to include your entire life, of anything and everything. It's synchronicity in THAT which makes me a believer.
Can definitely relate with a lot of that.

I find that sometimes (a lot of times), that the more I say about it, the less power it has. It can be hard to find the right way to put it- to share. To keep it simple.

As for more than numbers, I have other things (but I still see them, and don't discount).

I totally get a lot of that- what you say, we just diverge a little on numbers. I didn't go looking for it, at first, but I have, at times investigated after, and have, for myself uncovered things that reassure me that I'm not, and/or wasn't, just crazy. Still, I like those times, too, when I don't go looking for it.

Spatial distortions... Very interesting thought. I have considered the thought, as myself like a singularity/"black hole"
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Heh, I didn't think this thread would get this much traction...

I think it's confirmation bias, over sensitive pattern recognition, and misunderstanding of probabilities.

I don't think Synchronicity has anything to do with the above. They are of course related, but completely different things. Its most likely a form of high end neurology that we are only slightly aware of.

Confirmation bias is probably related to the opposite of synchronicity. Your mind is actively seeking out information that fulfills your own sense of ego, or what is known. Synchronicity is unwelcome, like a shock. It is information that confirms nothing. Like a neurological error of long term memory. Could it be an evolutionary process where the brain is incapable of dismissing related events as unrelatable? The brain is very happy when experiencing things that are symmetrical, or things that happen randomly without prior relation. When random things have relatable meaning the brain becomes confused.

Like I said, this is probably written down somewhere in some book that explains it in better detail. %)
Confirmation bias is probably related to the opposite of synchronicity. Your mind is actively seeking out information that fulfills your own sense of ego, or what is known. Synchronicity is unwelcome, like a shock. It is information that confirms nothing. Like a neurological error of long term memory. Could it be an evolutionary process where the brain is incapable of dismissing related events as unrelatable? The brain is very happy when experiencing things that are symmetrical, or things that happen randomly without prior relation. When random things have relatable meaning the brain becomes confused.
hey there

in the context of this thread, you seem reasonably objective. i'm interested in your analysis of the synchronicities at play in what 23's messages, in particular posts 34, 36, 48, 51, 56, 62, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72 & 80.

I don't think it has nothing to do with it... But I think some people are way to quick to rule everything out, as such. Here, they have not been that convincing.

Alasdairm, I am getting tired... What, for example, do you mean of "confirmation bias", about my experiencing my first earthquake while playing Quake- for the first time in so many years? There were many more things- backing/supporting, within as well, that I will neglect to mention, for simplicity's sake. Answer this, or leave it. Thanks.

You don't (seem to) get it.

Still, some word on confirmation bias: Why do we practice a bias? "Why?"- through all, or as many levels as possible. Perhaps I did have a bias, to see things connect. In particular, the posts you mention, the one in bold, 69 (Not sure why... maybe you intended it this way), is a multiple of my numba', 23 (x3). Are you really trying to argue, again? And again, I must bring light, to the fact that you- the one who keeps trying to argue, (this is how I have a bias, sometimes)... The one number you did choose was 23, in what you present to to the community, and how we may connect with you, outside of Bluelight.

I don't think you chose your birthday, but then again, I might change my perception and see it was possible. I could obsess over those screen names that you chose (operating with some bias), and pour over every letter you entered, to be obsessive. I may have done this, at one time- to add (Not sure what I might find, or not, at all). But, the one other thing I picked up was that, you also joined this sight on the 203rd day of the year (in 2002). I guess your birth-year might add up to 23, as well (1967), but I am not sure what to make of your birthday, in all. Could be something. Maybe not this "23", but I am not biased enough to say it isn't something, where it might be. Still, I don't even put much weight in that, because the only number that I can see that you chose, was 23. And a second to that, operating under this bias, of choice, you chose to join the sight on day 203- which is another *big* number, for me.

All I'm saying (perhaps for the third time in post, in whatever form), is, the one guy who keeps arguing (I should appreciate), has these so easily on the surface. I don't have to calculate random numbers from left field, to find it. They are things that he chose, before any of this, for the most part. And again, why did you choose 69? Out of all of the numbers you did choose, it was the only one in bold, and it as well is the only one , to be a multiple of 23.

I wouldn't make a big deal about this, particularly, if you hadn't.

In my world of synchronistic phenomena, you surely don't not follow.
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What, for example, do you mean of "confirmation bias"...
confirmation bias is the tendency of people to favour information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses. i believe that you're guilty of a lot of that here - cherry picking numbers which you can fit to your theory. ignoring those which don't.
You don't (seem to) get it.
maybe i get it but just disagree with it?
...you- the one who keeps trying to argue...
it shouldn't be a crime to engage in a discussion on a discussion board.
you also joined this sight on the 203rd day of the year (in 2002).
right. but the number 23 and the number 203 are, to me, not as similar as they are to you. if i had joined on the 23rd january, i'd be a little more interested. again, i think your connection is a stretch. you see something here. i don't.
I guess your birth-year might add up to 23, as well (1967), but I am not sure what to make of your birthday, in all.
sure, but in the previous example, you had to focus on the month and day to make the number (almost) fit. here, you're looking at only the year. it's inconsistent and it is, i believe, evidence of your confirmation bias. you're shoehorning the data to fit your theory, imo. give me a date - indeed any number - it's possible to find a way to make it related to 23. drop a zero here, rearrange the order, whatever.
And again, why did you choose 69? Out of all of the numbers you did choose, it was the only one in bold, and it as well is the only one , to be a multiple of 23.
i bolded it as it's a multiple of 23 to add a little levity. don't let the fact that there were 11 other non-23 multiples in the list distract you.


Didn't I say it didn't matter as much, about when you joined? Or your birth year? You are using confirmation bias, picking my words apart to suit some futile argument. I fairly clearly explained my bias. You just ignore it. You chose 23. You chose to bold 69. Them some good cherries. Not an illogical bias.

As for arguing, although I express some annoyance, I also hinted at appreciation.

You also seem to fail to move beyond simply refuting my words on the basis of this confirmation bias. Again, I always try to explain, or should, why if I am picking things out, that I do... Or why I it passes the filters. You fail to see?

As for 203... You are definitely right. It is dissimilar from 23 just as 205 is from 25 (though I could argue this, I won't right now). But you didn't choose to join on a date that was 109 days into the year, or 27. It was 203. Just saying.

You joined in 2002. Maybe I didn't make myself clear, or cover how I meant to, but I did try to get at why I didn't bring these numbers (203 and your birth year), on the first pass (post last night with screen-cap of your ways of contact). Basically, I didn't want to do this "cherry picking"... That I could have... And you claim I always do... But do not. At least, not in any bad way. But I'll give you 203. I didn't explain right.

I have to mention, just to mention, a honey-bee fell in my lap as I read your post. It may have occurred at Cherries. Not to say it matters. But, maybe I pick things that are sweet, and the ones with spike, for instance. And, maybe they fall on my lap.

To not omit, the bee was very close to death. I think it may have got hit by a car.
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confirmation bias is the tendency of people to favour information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses. i believe that you're guilty of a lot of that here - cherry picking numbers which you can fit to your theory. ignoring those which don't.
maybe i get it but just disagree with it?
it shouldn't be a crime to engage in a discussion on a discussion board.
right. but the number 23 and the number 203 are, to me, not as similar as they are to you. if i had joined on the 23rd january, i'd be a little more interested. again, i think your connection is a stretch. you see something here. i don't.

sure, but in the previous example, you had to focus on the month and day to make the number (almost) fit. here, you're looking at only the year. it's inconsistent and it is, i believe, evidence of your confirmation bias. you're shoehorning the data to fit your theory, imo. give me a date - indeed any number - it's possible to find a way to make it related to 23. drop a zero here, rearrange the order, whatever.
i bolded it as it's a multiple of 23 to add a little levity. don't let the fact that there were 11 other non-23 multiples in the list distract you.



:) well played
There is nothing wrong with confirmation bias. Everyone does it in some form or another.

Hopefully, What 23 acknowledges the fact that the number 23 is a whole integer of a specific set of items. Beyond 23 there is only subjective meaning.

Apophenia seems to be an early definition on pre-psychotic behavior.

But I don't think there is anything wrong with a deep look into why something relates to something else. Maybe, one might synchronistically (I doubt thats even a word) figure something out.

I think its where say a person seriously starts thinking that 44 is the divine numerical order of God, for example. Or that common things like the color red start to mean that it is the "End Times". I'm not trying to be comedic because that's truly a very scary place to be.
But you didn't choose to join on a date that was 109 days into the year, or 27. It was 203. Just saying.
in a way, this is my whole point.

to me, in the context of a discussion about the number 23, the numbers 27, 109 and 203 are equally unremarkable.

1:23 is 203 seconds, or minutes, for one thing. 2:03 is 123 minutes, or seconds. Could be.

Please, find another example that plays like this.

I think Foreigner is right. Chances are high that many people just won't get it.

And people are once again getting the wrong idea. You bring argument that one thing is not like the other. I also bring argument, that what you bring often doesn't even touch the heart of the matter. You fail to address, and move on to something else.

I also "like" 44. V+V could be 22+22 if V is 22nd letter, and if you practice these methods of observation at all. W is the 23rd. "VV" and "W" are close in form. ;)

I once had a gamer-tag on XBOX Live, which I named "W23VV44". And I dug into it. A girl I have mentioned a lot that I met on the 23rd day of the year, and whatnot, that happened to be "her number", that she felt was special, at the time. The "split" in VV was something, too. Not that it has to be, to another. I guess.

My name before her was "P26"- an ode to the 26 letter alphabet, and a number of "God", and some things. I had it for a couple of years, at least. P was the first letter in her last name. I changed it because of this, to split from association. P for me, had some meaning before, but other than "pee", I kind of forget.

I for one don't believe I know when the end comes. Probably elusive.
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1:23 is 203 seconds, or minutes, for one thing.
1:23 (as 1 minute and 23 seconds) is 83 seconds.
1:23 (as 1 hour and 23 minutes) is 83 minutes or 4980 seconds.

so absolutely nothing at all to do with 203.

you're starting to see nails everywhere i think...

No, I just messed up there. Darn it. Lost the battle, I guess.

2 hours 3 minutes is 123 minutes.
2 minutes 3 seconds is 123 seconds.

I need to perhaps not drive and post on blur light.

/excuses. But I tend to make that mistake anyways. Usually it is caught.

83 is (it just so happens to be) the 23rd prime number, though.


The Great Pyramid did have 203 courses, or steps.
The King's Chamber has courses made of 23 blocks each, except the 5th, which is made with 7. I'm curious as to how many courses are in. Very likely nothing "23", but I seem to remember something else like some measurement(s) or something with it being 23 something. Could just be the amount of blocks per, and yet still, there might be something relative to something, overall, that I don't see.

This is also something I read. I can't confirm/source as of yet.

The below is from http://www.pyramidofman.com/Plugs/

"If we look further up the King's chamber shaft for more clues we find a section of the shaft located between block 23 and block 24 that reflects what we now know of the design of the Queen's Chamber southern shaft. Here, just before the end of block 23, are small niches on both sides of the shaft about 1.5 cm deep. These niches, being 8 cm wide, are the same thickness as the limestone slab known as 'Gantenbrink Door' in the Queen's chamber shaft and could well have been intended to hold a similar limestone slab. Just 26 cm behind this missing slab are two more niches that were probably intended to hold another slab or partition of some sort. It is also at this point that block 23 meets block 24 and we find the unusual coinciding of joints in both the floor and the roof of the shaft. Of all the other blocks in all of the explored shafts, these are the only two that join in this manner."
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