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^In my eyes, I was never off of it. In an earlier post I mention my first sexual experiences. The names these involved, were Christina, Christopher, Michael, and Emmanuelle. This post got deleted for being off topic/stream of consciousness.

Christ-God-Emmanuel, and Christ has been said to have been "Michael", by some interpretations. Any way, Michael means "like God". Sex, so vital, to life. And we also do it often in private. More is in those names, possibly, that I don't mention. I don't not mention it just because it doesn't fit a pattern, which I have been accused of not including things- that as reason. One example is that Christopher's last name is Dickerson, and well, he just happens to be the first guy (or girl) to put his mouth on my what-is-often-called-a-dick. Also mine around his. And his dad (a cop) and mom, catch us. A higher-up cop, an investigator/detective, has also been called a "Dick". Fun fun fun. Fun.

The first pornography/erotica I had exposure to, beside Playboy, maybe, but actual moving porn that got me all bothered was called Emmanuelle... a show I could barely make out through the lines, as we didn't subscribe to that channel- Cinnemax. And in church, where I would often sleep, I would suddenly wake up part way, now paying attention to the name Emmanuelle when brought up in sermon, thinking for a second in my somewhat sleep, just for a second, that I had been found out. "OMG they know I watch Emmanuelle!"

Don't we hide...

Not a big deal, but maybe it could be. It just lines up more than it doesn't, for me. I have a God complex, of sorts. Sometimes.
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Don't mean to post separate but I want this to be separate.

I developed attraction toward a girl. She is the daughter of an artist who has done a good amount of the artwork for one of my favorite bands. I was first drawn to her when reading about this artist, who liked to paint with a lot of bright, warm oranges, it seemed... Or I saw a lot of that when I looked at it. Maybe I just like orange. But her hair color was this- red hair. At the time, and their "exotic" nature- redheads, this stuck out. She, for whatever reason I might fail to elaborate on, stuck out, as special. I saw her as with his art. His art as... magical... not that I really believe in "magic", but I guess I can see how things might be seen as such, sometimes. But moving on, it was- she was a "hit", with me.

Fast forward years later, I kind of forgot about it, her, moving on my own life. Then I was led to her, in ways I can't remember exactly. And now she was actually old enough where I could think of her as beyond cute. And I found connections. And had attraction. The validity of my attraction, or if it's "healthy" to be attracted, is besides the point. I was at times very deeply involved with thoughts with in her in regard.

She is an actress. I went to see a movie of hers, "My Soul to Take"- my first time seeing her in a theater (and my first 3D film in a theater). I park, and as I am parking, I see a number 209 in one space, on a license plate. 209, I associate with her, to keep this simple (alright, it's her name with my last name). The other space had the number 184 on it's occupied's plate. 184 is a number I associate with another girl that I have thought and feeling involvement with (if we married). Both of these females have red-hair, something I have been attracted to. Or at least, the ones I am attracted to have had this color, often. 184 is also a number I associate with my mother, as her full name sum, after marrying my father. And the girl coming to potential of 184 is also a performer- a stripper.

I parked between two numbers that I associate with the top females in my consciousness. I was slightly insecure, feeling weird about going to see a movie with her, especially with all of the insanity that I had entertained, that she in my mind involvement with. Then these two, that I bounced between, were on either side. It was on consciousness, and there it was.

In the movie, the star is cut out of his mother. Close at hand was 184, which to me is "Mother" and "Donna"- the girl who I associate with it, and who other ways connected with/has been parallel with my mother/a mother. More might serve to connect it better, but I want to try to keep this simple, and I need to be heading to work soon.

*To mention: The band that I mention above, their last album's last song is called "23" (which is not mentioned above, but is/was there in the paths, and is with me, and I am bringing it up again), or "Viginti Tres". They are releasing a new album, soon, but the timing also comes into account.
So many voices of doubt... And here came reflection, reaffirming my suspicions, from within the mainstream, right then. Had an ear infection, too, the week it was released. Was dating another, Marilyn, who also had red hair, who framed images-prints by this artist, that I had already, for Christmas. The number on the prints also had resonance with important things, to me. But anything could be (important, meaningful), potentially. But in this instance, this was, and it worked quite easily.

*It has been said that I don't elaborate on things because they don't fit my pattern. I simply haven't seen them as part of it, yet, I would say. Or I see what I do. I am only human. A 23 came to a 23 (chromosomes sperm and egg dna replicate) and here I am. Yo. As well, I have been told I practice confirmation bias. I see a bias in nature itself. A law, of sorts, that it follows. And I'm trying to communicate that, the way I have seen it, at least sort of, and in my life- my experience, the way I see it.

*Pick numbers that are most like 0, from 123456789.
Find 689. No other combination of individual and only used once numbers is as stable, either (except say 986), and no other shape is as stable as a circle, which is the common form. Planets and orbits and eyes and blood vessels and the motion of your legs and the wheels and... And 6+8+9=23 . If I had a choice, given what is available, I would still have a bias for these.

*Adding more later.
*I need to rewrite some parts for clarity and sometimes I was supposed to be a... At work now though.
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I've experienced a number of pretty astonishing synchronicities recently. A lot of them have been something like the literary concept of foreshadowing -- something random will pop into my head out of nowhere, like a song I haven't heard in years or an idea I hadn't thought about in a long time. I'll think nothing of it and get back to matters at hand. Then later on that day that song or that idea will reappear in some sort of important context. It almost feels like the universe is giving me a taste of what's to come, or warning me in some way. When things like this happen, I'm driven to consider the spiritual possibility of being a character in some cosmic author's story plot.
Visually. For one. And with common form.


But then they are all special in their own rights... like others and unlike others in respects. But going simple... Circles.

But these numbers represent stability in ways like a circle is stable. Also, they are the only ones to reconnect... To (always) connect to themselves.

I guess I can also see how they might represent instability. Still this common form is "stable", of circles.
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I just had a few dreams involving rubbing the head/my hands in their hair affectionately/ playfully, of boys/men, both as a father might to a son. Older- To younger. The most recent one was a "Michael", that I knew growing up, who was a friend of a friend- Beau, who was perhaps the first frequent friend that I had in life. Our mothers were friends, so naturally we were. He was also in the dream- his presence.

In the dream before- a day or so before, another Michael was there. And in it, I found out I had had a son. His hair was really white. And soft. I don't know Michael's involvement, or remember of it in the dream... But I kept wanting to write that the boy's hair- my son's, looked like Michael's.

I know it is a very common name, but the dream made me think of how a Michael Mitchell (Mitchell a derivative of the same as Michael) lived below me at my old apartment, and I came to live at my new one to live above a guy in a band called "The Michaels".

Michael Mitchell worked at a Guitar Center, and played in a band or two. I made few connections in this city. One other was named Mitchell, who was a guy I went to school with, but only found connection to when I lived here. Another is Matt- A neighbor... But I have tried to avoid him, though we have crossed paths at peculiar times. He is kind of trouble- or was. Another is Book. Book set me up with my first prostitute. This was the first time I heard Hebrew in person. Said "I love you" and some other thing(s), demonstratively. We came together.

Going back to Michael...

I was the best man in another Mike's wedding.
My first foreign friend was Michael. He was from England. I visited him when he went back. This was my first time out of country. And only, so far... Except maybe once to Canada for a swim meet (but I don't remember or it was someone else). Michael from England has a last name that sounds like "Gone". He was here in second and third grade. Then he was gone, which clicked at the time-- The most far "gone" of any close friend. My first beer/intoxication occurred with him.

He, and the Michael from the first dream (and one of my first sexual experiences) and myself, often played together. We both were the first to take him in- to befriend him.

2nd and 3rd grade teachers, both were named Hughes.

Mike from here's family owns an oil company. Mike from England's dad came to work at the local ford plant. Cosworth engines were big in conversations with his dad. I remember if anything well from his voice, it is "Cosworth", in his accent.

Soon after he left, or very close in time, the Michael, who later had me in his wedding as his best man, moved in behind me. First heavy exposure to thick southern accent. Baptists. First there, with a thickness. His dad worked at the same place as mine- both holding high positions at a branch of another large auto company- a gas cap manufacturer.

This Michael now flies as a fighter pilot in the Navy.

The one whose family owns oil company sells RVs and other specialty vehicles.

Not sure what Mike from England does. Think something with computers. He also, as a spike in the associative matrix, pertaining to cars, has/had a really nice one. Just sticks up.

Mike, in most recent dream, where I was sparked to think of the two musicians- Michael Mitchell and the guy from "The Michaels" (whose name I forgot... want to check) who lived below in each apartment... This Mike in the dream- His dad was my first music teacher. My first connection to him was Beau, whose father was my German teacher. I took Spanish before, but the class was chaotic, and the teacher couldn't take control, and I got a bad start in it. To go on, I met my first girlfriend, who was in this dream that sparked this, and she and I were in this same class... and this pissed Beau off- my first friend, who had a crush on her. And Mario who was holding my son, I guess I had a girlfriend in middle school, Jessica, who he had been crushing on... Whose father would later sell me my first car- A hunter green Grand Am, restored from this body shop- That Michael the jet-pilot ran into a deer, after picking him up from airport, after cursing God earlier in the day, because my job of delivering food/supplies to baseball parks and whatnot went on long, and I was trying to be on time/have time. That was the first time that I cursed God. I was pissed. The deer totaled my car. I was half asleep. I-70 right near Wilbur Wright road.

The dream- When talking to Katie, I became lucid. Perhaps in between or at rubbing the Michael's head, and her, I woke up in the dream. But she is the first I remember, with that awareness. Feelings from when we were together, and now, were together. But she is married, with two boys- both with very white hair. And I respect her, and her family. And am honestly happy for her. But some feelings might always on some level be observed/remembered. I can honestly say I just wish for her happiness, ultimately. Good life.

I mention, Katie, as my first, because she was the first to last, and have considerations of marriage with. First girl in high school. I guess there might be many firsts, and orders... But it must be on levels. And her father, I actually don't know what he did. Worked at some factory, in an office. I was also in her brother's wedding. Katie and I found ourselves opposite one another in decorating for it's reception. We were each hanging a ribbon up. Some of the main ones in this angle. Couldn't help but to make eye contact. Years after. Weird. Still there, somewhat. Mine fell down. Her's stayed. Our relationship ended when I started getting a lot of attention from cheerleaders. I went to one. Her dad happened to be a state cop. On our first date, I saw Aaron, Katie's brother, at the movie store... Within a day or so of the break-up with his sister. Caught. And on.

I built a relationship with Michael Mitchell- my neighbor in my first apartment, but only had very brief exposure to the guy from "The Michaels". I asked him if he was a musician, once, in passing, as I often saw equipment in his car. This is what was retained, but I also remember challenging myself to play with his name, and found resonance. It's everywhere. Michael Mitchell, had a dog named Apollo. Woke me up in the morning, a lot. His- Michael's first son was born while there.

Many people work at auto companies. There are a lot of Michaels. I think most of my friends's families had involvement with this- autos, or as teachers. One's were doctors, or doctor and nurse. Mario- who was holding my son that I didn't know I had in one of the dreams mentioned, his dad was an engineer at Ford, mother taught English, and he is an architect/artist. Another friend I grew up with, Alston, his father was the Doctor, and his mother a nurse. He owns a construction company with a guy with the last name Naylor-- "N&N Construction", for their last names. Naylor's first name is my last. Alston's last name ends with Bit. First syllable may have connection, somehow. Who knows. Somewhere. ...My first videogame system was an NES, and Mario, one of our first mutual friends- One who knew him before me, I think. I am leaving names out which to me fit meaning (not anymore, I guess), but I am trying not to reveal personal information. My dad had a hobby when I was growing up... Restoring an Austin Healy. This was his pride/project. I remember Austin, or Alston making connection with the sound- a strong memory... I later had thoughts about it being a Healy, and both his parents heal. My dad gave him driving advice, teaching him how to align himself in the center of the lane well, when he was learning to drive. His father, was who gave me my first stitches (for... firsts), after a horse-shoe fell on my head, from above a barn door, and a time later referred me to the doctor that found and excised a tumor in my mastoid/inner-ear, and rebuilt it.

The first car I noticed when I moved here, to my new apartment, in 423 in "What a mirror causes to happen"-apartment name, all I remember is that it had the name "Seraph" on the license plate, and/or perhaps on something hanging from his mirror. Something was hanging from it, I think. It was parked in the center, I think, of the double doors that are the entrance to my apartment block. I remember noticing something walking down the steps. The block houses 8 units. Car may have been a Civic... Color blue. The car was gone very quickly, and I never saw it again. I don't know if someone moved out, or what.

Coming back to edit. Hopefully this isn't considered streaming. I guess you could call it that, though.

*Pardon the sometimes going back and fourth. I may trail off in writing this, but to me on levels it can- the above can illustrate, or attempt to, synchronicity. I believe that in this round world there are a lot of ways to see things, and the connections are inevitable, and some might even call them mundane- but even that might mean different things, or people might feel different things, and respond to things differently. To me mundane would just... be. It would not be "loaded" with some negative connotation, as I have see here. Or as in, "You are making a big deal about it."- because I am not. Not really. It is just my life. This is how my brain has perceived things, and what it remembers, and I don't want to downplay the emotional involvements, and what was chose, and how it happened. Things don't "choose" orbit paths for no reason, and orders. Our very existence is no different than the process that is around us- and has led to the ordering of elements into molecules, and complex organic systems, and crystals. For one to think it fucking stops, or ever *began, is sightless. The brain and it's processes, and our experiences, are not off limits.

*I leave some out, because I can't explain, or connect it to my liking- in lay-out/explanation, or I have a protective feeling for myself, or others, omitting names and feelings, for whatever reasons, and other possible things. It would go on, and I am not sure where all it might connect. Everywhere, potentially. ...It can be hard to focus.
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In an earlier post, I mention my first sexual experiences. The names these involved were Christina, "Chris"topher, Michael, and Emmanuelle, prominently.

My first serious girlfriends, where I experimented sexually, have names that can have the word/name "Mask" formed from the first letters, in order, starting at K- Katie. These names also have certain sums that connect both to my mother, numerically, and with the numbering of 23, as the average sum of all four names. One of the girls shares my mother's maiden name- Finch. She's has a sum of 23 for her name (A- Alisha), using a simplified numerical calculation.

The fact that it is "backwards", starting with katie, and it is a "Mask" backwards, I researched into "back mask". A back-mask is a secret message recorded into a track/recording that can be uncovered if it is played backwards. Synchronicity has been called "the kind of memory that works backwards", I think. Somewhere, I seem to have recalled that, from. But as well, I could be writing it from the ground up...


. I won't have another. I have developed multiple food allergies, fragrance sensitivities, and chemical sensitivities. I limit my exposure to people at this point. Simply smelling their deodorant, soap, or shampoo, can cause me a headache, or some other undesirable symptoms. This also resonates with "mask" (it may resonate and relate however it might), with me.

Mask is also my last name. Or it's a form of it. Found in hindsight.

... A- Alisha, who is of the four, the average, at 23-sum, shares my mother's maiden name, who is also reflected in a total sum for the four- it mirroring her birthday. I began "seeing 23" in things, in timing, with feeling, when I was with her. My face, with her/at her, also began to hurt, badly, chronically, due to inflammation, and from that, the compression of cranial nerves (trigeminal, I suspect, from symptoms), as the parodid gland was swollen, and ear canal, which is around where the nerve flows through. I lived in indescribable pain for 7 years, misdiagnosing (and so were doctors) as temporal mandibular joint disorder, or others things, before discovering that I was allergic to milk (mother), which was the cause (to assign for now). Alisha was the first (only) girl that I asked to marry me. Said yes. But to save from the complexity that might follow with tries at explanation, I let her go, because in the state that was in, in it nothing like that could occur. Even the date of this communication to her, asking her this, coincides/can mirror with dates later, with another, and another...
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Not long ago, I was getting water. I can drink few waters. They need to come in glass. I'm hypersensitive to plastic.
So, I take great importance with drinking water. It is not mindless, like it all used to be, for me. I am frequently buying stores out of it. I have had to hunt.

...I am getting water, loading it up. I hear a boy, crying behind me, as he is being pushed in a shopping cart. His mother calls him Gabriel.

Gabriel is connected with water (as Archangel of), and connected to crying... with water, and to holy water- and in the blessing of.

The water was exceptional.
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The girl (beyond the other four, and) I have experienced a certain strong draw/reflection/words to/with in life, has the name Donna Richele Price. Her father was Donald Richard. The friend I spent the most time with, over the course of growing up, was Richard Donald. His father died, three days after Donna put an image on her Facebook (Profile number beginning in already resonant 184, ending in 23, with some way of recognition, perhaps, in between), as her profile image, which I will edit in shortly... Which had the number 23 displayed prominently- uniquely, and as well as being the average of four numbers in it, and the one that repeats.

It was a collage. I believe she put it together, for some reason. It was the first time since I met her, and that we were separate, that I felt she was blatantly displaying... Something to do with me, somehow. Something to me. Other times, I suspected, but honestly, sometimes what happens unconsciously seems more ordered and directed than what happens consciously, so I try not to dig too much. This was just obvious.

Image -


Richard's father (Howell) died on the 23rd, three days after she posted the image.

Donna's father, died within 3-4 days (according to obituary) of my first acid trip, which happened along with Richard, 8 years before I met her. Richard got nothing from it but a headache. I got a decently strong, good trip, and became as a couple with Sara (S)... New Years, 2001. I'm not really "connecting these two deaths". Just writing.

She was a dancer. Donna is a dancer.

The girl- in the photograph, in the image Donna created, above, she is close to Sara, in visual. Not exact- but close, mirroring certain expression/energy, complexion, colors-tones. Easily one might think, if she was known. This one- I offer doubt, could be reaching, but it is familiar- nonetheless.

The funeral service/showing for Richard's father began at a "Sacred Heart" church, in a town that starts with my first name- Jeff. The address of this church was a 1840 something street, that I didn't integrate into meaning (doesn't mean I couldn't or someone couldn't somewhere, possibly, but I sometimes choose not to dig too deeply, at least on the first pass, as we move). 184, I can associate (and do sometimes) with Donna, and my mother, as I mentioned before in a post- This number being a sum of her name with my last name, as I felt when I met her, but denied (and a voice told me, in her presence, before I found it), and my mother when she married my father. This would lead the traditional "stem", to call the first and middle name a stem, together, with identical sums, at least by the method that aligns at 184, which is 2 to the 3rd power, multiplied by 23, or 8x23. These that are identical again, for first and middle, are 108- A number that is, at least somewhat harmonic, in nature.

Not long at all, before Richard's dad died, I compressed, or damaged, or pinched a nerve in my chest, right above my heart, when inhaling marijuana too deeply. This made me stop smoking, for a good while, and to retrain myself how to breath, as it was disrupted due to nerve issues (at least, I could gather).

Richard's dad died of complications from lung cancer.
Donna's dad died of pancreatic cancer.

Both Richard Donald, and Donald Richard, serve in the Air Force. Both share birthdays, within days of each other... Or possibly the same day. I have neglected to confirm either way, as of yet. Richard is a translator, and Donald was a fighter pilot.

Every year after Donna, something lined up with "Heart", from a feared heart attack, caused by an allergic reaction and stress/emotions the year after, on the day we missed each other, in communication, and after that an order- first of the day going to a "Hart" family, and the year after that, my grandmother's death in room 207 at her home. 9x23. Horses were around her death, in undeniable frequency relative to the background, to be chance. Even if it was, it was a beautiful landing. The night before Richard's dad's funeral, I followed home from work- from my drop point, a semi with "Black Horse" logos on it, much of the way. The funeral before my grandmother's close to me- my uncle, I found myself contemplating/reflecting on the emotions I felt when the song "Goodbye Horses" came on, while playing GTAIV, finding myself away from the action, under a tree, silent. He entered the world on 1/5, and left on 5/1. A poem- one of his favorites- he bookmarked his bible with, was read at his funeral, involved being able to see a pattern from the underside, but god sees the pattern from above.
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Halo 4. I got my highest possible rank- 130, on the 23rd of April. The game started, after enough players were found, at 23:23:01- a time found later. The first player I see in-game, I see the number 23. I look again. His name is Dazr2323.

We are both heading to the Banshee- an aerial assault vehicle. 23 is a number I am with. Not to say there aren't others that I don't notice, in ways, but it has a frequency unlike any other that I see.

I figure he being in front of me will get the craft and I start to change course, when he gets attacked and beat down by a guy on the blue team, named Friendly Dad C8. I run and get the craft before he can.

I score 12 points, and then I am highjacked by him- Friendly Dad. Him again. Then a guy named TheFallen4824 joins, and then Korrupt288.

The conclusion of the game comes with my using a Spartan Laser to knock a guy- GiveMeDatBooty, off of a Warthog turret. TheFallen was standing right next to me, I later found, watching the replay, studying some.

I was first place, and my team came in first. Dazr2323- The first guy I saw, was second on our team. Last on our team was TheFallen4824.

First on their team is PureSelf.
Last Dragonsoul1508.

Next game I lose against a SFKS Priest and X Nephillim X, and a Xelhanz. Several people quit. They won outnumbered.

The names aligned well. 23 being there at the end like many ends for me (and beginnings), the time being 23:23:01 when the game began and Dazr2323 my first sighted other, extending to TheFallen joining right after I get knocked out of my plane, falling to the ground... And PureSelf being my mirror on the other team, and Dragonsoul and TheFallen don't have to be too far, in associated imagery... This aligned to me.

23, to me... I was born many ways with it, and is around importance. So this happening here is confirming, to me.

I could probably go crazy with the other numbers. But I would do that in private.

you have watched that stupid number 23 movie with jim carrey and now your obsessing over something meaningless. im sure if i spent long enough obsessing over any number id see the fucking thing everywere.pure waffle
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If one reads about the origins of "Nine Inch Nails", there is information that suggests, true or false, that nine inch nails were used to crucify- to nail Jesus to a cross. 9 inches ~ 23 centimeters ~ 9 inches, could be.

Mom was born 2/27. 22/7 Is an approximation of Pi. It was a full moon, I think. 184. ...Bella, in Twilight (mom got into, too), lived in house number 184, with her father, who was named Charlie. My mother's name is a feminine form of Charles. The first red-head I had involvement with was Charles, a roommate. My dad's older brother is named Charles Michael, or Michael Charles. Charles was my room-mate at IU. We got in a fight. I moved out. Made up later, but it was the first thing of it's kind, to happen, in my adult social life. Impact. Years later I would get with M- Marilyn, where one might say that "word"- Mask, was complete. Got with her within a day of Donna's birth-date- Who I would meet later. Watched Vanilla Sky, with Marilyn. First movie with her. Sort of dead dreaming guy wearing a mask. Crashed. Ended 888 days from Donna in some certain accord. Also redhead. Marilyn red-head.

Marilyn, at the beginning, I took her to a wedding, Nate and Christi Starr's. Holmes' wedding. Charles, my former room-mate, was an usher, and as he made his circles, escorting women, he connected with her, Marilyn. Similar height, skin, hair. And it proceeds. Later, in hindsight, I find exact matches for numerical sums of names, both ways that I use, which is a first. Fights. She is the only girl I ended actually badly with, and didn't on some level reconcile together. He was the first of my guy friends for anything like this to happen. She- Marilyn, gave me a watch, for Christmas 2005. 161 weeks after this, I met Donna. 161 days into the year, my birth-date. 203 weeks after Donna and I end, 12/21/2012, another "year"'s end, and something I haven't mentioned. 203 days after I am born, another year. Mom born 2/27. 7/22 or 22/7 can be July 22nd, day 203 in regular year. 22/7 approximately equal to Pi. Born on, or extremely close, to "full moon".

Dad was drafted to go to war when he was 23.

Together their names (mom and dad's) can have a sum of 365- number of days accepted to be in a regular year (~365.25?).

Matthew, a twin I knew, one of only a couple of pairs, and closest ones, growing up, died very soon after Donna- In a time when I felt like I had, in a way, died.

I went to see Nine Inch Nails, on May 30th, Donna's birthday, the year we met/ended. Inside I came to be close in proximity with another girl, Gabrielle, who also had red hair, following her in, unconsciously, only steps behind. I had seen her before- months before, on Myspace. I sort of stalked her profile a little, keeping her in my favorites, never having added her. She is from out of town. Later, I contact her, and asked her if she was there, at the concert. We make plans to meet, as she gives me her number right away. I wait to call. The day I come, her uncle has died, and had his funeral. She has been/was there when I entered her town, which was about an hour out from mine.


I can't get in touch with her, when I first arrive. I decide to pull over, and wait, for awhile, at a Subway restaurant, and get their connection to WiFi. The town isn't huge, but it's not super tiny, either. When we come in contact on the phone some minutes after, she asks where I am, and tells me to stay put. Our plan was to eat lunch, at a Mexican restaurant, and it was one lot over from Subway's lot, where I parked. The building for it didn't have a sign. I had never been to that town, in memory. No markers to know.

They screwed up my order. She seemed desperate to hook with me, it seemed. It was as if it was some kind of arrangement. I had only just met her, and she was like, "So what do you think? Want to be my boyfriend?", basically. This made her less attractive. But I wanted to have sex with her.

She hugged me, outside. I couldn't suppress my wood- my erection. It wasn't minded. I didn't really try, to hide it. As this occurred, I look to my left and see storage shed 203 of a minor, smallish self-storage facility. I had parked, unconsciously, directly in front of it, about a car-length away... Fence in between.

And this had something to do/in resonance with Donna, whose birthday I saw Gabrielle on. What happened with Donna, was a miscommunicaton- Or I wasn't paying good enough attention to details of a text, about a time when I would be helping her move things from her storage unit, into her new place, that she moved into, the night before I met her. Things at that time, got weird, through the false information I went off of, leading her to believe I was being possessive, the time that I contacted her... Her first night back stripping. I don't know. I was insecure.

Near her home, on 23rd street, there was a factory, called "Thomas and Skinner". My last name is Thomas. They produce magnets for weapons systems. The "Skinner" part of it I freely associated (for one) to Donna being a stripper, showing skin, and to the "MASK"-deal, which was high in consciousness.

For fun/investigation, I added Donna's name to the others. DMASK. A value of 113 could be found. I found references to a "Prime Cross" (which matched both numerical calculations of names, both that I used, in the format- The other sum being 275), and of it being a number representing sacrifices for sin, and some have connected it to Jesus's immolation on the cross, as well as to counts of animals sacrificed in the books in the Bible. Firey red-heads. The involvement with red-haired ones came after the "average" of m.a.s.k., Alisha (who shares mother's maiden name- Finch), -- Where the pain began. I had no experience with the attraction, before, aside from passing observance, like anyone, perhaps. But, I did make awareness of the artist's daughter, that I mention...

Marilyn, coming at a framing of sorts, framed images by the artist, for Christmas, that my mother gave me, the Christmas before. Prints number 26/100. 26 letters used in standardized Latin alphabet. I did give one print away, years previously, and with a book by C. G. Jung- Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle to a girl with the last name Webster. Paula Webster.
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you have watched that stupid number 23 movie with jim carrey and now your obsessing over something meaningless. im sure if i spent long enough obsessing over any number id see the fucking thing everywere.pure waffle

Yea, I watched it, quite a bit after.

The fact of it's existence, after already seeing that I was born 23 weeks into the year, more or less precisely, at 22:03 EST, 2:03 GMT (123 minutes), 161 (7x23)-162 full days through it, with 203 days to go, 23 days, more or less precisely, until my country celebrates independence, from a mother whose name by methods used has a full sum of 8x23, 2 to the 3rd power multiplied by 23, or 184, who gave me 23 chromosomes, as my father gave me 23 chromosomes, Etc., was only at the time confirming/reassuring, given it's timing and my rise (awareness, life-experiences which let's face-it, we can't have you living, just like I can't yours).

Yea, the movie... Snarf!

0689 :) Round.

Connect self 23, to 23 of self, self-other.
How fucking simple do I have to get?
0. Conventional Nothing. Base point. That by which we measure from. Start. End. 0 in. Target. Localize. Choose, to circle. Orbit. Arm orbits. Eyes. Vessels. Cells. Planets. Suns, stable motions, natural, open. 0. Like Zero from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, are 6, 8, and 9. Summed total they can be 23. These are the most common pattern found in the simple 10 digit pallete to work with. They occupy four. They are the only digits/characters to uniformly always reconnect/go back into themselves.

Healthy human sex cells each have 23 chromosomes. You started off as 2 23s, in different places.

I have had some issues with 4, and 2 (with it's often writen loop at a curve... How to put in or not a "pattern", what commonality and what), though, because the way they are written are often different, but I choose to rest with 6, 8, and 9, as this is from standard, and they always follow the same.

4, with it's sometimes triangle form/"fish"-to perhaps think creatively, is sometimes intriguing to play with.

...There's also a 1998 movie from Germany, called "23". It's a story about hackers.
I have been meaning to see it.

0689, 0, 689, 06, 08, 09, 0, 6, 8, 9...



6890, 0, 0.




.... But then, to go back, what is 2 and what is 3? 2 to make a 3rd. Could be. But of the structure of the actual number. 2 to the 3rd power is 8, the center integer, falling between 6 and 9. Make a copy of 3 and flip it around and combine to get 8. 83 is the 23rd prime. 38 was also something... Or a few things, at least. 2... 2... The only other I know of that can at times form a loop, or circle, but isn't standard or always employed... It was one challenged me to consider.

7 falls in the mix of 6 through 9. 77 from 100 is 23, for one, but I don't know how to jump like that, just saying. 2 of 7 could be 77 and 23 from 100, and 3 of 7 could be 777 which is 23 from another 10-- 1000, for starters, but it continues with 7777 from 10000 which is 2223, and 77777 from 100000 which is 22223, Etc.
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maybe you were born the son of 23 gods from 23 heavens in 23 universes.2+3=5, 5 and 5 is 10, 10 and 13 is 23 exactly the amount of gods and heavens discussed earlier.
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In a way... And each chromosome has many functions/genes, each a "god" (or in relay with/allowing/in conversation with...) in a sense.
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<removed abuse>

Anyway what23 i was reading your posts and i found a million things that clearly might just be connected that you left out. You might want to read / think about all that stuff again because clearly you are missing out. A more thoroughout analysis of the colors you are wearing and the colors around you / around the events you talk about is certainly necessary. Don't let the number stuff be the center of your analysis alone. There's a lot more stuff to go on by, smells that repeat themselves, auras, temperature, stuff like that.

Just the other day I was driving home when my a/c broke down and it got hot as shit inside the car. I looked at the clock and it was exactly 11:39 when this happened. My wife called me and asked to buy some bandages on my way home because she cut her finger while cooking lunch. So I stopped at this place to buy some, and when I get back to the car as soon as I turn it on guess what song starts? Bandages - by a band called Hot Hot Heat and it started at exactly 11 minutes 39 seconds in the CD i had recorded of my favorite tracks. Spooky shit, but I guess the world revolves around me.
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I do understand the way I write it out it is hard to make sense of. I am sorry you get that impression. Not my intention. I also doubt you have fully read or can keep in perspective what you would need to, to get it. There is a lot of information to relay, that doesn't get relayed, and often I realize I haven't communicated no matter how much I write. Also for that, sorry. Hell I can't get it when I reread it most of the time. Sometimes I find myself butchering it, and sometimes deleting, retrying.

1139 also hits on my mother, to me. I called the number to reach her for most of my growing up, as that is where she worked. I only had to remember that number, as all other numbers were usually the same in my home town. 1139, to me, might hit with my mother. Doesn't really have to, but consider this: A great portion, at least, of what I have been talking about, in some way I have in one way or another associated with my mother. The girls have multiple hits with her.

Thanks for your judgment, anyhow. (Not really)
But I can see how you wouldn't get it.

I am not saying this is only how I see it.


Think about this, again. I have just spent a couple of days talking about for a lot of part synchronicity that involves something prime (mom) to me, or it all has some strong or could be perceived as a strong link... And here you waltz in, and bring this number in... A number that I for many years called to reach her- my mother... Who, again, I have been talking about in forms.


The idea that the world revolves around you might be easy to come up with from these things. I like any other can't rule out that possibility. After all we only have our own experiences really to go by (but this can be a lot on someone's plate).

But I allow/operate under the idea that it also exists, and you do. And that my perception revolves around, often, things out there. And without it I am not. I don't know, but I think it is possible for things to revolve around each other, in a sense...

Or that what we believe is separate, isn't. It is just what we are stuck in much of the time.

Sometimes I want to say it all revolves around each other. And it is all center.

But one might bring up that fact that no... There is hierarchy. The sun has us revolving around it. This is also, true.
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I do understand the way I write it out it is hard to make sense of. I am sorry you get that impression. Not my intention. I also doubt you have fully read or can keep in perspective what you would need to, to get it. There is a lot of information to relay, that doesn't get relayed, and often I realize I haven't communicated no matter how much I write. Also for that, sorry. Hell I can't get it when I reread it most of the time. Sometimes I find myself butchering it, and sometimes deleting, retrying.

1139 also hits on my mother, to me. In my home town she worked at a school... Which was quite hot with me as well, in the topics I talked about (all girls having some connection with her).

Thanks for your judgment, anyhow. (Not really)

Regardless, think about this. I have just spent a couple of days talking about for a lot of part synchronicity that involves something prime to me, or it all has some strong or could be perceived as a strong link... And here you waltz in, and bring this number in... A number that I for many years called to reach her- my mother.


The idea that the world revolves around you might be easy to come up with from these things. I like any other can't rule out that possibility. After all we only have our own experiences really to go by.

But I allow/operate under the idea that it also exists, and you do. And that my perception revolvers around, often, things out there. And without it I am not. I don't know, but I think it is possible for things to revolver around each other, in a sense...

Or that what we believe is separate, isn't. It is just what we are stuck in much of the time.

Sometimes I want to say it all revolves around each other.

i hope your joking about the 1139. if he had said any other numbers you probably would have said they connected you to your third cousin in new york. anyways i suppose if thats what you believe thats the way it is
0689, 0, 689, 06, 08, 09, 0, 6, 8, 9...



6890, 0, 0.




.... But then, to go back, what is 2 and what is 3? 2 to make a 3rd. Could be. But of the structure of the actual number. 2 to the 3rd power is 8, the center integer, falling between 6 and 9. Make a copy of 3 and flip it around and combine to get 8. 83 is the 23rd prime. 38 was also something... Or a few things, at least. 2... 2... The only other I know of that can at times form a loop, or circle, but isn't standard or always employed...

i think this is the point at which i respectfully agree to disagree...

i hope your joking about the 1139. if he had said any other numbers you probably would have said they connected you to your third cousin in new york. anyways i suppose if thats what you believe thats the way it is

I am not. It is the number I called for over half of my life (at this time), to reach her, during the day. And this man, brings these numbers, after I have clearly had my "mother" as a hot subject, and a linking-point. This was hardly left-field.

I... don't know my third cousin. I don't know hardly anything about my cousins, or numbers. I don't really pay that much attention, despite how obsessed some of this might seem.

I wish people wouldn't jump and make assumptions, or judgments.


Another account, for those with eyes, or the angels (I understand I might fail):

I am a gamer. My XBOX had a red-ring of death. I sent it in for repairs. I decide to download Quake- A game I hadn't played in ages, to satisfy my game-playing desires. I hadn't played in over 5 years, at least. Perhaps more. During playing, I experienced my first earth-quake.

The earthquake occurred within minutes of a girl, "Batgirl", mentioning that she had red-hair, to another male in the game. This answered a question that I had pop up, previously, when I fell in a pit of flowing magma (we were underground, so I guess magma...), to see her dead avatar feet away from where I fell. The thought was to be funny, and was rather simplistic. "You must be a red-head". It was because we were in fire/magma, and would be on fire, and she was a girl. I didn't ask, though. It was answered within at least 10 minutes, and within a minute of that, or so, everything started shaking.

I was not not playing Quake, for the first time in many years, after a red-ringed XBOX, after asking or wanting to and not, and it being answered anyways, if a girl was a red-head, after falling down in a pit of magma, where she was, "magma"- which the plates that we feel moving in an earthquake, float on.

Just for measure, I decided to ask her where she was from. From her home town, I could draw a line on a map, to the epicenter of the quake. My town was on this line, more or less. Perhaps if I could have got her exact location (but I try not to be too much of a creep), I might have been more accurate, but it passed within a mile or five, or so, the way I did it.


Another account (conscious, events), also having something to do with, or occurring close in time with an earthquake:

Donna, the girl I go on about, she let me pick from a rock, in her collection of stones. I didn't want to take anything from her, but she was insistent. I took a small, black one, so I wasn't taking one of the pretty ones.

Fast forward past what brought that to an end, and after an end...

I had been wondering what this rock was, for many months. It was nagging me, frequently. I wanted to take it to this new-age shop near by to get it identified, and see if it had (or rather, was implied to) any properties, healing or other, or simply what it is associated with.

After a lot of time of denying this curiousity, one day, I decided to get it done. The very fact that she still effected me, got to me, and it was already to me. And I felt I needed to satisfy this. Get it done. The stone, as they identified, was called "Jet".

Leaving the store, leaving the parking lot, onto the main road, and the first vehicle (a big moving object in the flow that I find myself with/following) I guess I would probably come behind, I see numbers on it. On it's plate, not that I was consciously looking for it, are the numbers 159, and letters LEG. 159, is a sum of the girl's full name, and the first image I saw of her, that had a spark in my motivation to contact her, was of her showing a lot of leg, and a big smile, in a dance-move/pose kind of way.

In the context, and timing, and reason I was there, the 159- her full name sum (and associating the number with her, much of the time it came to me "randomly", such as this), and this "LEG", and my waiting months, and months- it nagging me... It wasn't surprising, but it was. It was something.

Later, that day, perhaps as an aside, the devastating earthquake in Haiti occurred. The last thing I had intentionally tried to communicate to this girl, was "Hate you"- in a not so serious way, but still, conveying certain emotion/frustration with the situation, and who knows how it was taken, if it was even taken. It was an indirect form of communication. I don't really hate her... But anyone who has been "in love" might identify. I... perhaps gasping for straws, heard the sound of "Hate", and it being so relevant in the context, me stuck on what I had said, even if I didn't mean it, it hit.

And... How "big" she is, in my life/mind? As it was, then, she was big. You know how every song might remind you of that girl... Everything... "Big". Creatively, I even found that it could work, although I don't ZOMG connect it this way (but should I?), that she was a Titan-ess, and this earthquake, a result of a step. One leg pounding on the ground... or just one in many slow moving steps.

Donna, not to assign this as a big deal or not, is a red-head/copper-top.
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