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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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Does anyone here have experience with kicking a (relatively speaking) low dose of suboxone after only a few months of use? I was on 2mg for 3 months and recently kicked cold turkey last weekend. I'd like to know if there's anyway to predict how long I'll be in withdrawal (days, weeks, etc.) if those of you have any personal anecdotes
Does anyone here have experience with kicking a (relatively speaking) low dose of suboxone after only a few months of use? I was on 2mg for 3 months and recently kicked cold turkey last weekend. I'd like to know if there's anyway to predict how long I'll be in withdrawal (days, weeks, etc.) if those of you have any personal anecdotes

There's no way to give you a concrete number. The fact you were on a low dose for only a few months helps a lot, but ideally you should have tapered down further from 2mg's. That's actually a high dose to come off, even though the doctors suggest it, but they really don't know shit. You should hop off at <1mg, preferably .5 or below.

But, the PAWS is what lasts so long with bupe withdrawal. It will be a couple months before you're feeling 100% again, but you'll be considerably better in a few weeks.
One more question...to help me taper I'm using really small amounts of the film strips. I'm interested in dissolving them in water and then using a syringe to shoot/spray the solution up my nose. Any idea how much what I should use if I'm going for .25mg of bupe, and where in my nose/how far back I should 'aim'?
is it ok to take suboxone before going to sleep? or will it keep me up all night? i finally hit 24 hours and it's been a hell of a day.
Has anyone ever crushed their bupe pills and added the powder to something like PG ?

I am thinking of possibly doing this to increase the accuracy of dosing. Cutting a pill in half is easy, but quarters and eights are very hard to get right, and i know that this is a very strong opiate, so getting the dose slightly wrong could make a big difference :?
I am envious of my gf right now. She likes to take opiates but she has great self control. She is a nurse Prac and always has a bottle of hydro around and she can make a bottle of 60 last six months. Anyways, she slipped getting out of the pool earlier and slammed her knee on the concrete real hard, it's swolllllllleeeen and black. Well I went for her hydros and she had a half of a 7.5 left, no good. So I gave her around 1 mg of my bupe and she is higher than I've ever seen her. She's very very chatty, very very friendly, she's very sexual to begin with but even more so on bupe, and very energetic.

I miss the bupe feel.
Hi, I had a question about the ceiling affect of buprenorphine, if it was already answered, sorry I didn't find it using the search engine
They say the ceiling affect is 32 mg, but what i keep wondering is, for what route of administration is the ceiling affect 32 mg? are they talking about sublingual because if someone snorts it then the ceiling affect would be closer to 16 mg since you get 50 percent of the drug that way instead of 30 percent, and if you iv or im it, then the ceiling affect would be even lower.

But if they are saying the ceiling affect for buprenorphine is 32 mg based on iv/im route (which I think is how it was used before sub came around with the bupe in the vials), then that would mean the dose it would take to get the ceiling affect would be much higher.

anyone have any answers to this? it wold be interesting to read a study of how they established the ceiling affect.
Ok so course life the rest of you i'm a junkie... Whatever. I finally went down and got on subutex and I just know I will go out a relapse. My question is if I take 12 mgs of subutex at seven am and use twelve hours later will I be safe to take my next dose of Tex at seven again? And if it helps clarify I only need to wait twelve hours before in sick enough to start taking Tex in the first place???
Read the megathread at the top of the (other drugs) page
You will learn more than any of us can post...
So I went to go get my scrip for sub filled today, normally I get the 8mg RB films and have been getting them ever since I started seeing my doctor. For whatever reason this time i got generic tablets. I'm not complaining as I literally payed less than 1/5 of what I pay for the RB films, and I prefer the tablets as they are easier to snort.

Anyway this is my first time ever even seeing a generic suboxone tablet so they are new to me. So far they aren't too bad. They don't taste great but honestly it's more tolerable to me than the disgusting lime flavor of the old orange N8's. That doesn't matter much to me though as i'll be snorting them most the time anyway. As far as snorting....so far so good. No burning at all....they are quite odorless and don't have much taste to them so they aren't unpleasant at all to snort.

I'm really glad I got these this month and hope to get them i the future. Saved me a ton of money and I actually prefer them over the films. Generic Suboxone FTW! Bout damn time...
Suboxone (Buprenorphine) General Discussion / Q & A.

Hello every one. This is my second thread that I've decided to create. I am still very new to Bluelight (as a member.) That being said I've been trying to think of some topics that I am very highly informed and educated on. Brand name 'Suboxone' is actually the 'Semi-Synthetic' chemical 'Buprenorphine.' As some of you may be aware it is prescribed for two primary reasons. The most commonly reason for a doctor prescribing Buprenorphine is for opiate dependency. For the remainder of my post I will refer to it by it's chemical name; reason being that there are many different brand names out there and some do indeed have different effects/side effects/risks/abuse potentials. Brand name 'Suboxone' is the most widely prescribed and known of the 'semi-synthetic' Buprenorphine medications on the market that I am aware of. Buprenorphine is a revised form of opiate addiction treatment. Brand name 'Suboxone' also includes 'Naloxone' in a 4:1 ratio. Four times less than the dose of Buprenorphine. Suboxone also has recently made the decision by their pharmaceutical company ("Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare") to take their drug and slowly but surely change it over into a sublingually dissolving strip, that is placed under the tongue on either the left or right side of your mouth. Their main reason for this being that is has certain advantages to 'abuse proofing' the drug. (As well as disadvantages.) Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare distributes Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone) in a 4:1 ratio. The Naloxone in the drug is in basically inert when the Suboxone is taking sublingually. The prescribing of Buprenorphine for moderate-severe pain management was the primary reason for the drug being brought on to the market in the earlier years. When prescribed for pain management the drug is given in a much lower dosing; and it also does not contain any Naloxone (as far as I am personally aware.) When Buprenorphine is prescribed for opiate/opiod addiction it is given at a much higher dosing due to Buprenorphine's extremely long half life. (The average half-life varies per individual but it can range from about 30-48 hours.) This quite long half-life causes a ceiling effect; meaning that when taken as prescribed the strength with which Buprenorphine binds to your opiod receptors is so high to where your second dose will 'stack on' so to speak with you previous dose quite some time before all of the drug has left your body. This is primarily why Suboxone is the 'new age' methadone so to speak. No narcotic is really 'abuse proof' to someone with intentions to misuse it. This thread is to inform everyone and anyone who might have some questions regarding Buprenorphine. (Suboxone, Subutex) there are many brand names for this semi-synthetic chemical; therefor I chose to personally refer to it as Buprenorphine. Anything that I may have missed please feel free to point out, and ask any questions that you guys may have. I am highly experienced with this chemical and would like to clear up any misunderstandings that I'm quite sure many of you may have about it. :) And of course as always thank you guys; I hope my knowledge can be shared with anyone who might need it. Knowledge is power; and in certain situations it can be the difference between safe recreational use and crossing the line. ;)
I have ran morphine a little over 24 hours and got the full rush and everything. Your own body will let you know. I know that when my body starts to wd from subs I can do any opiate.
u still get high from H when u had taken a sub an hour previously? wow! i still get high on dope when i take subs that day, but it has to be hours apart..wow
It's my first day on the Buprenorphine today. Haven't had any AH7921 since Wednesday night. Took no opis at all yesterday, didn't feel the need, possibly because AH has a hell of a long half life. I've quartered a 2 mg pill, and taking it quarter by quarter every 2 hours.

I'm intending to quit opiates once and for all as I cant control myself with them, and the really good ones would soon bankrupt me, so i'm taking poor mans opiates anyway. Sick of being stuck in this trap. The downsides are outweighing the ups.

I'm not feeling too bad at all so far, after 1mg, just a bit fuzzy headed. I was expecting the switchover to be far more horrific.

EDIT: (a few hours later) I think I may have spoken too soon. After 1.5 mg of bupe i'm starting to feel those bad old withdrawal symptoms. At this stage I'm not sure if its because the AH has finally worn off, or if the bupe is forcing 'precipitated withdrawals', or if ive been sold fuckin fake pills.

Maybe tomorrow if i take the 2mg pill all in one go i should be able to judge if the 'bupe' is having any effect.

What would people experienced with bupe say ? and would you recommend taking 1 dose all at once per day, and would that be better in the morning or at night ?
Generally you should wait till your in full blown withdrawal before inducing on Suboxone. Most doctors have you take half of your total daily dose in the morning and the other half at night. t this point you have to ask yourself; how tight do u want your handcuffs...? Just kick man.
Just kick man.

I understand where you are coming from, but I cant, or choose not to just kick, after having several experinces of quitting runs on o-dt cold turkey. I'm too much of a baby to go through the AH cold turkey that can last a whole month. Its not an attractive prospect.

Ive been trying for months to taper down, with no success. I've psyched myself out of just kicking. But as i believe Bupe will help me quit i think it will. There's a very large psychological aspect to how to manage coming off opis IMHO.

I'm now feeling ok, after taking all 4 quarters of the pill, and a phenergan (been feeling sick all day, phenergan has worked and cured that) one pregabalin and a couple of etizolams to supplement. I was starting to feel bad a couple of hours ago and i've not been able to eat more than a few morsels of bread, but apart from a headache I feel OK now. A hundred times better than just kicking IMO.

I waited about 30 hours after last taking AH, and had read that the switch over is not so brutal if you take tiny amounts of bupe to start with.
I understand where you are coming from, but I cant, or choose not to just kick, after having several experinces of quitting runs on o-dt cold turkey. I'm too much of a baby to go through the AH cold turkey that can last a whole month. Its not an attractive prospect.

Ive been trying for months to taper down, with no success. I've psyched myself out of just kicking. But as i believe Bupe will help me quit i think it will. There's a very large psychological aspect to how to manage coming off opis IMHO.

I'm now feeling ok, after taking all 4 quarters of the pill, and a phenergan (been feeling sick all day, phenergan has worked and cured that) one pregabalin and a couple of etizolams to supplement. I was starting to feel bad a couple of hours ago and i've not been able to eat more than a few morsels of bread, but apart from a headache I feel OK now. A hundred times better than just kicking IMO.

I waited about 30 hours after last taking AH, and had read that the switch over is not so brutal if you take tiny amounts of bupe to start with.

Unless you are positive you are taking pure "doxylam" you are using yourself as a lab experiment...
I've known people with large habits (pharmaceutical opioids) that needed 16 + mg's of bupe' for initial dose, but there is no reason not to be down to 4 mg's (or less) after 2 weeks.
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Unless you are positive you are taking pure "doxylam" you are using yourself as a lab experiment...
I've know people with large habits (pharmaceutical opioids) that needed 16 + mg's of bupe' for initial dose, but there is no reason not to be down to 4 mg's (or less) after 2 weeks.

Ive been using myself that way for the past 4 years with loads of different RCs. I think the bupe i got is the real deal. I'm feeling stimulated now though, is that a normal reaction for the first day on bupe ? My AH habit was low dose, so ive started on 2mg of bupe, and will work down from that.
There are too many variables...but if the AH blah blah blah is legitimate, and your habit is small, you should get relief from withdrawal symptoms.
Hard to be sure of anything w/ (so-called) research chemicals
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