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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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yeah IAS, you're pretty much out of the woods as far as the normal withdrawal symptoms. Unfortunately, I'm on day 10 without sub and I'm still having trouble sleeping with minor episodes of RLS. The hypnosis YouTube videos did not work for me btw. Everyone is different obviously and maybe the videos will work for you or maybe your insomnia will go away. I did have some medical assistance (Trazodone, Klonopine) which helped me get 6 hours of sleep. Which means I have to be getting better because I took more meds on previous nights and was lucky to get 2 hours. I have to say man I am really liking how my mind is clearing up, I usually limit my social interaction but now I'm welcoming it, maybe just how I'm wired, I know a lot of people are the exact opposite.

Hang in there bro
yeah IAS, you're pretty much out of the woods as far as the normal withdrawal symptoms. Unfortunately, I'm on day 10 without sub and I'm still having trouble sleeping with minor episodes of RLS. The hypnosis YouTube videos did not work for me btw. Everyone is different obviously and maybe the videos will work for you or maybe your insomnia will go away. I did have some medical assistance (Trazodone, Klonopine) which helped me get 6 hours of sleep. Which means I have to be getting better because I took more meds on previous nights and was lucky to get 2 hours. I have to say man I am really liking how my mind is clearing up, I usually limit my social interaction but now I'm welcoming it, maybe just how I'm wired, I know a lot of people are the exact opposite.

Hang in there bro

Congrats on getting to day 10. I know the not sleeping thing is brutal... But, it gets better, just takes a bit for your body to get back to normal.
hell yes, indeed, i feel incredible. i wanna go out and party already for new years eve. not gunna happen though. i no longer feel the urge to isolate.

it is probably a good thing i wont be sleeping very well anyway, especially when i get back to university with 17 credits this semester.
^ You're on day 5 and already feeling better? You lucky bastard! Keep a positive mind that always helps. The more you think about how terrible you feel the worse it is. Try to get out and do things, as much as you don't feel like it a lot of the time it actually helps a lot. Laying in bed all day is the worst thing you can do.
yeah well feeling better means im still having violent sneeze attacks, anxiety, and about 2 hours of sleep a night but i think im thru the worst.
Hi, Blue pill.
Im from EU and we have program in which I get 2x7pills(8mg) package weekly. I am out of the game for many years so I cant even score weed anymore on street, let alone H or Sub. This is only positive thing i did in my life, i manage to infiltrate among "normal" people who do not even drink and think weed is dangerous, Quentin does not have shit on them and I did cut connections with all old "friends", downfall is when i take my therapy to soon i cant buy more...

I was on Subutex, then Suboxone and at last I am on "Buprenorphine", some generic subutex/no naloxone?! (they keep it for pregnant women, very small pill).
So i am on 16mg daily 2 pills per day,all most 4 years now, steadily went from 2 mg per day to situation i am in now. .
I have never IV them, usually snort them and take 5 to 10 mgs of benzos, really rare under tongue and i did try couple of years ago a little pluging.
Now, my problem is, i get once a week this dosage and i have to make it last a week, but first two days i snort whole first box (sometimes even more), like a newb.
Lets say ,every friday i get my dosage, over weekend i take 7-9 pills, so in monday im with 4-6 pills and its not enough.
Right now its tuesday and I have 1 and a half pill, and its a long way to friday and I would just take them all right now..

This behavior started couple of months ago(i lost my job, maybe that is the cause?!), my problem is, i really would like to get high (my honeymoon era with sub is long gone). I know IV is 99-100% bio but it last shorter?I have aversion with needles because i saw friend died trying to shot a lot of methadone(unfiltered, he stabbed himself maybe 30-40 times to find a spot) so I snorted H, smoked sometimes but never used needle :\
WTF should I do, is there a way to take smaller amounts with higher efficiency? And i dont talk about waiting 2 days so bupe can get out of system, i really need it every day to fall asleep or to function normally.
I know that less is more with subs but what about us long time takers of relatively high dosages, same rules dont apply for us, i didnt saw any thread for this type of problems. 4 years ago, 1 mgs would hold me whole day. Does anyone else has similar problems and how do you cope with it? IV? Rectally? Patience?
English, as you can see is not my native language so if i wrote something not very understandable or if i didnt write clearly what the problem is, please tell so ill try to rewrite
more understandably.
Allso Happy New year ..
unless you can magically reset your entire body and pick off every suboxone molecule off your cells... well this is suboxone buddy, it holds on for a long, long time...

sorry mate there isnt anything you can do.

ive successfully used loperamide to replace suboxone but that shit is nasty. i have also used tramadol and somehow that can hold me over yet the classics dont, which i find odd and dont quite understand.

i suggest weaning down fast, you might find it surprisingly easy to get from high doses down to 2mg a day. it's when you get below that. you'll feel much better. if you can get down to 1mg then you can use 4mg or 8mg and it will give a buzz... maybe...
Hey subabuser, I recently lost my insurance so in an effort to find a way to stretch my subs out I came to BL and did some research. I have been experimenting over the last several days with the new found information and at this point it looks like the following technique is cutting my required amount of bupe by atleast 50%. for the last 3 days I have been dissolving .125mg of sub in a several drops of vodka 4 times a day. 45min before my first dose of the day I drink a glass of white 100% grapefruit juice and take 400mg of cimitidine (antacid). I then use a droper to place the 4-6 drops of bupe/vodka solution under my tongue and it hits almost immediatly for me. my results have been very good. zero w/d and feel fine when normally I would be feeling pretty bad at this daily dose.
I was skeptical at first but have been pleasantly surpised at how effective its been. If I where you I would try this with very small amounts of your meds until you find out the amount that gets you upright again. I'll bet you can make what you have left go a long way. good luck
Honestly bro you've been on suboxone for years. Its never going to get you high again. Ever.

If you wanna get high its not gonna be from suboxone. I'd recommend you tell a doc or someone that youre basically planning on relapsing so they can help you out.
I guess you would have to define "high" but being on 2mg or less then taking 6 or 8 will definetly wind me up and that was after being on it for almost 3 years. trying to get high on subs beats the hell out of illicit drug use if you ask me. some of us are just fucked. I have a love/hate relationship with the stuff but its certainly held my shit together

I read about robinul. doesnt look like a good idea for working outside in the summer though
I've been on subs for a month starting at 8mg down to 2ng now. My oxy tolerance was 120mg of the new kind to get high. Will being on this dose lower my oxy tolerance if I decided to take some one day?
Also for those taking sub in Canada. I still have to go the pharmacy everyday how long until you can get take homes?
The doctor writes on the script "daily supervised" so they watch me take it and then check under my tongue to make sure it's dissolved. Some pharmacists are more lax tho and don't check me tongue an just let me go. I only take 2mg a day but pay for 4mg, take one pill and slip the other in my pocket since I don't think it's fair.

My doc says if I have clean urine I might get take homes next week after almost 1.5 months. At least in Canada the doctor visits are free
man taking oxy is a waste on suboxone. even when youre on a half mg a day it just doesn't work. hell after suboxone i just dont want anything to do with opiates, including suboxone. i also dont sleep much. kind of nice though actually instead of sleeping the days away.
Wow.....OD on subs? As a addict of opiates (25-30 Norcos a day, 5 years) who went through the entire process of quiting, I cant imagine why you would take that many subs? Especially at $12+ a tablet when I was taking them. In my experience the main reason I would relapse during the process is that I couldnt afford subs all the time and didnt/couldnt afford being sick. So I would purchase norcos.

Personally I now hate the whole theory behind bupe's as in my opinion its just replacing one opiate pill for another. Again in my experience, I found that the doctor(s) that was I was seeing for addiction were primarily in it for the cash in hand. I even pleaded with my doc one time for three days(3 tablets) until he had an open appt. He said he wouldnt do anything until I paid the $275.00 office fee. So I ended up relapsing.

Ok, enough negativety. All changed when I found Kratom; and all for the better. That stuff is amazing when used correctly and with the correct potency and mindset.
"So I could legally purchase something at a place just down the street? Oh and it's cheap? And I can sleep, not have the shits, not sweat for any reason, spend my money on girls, food, basic living essentials and not on 10 pills that will probably last 1/2 a day? Done!

Sorry for the long story but I havent shared much about that whole process with anyone except my family. I know its healthy to talk about that stuff but I simply ashamed and embarrased. I could go on and on with some of the stories from that dark chapter of my life( high speed chase in Peru, Jailed in Bali for 9 days, etc) but not right now.

The main reason I've joined BL is to share my experiences because with 3yrs clean I'm about 99.3% sure that chapter is over.
If anyone has any questions please feel free to msg me and/or direct me to a thred which I may be able to answer. I will not answer a question if I dont have any productive advice.

Huntington Beach,CA
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