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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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Wow.....OD on subs? As a addict of opiates (25-30 Norcos a day, 5 years) who went through the entire process of quiting, I cant imagine why you would take that many subs? Especially at $12+ a tablet when I was taking them. In my experience the main reason I would relapse during the process is that I couldnt afford subs all the time and didnt/couldnt afford being sick. So I would purchase norcos.

Personally I now hate the whole theory behind bupe's as in my opinion its just replacing one opiate pill for another. Again in my experience, I found that the doctor(s) that was I was seeing for addiction were primarily in it for the cash in hand. I even pleaded with my doc one time for three days(3 tablets) until he had an open appt. He said he wouldnt do anything until I paid the $275.00 office fee. So I ended up relapsing.

Ok, enough negativety. All changed when I found Kratom; and all for the better. That stuff is amazing when used correctly and with the correct potency and mindset.
"So I could legally purchase something at a place just down the street? Oh and it's cheap? And I can sleep, not have the shits, not sweat for any reason, spend my money on girls, food, basic living essentials and not on 10 pills that will probably last 1/2 a day? Done!

Sorry for the long story but I havent shared much about that whole process with anyone except my family. I know its healthy to talk about that stuff but I simply ashamed and embarrased. I could go on and on with some of the stories from that dark chapter of my life( high speed chase in Peru, Jailed in Bali for 9 days, etc) but not right now.

The main reason I've joined BL is to share my experiences because with 3yrs clean I'm about 99.3% sure that chapter is over.
If anyone has any questions please feel free to msg me and/or direct me to a thred which I may be able to answer. I will not answer a question if I dont have any productive advice.

Huntington Beach,CA

Kratom is all well and good... and helps a lot of people, but it's not strong enough for a lot of addicts habits to effectively alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
I guess you would have to define "high" but being on 2mg or less then taking 6 or 8 will definetly wind me up and that was after being on it for almost 3 years. trying to get high on subs beats the hell out of illicit drug use if you ask me. some of us are just fucked. I have a love/hate relationship with the stuff but its certainly held my shit together

I read about robinul. doesnt look like a good idea for working outside in the summer though

I stand by my point. From my own experiences with suboxone, after you're on it for an extended period of time you will never enjoy it again. I could take 8mg today and i've been on less than 1mg for over a month, and still not get high. The "honeymoon" period with suboxone is very, very, short.
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man taking oxy is a waste on suboxone. even when youre on a half mg a day it just doesn't work. hell after suboxone i just dont want anything to do with opiates, including suboxone. i also dont sleep much. kind of nice though actually instead of sleeping the days away.

Not true...I get absolute pain relief 90% of the time from prescribed oxycodone
I use 1-2 mg's of subutex w/ the oxy' to hold off rebound pain I get almost double the hours of pain relief
The two work very well together and most Dr's dont know shit about how buprenorphine works alongside of other meds'
I stand by my point. From my own experiences with suboxone, after you're on it for an extended period of time you will never enjoy it again. I could take 8mg today and i've been on less than 1mg for over a month, and still not get high. The "honeymoon" period with suboxone is very, very, short.

i disagree. i've been on it 5 1/2 years and just a few weeks ago was taking 2-3mg/day for about a week (8mg/day before that), and when i dosed 8mg once i got my refill i had a very strong glow going on, it felt quite nice. different than in the beginning, for sure, but still enjoyable. i could certainly feel it. i'm on the hi-tech brand generic subutex, if it matters (it shouldn't).
I don't find subutex or codeine recreational on their own, but 1 mg subutex with 120 mg codeine is nicely euphoric. So I believe Fire&Water's claim that you can combine full agonist opiates with subutex(at lower amounts, so your receptors aren't saturated with it), and it will have an additive effect on the full agonist(for pain or recreation). You just have to remember the long half-life and build up of buprenorphine in the blood may at some point start to create a saturation effect, reducing the effect of the full agonist opiate
god damn its been a week and i still get exhausted after walking a couple hundred yards, i still have violent sneeze attacks, and shitty RLS. not to mention a couple hours of sleep per night. how long do i have left until i have some energy and can be normalish
I stand by my point. From my own experiences with suboxone, after you're on it for an extended period of time you will never enjoy it again. I could take 8mg today and i've been on less than 1mg for over a month, and still not get high. The "honeymoon" period with suboxone is very, very, short.

i disagree. i've been on it 5 1/2 years and just a few weeks ago was taking 2-3mg/day for about a week (8mg/day before that), and when i dosed 8mg once i got my refill i had a very strong glow going on, it felt quite nice. different than in the beginning, for sure, but still enjoyable. i could certainly feel it. i'm on the hi-tech brand generic subutex, if it matters (it shouldn't).
people are effected differntly although i'm surprised being on 2mg or more can get you going if you drop 8mg. I need to be at 1mg for anyhing more to have a noticable effect

how long do i have left until i have some energy and can be normalish
I hope its soon. I know what youre going through. have you tried intense excersise?
im on a witnessed dose one day a week, and then carry for the remaining 6 days... im hoping my appt in a week changes to full 7 days carry because im prescribed 2mg a day at the moment, but i want to drop back down to 1mg so i can start saving up bupe for a better taper plan.

after 6 months last time i had full carries and it was 8mg, and this time its been 7 and a half months so its about time....
thats messed up what theyre doin in canada. what on earth is one witness dose a week going to do?
^ yup clean piss tests...220 days clean and sober....

they have like a 6 month rule for weekly carries.....

are docs nice about given out some helper meds for sub withdrawal? its been over a week and no sleep... maybe about two hours after drinking a twelve pack and five shots... that aint right. will catapress help with sleep at all?
Will excersizing, taking vitamins, drinking protein shakes cleanse my body faster of the sub or have anything at all to do with the ease of withdrawal? I've never had a stomach problem withdrawing in opiates..it's usually the restless legs and cold sweats that do me in...but I have been working out consuming vitamins and protein shakes...at a .5mg dose now on day 5...goin to .25 tomorrow....started at 1mg on April 1st
Will excersizing, taking vitamins, drinking protein shakes cleanse my body faster of the sub or have anything at all to do with the ease of withdrawal? I've never had a stomach problem withdrawing in opiates..it's usually the restless legs and cold sweats that do me in...but I have been working out consuming vitamins and protein shakes...at a .5mg dose now on day 5...goin to .25 tomorrow....started at 1mg on April 1st

Being on a good vitamin regiment plus exercise will help your body in a lot of ways. It's a smart thing to do no matter what. It's good for your metabolism and in that case, can help your body process drugs faster.
Man IAS still struggling huh? On day 14 (day 17 now) of no sub and I finally started getting normal nights of sleep (w/ Trazodone) but that was after a day of demanding physical labor. I know your energy level is probably non-existent as mine is at work but it might be worth it to go exercise in order to get a good nights sleep. I'm still sneezing like crazy and my stomach is jacked up but those things are nothing compared to what it was.
tried to quote deadmau, get it right next time...

I jumped off at .5 and wished that I had gone lower and it's not because of the intensity it's just because of how drawn out it is. All the withdrawal symptoms coming off that sub dosage were relatively minor compared to withdrawing from other opiates. The main thing for me was the lack of sleep due to the RLS. I was trying everything you can think of and nothing would knock me out...except intense/draining exercise. Just hard to get up and work out when your body is drained. Sounds like you have a good plan, best of luck.
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I stand by my point. From my own experiences with suboxone, after you're on it for an extended period of time you will never enjoy it again. I could take 8mg today and i've been on less than 1mg for over a month, and still not get high. The "honeymoon" period with suboxone is very, very, short.

I agree with you more, although when I would bump up my dose I would get more energy and a slight euphoria but not enough to classify myself as having a "buzz". Maybe equate it with taking a vicodin or something...but everyone is different.
tried to quote deadmau, get it right next time...

I jumped off at .5 and wished that I had gone lower and it's not because of the intensity it's just because of how drawn out it is. All the withdrawal symptoms coming off that sub dosage were relatively minor compared to withdrawing from other opiates. The main thing for me was the lack of sleep due to the RLS. I was trying everything you can think of and nothing would knock me out...except exercise. Just hard to get up and work out when your body is drained. Sounds like you have a good plan, best of luck.

When I went from 1 to .5 I was very sick...but I also had a cold that's been going around..but my legs they just hurt so bad...deathly afraid to try and go to .25 the pieces are just so little lol..is it normal to be more sick as you lower your dose (ie: what's harder: 6mg to 2mg or .5 to .25mg)
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