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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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Good for you! :p ;)

Wait, what? They make 20mg pills of suboxone - OR did you mean four pieces of 2mg? Or are you talking about Opana or Oxy or something else? Confused, I am.

He's got to be talking about .5 mg, there is no 20mg suboxone, that would be crazy. And yeah, everything but the weed...
^ He might have meant 4 pieces of .5mg from the 2mg pill. (ya beat me to it)
One of the generic subutex makers doesnt score their pills. And they're real hard too. Real tricky to split. But the suboxones i've split seem uniform as i have made many 1mg doses from them and they were all consistent.

As for the strips breaking up, they usually hold up well. I had one in my wallet for 5 months. I opened it up and was in perfect condition.
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I was talking about Opana. I am sorry I didn't even include that in my post.

I was just responding to the person who said pills that aren't scored aren't required to have an even distribution, which is false.
I split my 20mg Opana ER into 4 pieces of 5mg, and Opana is not scored.

Come to think of it I do the same thing with my non-scored morphine 100s, 4 equal doses of 25mg.
I'm pretty sure most pharmaceutical's have the active ingrediant equally divided within the pill, or at least that has been my experience, and it's definately true of subutex and suboxone.

The one exception is the fentanyl patch, I believe.
Tricomb, sounds like you have many (awesome) options available in your medicine cabinet ;)
Not as many as I'd like. I wish my Dr would let me trade the oxycodone for dilaudid.
That'd be nice! Yeah, I wish my Suboxone doctor would write me a Tramadol script for my depression/anxiety/pain issues. I guess that is asking for too much. Thanks for the Vistaril, doc! :( Ugh..
You should find a doctor that will precribe it. It's pretty common for addicts on sub to get scripted tramadol, at least way more common than other opiates.
That's what I thought. I don't think Tramadol would cause any adverse effects; it never has. I mean, obviously, if I took like 700+MGs, that could be dangerous, but that's NOT my plan. I found something that helps me NOT be depressed;you'd think my doctor would be open to this suggestion.
Which is not a pill lol.

very true haha.
XTCake, how much suboxone do you take? I took some darvocet last weekend (which I'm pretty sure is as potent as tramadol), and I definately felt it, even with 1mg of suboxone in me.
I usually take anywhere from 2 to 6 MG's, lately. Some days I just feel like I need more, you know?
You should find a doctor that will precribe it. It's pretty common for addicts on sub to get scripted tramadol, at least way more common than other opiates.

Yep I get them both plus a benzo and trazadone to sleep...
I have a question about dropping in dose. I'm taking 3mg a day now of suboxone. I take 2mg in the morning then 1mg in the afternoon.

I want to drop down to 2.25mg and was wondering if I would be better off splitting that dose or take 2mg in the morning and .25 in the afternoon.

I was thinking of splitting and taking 1.25mg in the morning and 1mg in the late afternoon, or doesn't it really matter?

I have been dropping in dose about every 4 to 6 days but I think I'm going to make it every 7 days now, Then once i'm down to .25mg I'm skipping days then stopping all together. I hope so anyway.
I was just responding to the person who said pills that aren't scored aren't required to have an even distribution, which is false.
I split my 20mg Opana ER into 4 pieces of 5mg, and Opana is not scored.

...Research for yourself. There's no requirement or even guideline for distribution throughout non-scored pills. Here's the crux of the guidelines for scored tablets:

"The dosage amount meant to be achieved after splitting the tablet should not be below the minimum therapeutic dose indicated on approved labeling... modified release tablets in which the control of drug release can be compromised by splitting should not be scored."


This is not to say that some scored pills aren't even throughout. It means though that you have no basis to truly know unless you know the way in which the pill was pressed.
Damn, but I honestly don't want to just switch Suboxone doctors just to try to get something prescribed. I have yet to let him know that the Vistaril isn't living up to my standards, so maybe he will give me something else for that. I mean, how am I going to really know what works for me until I try other meds? I found something that took care of my MAIN issue that I am dealing with right now, and its not even a controlled substance! Its fucking TRAMADOL. He's still reluctant to let me try it (legally).
the old teva 99 33 football oxys weren't evenly distributed throughout the pill but i do agree that most pills nowadays are
...Research for yourself. There's no requirement or even guideline for distribution throughout non-scored pills. Here's the crux of the guidelines for scored tablets:

"The dosage amount meant to be achieved after splitting the tablet should not be below the minimum therapeutic dose indicated on approved labeling... modified release tablets in which the control of drug release can be compromised by splitting should not be scored."


This is not to say that some scored pills aren't even throughout. It means though that you have no basis to truly know unless you know the way in which the pill was pressed.

I'm just saying for the record using IV Opana, I put my life on the line and depend on even distribution
Why is no one posting in here? Isn't this the Suboxone Megathread?

Anyways, I have my sub doctor appointment tomorrow, wish me luck! I'm going to (once again) ask him to please consider Tramadol with my Suboxone AND something for my anxiety :(
Just curious, I'm assuming the tramadol would be for pain? I know the two can be used together, but all of tramadol's mu-opioid effects will be negated by the suboxone, though you still will get the serotonergic qualities.

And yeah, good luck. It took a while for my suboxone to really believe that I needed a benzo for anxiety, but she finally caved in. It kind of doesn't even matter though at this point, as 1mg of clonazepam basically just keeps me from going into benzo withdrawal.
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