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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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Ok thanks, my bank account is literally 1 dollar short for ordering kratom including shipping, so if i am able to get money from my girlfriends aunt for prescriptions (its technically my money anyway, im being given it on a weekly basis as sort of an "allowance" type deal) then i am good to go just gotta deposit a few dollars into my account.

Does anyone know if i can get my suboxone for free with the discount coupon from the suboxone website for the strips + insurance?
Stating loperamide prolongs withdrawal is like stating loperamide helps for other withdrawal symptoms than diarrhea. Loperamide doesn't cross BBB so I have no idea how it might prolong withdrawal but diarrhea (as it only acts in the gut).
Tapering that long is stupid. Why not just get it over with in a few days?

You're right, why don't I just suffer through acute heroin withdrawal and stop using heroin afterwards?

Because I tried that time and time again, I always ended up relapsing.

slightly off topic question although i do take suboxone. Is it normal to have never encountered even a hint of naseau or sickness on opiates EVER after 6 years using high doses. IM just curious cuz i hear people talk about it makin them puke and shit and that makes me laugh.

Individual differences. I puked every time I have IV'd enough cocaine to get high off of it, and not many people think that's normal apparently lol.
Stating loperamide prolongs withdrawal is like stating loperamide helps for other withdrawal symptoms than diarrhea. Loperamide doesn't cross BBB so I have no idea how it might prolong withdrawal but diarrhea (as it only acts in the gut).

Uhhm... I used loperamide to totally halt withdrawal during my second day without using after having a 12-15 bag a day habit (to feel normal not get high).

I mean totally stopped withdrawal near completely, i almost felt good.

Individual differences. I puked every time I have IV'd enough cocaine to get high off of it, and not many people think that's normal apparently lol.

Oh god - brings back memories. There was never a single time i had a good shot of IV coke and didn't puke. This brings back memories indeed... I need a cigarette.
Stating loperamide prolongs withdrawal is like stating loperamide helps for other withdrawal symptoms than diarrhea. Loperamide doesn't cross BBB so I have no idea how it might prolong withdrawal but diarrhea (as it only acts in the gut).

It is established though, on both points...
Ugh. I cannot for the life of me find an accurate half-life on oxymorphone extended release. I took a break from my subs, about 9 days ago. i was using methadone iv, but that stopped over 4 days ago. after that i snorted opana er, 40mg, 40, then 20mg, on three separate days.

anyway, its been around 32hours since i snorted the 20mg of opana er. how much longer should i wait before dosing my subs? sorry for a question thats been asked a million times with different variations.
How much buprenorphine~heroin?

¡Hola compañeros!

So I finally got my act together today, and seeked treatment for my heroin addiction. I am now waiting for a doc to call me, schedule an appointment for consultation, and after that I should be guaranteed an offer for maintainance treatment within about two weeks.

What I want is a maintainance program with buprenorphine for the time being, until I get my bachelor degree done in the end of january and feel comfortable without snorting heroin all the time, then I will start reducing over a semi-long period all the way to baseline.

Anyways, the thousand dollar question:
How much buprenorphine should I request per day, if I insufflate between half a gram to a gram of diacetylmorphine(not hydrochloride salt)? I want to eliminate withdrawal symptoms completely, and have enough bupe to have a little extra fun on days where I feel the maintainance dose isn't enough...

And then the million dollar question:
I tried using methadone at one point, but just ended up using heroin at the same time, and I got hooked on methadone really fucking fast, plus I'm not really fond of the side effects of methadone, whereas the couple of times I've tried buprenorphine, I really liked its subtle effects of well being. Anyone else feel the same way? And does anyone have a biochemical/pharmacological explanation as to why buprenoprhine is a more pleasant high than methadone for me?
And yeah, I know the answer is probably out there somewhere for me to find using a simple search, but I tried a few strings, and didn't get what I wanted, so I hope somebody might be able to answer me off the bat...
4 mgs will keep away the withdrawals, and help with cravings. You can lower to 2 mgs after a few days and be comfortable.
We have a buprenorphine megathread for questions such as these, as well as a methadone thread for questions you much have pertaining to that.

Otherwise, i would say dose 2mgs of suboxone every 45 mins to an hour until you have no withdrawal.
I'll merge your question into the suboxone mega-thread, the information you're looking for should be available there.

Because we have so many active members here, its important to put some effort into researching a topic before making a new thread. The Other Drugs directory is an excellent resource (linked at the top of the forum) - think of it like an index of topics and threads.
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I would say that dosing 1 mg's at a time and waiting an hour or an hour and a half before deciding to dose again is a good idea. You would be suprised at how little suboxone you actually need to stay "well". You probably would only need about 3-5mg's per day to be allright. If I ewere you though, I wouldnt tell the doctors any of thiis though. Just let them do there thing and they will probably give you anywhere between 12 and 32mg's and then you just dose 1 mg at a time when you get home until you feel fine. Like I said, you will probably find that you only need about 4mg's. Then you can take your 4mg's(give or take) a day, while saving up your extra pills. You could possibly only go to your sub doc only 2-3 times before you have enough suboxone to last you a very long time. Because after you start your initial dose of about 4 mg's or so(or whatever dose it may turn out to be), you should very quickly be able to lower it to about 2mg's and then even lower to about 0.5mg's(all in about a 2-4 week period), and then stay at that dose. you may even notice a slight euphoric effect at that low dose level, along with an extra energy boost.
This low dose should allow you to have an extremely easy time getting off of the suboxone whenever you choose to do so.....as many people seem to have trouble doing so with there high doses. Because when you maintain for a long period of time on a high dose of suboxone(anything over 4-8mg's) you will find it much harder to lower your dose and to eventually taper off completely...but when you maintain at a dose of 0.5 mg's or something similar, you can easily just lower your dose one day to about 0.2-0.3mg's and stay at that dose for about 2-4 weeks and then drop off there with practically no WD. It worked for me.
True, though i figured it would probably take about 4mgs with his tolerance. It does also depend on an individual and how they react to bupe though, some could be more sensitive. The only reason i didn't say 1mg an hour rather than than 2 is because when your withdrawing a few hours makes a big difference, and a difference of 2mgs of bupe is absolutely not going to kill you.
Capt.H gave some good advice telling me to follow the COWS guide rather than how many hours it had been. I took about 2mg of sub, and no precipitated withdrawals after i self-scored around 20. Feel much better and i don't think i'll be taking anymore breaks from the sub.
Capt.H gave some good advice telling me to follow the COWS guide rather than how many hours it had been. I took about 2mg of sub, and no precipitated withdrawals after i self-scored around 20. Feel much better and i don't think i'll be taking anymore breaks from the sub.

Glad to hear it. :)

Ordering kratom in the morning, i went to the bank to deposit money earlier and they were working on the atm so i couldn't. (banks closed obviously but i have wellsfargo so i can do deposits as well as withdrawals from an atm)

The source isn't all that far away from me so i should have my kratom and be ready to jump off within 3 days.

Assuming kratom works as well as its reported to work, i am extremely excited to be doing this.
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Thousand dollar question ANSWERED, million dollar question PENDING...

Thankyou all for the patience and advice ;)
Thanks to your comments I will hopefully be able to use as little as possible, and know that I can always come to this thread for advice on dosage, tapering, etc...

However, I am still wondering about the following:
And then the million dollar question:
I tried using methadone at one point, but just ended up using heroin at the same time, and I got hooked on methadone really fucking fast, plus I'm not really fond of the side effects of methadone, whereas the couple of times I've tried buprenorphine, I really liked its subtle effects of well being. Anyone else feel the same way? And does anyone have a biochemical/pharmacological explanation as to why buprenoprhine is a more pleasant high than methadone for me?

Could it be because I simply haven't used methadone in a high enough dose? And what would you all recomend as the most effective substitute for heroin, in terms of eventually(within about 6 months) tapering off of it and coming clean?

Buprenorphine gives me slight euphoria, and an energizing effect, whereas methadone just ends up giving me an annoying nodding effect and a really heavy body stone... I know this is probably due to their differences in affinity for the opioid receptors, but any insight in terms of their differences, and other peoples comparative experiences, is very welcome.
^no... if anything your methadone doses are too HIGH not too low.

Buprenorphine can only produce the mu agonism (typical opioid effects) of about 30mg of methadone and then reaches a ceiling. What you're essentially getting from the buprenorphine is like a rather SMALL methadone dose but not exactly because buprenorphine is only a partial agonist (whereas methadone is a full agonist).

This isn't due to receptor affinity- buprenorphine has very strong receptor affinity but doesn't have stronger opioid effects than full agonists with weaker receptor affinity. Receptors are like locks and these drugs are keys that open them up. Full agonist open them up and the more you take, the more you unlock, the stronger the effects.

Partial-agonists with strong receptor affinity such as buprenorphine only half-unlock and then break the key off in the lock so other keys that can fully unlock can't even get in (temporarily of course).
I have been using opiates/opioids for over 2 years, i puked once the second time i did heroin - only because i never had an oxy tolerance or anything before using heroin. I had done a handful of percs once or twice thats about it before i started doing dope. Otherwise, i have never puked or gotten nausea - even the times i have come very close to ODing/fallen out unconscious for a minute or so after a shot. Even then i didn't puke, but i find that i have an iron stomach when dealing with most drugs.

Either that, or maybe a super fast metabolism?

It has to be a metabolism, because I definately felt it. In fact, I just shot another three bags and I'm nodding. I have two theories as to why I now seem to get no blockade from suboxone:

1)I've been switching back from subs to full agonists for the past six months, at an almost week by week basis.

2)If you take extremely high dosages of suboxone, maybe it counter-acts the blockade effect, as you absorbing more and more naloxone (though this is debatable, as buprenorphine has a higher affinity to opiate receptors, but maybe at extremely high dosages, some of the naloxone does get in, and this lowers my tolerance to buprenorphine). I know this one is probably scientifically retarded, but I cant figure out any other reason. I had taken at least 40 mg of suboxone for ten days straight before I picked up my DOC again, and that definately gives the half lives time to stack up on one another.

the one thing that makes me doubtful of the metabolism is this: I used to have to wait three days minimum, before I could feel heroin. And I do have a fast metabolsm, and always have.

This has to have something to do with the fact that I keep on switching back and forth between full agonists and suboxone. Something got screwed up. I also notice the transitions back to suboxone are not as pleasant as they used to be, and it takes more to feel normal, even with the ceiling effect.
You have a tolerance where you can take 40mgs of bupe, yet 3 bags gets you nodding?


And yeah, if anybody else has an explanation other than super fast metabolism than feel free to chime in, i sure can't think of any other possibility.

Kratom ordered. :)

about 3 days till i jump off bupe.
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