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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ & Megathread v3; 2010 - 2022

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What am i missing?

Cheeses, specifically bleu cheese. I find it best taken in a salad or hamburger and paired with spring mix, bleu cheese dressing and bacon (and pickles if it is on a hamburger, and croutons if it is on a salad!)

...Sorry man, I've been hungry all day...

Withdrawing a little bit is not anywhere near as bad as the full-blown thing (not sure if you've been through Suboxone tapers before... If you're already experiencing pretty bad withdrawals while tapering, then you should probably go slower and let your body get adjusted before going any lower. The only time it should be difficult is when you get down to that lowest dose, as that will be the first major step. After your body is stabilized on that dose, I'd start with the kratom. I really think your body will benefit from allowing it to adjust to this new, lower dose, especially while you wait until you get kratom on your hands. This is really two different things to me that say that waiting will really help out IMO.

Good luck with whatever you do.
(@clementine's ghost) You say bupe makes it worse? If it is making it worse, you did not wait long enough before switching over to Suboxone and you are making precipitated withdrawal worse by adding more Suboxone in. How long did you wait after your last opiate dose before beginning the Suboxone? Sorry if I missed that info, I don't see it mentioned, though...
also, how old are you? the older you are the more luck i think you will have at the ER. but i am not sure. man, i really wish i could help you. i have been there and know how horrible it is. but you should truely be at the absolute worst point. a lot of people find that when they precipitate wd, they bring on the peak of wd and things get slowly better from there.

clementine, you are not going to die. it feels that way i know. it is real fucking scary. but you will not die.
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Just go to the ER and explain what's going on. Cry if you feel like doing so.

They'll give you some meds, they won't just leave you out in the cold.
Withdrawing a little bit is not anywhere near as bad as the full-blown thing (not sure if you've been through Suboxone tapers before... If you're already experiencing pretty bad withdrawals while tapering, then you should probably go slower and let your body get adjusted before going any lower. The only time it should be difficult is when you get down to that lowest dose, as that will be the first major step. After your body is stabilized on that dose, I'd start with the kratom. I really think your body will benefit from allowing it to adjust to this new, lower dose, especially while you wait until you get kratom on your hands. This is really two different things to me that say that waiting will really help out IMO.

Good luck with whatever you do.

Thanks, it's not that the withdrawal from tapering is too unbearable - its totally "bearable", I've been dealing with it for 8 months. Im just sick of it and want this to be over with. Plus time wise i really need to be off of bupe and done with acute withdrawal symptoms by early January, i am moving and need to be able physically to drive cross country and then get a job asap. I might be able to order kratom tomorrow, Depends on if the suboxone coupon for the strips works even if i have insurance, which i have heard it does - so if i can indeed get my suboxone for free i should have enough money to order some kratom.

If i take just enough loperamide to feel well enough to get to the gym a 2-3 days a week, will this drastically effect the length of withdrawal?

Otherwise lets assume i either can afford the kratom or i wait until i definitely can afford it, will kratom provide enough relief by itself to make me feel well enough for going to the gym? Equally as important, will it provide enough relief to make christmas not totally suck? Because if i do wait until i can definitely get the kratom that means i will be withdrawing at christmas.
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Try to calm down man, i think you are forcing a panic attack. Just relax, take deep breathes and you will not die. Happened to me before, things only keep getting better, so don't worry and you'll be just fine very soon. Good luck and know that you can also take the Capt advice and go to the ER, see how you feel.
Tapering that long is stupid. Why not just get it over with in a few days?

If you were referring to me and the fact that i have been tapering for like 8 months, then yeah. Pretty much - except for the fact that its 3 weeks not a few days of withdrawal. Although i agree, another 2 months of tapering to get down to an "ideal" dose is just as bad if not worse than just dropping at .5mgs daily. I've never been more than a couple days without suboxone though, so i don't know how bad it will really get. If i drop, and it gets to bad for me to handle than i can always jump back on. Likely to a slightly lower dose depending on how many days i dealt with it before snapping.

Either way, i at least want to test the waters and see what i am in for - but if it isn't all *that* bad i am definitely sticking with it and getting this shit over with.

Of course you probably weren't talking about me specifically dexter, but whatever haha. Still slightly relevant.
If you were referring to me and the fact that i have been tapering for like 8 months, then yeah. Pretty much - except for the fact that its 3 weeks not a few days of withdrawal. Although i agree, another 2 months of tapering to get down to an "ideal" dose is just as bad if not worse than just dropping at .5mgs daily. I've never been more than a couple days without suboxone though, so i don't know how bad it will really get. If i drop, and it gets to bad for me to handle than i can always jump back on. Likely to a slightly lower dose depending on how many days i dealt with it before snapping.

Either way, i at least want to test the waters and see what i am in for - but if it isn't all *that* bad i am definitely sticking with it and getting this shit over with.

Of course you probably weren't talking about me specifically dexter, but whatever haha. Still slightly relevant.

If you taper down to about 0.2-0.3mg's, and stay at that dose for about a month, then you should have mimimal WD's. The lower you go and the longer you stay at at that low dose, the less WD's you will have to go thru.

I was able to have zero WD's...and I mean completely no WD's, after dropping off after 0.5mg doses. But I never was taking the high doses most people take for maintanence. I realized before I ever went to the sub doc that low dose is the way to go. So I was given 12 mg's/day but only really took 2 at first and quicjkly lowered to about 1, and then 0.5, and then even lower to about 0.3...but I realized that 0.5 was my sweet spot cuz I was getting euphoric effects at that dose, as long as I maintained on it long enough. And I was able to take long breaks from it.....my longest being over 2 months, and then eventually I just stopped using it. No WD's.

Good Luck.
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I've been at .5mgs for over a month, and with my time frame i need to stop taking sub within a week. I'm not going to explain why again - if you care read my posts above. Otherwise all you need to know is i need to be physically capable of driving across country and getting a job by early January. Is there seriously going to be that huge of a difference between .5 and .3? Either way it doesn't matter. As long as its doable, im jumping off - within a couple days once i have most of my supplies. With any luck tomorrow ill have my prescription of clonidine and gabapentin filled, as well as have Kratom ordered if all goes well. I may have to have my girfriends aunt buy me most of the OTC products i will need, but im sure whe will be willing to help out with that if she was willing to let my girl and i just up and move in with her to get clean. Without this positive living environment 900 miles away from bad people/places/things from back in NJ i would definitely not have been mostly sober these 85 days.
just dosed my morning .5mg along with my kpin. feeling comfortable. hope everyones morning is going well. :D
slightly off topic question although i do take suboxone. Is it normal to have never encountered even a hint of naseau or sickness on opiates EVER after 6 years using high doses. IM just curious cuz i hear people talk about it makin them puke and shit and that makes me laugh.
Question here as well.

I've been using Kratom daily for about two weeks or more? Drinking roughly 10 cups of tea a day. So, I started cutting down my Kratom usage recently. Btw, I used to dose Kratom roughly 30 minutes before taking Subutex and got no WD symptoms what so ever.

That said, now that I've been cutting down to 4 cups a night, my morning Subutex dose has been making my head spin when I take it. What the hell is that all about? I've been dosing 4mg for about a month now. And only the last three days have I felt dizzy just seconds after it dissolves into my tongue.

Weird, if you ask me. Not complaining tho, at least the 4mg pills are holding me for much longer than I'm used to!
I have experienced something crazy that i would like to share with all you, especially if you switch back and fourth between suboxone and your opiate of choice.

I've been taking HUGE amounts of suobxone daily. Upward doses of 40-48, sometimes even 56 mg. I dont know why I feel I need this much, but it seems the strip dont give as much relief. Anyway, anything above 16 mg taken for over a week, and you'd think that would be enough suboxone. 40 mg and up, that should MORE than do the trick as far as its binding is concerned.

well yesterday, less than eight hours after taking my tgh 8 mg strip, I shot three bags of h, and I got highi as hell. can someone please explaine this? '
I have experienced something crazy that i would like to share with all you, especially if you switch back and fourth between suboxone and your opiate of choice.

I've been taking HUGE amounts of suobxone daily. Upward doses of 40-48, sometimes even 56 mg. I dont know why I feel I need this much, but it seems the strip dont give as much relief. Anyway, anything above 16 mg taken for over a week, and you'd think that would be enough suboxone. 40 mg and up, that should MORE than do the trick as far as its binding is concerned.

well yesterday, less than eight hours after taking my tgh 8 mg strip, I shot three bags of h, and I got highi as hell. can someone please explaine this? '

seems people have vastly different blockade effects with sub. some folks can wait 24 hours and get great effects from their DOC. Me, i get extreme blockade effects even after a day. Even at my low dose of .5.
slightly off topic question although i do take suboxone. Is it normal to have never encountered even a hint of naseau or sickness on opiates EVER after 6 years using high doses. IM just curious cuz i hear people talk about it makin them puke and shit and that makes me laugh.

I have been using opiates/opioids for over 2 years, i puked once the second time i did heroin - only because i never had an oxy tolerance or anything before using heroin. I had done a handful of percs once or twice thats about it before i started doing dope. Otherwise, i have never puked or gotten nausea - even the times i have come very close to ODing/fallen out unconscious for a minute or so after a shot. Even then i didn't puke, but i find that i have an iron stomach when dealing with most drugs.

Either that, or maybe a super fast metabolism?
Otherwise lets assume i either can afford the kratom or i wait until i definitely can afford it, will kratom provide enough relief by itself to make me feel well enough for going to the gym? Equally as important, will it provide enough relief to make christmas not totally suck? Because if i do wait until i can definitely get the kratom that means i will be withdrawing at christmas.

Yes, energy is exactly what kratom will give you in the middle of withdrawal. So long as you tapered to a reasonably low dose before jumping ship, the kratom should actually give you a bit of a buzz when you take it, especially when you are in withdrawal and suddenly have a decent dose of opioids enter your system!

I've come off of Suboxone multiple times in my life, the first time without kratom and using loperamide. I will never do it that way again; kratom was far superior IME.
Yes, energy is exactly what kratom will give you in the middle of withdrawal. So long as you tapered to a reasonably low dose before jumping ship, the kratom should actually give you a bit of a buzz when you take it, especially when you are in withdrawal and suddenly have a decent dose of opioids enter your system!

I've come off of Suboxone multiple times in my life, the first time without kratom and using loperamide. I will never do it that way again; kratom was far superior IME.

Kratom does not extend withdrawal time, where as loperamide does correct?
^If kratom does extend the withdrawal time, it is not very noticeable to me. Loperamide certainly does extend it a bit though... Not an incredible amount either IME, but I did take very low doses of it compared to some people on here.
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