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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ and Megathread v.1; 2007 - 2010

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I'm not complaining really it just perplexes me, if the buprenorphine replaced the other opiates and opioids on my receptors with itself why would some of the WD signs still be showing through?

Prob cause your body is going 'wtf' after being changed from one massive dose to another. Give it a week and you should adjust fine.
Nalaxone doesn't work period. Bupe has a higher affinity to receptor than naloxone making naloxone useless if someone were to overdose on bupe which makes it dangerous if someone with no tolerance manages to OD. A shot of nalaxone or similar antagonist will be ineffective.

It was just put in there to fool the FDA and it worked, they market it saying nalaxone isn't absorbed sublingually but is when IVed the user gets a full use to discourage illicit use but in reality you can IV suboxone just fine.

i just joined this site because i was given a scripy from a sub doctor and i was just told to put it under my tongue. i wasnt told to be in full WD either (heroin) .so i got the script filled and of i went. i put an 8mg pill under my tongue and started to drive home .i sucked down those juices like a jolly rancher. about 30 minutes later...SLAM .... full bore, full contact withdrawls. it hit me so hard i had to pull over and my son drove. my stomache started going into spasms and my finger in my mouth was all i did for about an hour or so but i had nothing there to puke. i was told this because i blacked out.
the naloxone worked on me. maybe i'm unique though.
^That was actually the bupe itself that kicked the heroin off your receptors! I know, it's pretty surprising...
All right I took 32mg suboxone in the last 24 hours and it's 44 hours since my last heroin dose. Physically I feel fine except a little fatigued and the sleep sweats but I can't get over my MASSIVE dilated pupils whenever I look in the mirror. It's like I'm in opiate withdrawal but it's being masked by the bupe so only a few minor symptoms show through. Does anyone have any theories on this? I'm not complaining really it just perplexes me, if the buprenorphine replaced the other opiates and opioids on my receptors with itself why would some of the WD signs still be showing through?

I wouldn't use your pupils as an accurate measure of this... You said you were nodding and sleeping all day at 16mg in an earlier post, but took more because of your pupils, and you still have larger pupils than you think you have today, so maybe just go by what you're feeling? FWIW, bupe doesn't seem to do anything noticeable to my pupils...

I'm quite confident that you could be taking way less than 24mg and cutting out some of these side effects that you are describing (fatigue and sweating, mainly). Keep us updated on how it goes!
Starting suboxone - nervous

So I finally sucked it up and have made the decision to try and kick my 200 mg day
oxy habit. So I saw my pychiatrist and he gave me a script for 30 8 mg subs. He wants me to get on a maintenance dose, however my idea is to just take enough to get through the withdrawals and quickly wean myself off the subs so I am opiate free. I feel as though the 30 subs are more than enough. My question - has anyone attempted this type of detox? I have a days worth of roxy left so I guess I will just
use it up today, wait until the withdrawls hit (bout 12 hours) then start the subs. Anyway please pray that I can kick this nasty habit and let me know if my fast detox will work. Thanks all!
Yo yo it's Jayprice4REALLLLLL.

How's JohnPrice4Real doin? What about your girl JennyPrice4Real?

I can never understand people who view suboxone treatment as some sort of enslavement. I have to wonder what life was like for them prior to starting maintenance, I know what mine was like and there is no comparison. I have found the key to success is to come into the program in desperation. The mindset that a) I was absolutely sick and tired of the way it was, and (more importantly), b) I was willing to do absolutely anything to change, was the way I had to be.

Maybe its the easier availability of suboxone that facilitates people starting it before they have reached the needed mindset that fosters a lot of dissatisfaction. Its always seemed a shame that some folks just haven't hurt enough, but I was the same way. I simply wanted to stop hurting, get out of the immediate trouble, then live on the way I saw fit. People who knew me were adamant that would not work, but I was too stubborn to believe them.
I would rather suffer like a mother fucker for 24 hours then spend the next 4 days feeling so so kinda withdrawing kinda not still feeling like shit blah blah blah

So fuck it I'm done screwing around with dope and opiates and need to get on real maintenance. I was on 2mg maintenance for about a month but it made me crave highs and relapse and for the past month and a half I have been switching between heroin, fentanyl, dillaudid, and suboxone and I can't take fucking around anymore it has been making my life unmanageable.

After doing a lot of heroin on weds morning I transitioned slowly to bupe around 4pm after last dosing at 8am and eventually got on 8mg but I was still nodding off and doped up feeling. I took 16mg today and I still am getting witdrawal side effects like I'm withdrawaling from dope. Mainly it is sleeping 16 hours+ a day and sweating a ton. Also for the amount of bupe I've taken my pupils look like I'm in the middle of WD and are absolutely HUGE in dim light like I just took E or mephedrone.

Right now I'm finishing another 8mg for 24mg total sublingual today. I know my dosing is not typical since I did a gradual dosing to avoid any withdrawal or precipitated WD and I know I am sort of a guinea pig in that area so maybe these mixed effects are normal for what I did/ am doing. It's just a little odd what I'm going through right now since there isn't much info on it or other people's experiences doing similar things with rapid transition to bupe.

It definitely beats being in withdrawal for 24-72 hours before going on bupe or precipitated WD so I don't see why they don't just use this approach clinically. I mean for suboxone induction if they just gave people .1mg doses every 10 minutes they could induct anyone regardless of last usage.
Yo yo it's Jayprice4REALLLLLL.

How's JohnPrice4Real doin? What about your girl JennyPrice4Real?


Maybe just point them towards the Suboxone megathread next time? I know your intention is good... I just think this approach will be much more productive.
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Yo yo it's Jayprice4REALLLLLL.

How's JohnPrice4Real doin? What about your girl JennyPrice4Real?


lol just noticed this post..

4real 4real? haha yes.. 4real.
I remember johnprice4real.
now theres a jayprice4real..
too much 4reals... 4real!

no disrespect meant by this to jayprice4real just sayin is it a coincidence the 2 user names are so alike? or are you the same person?? i dont wanna scare you off or make fun of you but i just think everythings too 4real.. 4real.
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All right I took 32mg suboxone in the last 24 hours and it's 44 hours since my last heroin dose. Physically I feel fine except a little fatigued and the sleep sweats but I can't get over my MASSIVE dilated pupils whenever I look in the mirror. It's like I'm in opiate withdrawal but it's being masked by the bupe so only a few minor symptoms show through. Does anyone have any theories on this? I'm not complaining really it just perplexes me, if the buprenorphine replaced the other opiates and opioids on my receptors with itself why would some of the WD signs still be showing through?

I have this problem too.

The only reason I was reading this thread today was to see if anyone said anything like this. You did.

I used to have a heroin addiction (So I guess you can say I still do). I fuck around with it. What I was doing was taking suboxone at completely random times, when ever I felt like I needed it, I'd snort 2mg when ever. I would stop taking Suboxone on Friday (Friday afternoon would be my last 2mg dose) and then on Monday/Tuesday I'd shoot heroin until I ran out (I'd usually pick up a gram on Monday). I'd start taking subs again on Wednesday - I'd pretty much always dose too quickly and get into Precip Withdrawals, where I'd just smoke weed and lay in bed and close my eyes and it would be gone in 20 minutes.

But THIS week. THIS WEEK was different. For some reason, I've been feeling minor withdrawal symptoms the whole week. Like I'm withdrawing from heroin and the bupe just isn't completely covering it up. I don't understand why or how. I'm having major sleep sweats, loss of appetite (only time I am really able to eat is if i smoke weed). My pupils are fine, dilating and constricting as usual. I have felt fatigued/tired more so than usual, to the point where I feel like something else is adding to it - like withdrawals.

Not really much to add as far as telling you how to fix it, just saying that I'm getting it too.
I have this problem too.

The only reason I was reading this thread today was to see if anyone said anything like this. You did.

I used to have a heroin addiction (So I guess you can say I still do). I fuck around with it. What I was doing was taking suboxone at completely random times, when ever I felt like I needed it, I'd snort 2mg when ever. I would stop taking Suboxone on Friday (Friday afternoon would be my last 2mg dose) and then on Monday/Tuesday I'd shoot heroin until I ran out (I'd usually pick up a gram on Monday). I'd start taking subs again on Wednesday - I'd pretty much always dose too quickly and get into Precip Withdrawals, where I'd just smoke weed and lay in bed and close my eyes and it would be gone in 20 minutes.

But THIS week. THIS WEEK was different. For some reason, I've been feeling minor withdrawal symptoms the whole week. Like I'm withdrawing from heroin and the bupe just isn't completely covering it up. I don't understand why or how. I'm having major sleep sweats, loss of appetite (only time I am really able to eat is if i smoke weed). My pupils are fine, dilating and constricting as usual. I have felt fatigued/tired more so than usual, to the point where I feel like something else is adding to it - like withdrawals.

Not really much to add as far as telling you how to fix it, just saying that I'm getting it too.

See for me I fucked around like you did but when ever I would go back to suboxone it would be in super tiny doses very rapidly and I have never gotten precipitated WD. My pupils are fine now but the night sweats, fatigue, and now that you mention it appetite loss are here. What bupe dosage are you at?
a few questions:

1.) is there any reason why dxm wouldn't potentiate buprenorphine?

2.) and on potentiation itself: if you take potentiate one drug with another, does your tolerance go up in accordance with the increased effect?

i ask because i have a rather snotty-sounding cough, and i'd like to take mucinex at a regular therapeutic dose. still, i know that 60mg of dxm is often enough to potentiate opiates, and that's two mucinex pills, which i might well end up taking by the end of the night.

so, for one thing, is it possible i'll have a higher bupe tolerance if i do that? and, will the presence of the bupe increase my chances for dxm in my piss causing a false-pop for opiates or pcp?

i know therapeutic amounts of mucinex on their own are not exactly safe for a pee test.... my girlfriend took a pee test awhile ago when she had been taking mucinex because of a little cold. she came up positive for pcp.

of course, further testing showed that it was dxm, but still, where i'm at right now every cup of pee matters to the judge, and i don't want them to even think i was trying to get high on dxm. they know very little about dxm at my outpatient; i've gathered that from the groups.

i'm curious to know more about how potentiation works, especially in this case because i wonder if it could affect my tolerance. i mean, is there any appreciable difference between "potentiation" and "synergy?"
I don't have the time to decipher what that means.

Just looked it up on urbandictionary and apparently it actually means "someone who isn't me," which actually makes it even more incriminating than what I thought it meant originally, "someone who I met."
opiate tolerance user on suboxone maintaince wants to use GBL

can i combine lower doses my suboxone with gbl safely? i know itll add to the respitory depression but im only talkin 1-2mls. what would you guys recomend to someone whose been on subs for a year and a half and has a heavy opiate tolerance otherwise. I take 8mgs a day. i was thinking take 4mgs and sum gbl on occasion? how would this combo would out? thank you.
Just looked it up on urbandictionary and apparently it actually means "someone who isn't me," which actually makes it even more incriminating than what I thought it meant originally, "someone who I met."

I'm sure he knows what it means in that sense it's just a pain in the ass and not worth the trouble trying to decipher posts from new people who don't know the rules and use SWIM over and over. It just looks unintelligent/idiotic and most of us would rather not endure the headache of reading over those posts.
a few questions:

1.) is there any reason why dxm wouldn't potentiate buprenorphine?

2.) and on potentiation itself: if you take potentiate one drug with another, does your tolerance go up in accordance with the increased effect?

i ask because i have a rather snotty-sounding cough, and i'd like to take mucinex at a regular therapeutic dose. still, i know that 60mg of dxm is often enough to potentiate opiates, and that's two mucinex pills, which i might well end up taking by the end of the night.

so, for one thing, is it possible i'll have a higher bupe tolerance if i do that? and, will the presence of the bupe increase my chances for dxm in my piss causing a false-pop for opiates or pcp?

i know therapeutic amounts of mucinex on their own are not exactly safe for a pee test.... my girlfriend took a pee test awhile ago when she had been taking mucinex because of a little cold. she came up positive for pcp.

of course, further testing showed that it was dxm, but still, where i'm at right now every cup of pee matters to the judge, and i don't want them to even think i was trying to get high on dxm. they know very little about dxm at my outpatient; i've gathered that from the groups.

i'm curious to know more about how potentiation works, especially in this case because i wonder if it could affect my tolerance. i mean, is there any appreciable difference between "potentiation" and "synergy?"

Whether potentitation increases tolerance or not is an interesting question, it could be yes or no depending on the action of potentiation and if it is actually causing more of the drug to stay in your system longer which would lead me to believe it could increase tolerance.

Drug testing questions are generally not allowed here for some reason but I think yours is valid asking about false positives. You will not get a false positive for opiates from using bupe but I can't tell you about DXM.
I figured the only reason people say SWIM is because they are used to forums like Drugs-Forum where they REQUIRE that you ALWAYS say "SWIM". Their fucking forum is like going to the city pool it is the most annoying shit to read. They have a huge forum with a lot of people, some who are intelligent...didn't want to sound like I'm bashing them, but the SWIM shit it so annoying. If you REALLY, REALLY actually give a shit about "not self incriminating" just say "My friend". Nobody asks questions and so many people say that, seriously. "My friend smoked a whole bunch of rock and now he's dying" or "My friend sold someone a pound of heroin". etc.

See for me I fucked around like you did but when ever I would go back to suboxone it would be in super tiny doses very rapidly and I have never gotten precipitated WD. My pupils are fine now but the night sweats, fatigue, and now that you mention it appetite loss are here. What bupe dosage are you at?

My bupe dosage is crazy. It is what ever I feel like, in 2mg intervals. I don't take it that often. The only time I really actually take it are when I first get "Back on subs"/"Off of dope" after my fun-cheating days, and then the day after that if I feel I need it. I start at 4mg when I "Go back on subs" and then all my doses after that are in 2mg. I only redose when I physically/mentally feel like I "need it". That's been a lot more often lately because of these sudden "lingering withdrawals" I've been having, that you described too. I've dosed a total of probably 10mg at the MOST over the period of 2 days. I generally take no more than 2mg a day.

I snort my suboxone 90% of the time. I kind of use it as my coffee. If I'm feeling drowsy before I go to work, go out to meet someone for lunch/anything else, go to class, etc - I snort up a 2mg pile (I cut off 1/4th of a pill and crush it up). It's probably about 50% placebo and 50% real, but I feel 'better'.

Interesting story, I pissed dirty at my last Suboxone appointment. The doctor says "We do this randomly and your number is up today, I need your urine for a drug test". I said, "Are you checking to make sure I'm still taking the Suboxone?" which he confirmed, and said they were also making sure I wasn't doing anything I wasn't supposed to.

This was on a monday afternoon. The last time I slammed dope was on Friday night. I was worried. I went in the bathroom to pee, and went to dilute it with hot water from the sink. The hot water was off - only cold water. So I went into the cabinet under the sink, turned the hot water on from the turny switch thing. Diluted with hot water, then turned it off.

He comes in and says "You are positive for Opioids and THC - Marijuana". I said "First things first, I told you I smoked and you never really said that it was a problem just that it may make me crave opioids, which it does the opposite of. I've been smoking since I started this program in September and it wasn't a problem on the last drug test." (I've been randomly tested twice now). He told me that it was in violation of the agreement I signed because marijuana IS a drug. I cut him off and said that I'd stop. I told him the opioids (Since they couldn't specifically tell what type, thankfully) was from a Vicodin I took for my back that I had - didn't say if I obtained it through prescription or not, he didn't ask.

He got pissy and told me that he has "tons of people banging on his door begging to get on the program" and that they are "cash payers" and I'm "Lucky my insurance is covering this since I'm acting like I don't care about it." This is my first dirty test since September, I think I was doing pretty good assuming I was sober and clean 100% of the time aside from that one bad test. He said this is my first and final warning that it better not happen again.

I have about 12 full 8mg Suboxone pills left, and a prescription for 14 more. I have enough to ween off of if I had to. But I have another appointment at the start of next month and the only thing I plan on being dirty for is weed, which I will argue "I had been smoking a long time, it's going to stay in my system for a while." and if he still complains I'll tell him he is an idiot and anyone with the capability of performing a Google search could tell that I would still be dirty for pot up to a month after stopping smoking. The only reason I was dirty for opioids was because I forgot I had an appointment. Oops.
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