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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ and Megathread v.1; 2007 - 2010

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It doesn't sound like a good idea, but you would have to look up cross-reaction information. Combining depressive drugs is always risky business. If you are like me, all those good intentions about "controlled use" fly right out the window once I get started.
I haven't ever done this, I would recommend saving the GBL for coming down (unless you plan to be on Suboxone maintenance for a long, long time).

If you are going to do this, start with 1/2 or less of your normal GBL dose. The synergism between gaba-ergics and buprenorphine is pretty strong.

8mg of buprenorphine per day is also a large dose.

I'm going to go ahead and merge this into the Suboxone mega thread, a lot of sub + gabaergic Q's are posted there, I think this will fit in well.
is it impossible to do subs and H at the same time because of anticipated wdS that i cant get away from. or is that some kind of merry go round ..take some sub have WD symptoms ,do H do sub WD ,so on and so on.
or will it work
^You won't feel the heroin if you're on bupe maintenance, unless it's a small dose of bupe like 2mg or less. The exact amount varies between individuals, but I think I remember you being on 8mg which will certainly block other opiates.

If you were to take the heroin while on bupe, you wouldn't go into precipitated withdrawal like you did when you initially took the bupe because it is already on your receptors and the bupe won't be kicked off by the heroin.
is it impossible to do subs and H at the same time because of anticipated wdS that i cant get away from. or is that some kind of merry go round ..take some sub have WD symptoms ,do H do sub WD ,so on and so on.
or will it work

If you do (a small amount of) Suboxone first, you can do H or other opiates afterwards. However you have to wait for the opiates/H to get out of your system before you can take your next buprenorphine dose.

I used to switch back and forth by doing it this way:

wake up, take Suboxone
wait at least 8-12 hours
take heroin
sleep it off
wake up, take Suboxone
and so forth

some nights I wouldn't use H, others I would.

It's more ideal to stick to one or the other. Switching back and forth is OK but you might as well just stabilize on Suboxone. Just my 2 cents.
BollWeevil, i dont meen to be a pain in the ass . i been doing H and methadone for 20 years, and that stuff is pretty straight forward . after i wrote the last question and feeling the WDs. i slammed some H and got some relief .
i am actually prescribed 8mg twice a day so if i take the other 8mg tonight will i be in the same state of withdrawls as earlier today?
i want to escape the WDs is all i want. i'm ready to slam, plug, and snort all at the same time . i got my kids here and its hard being sick around them and i got some tattoos and airbrush work on hold..
BollWeevil, i dont meen to be a pain in the ass . i been doing H and methadone for 20 years, and that stuff is pretty straight forward . after i wrote the last question and feeling the WDs. i slammed some H and got some relief .
i am actually prescribed 8mg twice a day so if i take the other 8mg tonight will i be in the same state of withdrawls as earlier today?
i want to escape the WDs is all i want. i'm ready to slam, plug, and snort all at the same time . i got my kids here and its hard being sick around them and i got some tattoos and airbrush work on hold..

Well if you just want to get away from WD's, try taking Suboxone, 2mg sublingually with at least 45 minutes in between doses until you feel most of the WD symptoms lessening.

You should be able to get by on 8-12 mg per day with a large opiate tolerance.
^(paintjunkie) Well, thanks for the update. I didn't think it would be so easy to jump over 8mg bupe, but it apparently worked alright for you. Captain's advice is perfect for you in this situation. You must have been at a fairly high dose of heroin in the first place, and you probably will feel withdrawals for a short period of time just from the difference between bupe and heroin. Once your body has had time to adjust, you should be just fine on bupe maintenance.

Just out of curiosity, did you have similar experiences when going from heroin to methadone?
It doesn't sound like a good idea, but you would have to look up cross-reaction information. Combining depressive drugs is always risky business. If you are like me, all those good intentions about "controlled use" fly right out the window once I get started.


And you always try again and fail in the same fashion. =D
Captain Heroin,
i did that in small doses and with every dose the WDs kept coming. i didnt want to reach the whole 8.mg but i did. my thinking was to keep dosing untill the withdrawls turned to relief but i took a break with some H. so is it wise to keep going untill the withdrwls stop or does it not work that way?
---BollWeevil, getting on methadone is simple and straight forward, i have gone sick as hell when i was a rookie like around 84'-85 didnt get high with 65 mg max on the firt day but in an hour i was ok to hustle untill i got to my dose that i wanted. . other times when i would get on methadone i would go fixed and act sick and kept on fixin untill my dose was good for me. i have always been a slob when it comes to heroin so my tolerance is very high .
i have a friend who would go through some bad wds but he is holding and nodding with 65mg. i was on 165mgs this last time.. a regular user should be just fine and feel relief with the first dose. you can go up 10mg per day after that and get to a dose to make you nod out all day long if thats what you want
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I haven't ever done this, I would recommend saving the GBL for coming down (unless you plan to be on Suboxone maintenance for a long, long time).

If you are going to do this, start with 1/2 or less of your normal GBL dose. The synergism between gaba-ergics and buprenorphine is pretty strong.

8mg of buprenorphine per day is also a large dose.

I'm going to go ahead and merge this into the Suboxone mega thread, a lot of sub + gabaergic Q's are posted there, I think this will fit in well.

I've never taken GBL before thats the problem.... thank you for advice. I know 8mgs is a lot i was actually taking half that until the doctor upped my dose. He wants me on 12mgs. def too much. So i should take like 2mls of gbl with half my normal sub dose? will i feel drunk or like more benzo like? I have no idea about this combo but i know my body is especially tolerant to suboxone and also benzos so im gunna try it as a potienter. Btw half my sub is plugged and the other half under the tongue. Lasts great all day!
Captain Heroin,
i did that in small doses and with every dose the WDs kept coming. i didnt want to reach the whole 8.mg but i did. my thinking was to keep dosing untill the withdrawls turned to relief but i took a break with some H. so is it wise to keep going untill the withdrwls stop or does it not work that way?

Well Suboxone won't "erase" any trace of WD's like relapsing on heroin will, but with the right dose (which, in your case, might be the whole 16mg spread throughout the day) you should have "diminished" withdrawal symptoms.

Like let's say you're unable to sit still, you have piloerection (goose bumps), you are having cold/hot flashes (due to high blood pressure), you are nauseous/vomiting, and are craving opiates like nothing else.

Then let's say over the course of the day you have 8 to 16mg of buprenorphine.

You should feel just a little uneasy sitting still but should be somewhat able to do so, you might still get some goosebumps but they shouldn't be extreme and constant, you should have very little hot/cold flashes, you should be a lot less nauseous and shouldn't be vomiting, and you shouldn't crave opiates as much as before.

You still might have withdrawal symptoms for 1-3 weeks while stabilizing on Suboxone. However if you stick to just Suboxone, after a month of it, you should feel *a lot* better.

It took me about 3-5 days (keep in mind I've only used for about one year, if you've used for many, many, many years, you may need a whole month or longer to stabilize, but it will happen).

I've never taken GBL before thats the problem....

So i should take like 2mls of gbl with half my normal sub dose? will i feel drunk or like more benzo like? I have no idea about this combo but i know my body is especially tolerant to suboxone and also benzos so im gunna try it as a potienter. Btw half my sub is plugged and the other half under the tongue. Lasts great all day!

OK well I actually have no idea as I have never had GBL nor GHB either.

However if you normally take 8mg per day, 4mg plugged 4mg sublingually, then as you said, have half of that (2mg plugged, 2mg sublingually). Then have 2ml of GBL. I don't know how much GBL is in 2ml of it, so, if your friends use 2ml of GBL to feel it, try 1ml?

Your idea is right though, trying half the Suboxone dose with a small/medium GBL dose.

I have no idea if it'll be more like a drunk feeling or a benzo feeling though, sorry.

BTW - your avatar rocks, I love Aphex Twin.
thanks bro! i've always admired your posts. Thanks for advice im going to try this out and post the effects for anyone else wondering the same... im assuming its going to feel reall good haha thanks alot bro, be safe have a good one
thanks bro! i've always admired your posts. Thanks for advice im going to try this out and post the effects for anyone else wondering the same... im assuming its going to feel reall good haha thanks alot bro, be safe have a good one

Let us know how it goes, since I'm sure someone will ask the same question in the future. Hope it goes well! I really enjoy a mild dose of benzos with my Suboxone so I'm interested to hear.

I *hate* alcohol on Suboxone though (no euphoria, dampens the effects of buprenorphine as well) so I hope it goes well for you!
Captain Heroin ,
thanks for the direct answer. there are sooo many people with sooo many different opinions and reactions to subs. i guess once i stabilize i can also say its a miracle drug like so many others.
thanks you are one smart mofo
Captain Heroin ,
thanks for the direct answer. there are sooo many people with sooo many different opinions and reactions to subs. i guess once i stabilize i can also say its a miracle drug like so many others.
thanks you are one smart mofo

No problem! I hope the maintenance with Suboxone goes well for you. It really was a miracle for me, nothing else helped me really. I would hate to think of what would've happened to me if I never met the Suboxone doctor I go to now.

If you are still not feeling all that great for the first few days/weeks of your Suboxone maintenance, you can try to get a benzo to help out. If you're still having high blood pressure symptoms (hot/cold flashes, goosebumps) then you can take something like clonidine.
Why can't I see page 38?

EDIT: it looks like I just created page 38 but it was showing up before
Why can't I see page 38?

EDIT: it looks like I just created page 38 but it was showing up before

It's one of those mysteries about BL. It's happened to me before too.

If you click on it it just goes to the last page before it. For some reason it's just a goof of the software I think.

If it happens often, maybe you could create a thread in Support to let the higher up's know about it?

I always thought I was tripping out when it'd happen.
It's one of those mysteries about BL. It's happened to me before too.

If you click on it it just goes to the last page before it. For some reason it's just a goof of the software I think.

If it happens often, maybe you could create a thread in Support to let the higher up's know about it?

I always thought I was tripping out when it'd happen.

its happened to me too.. i always though someone posted and it created a new page but then they deleted there post, so there post would dissapear but the new page would still be there.. but CH is probly right, its a glitch.
Let us know how it goes, since I'm sure someone will ask the same question in the future. Hope it goes well! I really enjoy a mild dose of benzos with my Suboxone so I'm interested to hear.

I *hate* alcohol on Suboxone though (no euphoria, dampens the effects of buprenorphine as well) so I hope it goes well for you!

thanks bro i also love benzo with my sub... hoping this adds the the euphoria even more. I'll describe the efffects and dosage once done. Anyone ever try this? Gbl with sub? or ghb with sub? somebody's gotta of tried it haha. Thanks captain H
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