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Strong Sleeping tablets.

I went to the doctor and was given a script for zyprexa. I am a bit concerned about it as it is an antipsychotic and I have no symptoms of psychosis or anything similiar. I am concerned about the side effects, effects on cognition and ability to work, and also addictive or discontinuation symptoms.

How is it for a sleeping aide?

if anyone has any info or experience with zyprexa, good or bad, I would be happy hear it.
Like sustanon said, maybe a couple of hours before you goto sleep go for a big run/walk/ride. Plug in your headphones and just do that until your to tired to go any more. It might help pluss you will feel better overall.
I went to the doctor and was given a script for zyprexa. I am a bit concerned about it as it is an antipsychotic and I have no symptoms of psychosis or anything similiar. I am concerned about the side effects, effects on cognition and ability to work, and also addictive or discontinuation symptoms.

How is it for a sleeping aide?

if anyone has any info or experience with zyprexa, good or bad, I would be happy hear it.

I'd be more worried about the weight gain. It is notorious for causing massive weight increases. Make sure you eat healthy. You'll crave sweet foods like a stoner.

What dose did you get prescribed if you don't mind me asking and feel ok about answering?
I'd be more worried about the weight gain. It is notorious for causing massive weight increases. Make sure you eat healthy. You'll crave sweet foods like a stoner.

What dose did you get prescribed if you don't mind me asking and feel ok about answering?

hey mate. got prescribed 5mg, and told to half the waifers (or whatever they are). The doctor has prescribed it off label, so it is going to be expensive as shit to buy.

the more I read about it, the more hesitant I am.

Do you think it would cause weight gain if used only occassionally. like for emergencies? So you attribute the weight gain more to overeating whilst on it, than a change in metabolic functioning?

I might go to a doc and get some other tablets. I still have a few melatonin, got some trazadone, restavit, can get valium for tonight.

I am very concerned about the weight gain. When I was younger I had weight issues, and worked very hard to get my body to the point where it looked very strong and muscular, and reasonably lean. Then I took zoloft for 8 months and put on like 10kg of fat, despite working out everyday and doing like 30-45 cardio after each workout. Fucking annoying. Though have lost a good portion of the weight. Still can't get the fat to budge from my love handles.

Still tosing up whether or not to take it tonight, or just take advantage of the valium offered.

BTW, how safe is valium and restavit to take together?
If you want something to totally smash you then a barbiturate such as phenobarbitol may be what your after, available in tablet or syrup form. Probably not easy to source here in Australia and certainly not someything I'd recommend unless having severe status epilepticus seizures. With a massive half life you can be zombified for 2 days!! Olanzapine (Zyprexa) is a theinobenzodiazapine and not only does it knock you but it also increases your appetite. Seroquel (Quetiapine) is also a benzo derivative and great for sleep at high doses. The down side is the next day you will want to literally kill someone because you will feel so irritable you'd smash a glass in the face of your own nan.
Also have it from a good source Quentiapine/Olanzapine etc causes sexual dysfunction (in this case unable to ejaculate for some time during intercourse, well over 1 hour). Most atypical antipsychotics cause this problem and it can be boring for the woman being pounded so try a few different positions, motions etc before trying to bust a load (unless you are a woman then just do what you always do when confronted with unsatisfying sex and finish yourself off ;)).
Morphine, Oxycontin and other opiates can work, unless you get the itches. Smash a few antihistamine tablets alongside your oxy's and you'll definately be on the nod. Stilnox etc cause blackouts, sleep walking and when combined with whiskey cause you to sleepfall from the balcony of your hotel to the pavement many floors below. Benzo's are benzos and I'm sure most of us have used 1 or 2 in our time. Phenazepam takes the cake with a 60 hour half life but your GP will probably give you a script for temaz or diaz if you ask her/him nicely. Almost forgot the tricyclic antidepresants such as Endep (Amitryptyline) great if you wet the bed at night and good for some z's. Also great if you want to NOT act like a psychotic asshole. Don't combine with say a MAOI because you may not be around to talk about it.
I guess different strokes for different folks. Just be aware of all adverse reactions and contraindications that you may encounter with you sleep aid of choice. Don't overuse them or you will end up with paradoxical effects, withdawls (Delirium Tremens anyone?) and other unwanted experiences.
If I'm wanting sleep I prefer a short acting drug like etizolam/temaz over diaz because it's out of your system in 8-10 hours so no nasty benzo hangover the next day.
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hey mate. got prescribed 5mg, and told to half the waifers (or whatever they are). The doctor has prescribed it off label, so it is going to be expensive as shit to buy.

the more I read about it, the more hesitant I am.

Do you think it would cause weight gain if used only occassionally. like for emergencies? So you attribute the weight gain more to overeating whilst on it, than a change in metabolic functioning?

I might go to a doc and get some other tablets. I still have a few melatonin, got some trazadone, restavit, can get valium for tonight.

I am very concerned about the weight gain. When I was younger I had weight issues, and worked very hard to get my body to the point where it looked very strong and muscular, and reasonably lean. Then I took zoloft for 8 months and put on like 10kg of fat, despite working out everyday and doing like 30-45 cardio after each workout. Fucking annoying. Though have lost a good portion of the weight. Still can't get the fat to budge from my love handles.

Still tosing up whether or not to take it tonight, or just take advantage of the valium offered.

BTW, how safe is valium and restavit to take together?

I am not a doctor so take the following info as anecdotal. Everyone is different so your experiences may vary.

I have no idea whatsoever about taking Anti-Psychotics occasionally so can't comment. Ask your Doctor or Psych if you can. Not trying to be rude at all but would hate to give you bad advice.

It all depends on what is more important to you, getting yourself right or putting on weight in my COMPLETELY uneducated opinion. People can always drop weight when they are feeling better and on top of things IME.

Mixing Valium and Doxylamine Succinate is combining two CNS deppresants.
Morphine, Oxycontin and other opiates can work, unless you get the itches.
we're all different...but i cant sleep on strong opiates. unless you call that waking dream state 'sleep'. i'm always exhausted in the morning after that.
high dose nitraz, quetiapne, or neulactil.... not encougring this but I bet one of them will work ey
we're all different...but i cant sleep on strong opiates. unless you call that waking dream state 'sleep'. i'm always exhausted in the morning after that.

yeah agreed. When I used to take oxy, I could never sleep on it. Half of the problem was that I was being so damn itchy, which really stops sleeping. Still though, used to love waking up fresh and sober and taking a nice oxy dose and then having a short and blissful snooze.

Verybuffed: no offense taken at all. I always take advice on bluelight with a grain of salt as it is not medical advice. when starting medications I try and get second opinions from a pharmacist after being prescribed from my doctor. I'm seeing a psychologist tomorrow so I'll talk to her about it.

I have 15mg valium left which I will take tonight. should get me sleep. Might take a few panadeine extras with it too.
Verybuffed: no offense taken at all. I always take advice on bluelight with a grain of salt as it is not medical advice. when starting medications I try and get second opinions from a pharmacist after being prescribed from my doctor. I'm seeing a psychologist tomorrow so I'll talk to her about it.

No worries dude. I wrote half of that post when I came home full of piss then the second half this morning with a massive hangover that is why it is a bit disjointed.
^ keep your chin up mate. breakups fucking suck, especially when you live together.
you might feel like your soul has been ripped out, you might have forgotten who you are as an individual - but it just takes time.
in the end, i hope you'll realise it is for the best that you're not together anymore. just takes some time to heal.
good luck with the sleep - i finally found good treatment for my sleep problem after 18 months of sleeping 3 or less hours a night, and working full time.
it took a full-on meltdown to get me to deal with it, but a week on and i've been sleeping much better, almost like a normal person.
you'll get there, just don't take one dr's opinion as gospel. if in doubt, seek a second opinion...or a third, a fourth.
people always underestimate how much sleep disorders affect your life, your physical and mental health.
just try and eat good food and do what makes you happy. just takes time.
sorry if this seems patronising, but i hear you man. been there, done that, and it's a fucking hard thing to do.
oops that was to spacejunk.

verybuffed: nah right thread. not sleeping well because I'm going through a break up
yeah i was about to post something like that

Over the weekend my girlfriend of over two years (whom I lived with) broke up with me.

vb and sj posted at the same time, so i can see the confusion, vb couldnt at the time with the ^.... all good I imagine :) Hope you're dealing with it all ok psytaco :)
I was just wondering how you knew what was going on in my life :)

Freaked me out a bit.

It happens to the best of us mate. Life does get better. Spend as much time as you can with your mates and reconnect with old friends. Then pimp yourself on Facebook - it is working for me :)
seroquil for the win mate!!!!

It works even after having the bestest ice etc. :)

give it a go :)

also its non-addictive too
and takes a long time before ur tolerance build up on it :)
Mirtazapine... sleep like you hadn't in at least 5+ days

I was going to mention this too.

I still have some tablets left over from being prescribed them awhile ago and a quarter knocks me out so well. I've taken them on my last few long haul flights and it's made it a breeze, I normally can't sleep in uncomfortable positions like that, but a quarter and I've slept through 8 hours of the flight without trouble.

I believe it's the anti histamine action of mirtazapine that knocks you out, so you might feel groggy the next day, though I've never had too much trouble with that, as long as you give yourself enough time to sleep. Being an anti histamine your tolerance to it will increase, but even when I was taking them daily for 6 months, they'd still send me to sleep without fail.

It is an anti depressant though, and I don't know if you'd want something like that - it's the only anti depressant that has not been an absolute disaster for me though - without the side effects of SSRIs (for me at least).

One problem is it is associated with weight gain. I noticed this when taking it daily (I put on a kilo a month, some people find it more or less noticeable), but since taking a quarter every so often I haven't had that problem.
we're all different...but i cant sleep on strong opiates. unless you call that waking dream state 'sleep'. i'm always exhausted in the morning after that.

Hey SPACEJUNK, I soooooooo related to that. On low doses I can sleep but go 100mg morph or higher...no chance.