STARSCAPE June 8th, Baltimore MD

5,000? Was it really that many?
I can't even tell how far to "keep back 500 feet" from a fire truck, let alone estimate the number of people at a party.
Last year it was 4,000 people, plus EMS and police, plus people working there. This year it will be the same number of people. I'm pretty sure that the permit for the party only allows something like 4,500 people total to be in Ft. Armisted Pk for the night for safety reasons. It IS a night time outdoor party on the water.
4000-5000? That's nothing. If you want to know what a REAL massive is like talk to me or any of the SoCal crew that will be heading out to this. In California, the massives go anywhere from 15-35,000 people.....pure, utter, crowded insanity! (I loathe to even think about those debacles)
[ 09 May 2002: Message edited by: smh254 ]
if any of you are going through pa you should make a pit stop in the scranton wileks barre area if your taking I-81 ,I-80, I-380 , I- 84 ,US 11, cause they all meet here or within 10 min of here
heheh alot of people from this area are going wich means a fun bluelight caravan all the way to baltimore

[ 09 May 2002: Message edited by: dpoke65 ]

[ 09 May 2002: Message edited by: dpoke65 ]
Originally posted by Schmacky:
who0t ill be there :) up?!?!?!

there most definetly better be a meetup--i can't wait to meet a buncha BL'ers! since i've never met anyone from here in real life b4. heh
and if nothing else schmacky--i'm definetly gonna have to run into you and dan. i'm still in shock he's leaving behind his usual hermit status to go to starscape! lol :) :) :)
see ya there sweetie
reposting this from page 1.. cuz i think its very important:
i already have my hotel room booked and i know for a fact other BLers will be staying at this hotel because i got them rooms also. so here it is, and its closer to the venue than the one we all stayed at last year:
btw, its fairly cheap... $83/night for 2 double beds. that's only like $20/head if you have 4 people in your crew. my friends and i are booking for 2 days and making a weekend out of it, b/c as most of you know from last year, no one wanted to get the fuck up at noon to haul out.
here it is:
6323 Ritchie Hwy.
Tel: 1-410-6364300
Fax: 1-410-6362630
E-Mail: [email protected]
Check-In Time: 3:00 PM
Check-Out Time: 12:00 PM
u want a massive?
go to homelands in england
i think there were 50,000 people there
if you want lots of people head to the Love Parade in Berlin.
"FACTS OF LOVEPARADE 2001- 800000 technofans produced 200 Tons of garbage, 180 People arrested, 3800 times was first aid needed, one vom from Austria was hit by a subwaytrain. This was the 13th Loveparade, with technofans from around 50 nations"
I went last year and had a blast. I wouldn't really call it a "rave" or "massive" though.
What I would call a "massive" is the event myself and Slice went to afterwards. Lovestern Galaktika is what it was called. It was the biggest event I have ever been too and i have been to some big ones. To give you an idea, they literaly hand you a map when you walk in so you have a chance of not getting lost. The main room is huge. I would say that there were easily 40,000 people there. The main room was like 3 football fields put together, massive.
i am trying to post a picture of one of the rooms, if it works this is not even the main room, but gives you an idea how big this place was.
oh well, I give up, how the heck do you add pictures anyway?

[ 11 May 2002: Message edited by: G$ ]
you could click the "image" button below where you post...

lol yeah, i tried showing an example, but accidentally made it so it thought i was really trying to link an image
to show an image, put {}.. but instead of {}'s, use []'s
[ 10 May 2002: Message edited by: TopRocka ]
tick tick tick.... is time yet???
i can't wait to meet up with every one again i miss u all so much... and 4 the new bl's and the ones i havn't meet yet i'm looking foward to meet u's to
much love
I'm looking forward to this event. I've never partied out in baltimore before. I'll probably get me and my friends a hotel where you suggested.
as for that meetup in scranton...when and where do you plan on doing that? I wouldn't mind a little break in the trip.
I too would like to meet up beforehand. I live in Philly and was prolly going to just take the bus down to Baltimore like I did last time. Hey is anyone going to be staying at the Best Western again in Baltimore? I think thats where most of us stayed last year. LOL not sure they would rent rooms out again but that is where my bus lets me off exactly.
Also if someone would like to meet up and perhaps split hotel costs I am down with that.
Casper? Caress? Nikki? any takers?
hey guys, this sounds interesting. It would be my chance to go to a real party and meet lots of new people. I live in FL so I doubt ill be able to make it there anyways, and also I have college classes for 6 weeks in the summer. still Id try to attend If conditions are right. How long will the meetup last?
Originally posted by Computer_collector:
How long will the meetup last?
Till you reach "3rd base", as you would put it.....LOL
I've noticed your er rather interesting posts in other areas of BL... I would like to meet you too..hehe
How long will the meetup last?
well, last year we met at the hotel HOURS before the event started. we took lots of pictures, introduced ourselves to everyone, etc. we caravaned to the party and stood in line for HOURS and HOURS. then we had a central meetup where we chilled ALL night together. finally we headed back to the hotel where all of us were staying and there were tons of afterparties. most people just went from room to room.
does that answer your question?
squeakers... did you NOT read my previous replies?? lol. i found us a hotel CLOSER to the event. and a bunch of us are already booked there.
Teddy, if I end up going to this, you mind if I hitch a ride with you? Have no clue if I am going, just pondering the thought...
^ ^ ^ ^
No doubt, bro.
Would be SO phat if we can get all of the APC to go to this like Kev (coldshot) said earlier....