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So Who Likes Benzos? Ver III: Blackouts and Amnesia

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yeah after having a few, i feel more of a craving for the diazepam than alprazolam...
silly Dr, trying to get me off benzos by giving me one that is more fun.

i'd rather have my alprazolam as per normal, i never feel like i want or need it, it just gets me to sleep, diazepam on its own doesn't though. i just sit there feeling really relaxed lol.
^ There is a reason for giving you diazepam to get off benzos; diazepam has a longer half-life and so is easier to taper with.
Here in the USA, it is diazepam that seems to carry the stigma with alprazolam being much easier to find. A shame, diazepam is much better IMHO.

i remember having that discussion in the preceding version of this thread.

here xanax has the stigma and valium is scripted more liberally from anecdotal evidence anyway.
woohoo. i've had the stash of clonaz a few days now.

I haven't over indulgedyet and i haven't blacked out and did stupid crazy stuff yet either :) (that i can remember)


gonna retract this statement now :p

apparently I was indeed blacked out sometime last week.

in results of Having a few friendly visits from postahman
^ There is a reason for giving you diazepam to get off benzos; diazepam has a longer half-life and so is easier to taper with.

yeah i know, i was just poking fun at the fact that i find diazepam more addictive.
Me, being a medical doctor who specializes in the field of GP and drug addiction, I find this thread repulsive. A lot of naive, young kids read this forum. Why just last week, I had a patient come in, 14 years old, and patient came in with his mother, who found a lot of medication (Min.Tranqs in high dosages i.e. alprazolam/flunitrazepam, even Ativan) and the parent of patient A. had said that her son had been acting erratically the night before, so I told the mother to leave, and patient had said to me, that he sourced all of his drugs from older people that he met through this site/stolen medication from friend's parents houses), now I have him on a withdrawal regime of 80 mg of diazepam. It's a sad world we live in.
Halcion and Hypnodorm is one of my favourite combos for blacking out.
1mg halcion = amnesia and add 5mg hypnodorm for the extented knockout.
shame its the 2 hardest benzos to get scripted. That and midazalam.
Lorazepam and bromazepam are my fav benzos atm.
Me, being a medical doctor who specializes in the field of GP and drug addiction, I find this thread repulsive. A lot of naive, young kids read this forum. Why just last week, I had a patient come in, 14 years old, and patient came in with his mother, who found a lot of medication (Min.Tranqs in high dosages i.e. alprazolam/flunitrazepam, even Ativan) and the parent of patient A. had said that her son had been acting erratically the night before, so I told the mother to leave, and patient had said to me, that he sourced all of his drugs from older people that he met through this site/stolen medication from friend's parents houses), now I have him on a withdrawal regime of 80 mg of diazepam. It's a sad world we live in.

Me, being a medical doctor who specializes in the field of GP and drug addiction, I find this thread repulsive. A lot of naive, young kids read this forum. Why just last week, I had a patient come in, 14 years old, and patient came in with his mother, who found a lot of medication (Min.Tranqs in high dosages i.e. alprazolam/flunitrazepam, even Ativan) and the parent of patient A. had said that her son had been acting erratically the night before, so I told the mother to leave, and patient had said to me, that he sourced all of his drugs from older people that he met through this site/stolen medication from friend's parents houses), now I have him on a withdrawal regime of 80 mg of diazepam. It's a sad world we live in.

brah you were the 14 year old, and in spare time you impersonate a fail doctor on the internets
As I am in Thailand ATM I have been taking 10 x 10 mg Roche diazepam for 3 days now. I still have 6 days left of holiday and will probably not be able to slow this rate.
My question is _ will I be looking at withdrawals when I stop once I am back in syd? And if so how bad?
^ Probably not. You might get cravings, but not any serious withdrawal symptoms from just ten days.

Why can't you slow down?
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I am trying to take it slow (only had 60mg today) plus 90 mg codeine + 1500 apap, but I find the need to redose after 6 hours I feel back base line and like to keep the buzz going. I guess the availability + being on holiday. Also I am a heavy pot smoker in aus and not going risk scoring on the street.
thats a pretty high amount of valium daily I mean unless you have anxiety issues its a bit exessive but like its not going to kill you obv and like you said your on hols. Only things is you will get a bit of rebound anxiety when you get back/off em and develop a taste for them. Those 2 two things are worth thinking about before continually slamming down cheap valiums all day :D

If i were you I would buy some trama dol from any chemist there otc no problem and reduce the val. Any opiate gives a better buzz then benzos they purely relieve stress/anxiety and thats dead set it no euphoria, nada. Take 400mg tramadol and then tell me which is best =D
^ Ugh, no tramadol for me thanks. I went through a gram in one night over there... big mistake. :\
Me, being a medical doctor who specializes in the field of GP and drug addiction, I find this thread repulsive. A lot of naive, young kids read this forum. Why just last week, I had a patient come in, 14 years old, and patient came in with his mother, who found a lot of medication (Min.Tranqs in high dosages i.e. alprazolam/flunitrazepam, even Ativan) and the parent of patient A. had said that her son had been acting erratically the night before, so I told the mother to leave, and patient had said to me, that he sourced all of his drugs from older people that he met through this site/stolen medication from friend's parents houses), now I have him on a withdrawal regime of 80 mg of diazepam. It's a sad world we live in.

Man that shit seriously made me laugh out loud, I would be hell surprised if anyone on here would supply a 14 year old with drugs as this is a harm reduction board. I don't even see the motive in pushing benzo's if one chose to be so immoral, there are more appealing, addictive and profitable drugs to push.

I was once a naive one kid who read this forum and believe it or not I was using and very interested in drugs before I found this place and I was never supplied drugs of any sort by a bluelighter. I like to think this place has made me make much wiser choices in my drug taking and my interactions with members of this site both online and in real life have been largely positive.

I question what "doctor" has time to come on a forum and chastise a bunch of drug users with a likely bullshit anecdote, regardless, your scare story is unlikely to deter any youngsters who find this site from taking drugs. Atleast here we try and give people the knowledge to make the most informed and safe choices they can when it comes to using drugs, I would think a sensible doctor would be able to see that side of it. 8)
^ + 1, I was well into drugs (harder ones as heroin and ice etc) well well before I found this site.
The amount of times I could have seriously hurt myself without the knowledge this site gave me are numerous.

BL is all about Harm Reduction from people who have the knowledge and e xperience to give much better advise than quack doctors who think cause they have a certificate they are the be all and end all when it comes to advise.

I wonder how many GP's understand the power of LSD and other psyches when used correctly.

My guess 1 in 10. Correct me if I am wrong as I am open to any discussion on this topic.
My doctor is trying to give me non-benzodiazepine sleepers at the moment seeing as I was up to being prescribed 6mg of alprazolam at night and it did shit all. But fuck Zopiclone is the shittiest drug. I can take 45mg plus and have it do NOTHING.

Next step seems to be flunitrazepam or a combo of nitrazepam and temazepam. Either that or he's going to fucking stooge me with zolpidem. We'll see I guess.

When I was in the psych ward on 40mg diazepam, 20mg temazepam and 6mg of alprazolam a day it still barely did nothing for me. Starting to think I've killed my benzo tolerance...
Worlds crapest drug Zopiclone ! hows the metal taste in the mouth the next day. It had mouth taste than 2c-t-2.
Valium never really worked for me I found it didn't last very long either
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I like Z drugs for sleeping but they aren't great for recreation, I always found I wake up hell refreshed after taking them although the metallic taste of zopiclone is quite annoying.

Tripman I heard on the grape vine you were in the psych ward, its nice to see you got out man! I hope shits going well for you mate.
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