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So what do you LIKE about yourself?

i like the fact that i dont waste as much time on BL as i used to.
and i havent even lurked since i last posted & coming back feel as though i missed nothing. :)
In real life I'm fairly easy going and this has a major spill-over factor to pretty much all aspects of life.

ie I forgive, I accept, I love and I have fun.
^^^^^^ why do i think we would be so similar in real life if we were to meet!!!!
  • Physically, I like the fact that although I have a terrible diet and don't exercise, I am resilient enough to not be massively overweight. (better do something about this soon!)
  • I like my oddball sense of humour that not many people tend to "get" straight away.
  • I like that I seem to have struck a balance between enjoying myself and getting things done (hard to do but somehow I think I've done it).
  • I like the fact that I'm different to everyone else, having Asperger Syndrome, because although it makes life a challenge, it sure beats the hell out of being bored enough to concern myself over "little" things like fashion and whatever's "in".
  • I like that I feel better about myself as time goes on. I remember having a very poor self-image while at school, and how I've progressed since then almost boggles the mind.
ilikeacid said:
BAH HA HA HA!! I so get it, your like totally telling a joke in your head, then she reads your mind!! ;) Seriously tho I did laugh at that one =D =D

actually, i didn't even think the joke. She read it. And when she said it, it was just like a joke that i would say to someone i hardly know.
lostNfound said:
i like the fact that i dont waste as much time on BL as i used to.
and i havent even lurked since i last posted & coming back feel as though i missed nothing. :)

You were gone?
This is an awesome thread idea.. =D

Physically, I like weird little things about myself....I like my eyebrows and my lower lip...I like that my calves are stupidly big, I like that now that I'm losing weight I can see that I do actually have a good frame for building muscle on. I like that sometimes I see myself in the mirror and I kind of get taken aback as I realise I'm the kind of guy I might be physically attracted to in a club...(I'm not in love with myself, it's just that I've lost 30 kilos or so in the past few years so it's all still a bit of a novelty). I like that people who haven't seen me for a while say I look like a different person...I like that bit a lot actually. =D

And it might sound strange, but I like all the scars on my arms that are barely visible really, but stand out easily to me. They remind me every day how far I've come and where I've come from. :)

Non-physically....I like that I have inherited my mother's compassion and that I can generally see that there is good in people. I like that I am more an emotional person than an intellectual person, even when it is my emotional nature that has gotten me into trouble a lot of the time. I like that I can write with complete confidence and eloquence, but a lot of the time to hear me talk you would think I was brain-damaged at an early age. ;)

I like my Gemini duality. I like that I still think it's funny to yell out swear words in the middle of a supermarket and that I love to push people around in a shopping trolley but my friends still talk to me about their problems. I like that I am as at home at a rave as I am at a goth club.

I like that I am stronger than I ever thought I was.

Most of all, I like that all of this comes so easily now when only a few years ago I would have had to struggle to think about things I like about myself. Yay evolution! :D
My sheer willpower. If I want to do something, it gets done.
i've got the key-EEEE
i've got the secrettttttttttttt
i've got the key to AH
I'm pretty blase about anything to do with me. I'm intelligent enough to be arrogant but not intelligent enough to do anything of note with my life. Depressing.
well..im extremely happy with my artistic talent.
and i can also play the drums like a motherfucker..i like this a lot :D
A girl I used to know told me last night that she could tell I was from the country, that I have a dorky timid persona, but in a good way, ie. I'm genuine and nice. Reinforces everything that I like about myself :)
I like that I have manners. Dont know why , it doesnt sound like much to be proud of but the more people I see everyday who dont have them makes me think that my parents didnt do such a bad job.

Im reasonably open minded , I like to think anyway.
^^ I pride myself on manners too. Also pride myself on my sons manners aswell. It's always nice to hear from people that he has beautiful manners. They said it like it's surprising though? I don't know how to that that :p
Probably because he is just a young kid heading into his teens and not a lot of kids his age have manners. Infact i don't think kids usually get manners until they are about 17! Maybe older. So nice work for bringing your son up so well :)
it'd be so much easier to speak of the myriad of things I don't like about myself but this thread isn't about that ey- more about being positive and self-love etc etc

hmm well, this mite sound weird, but I really like my forearms (elbows->wrist). They are quite long and slender and I like the freckles speckled on them (most are in little pairs) and they looked really good when tanned.
In a similar way I also like my calves/lower legs. They too are long n still pretty lean and got good muscle definition even though I don't train/exercise anywhere near as much as I used to.

n also my eyes. Think they look pretty good when made up- supposedly seductive haha not sure bout that. But they have a good shape n the lashes r longish. Guess their colour is an good too- kinda greeny (yellowy?) brown hard to describe- olive? I think they mite change colour. the checkout chick the other day complemented them n called em golden wtf..

wow 3 things I rustled up looks-wise. But I think my best thing is my personality/sense of humour maybe