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So what do you LIKE about yourself?

m4dd0g said:
You missed 'heart of gold'

This is going to sound SO lame, but i actually got teary when i read that.

:) Me's a lucky girl to have Mr M4dd0g-horse as a very good friend. :)
I like my ability to get along with most people.
I like that I'm a good kisser
I like the fact I can laugh at myself
What a lovely idea for a thread. Better than all the negativity on here lately (wait did I say lately?) ;) Unfortunately my list of what I don’t like would be longer than what I do like about me which sux in itself really as it used to be the other way round but for the good feeling purpose of this thread I will focus on the positive :)

I like that I’m open and trusting with who I am and with people in general. I may get insulted for my ideas a lot and pissed on from a great height all the time (when it comes to trust) but I am happy with the person I am and I’m not ashamed to say whats on my mind and being true to myself. It’s also better than being jaded and cynical and thinking the worst of people all the time. I don’t want to live life that way!

I like that I’m open minded (as much as people on this place seem to think I’m not) I’m accepting of all walks of life and cultures and embrace diversity and tolerance as much as I can.

I like that I’m not superficial and materialistic and I am a giving and loving person and that I am not violent and rude and actually have respect for people (even if I don’t know them)

I like that I’m a great mum and have raised an absolutely amazing child despite all statistical odds against me (and that I’m a parent that does recreational drugs – this does not make me a bad mum and my son is proof of that)

Physically – my eyes. I get told all the time they are big, beautiful and so green so I’m finally starting to think that maybe its true? And I’m naturally blessed with long, dark, curly and thick lashes and am always asked if i am wearing mascara (hey it makes up for being fat) ;) hehehe that’s pretty much it on the look front :\
i like my dimple

it'll kick your dad's arse
I have bum dimples (well, just above my bum). I like them. I'm sure they'd kick your arse, and the arse of the horse you rode in on.

I know you are but what am i?
- My eyes. They are big and blue.
- My hands.
- My sample size feet (cheap shoes much?)
- The gap between my front teeth.

- I'm pretty damn smart.
- I'm incredibly ingenious when it comes to finding new ways to procrastinate.
AcidRain said:
You're doing a good job of hiding it ;)
Hahaa, good call. Well, not really - but funny nonetheless

Reminds me of my pet hate being quiz shows where just because people can remember things they are labeled 'smart' :p

hullo? its called problem solving :\
my superior abilities to create the world's best mix cds/tapes
my ability to understand
my sense of humour
having green eyes
being intelligent
being able to amuse myself
my literacy
the fact that I can be emotional and rational
my passion
my ambition
I'll be back with more of a list, but I love that I can look hot with any of black, brown, red or blonde hair.
- My eyes. There blue and like seriously intense ;)
- My dancing skillz (melbourne shuffle + other stuff)

- I think I'm pretty smart (unfortunately it doesn't appear in my scholastic ability since I'm very good at procrastinating)
- Sense of humour.
- My taste in music.

They're the things I often get complimented on, I'm kinda insecure so don't realise my strengths unless people actually point them out to me...
Its it kind of a given that you will like your own taste in things, and sense of humour?
vanth said:
Its it kind of a given that you will like your own taste in things, and sense of humour?

Well I've received compliments from alot of people:

"You have such good taste in music."

"You always have the latest beats."

If someone needs music for a party, I'm usually the one they ask to put a cd together.

And sense of humour? once again, I've received compliments for it. Witty/smart ass remarks, make people laugh, so it's something I like about myself.
This is a thread I can only post in while drunk.

I like myself because I am pretty much cooler than anyone else I know. Like, really alot cooler. I sincerely enjoy my own company. Not trying to be arrogant here, but sometimes I really like myself.

Also, I have to say that I agree with almost everyone who has posted what they like about themselves. People are good at picking out their own best qualities. I have wanted to post after a few of you and go, "Yeah that's true" etc etc.
samadhi said:
I've been thinking about this, and I find it really hard to list the things i like, because i can't seem to get over the fact that I sound like a wanker. :\ (that's my own issue, though, and probably more suited to "what don't you like about yourself?") ;)

Funny this thread should get posted after the discussion we were having the other day about selling yourself and how difficult it is.

Hmmm, I've been musing over this topic for a few days and everything I think of sounds so damn wanky in my head. There are many things I like about myself, but I seriously find it hard to put it out there in a public space.

Maybe I'll come back to this later.