  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

So. Is the PS3 gonna bomb?

Sony pretty much owns in the japanese-style RPG genre most of which are exclusive to the Playstations. That is a *HUGE* market in Japan and has a pretty niche following in the rest of the world as well. I understand SquareEnix is licensing some titles to Nintendo but they are more of the cartoonish type such as Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. There's also a few blue-ray recorders on the market already, of course the one I saw for PC was $1000, but it was out.
it won't bomb as bad as xbox did in it's first few years.
I refuse to buy a MicroSoft gaming console and Nintendo doesn't really have the games for me, so by default I am going to have to buy a PS3. $500 is a shitload though. looks like I am gonna be waiting...
Well what we're seeing now is that developers hate the PS3 and love the 360. Mostly due to the quality of tools available for each. Cell is proving to be a bitch to program for (as expected) and Sony's not interested in helping. This new rumor of a huge cache performance bug doesn't help either, and neither do the details of the RSX graphic chip in the PS3 having about half the triangle setup performance of what we arleady know the 360 has.

Then there's blu-ray, which is DRM'ed to hell and hence not something I'd take over HD-DVD. Selling a PS3 at $600 with $1000 blu-ray drives out will just piss off the early adopters in the home theater market. It's not the same as PS2 because DVD was already well established by the time the system launched, blu-ray isn't. HDMI is likewise more a minus than a plus, and the cheaper PS3 doesn't even have that.

Then there's the fun pricing issues. Take a look at inflation-adjusted console prices. You'll see Sony's way outside the normal band of successful consoles. I think the only more expensive one was 3DO and possibly Neo-Geo when adjusted.

Sony probably has enough fanboys and brand momentum to carry the PS3 through launch. It'd be hard for it to flat out fail on top of the PS2's coattails. But I don't think there will be a PS4.

P.S. You forgot Memory Stick in the list of failed Sony formats.
Since when does Microsoft have a capital S... replies not required.
Gldm said:
P.S. You forgot Memory Stick in the list of failed Sony formats.

I wouldn't consider it failed, most PC (external and internal) card readers have a slot for the memory stick, as do most HP printers that allow direct photo printing without the aid of a PC.

It's not a dominant format for sure, but it's certainly not a failed one.
Bluray DVD's are getting a lot of negative feedback. Most people aren't planning on buying a PS3. They've completely failed in the MP3 player market due to their awful music formats. Their music industry isn't doing well and they completely murdered customer faith with that rootkit fiasco. Once the Spiderman series runs it's course the movie department isn't going to be impressing anyone. The quality of their TV's and stereos has dropped over recent years, and competitors once thought of as second-rate are now producing cheaper, better quality and rather impressive products.

I can't see Sony returning to it's former position... in fact I wonder if it's days are numbered.
They deserve to be numbered. Their service is shit. They became complacent and pricey.
DigitalDuality said:
I wouldn't consider it failed, most PC (external and internal) card readers have a slot for the memory stick, as do most HP printers that allow direct photo printing without the aid of a PC.

It's not a dominant format for sure, but it's certainly not a failed one.

The readers only support it because it's trivial to implement. SD is superior in every possible way, especially price. Memory stick may have been interesting against the much bulkier Compact Flash, the flimsy SmartMedia, and pitifully slow MMC. But SD is the new standard and wipes the floor with it. Memory stick Duos are basically SD cards with a proprietary encryption so you have to pay Sony licenses that double the cost of the card. The only time I ever see any sold is for PSPs, because they can't use anything else. It's one of the things I see contributing to the PSP's falloff in popularity, people want to know why they have to shell out 2-3x as much for a MS Duo as they do for an SD card for their camera when they're the same thing.

Movie studios are also ditching UMD like rats fleeing a sinking ship now. That doesn't bode well for the PSP.
i still can't figure out why people are supposed to have wanted to watch a movie on a PSP, no matter what format it was in.
i love my psp... i watch movies and anime off the memory stick when i'm out and about, but have nothing to do, or when i'm camping. its also my mp3 player.

what i dont get is why anyone would watch video on an ipod.
but why would you invest in a media player that plays formats you can't play elsewhere.. especially in the movie realm.

If i buy a dvd, i can play it on a portable dvd player, a computer, a home theater system, etc..

I guess it's a nice feature and all, but i just see the selling point for the media itself. Honestly, i believe that movie format has already hit it's peak, it's going to flop.

What i'm amazed at though, is how every other media format has been pushed and pushed and pushed to operate on numerous devices from numerous manufactuers, yet this really hasn't happened with games just yet. Which to me is odd, bc gaming units since x-box is nothing more than a computer running some specific firmware.
OT: I'm not done with it yet.. lol but thanks. Someone actually paid me money for the rights to bundle it on USB drives he's selling.
DigitalDuality said:
Someone actually paid me money for the rights to bundle it on USB drives he's selling.
LOL! Can you send that person my way when you're done with them, please. =D

Good effort though.

/end off-topic
The PSP is not a horrible movie player compared to the alternatives. The screen is big and bright with great resolution, it's much smaller than a portable DVD player. The battery life isn't stellar, but you can just pop in a UMD and go, with no fussy conversion that requires a PC.

However, UMDs are just priced way too high. $30 for a movie with no seek, menus, chapters, additional soundtracks, etc? When the DVD with all that is under $20? I think not! Unfortunately it's just going to crash and burn as another failed format.