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Smackie Thread

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Glad you're ok Ketaman <3

the_ketaman said:
It just goes to show you(or me really) that benzos and opiates combined are never safe unless you are in the hands of an aneasthetologist(sp?)

Everyone should already know this, unfortunately it seems like noone takes this seriously until it happens to them. Not trying to take a dig, I thought I knew my limits too until my heart stopped on a pissy dose of valium and oxy and I realised, wait, everyone is god damned serious when they say don't do opioids and benzos together. If only everyone else could learn from other people's experience and realise that the rule applies to them too, and not just reckless people or those with low tolerances. But, no doubt this wont be anywhere near the last overdose of a smart, experienced, well versed drug user combining opioids and benzos :|
The H around here has gone from very shit to very good so take care people. Im thinking of changing to smoking instead of IV'ing but im not 100% confident with the method, im not sure exactly how much more im going to need and I just dont know if its going to be possible with my tolerance(.2-.3g of good white for desired effect though will settle for .1 if its good enough, or 150-250mg oxy, 100-200mg morphine)

I'm glad you're okay, mate. And you're damn right about the smack going from poor - average quality to very decent almost overnight around here. I just met someone new today and is local who has FIRE. Fluffy white powder. So, I echo what the_ketaman said, be careful kids, I don't know if this is just happening in our neck of the woods or whether it's a pattern happening elsewhere also. I got paid yesterday and I've got like a hundred bucks left.. Go fish. :)

A. <3
same here in WA am gettin this stuff that takes 20-30mg for me to nod out n takes me about 60-80 of oxy to get me on the nod.lovely big chunks of it
Can anyone see themselves NEVER using heroin ever ever never again?

A. <3

nah I'll use again and again especially when i win lotto. who has that fantasy of rocking up to the biggest dealer an saying a couple keys please.

that said I stopped ten years. had the odd shot in the break (maybe 5 years apart, had a low level Codiene habit for a few months every couple of years.

thought I think I'm starting a new break, unless i hear that lotto calling. by the way I say we all make a pact, whoever wins buys aus:drugs a fucking awesome party ;)
theres been a massive crackdown on open air markets in Melb this year which has made things alot harder to get but i havnt heard of any quality improvements....
depends on who you know i guess.
Thanks CassandraG, Footsy and Ash.... I have had OD's before but never ones that required Narcan. So Footsy, your so right. And I did know that I shouldnt be mixing benzo's and opiates but still did it anyway, I thought I knew my tolerance but I was wrong. If id had the same amount of either drug seperately im sure I wouldnt have OD'd, but the combo knocked me out. I didnt take what you said as a knock at me at all, besides I dont think anything could embarrass me more than the events that have gone down in the last week. My world has literally been turned upside down.

CassandraG, I didnt realize that id been narcanned until a few days after I OD'd, I was still sooo fucked up from the xanax and the heroin that I didnt really understand what was going on, I was pretty much in a blackout from the point of being revived. I cant remember much at all, only snapshots. Apparently hospital security was called and I was extremely aggressive which I dont remember at all. I tend to get quite aggressive when I lose my shit so im glad ive never really had a bad meth psychosis. Anyway I caught a bus home from the hospital even though they tried to persuade me to stay in hospital to monitor me(If a doctor told me to stay in the hospital in any sober state id stay!) and I got home before anyone really knew something was up.

If I use either drug again it will be seperate for sure. If you think your smart and can use benzo's & opiates in combination then think again. Ive been injecting heroin and other strong opiates on a regular basis for 6 years and using benzo's for longer, have mixed these drugs many, many times and I still dropped.

Meth & MDMA doesnt really seem to grab ahold of me so im thinking I might just party my summer away. Im 22 and too young to be wasting my time and money on this shit, id rather be out and if im going to use drugs use ones that will enhance my experiences, not numb them.
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P.S One last question, the hospital told my doctor & pharmacy about the OD isnt this a breach of confidentiality? I know others who have OD'd and their methadone/bupe doctor was not informed.

It is, but they do it anyway. Nothing as small and insignificant as confidentiality is going to stop doctors from putting the dirty junkies in their place :|

Out of curiosity, how did they find out that you were on bupe and which doctor/pharmacy to call?
I have no idea, wish I could remember whether I told them I was on bupe. I dont think I would have though, but is it possible they took blood to test for what was in my system and then found bupe? The hospital that my bupe doc works out of is completely different to the hospital that treated me for the OD so im a little confused.
I have spoken to people that have OD'd before and its never had an effect on their methadone/bupe dosing. I cant work mornings now so it has set me back for sure. Before I OD'd I was only picking up bupe once a week 5 minutes from my house, now its every day 25 minutes from my house. All this trouble is so not worth the high I would have got from the drugs :(
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I am quite baffled at just how taboo heroin is in younger circles around wa. Like even the most psychotic, out of control people I have bumped into would not even bother hooking it up for me because of the stigma attached with it. Could someone enlighten me as to what the feeling/experience is like? I read a quote somewhere that went Smack's an honest drug, because it strips away these delusions. Why smack, when ya feel good, ya feel immortal. When ya feel bad, it intensifies the shite that's already there. It's the only really honest drug. It doesnt alter your consciousness. It just gives you a hit and a sense of well-being. After that, ya see the misery of the world as it is, and you cannot anesthetise yourself against it.
ketaman, you're an absolute solid dude and it worries me you might be on the road to getting yourself into some more problems with the smack and benzo's again. please don't, brother. take care of yourself, man! i'd be devastated to hear of you OD'ing and not making it through.

be careful, man. you're so young with so much potential ahead of yourself. much love, brother<3

no more shooting up in public places, ey? do it in a more controlled environment with some company around who can jump to contacting the emergency services if required.

stay safe<3
When ya feel bad, it intensifies the shite that's already there. It's the only really honest drug. It doesnt alter your consciousness. It just gives you a hit and a sense of well-being. After that, ya see the misery of the world as it is, and you cannot anesthetise yourself against it.

They must have a different kind of heroin in Western Australia. When I feel bad, heroin certainly doesn't intensify what is already there. I can ignore it, pleasurably. Also, I saw the misery of the world as it is, prior to injecting heroin - but now, it serves as the anesthetic.

A. <3
shit just got real real in this thread. look after yourselves people!!
That quote is not from a friend ash, that's from wiki quote most probably from literature or film. Like I said I don't know people who HAVE taken heroin nor have i so I stumbled upon it on the net in search for reports on the experience. Cheers for your thoughts.
Sheeit ketaman that sounds fucking crazy. Im glad to hear you're ok but im sorry your life has been turned upside down. I hope it all works out ok for you man, you seem like a real good dude. As much as I love drugs and opiates in particular they are the single cause of all the problems in my life. My terrible financial situation, my relationship troubles, my depression, anxiety and feelings of shame and disappointment are all, all due to my problems with drugs. In fact every stupid thing I have done in my life has in some way been due to my drug use. But at the same time some of the most amazing times I've had have been when I've been high and drugs, especially psychedelics, have shaped me into the person I am and have empowered and helped provide me with knowledge and experience that I never would have otherwise been able to achieve. My tastes and love of music, film, my beliefs and views on life and I think a lot of the wisdom I have (not that I am particularly wise at all) is due to my experiences, both good and bad, with drugs and as bad as things are and have been I wouldn't ever consider having it a different way.
Meth & MDMA doesnt really seem to grab ahold of me so im thinking I might just party my summer away. Im 22 and too young to be wasting my time and money on this shit, id rather be out and if im going to use drugs use ones that will enhance my experiences, not numb them.
good sentiments. whatever happens i really hope y9ou take your own advice here. you're young enough to walk away from this and have every reason for doing so, especially in light of your recent OD IMO. glad you're ok, man. sounds like you may have been lucky to pull through - so please look after yourself/

smokedup; said:
I am quite baffled at just how taboo heroin is in younger circles around wa. Like even the most psychotic, out of control people I have bumped into would not even bother hooking it up for me because of the stigma attached with it.
i think it is the horrendous withdrawals - which are completely debilitating for a few days - that are part of the stigma, both directly and indirectly.
by that, i'm referring to the desperate things some people end up doing to get a fix (in our climate of prohibition, thus the great expense of the substance itself). "junkies" get to be this way (ie the cliche the stigma is based on) from poverty, desperation, malnutrition.
heroin is a fairly short-lasting opiate, so people see these lying, stealing, cheating, unhealthy people and assume "that's what heroin does to you"...which is only half true - that's what expensive black market street heroin does to people.
people can easily get into situations where they would do practically anything to ease that suffering. i'm not saying all heroin users or addicts end up with no moral compass or anything like that, but you do lose the choice of whether to get on or not. it takes that from you.

addicts of a lot of other ("street") drugs have more leeway in terms of the desperate scramble before the sickness is upon you and you're too violently ill to go score or obtain money to do so. maybe skip a day and feel shitty, or have 24/48 hours before things get really dire.

prohibition has turned heroin into the big folk devil drug that it is.
as for its effects - well, it's an opiate. similar to others, with differences that may or may not be relevant depending on your frame of reference. unlike most people in this thread, i haven't had the greatest experiences with heroin. almost too stoned to really enjoy it.
i haven't really taken that much h though, i'm much more of a fan of opium/poppies/pods but if smack is your thing, then smack is your thing. we all react differently to drugs and enjoy them for different reasons.

as for "the most psychotic and out of control people" not wanting much to do with heroin, it was different in wa 20 years ago. the opposite, in fact. a lot of my friends lost huge chunks of their social groups to the heroin glut in australia in the 80s and early-mid 90s.
those sorts of people have the exposure to methamphetamine now, though which wasn't around in the same quantity in those days. drug fashions change, as do the social acceptance/stigma attached to each one. perhaps a generation of kids growing up watching the horrors of meth psychosis or the neurotic fiending that comes along with meth (particularly by users vaping it) will come of age thinking of meth as a horrible, dirty drug. it seems that attitudes in the US and in australia are really different on this one.
without talking too specifically about prices though, it is worth mentioning in regard to that last point that heroin is very expensive in australia compared to america. then again....so is meth. but meth is social, outgoing, energetic. it suits the times, and particular cultural practices, as heroin may well have suited the 80s/early 90s - high unemployment, recession etc.
the digital age we live in now is all about fast. nobody has enough time or energy to do all that stuff there is to do - unless....
these things all go in cycles, i think. the current trend of research chemicals seeping through the mainstream and black/grey market is pretty unprecedented. who knows what will happen next?
if the
either way, take caution from ketaman's experience; a mistake can easily cost you your life with heroin (again, variability of street purity levels only increases this risk) - which is another massive stigma attached to heroin.
play safe, kids. <3
^ good points there space. I think the one big difference heroin has from other popular street drugs is it's physically addictive. Actually maybe two - its physically addictive and it's expensive. Meth is expensive too, maybe even more expensive when someone gets a habit going but it isn't physically addictive and doesn't require 2 - 3x daily dosing for the user to be able to function, physically speaking. Psychological addiction can be just as bad if not worse but it's not quite the same, I've been addicted to both heroin and amphetamines and while I've definitely had the neurotic pining for speed/meth and have chased comedowns away for as long as possible it isn't quite in the same league as waking up sick, throwing up, feeling unbearably weak and anxious and not being able to work, function, live without a fix first. That's just me. I found give up amps tough but trying to quit smack with the threat of withdrawal in your way is something else, I think it's that that makes it the king of addictive drugs.
After shattering my hand pretty bad I had a nice oxy script for about 3 months + some extras hospital doctors also prescribed. I just found a small dose, my actual prescribed dose, would give me the most subtle nice high, then any higher dose I would just get worse and worse nausea and it would kill the high entirely. After 3 months of it and one unintentional OD I hate the stuff. Gave away about half of it, feel no compulsion to use it again. Probably the most fun I had with oxy was doing snow cones and a few lines. I find people just have a thing against heroin, other opiates like codeine and oxy dont seem to have that stigma attached.

Same with meth, every time ive done it, and its been super high quality stuff, the following week of shitty sleep (which only seems to be me who sleeps that little) just makes me hate it and never want to do it again. That and the damage ive seen it do around me.
one page of reading this shit, and I feel lucky i escaped the grip of that shit. Good Luck guys.
not being able to piss for hours n hours on end (after using smack) would have to be one of the worst side-effects I've experienced from drug use..

I shot some very high quality gear yesterday (first time Ive had any hammer in ~12 months) and was litterally unable to piss for roughly 6-7 hours? anyone got tips on 'how to piss when on heroin?' hahaha I've never had a problem with constipation + opiates, just pissing....
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