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Smackie Thread

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Also as a user myself PLEASE do not cut it,i would much rather pay the same for a smaller purer hit than for a large shitty hit.
I gotta tell you mate, you are in the rare breed. I would too but when i came across some really strong/ expensive gear everyone i knew had their brains hardwired to a price/size ratio n would rather pay for cutters in their tear so they feel like they arent being ripped off. Ego. Deadheads i reckon. Very tragic
Ketaman you speak sense, while I don't like the idea of unnecessary cuts I would rather they be there and stop potential ODs than have people misjudge shots and die. It's a sad state of affairs but unfortunately it's seems to be how it is sometimes. I've always been careful when dosing and judge the amount I have on how much I've spent, there have been times when ive felt ripped off by the size of what I bought only to find its been much purer than it looks and vice versa, all it takes is some patience and caution to make sure that you're not going to over do it but when it comes to addictive drugs and IVing a lot of common sense goes out the window, especially when it comes to desperate addicts with high tolerances. Regardless I still stand behind what I said for the most part but when it comes to someone ODing for my idealism ill concede that a little cut is the lesser evil. And if someone is going to cut regardless of whether it's right or not having access to information on what is 'safe' as a cut is probably a good thing, better than denying it and have them cut it anyway with whatever is at hand. Still if it can be done without having to cut, if whoever is using can be made aware of the purity of the gear then I say don't cut, it's just a really hard thing to be sure of and the consequences can be dire.
fuck, man. i can just imagine the solution you're having to mix. i was at that stage at one point when only on 20's. 2 spoons, 2 3ml barrels which then went into a 5ml barrel, which technically hold up to 6ml and can get cumbersome to use if you're not experienced with such a weapon.

it depends where i'm at in my dependence/tolerance but for the most part i get a nice euphoric rush and short hour or 2 high and that's about it from IV oxy. analgesia lasts significantly longer. it was always more enjoyable when i'd dosed with a benzo beforehand as well. you know the risks on that so i won't harp any longer.
^^Thanks Tentram.... I promised myself id stop using benzos with opiates after I had 2mg xanax(again not a huge dose for me to have with an opiate due to tolerance of both drugs) and 2 points of some decent gear(and as it turns out the spot I decided to mix up was just behind the police station[I dont usually use in public and this spot was very private] and just as I was mixing up a cop drove past saw me and stopped, had a good stare and proceeded to drive into the rear carpark, so, so , sooooo lucky. I have no idea what they thought I was doing, but im very lucky I didnt get done that night :/)

Anyway back to the story. I shot the 2 points and it was very good stuff, I think I must have blacked out and while I was stumbling to the bus stop to get home I walked into a pole and split my head open, I think I must have knocked myself out because my knee was black and all cut up for a week after so I hit the ground and I still get significant pain from that incident. I also have a Harry Potter scar on my forehead it sucks :p

Benzo's often seem to cause so much embarrassment the days or even longer after for me if I have to much or I use with opiates. Im now starting to realise why people rave on about their bad experiences and why you should never become dependent on benzo's :/ Think i'll just stick to smack from now on.
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ha, i'm only just well myself.

i'm starting to get a visible track line so i'm putting down the sharps for a while now. time to readjust to oral morphine as prescribed.
i'm starting to get a visible track line so i'm putting down the sharps for a while now. time to readjust to oral morphine as prescribed.

Good man! It's been ages since I've taken a break from the steel, and it's a shame Centrelink doesn't prescribe morphine.

A. <3
i'll likely have a taste on wednesday and go from there. the ever romancing last hit for a while.

the reason it's so visible is because of how pale i am at the moment and only just moving up a few mm from the last puncture - complacency setting in and being lazy not rotating to my forearm.
I was also being lazy for a long while and ive started getting a scar on my left inner-elbow which is not good as in my field of work my arms are often exposed to other staff at close range, so ive started using the vein about 3-4cm down from the knuckle of my thumb on the side of my right hand kind of. Theres a big fat juicy one there but it hurts more, bruises more if I dont hot-press and it scars quicker so I think its nearly time for a break myself as you guys have said. I never thought I had that much of an addiction to the needle except for at first when it was all exciting and new but in reality I think my love for the needle goes a lot deeper and I think thats something that should be looked at.

Theres so many veins im scared to use in case of hitting an artery and not even femoral/jugular veins I mean ones on my arms. Im suprised I havent actually heard any stories locally about people hitting arteries. I dont even think half the junkies around here would know what an artery is!

Keep on the Hirudoid cream Tentram its the best stuff. And hot presses right after you have the shot, even if I dont miss I still try to do a hot press every time. When we buy loo rolls I always steal one for doing them, just roll some up, wet with hot water and press and rub in circles softly to kind of massage it. Thats what I do anyway.
G'day guys, just wonder if anyone can suggest a safe cutter to me so I can advise my friend n he won't use anythinhbharmful/.dangerous when he jumps on his gear. He doesn't use h n has landed some very pure stuff. He's asked for my help Coz he knows I have a dabble but I'm not sure what the safest thing for peoples veins/health is. Any suggestions? Cheers

just what spacejunk said just use less theres no need to cut your drugs
G'day guys, just wonder if anyone can suggest a safe cutter to me so I can advise my friend n he won't use anythinhbharmful/.dangerous when he jumps on his gear. He doesn't use h n has landed some very pure stuff. He's asked for my help Coz he knows I have a dabble but I'm not sure what the safest thing for peoples veins/health is. Any suggestions? Cheers

If he knows the weight of the drug i.e. 500mg then its a simple matter of dissolving the quantity of drug into a measure of liquid i.e. 50mls.

500mg / 50mls = 10mg per 1ml. If he has a bigger rig then he could even go 500mg / 100mls = 5mg per 1mls

This means that he can then work out very easily the dose. So for example someone with no tolerance the average dose (erowid) is about 5-10mg. Therefore he should 1-2mls of liquid. He could take that 1-2mls of liquid and then add another say 20mls (more liquid better health outcomes when injecting).

Dosage for someone with a tolerance would be around 20-40mg. For more reading you could go to - http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/heroin/heroin_dose.shtml

When you think about it "cutting" water is the best cut you can find. Pure sterile water. Doesn't get any better.
^^^This is potentially lethal advice/won't somebody please think of the children!?! :p

no offence intended chugs and I agree it is a great idea to use a cut that's as inert as water in principal but the idea needs revising because;

Water is subject to rapid microbial growth.

Keeping a pre-prepared shot in water for any longer than a few minutes and you starting to grow germs in it.

After a few days it might be potent enough to seriously injure or kill you via blood poising.

Microbial life can spread through ventilated room like a cloud of gas, perhaps not quite as dispersive as gas but it's helpful to think that way when imagining what "sterile" or "bacteria static" mean and how difficult it is to keep the microbes from the environment out of a shot being prepared in a spoon. It only takes a small contamination initially to give rise to an all mighty dirty shot if you give it time to thrive.

Picture your kidneys being clogged with and eaten by live bacteria from a shot that's been sitting around for a few days and you'll know why your body goes to great lengths to stop any foreign life-forms from entering.

I think we should hear what some safe cuts are and which dodgy cuts are out there, just so we can tell our dealers "hey did you hear about dickheads who use such and such to cut their gear and how it causes testicular cancer or what ever". I love doing that to scum bag dealers but in a tone that suggest I think the world of them and know (in my heart of hearts cause where such good mates ;) ) they'd never do such a low life thing LOL
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Posted this earlier but it didn't save. A few points:

1. Considering the gear is pure the OP can cook the gear. Cooking above 70c will kill most bacteria.

2. Just reduce the amount you dissolve in water so as to reduce the time the solution stays in fit ie 100mg vs 50ml fit = 2mg per ml

3. As long as the fit stays somewhere dark and cold, 2-5c this will suppress bacterial growth. Thus why we refrigerate food.

4. Lastly the OP can refilter the qualified amount via a wheel filter. Hell even if they werent doing what i suggested they should be using a wheel filter.

Thanks for the advice and factoroids though sonny jim. We should update the IV guide.
Got given 3g of some supposidly bunk heroin this morning. The person who received it got it from an irregular source, it's very different than what I have seen in australia...it's brown, powery, smells like vinegar, quite dusty.

I don't know much about this kind of thing but is it possible this is the type of heroin that needs citric acid or some such? #2 or #3? It won't desolve in water.

Just put a matchhead sized dot of it in a pipe, was not expecting anything but I can just feel some slight opiate effects. The dusty powder melted into a brown almost brown/redish liquid, didn't throw off heaps of vapour but enough to get an unpleasant taste in my mouth and aroma in the air - not like opium..smells slightly sweet with a bit of an off tang. Want to find out more about it before I get stuck in any futher.

I realize you guys won't be able to ID this for me. Just asking for some general information around the topics of #2, #3, smoking, citirc acid etc. :)

Also have an electric PH tester here if that will help identify.

Some of the mystery powder -

Melted some more in a globe to show the colour, bad photo but it's close to the real colouring when heat is added.

Any help mad appreichiated. Tempted to keep smoking more but probably better to wait.
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Whilst #3 is rare in Australia, it is not unheard of. Looks to me like it needs some citric/ascorbic acid crystals and some water, give it a shot. :)

A. <3
Thanks Ashley, the only thing is I don't IV. Or would it be a good test to do anyway?

Ended up having another tiny bit on foil, and it worked much better. Definetly active I feel floaty.

The puddle gets darker in colour as I smoked, ended up almost black/red...tastes bad but maybe it's my smoking technique.
Thanks Ashley, the only thing is I don't IV. Or would it be a good test to do anyway?

Ended up having another tiny bit on foil, and it worked much better. Definetly active I feel floaty.

The puddle gets darker in colour as I smoked, ended up almost black/red...tastes bad but maybe it's my smoking technique.

Yeah, that would be a good test methinks. Does it run okay on the foil? Did they think it was bunk cause it doesn't dissolve in water?

A. <3
IV Morph and nitrous= everything is still and Quiet :)
H + K= found ketamine out competing opiate receptors.
Fent+Midaz IV= nice combo:)
Great thread everyone!
I was wondering out of you who have used heroin and have subsequently become addicted to it, do you regret your decision to try it in the first place?

I am a fan of opiates but don't think I will ever try smack due to the potential to become hopelessly addicted and lose control of my life. Incidently, do many of you guys here consider yourself to be recreational users or know many people who have managed to keep themselves to only occassional use? It seems that through reading the other forums on here that most people believe it is a very hard substance to use occassionally.
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