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Smackie Thread

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anyone got tips on 'how to piss when on heroin?' hahaha I've never had a problem with constipation + opiates, just pissing....

sit down like a real man would on the shitter. seriously. i've found it the best way to have a leak; it beats standing, swaying for half and hour before things start to dribble drop by drop.

run a tap or whatever if need be, i've never had to resort to that, doesn't help in the least for me anyway.
sit down like a real man would on the shitter. seriously. i've found it the best way to have a leak; it beats standing, swaying for half and hour before things start to dribble drop by drop.

haha as embarrassing as it sounds, thats the first thing I tried :p (to no prevail)

I think it was around the 6 hour mark after downing half a dozen ciders that I got a few 'drops' out (lol).. I guess the only real way to avoid it would be to take a piss prior to havin any smack and to avoid liquids while under the influence.. I dunnoooo lol
yeah pissing prior might help a little.

my body has had plenty of time to adapt to urinating while under the influence so i don't personally run into the problem too often. and if i do i simply take a seat and wait it out. sometimes i'm in there a while:D
perhaps a generation of kids growing up watching the horrors of meth psychosis or the neurotic fiending that comes along with meth (particularly by users vaping it) will come of age thinking of meth as a horrible, dirty drug. it seems that attitudes in the US and in australia are really different on this one.

I fuckin' hope so. As much as I hate myself for being addicted to opiates, I am a lot happier now than when I was addicted to stimulants.
As for the piss thing, ice/speed/meth whatever did that to me, not heroin. I could not piss or shit on stimulants at all, and I was constantly thinking about it which made it worse. Opiates do not do that to me, I am normal in every way when I have my $xxx worth of heroin each day. Shame I can't afford it.
Thats really weird you couldn't piss for so long pisspotnrock, I get some urinary retention on opiates but nothing like that crazy. I really don't know if I would use opiates very often at all if it affected me that badly.
^ I used to get bad urinary retention on smack too, usually when my tolerance was low but it hasn't been so bad since I got off ost. Bupe and methadone were terrible the whole time I was on them and the constipation on methadone was debilitating, I used to have to eat half a kilo of prunes every three days just to be able to go two's without feeling like I was being reverse raped, it was fucking awful. I've found that pissing outside seems to make going much easier, not having to worry about aim and removing all the slightest anxieties (like going in front of my girlfriend which is usually never an issue even though some people think its gross, we've been together for 5 years so all the mystery with that stuff is long gone) makes it much easier. My flatmate has pererisis (sp?) which is an anxiety about urinating in front of or around people, it's so bad that he won't drink any fluids until about 3pm so he doesn't have to go at work because he quite literally can't. He spends his lunchtime sitting in a cubicle at work waiting until no one comes into the toilet just so he can go. It's really affecting his life in a big way and he's currently getting therapy to try and fix it. Poor guy, he's always had strange social hang ups but this not only dominates his daily routine but must also be really unhealthy for him, not drinking all day can't be good for you.

Also I don't know I many of you guys pick up from the well known open air spot just to the east of Melbourne city but if you do be really really careful, there's a big undercover blitz going on at the moment and people are getting busted left right and centre.
It's good to see you back mr ibis and it's awesome you've kicked h, how's it been staying clean? Has it been tough? I'm nearly clean, I slipped up in the weekend and had a shot but the withdrawals are getting easier and easier to deal with, I'm on 100gm of pst now to help with sleep and all going well I'll be off that by Sunday. I just hope I have the discipline to not use any more than a maximum of once a week or at least enough to not get physically hooked, even slightly, I'm so fucken sick of being sick. It's kind of pathetic to even think like this, I know I should be strong enough to just be done with it for now especially considering my current circumstances but im not going to be a fool and lie to myself, I love getting high and I feel I'm at the end of the road with all other drugs, the only drugs I really enjoy at all now are opiates so I just need to find a happy balance.

Anyway it's good to see you back man. Has anyone heard from mr blonde? I hope he's ok..
Hi everyone, 20 years ago I was a speed user. There was no ice then. Neither points of speed. Grams of speed were <no prices> but it was 80% glucodin or epsom salt. still 2 points
of pure was a good rush when used I.V., regardless of being cut.

Now I have a major problem with codeine. It's cheap and available but only lasts a few hours. I've dabbled with heroin especially in the late 90's when in Melbourne the price was <no prices> a cap for strong smack. I know of about 15 of the people I knew that died from O.D. I think smoking it is a much safer alternative. Heroin really did'nt 'grab' me. I like
oxycodone and codeine but I'm trying to get on a bup program. It's a hassle going from chemist to chemist getting over the counter codeine ( Panadeine Extra ) especially when I know the paracetamol will eventually kill me.

We all have our own demons.
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Hi Gambler, welcome to BL...I've edited out the prices in your post as we don't allow them. Have a look at our guidelines here to see what is and isn't ok to post :)

Also - are you doing cold water extractions on your codeine? Please check out our codeine thread for instructions on how to do this and make taking codeine much safer. You obviously know paracetamol is a danger and I can't stress enough to stop eating your codeine pills is that's what your doing, and start extracting your codeine to remove the paracetamol, it's very easy.
Thats really weird you couldn't piss for so long pisspotnrock, I get some urinary retention on opiates but nothing like that crazy. I really don't know if I would use opiates very often at all if it affected me that badly.

i find it really really hard to piss when im taking opiates,i've gone hours while busting to take a piss without being able too.bupe is by far the worst for me to try to take a leak on PST is a cunt somtimes too as i do alot of washs and i have to piss aloooot.same with mxe
not being able to piss for hours n hours on end (after using smack) would have to be one of the worst side-effects I've experienced from drug use..

I shot some very high quality gear yesterday (first time Ive had any hammer in ~12 months) and was litterally unable to piss for roughly 6-7 hours? anyone got tips on 'how to piss when on heroin?' hahaha I've never had a problem with constipation + opiates, just pissing....

i find sitting down like a girl to take a leak helps out a bit hahaha
Yes I also have had the same issue when I used opium tar back inthe day & also if I double my methadone dose, we used to get some mad tar down here in Tasi (not sourcing but I think most ppl know we grow a heap of poppies down here) I found that sitting down like a "real" mam works!.

sit down like a real man would on the shitter. seriously. i've found it the best way to have a leak; it beats standing, swaying for half and hour before things start to dribble drop by drop.

run a tap or whatever if need be, i've never had to resort to that, doesn't help in the least for me anyway.
Sitting down always helps me too. I get terrible urine retention on opiates, especially H and Oxycodone. If sitting down fails, I get in the shower and use my hand to pour warm water over the end of my old fellah. Has never failed!
The urinary retention thing seems to happen more to blokes than girls for some reason. I've never had that but have known some guys to get it really badly. Maybe sitting down is the difference!
I get it occasionally, usually nothing to complain about, anyone know what causes it? Something to do with kidneys?
Yes I also have had the same issue when I used opium tar back inthe day & also if I double my methadone dose, we used to get some mad tar down here in Tasi (not sourcing but I think most ppl know we grow a heap of poppies down here) I found that sitting down like a "real" mam works!.

Sitting down always helps me too. I get terrible urine retention on opiates, especially H and Oxycodone. If sitting down fails, I get in the shower and use my hand to pour warm water over the end of my old fellah. Has never failed!

just had to go have a seat myself :D then jumped in the shower to freshen up. feels good man!

i predominately use morphine but don't experience it too much except when i've been using heavily that day. i find i even get it on tramadol. codeine i really have no problem for the most part.

The urinary retention thing seems to happen more to blokes than girls for some reason. I've never had that but have known some guys to get it really badly. Maybe sitting down is the difference!

i swear it is! you girls are lucky in this respect :p

I get it occasionally, usually nothing to complain about, anyone know what causes it? Something to do with kidneys?

opioids in general are water retentive which likely explains the difficulty in people having to urinate.
Im in Perth and the last two times ive picked up heroin ive been all super excited, as I indulge rarely these days and have been sold fuck knows what. Luckily Im not completly retarded (even though I did buy the same shit twice) and worked out that it was anything but smack.

So yeah a bit of a warning fo Perth people.
When you urinate you actually need to relax muscles for it to leave your body so when ur on opiates its sometimes really hard to control it and ur muscle reflex / co-ordination are not working properly. When I urinate its about 5 seconds on and then 5 seconds off and repeating 5-10 times not all in one go. I get it all the time mainly on smack. Theres a new batch of smack in Sydney, in big chunk rocks and extremely potent. Got a tiny sample of it and was warned to be very very careful, 15mg racked flooooored me! My oxy tolerance is around 60-70mg since I havnt had any for a little while.
Wow the unrination thing is something foreign to me, I wish that was the problem with opiates but unfortunalty I get severly constipated and dont have bowel movement for days and when I do its nothing but the hardest, densest dry nuggets that cut and make my anus bleed.

A few years ago my poo's were magnificent, something enjoyable something satisfying, but these days its an absolute nightmare that leaves me literally sweating and furiously tapping my feet.
I think ive brought this up here before but oh well.

Does anyone else here suffer from this?
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