Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

Found that I love living in snow. :) SO is super glad as she thought I would hate it being native to the south-east.
Been in it before but never lived in it, ya know?
Beautiful and serene - like a fireplace... very therapeutic for me; just wish the people had a little love. :rolleyes:
^^ askin for too much
Can we see?
I was able to get out of bed and walk this morning. (About 8 years ago, a doctor said I probably would not be able to walk in 5 years because of an old injury to my back. Thanks for the challenge, doc!)
I can finally use my cellphone, and I nailed a phone interview for a new job. Just got one more to go with a hiring manager and then I got the job. I just gotta wait two weeks and then I'll be out of complete supervision.

Rather positive day for me then when I put it like that.
I re-read the first half of my thesis today after abandoning it for meth and asian hookers over six months ago. It all made sense and then I added a single tightly crafted and sensible sentence to begin the second half.

It’s good to no longer feel retarded. Even better to be back at work a mere 14 days after quitting.
I managed to, yet again, persuade the IRS I wasn't at home and wouldn't be for at least a few weeks.
I just opened the door because they looked like Jehovas.
They actually come knock on your door there? Here they just vacuum your bank account or re-possess your assets remotely and maybe send you a letter explaining why 12 months later if you are lucky.
Yeah, they do that aswell, here. But there are ways around them taking the salary I had (not working ATM), and as for assets, shiiit -
have you seen Rust Cohles apartment in true detective? :ROFLMAO:
I own a bunch of books, a computer that is registered in my dads name, same with the tv and stereo so they can't touch that shit - If they wanna take my paperback novels and worn clothes, my 20 $ bike or my acoustic guitar, be my guest. All I own, that I care about, fits in a a 110litre backpack and a single moving box. When I moved back home from abroad, thats what I brought with me. With gfs, whenever its come to and end, I've told'em to keep all the shit, save my books. I like to be able to move in an hour at any given time. And material shit is so boring.

I've seen shows how it works in the UK, for example - that shit don't fly in socialist scandinavia. They've been at me for maybe two years?