Share Something Positive About You Day vs. Good Things Happen Everyday

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Beautiful spring day, splendid food to eat, good conversations with people I love, text from littlehot1 and a day to celebrate the unbelievable monumental woman who reared me and dealt with my insane shenanigans so eat your heart out Winston Churchill as that's kiddie stuff compared.
Had a great weekend. My girlfriend came down from the Philadelphia area for the weekend and we had a great time. I'm living in a town on the South NJ shore for the time being. Almost finished putting up a new fence in my parents back yard. Hard work but I am loving every minute of it. Very therapeutic work. I may join a gym down here tomorrow, depending on the price. Hope everyone is doing well!
Had a great weekend too. Great mother's day. My mother and I had gone through so much during our lives that I'm surprised we still talk..
^ Same here :)

I'm sorry to hear about your mom fabriclondon <3 It must be tough spending this day without her.
We had a longer lunch break. And had a nice lunch out of the office with a couple of colleagues.
My son and I have started talking on a deeper level and that is a wonderful thing. I really admire him and he is going through so much hard life stuff right now. I hate to see him confused or hurting but I know he will be a better and stronger person for having gone through it all.
^ It is great to have someone you can count on and have those deeper than life discussions. It truly helps when going through hard phases of life. You are doing something right if your son can rely on you so much that he can talk on that level with.

I miss my grandmother as we had countless of conversions about everything at coffee table. My grandfather had heroin and amphetamine habit after coming back from WWII until he died as they gave out them daily as a part of daily rations for rangers operating behind enemy lines to combat fatigue and stress so I could even talk about my addiction with my grandmother without being judged.

I can't discuss about my drug issues with my parents on a level I would like to as they think that it is just caused by doctors prescribing those stuff and blame them which isn't the reason why I started seeking and abusing drugs. If they don't blame the doctors they blame my bi-polar disorder for that which isn't nice at all as for me it seems like I am just some DSM-IV instead of myself when it comes to drugs when they mention it. I do hope they do get what I try to say atleast in some point of life.


Installed new blinders and got rid of that extra amount of sunlight we now have:

Trying to get rid of those birds chirping at night too. Im open to any suggestions if someone has any. I have even tinkered with an idea of doing some blanks for shotgun and firing them before going to sleep but I have heard from others that it will only work for few weeks at most. Scarecrow doesn't work or it isn't scary enough :)
Even though I struggle with addiction and self medicate for conditions my doctor refuses to address I keep myself busy doing yard work and woodworking..I recently built a 200 lb laminated workbench from 2x4 lumber and planed it smooth with a 75 year old Stanley plane. I feel between a rock and a hard place. On one hand the medication allows me to do these things, and on the other hand it's not prescribed. Without it I have to use a cane to get around and with it I get around much better with pain I can deal with.
Keep yourself busy. This has always worked for me.

Having a small break in a very busy although silent and pleasant working day.
^^^Yes. Keeping busy is helping me immensely right now. Just finished putting up a 6ft. fence with my dad and I'm joining the gym tomorrow. Wishing you all well.
Thanks fabriclondon!

It's been a while you have been clean already. Happy to hear!!
Keep moving :) One day at a time!
^ That sounds important. Congrats MrRoot!

Received an unexpected gift from my wife. Nothing important or fancy but it was nice. We've been working so much, and with the kids, homework, groceries, etc, etc we can hardly find time for small things like that.
I always have the attitude it could be better and my life sucks so bad and i was reminded by my best friend that guys and girls are getting shipped back from overseas with no arms, no legs, disfigured faces and trauma to their head which causes horrible images that seem real. Like PTSD but worse. Even someone who is in tact but has images of war and has ptsd and a firecracker could put them in a panic attack and i have none of that so it could be worse and my life isnt so bad. That was a gift from my friend and a daily reminder of all our soldiers who come back different than they left. Thanks to them for being brave people who prtect people who are not brave like me. Just their presence on this planent is a positive thing?
Don't put yourself down like this, you might not be brave like a soldier but there's always something especial in all of us. And I'm sure you'll find out about your strength. It's just a matter of time. I'm hoping things get better for you closeau! <3
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The people next door got a black lab puppy!!!!!!!!!:) I get to be a vicarious dog-owner.
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