• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

RIP Mugz

There's a thread in EADD as that was his home forum.. we'll move it to the shrine and merge it with this at a later date.

Fucking.. RIP mate. I hoped I'd never have to say that. You were one of my closest friends from BL. Fucksake. I'm so sorry. :(

<3 <3 <3
I know when Dave died I couldn't bear any speculation so I imagine it's the same here. And as you say sometimes we never know.

This is surreal. I nearly met up with Martin so many times. I can't believe it. :(

Angelsmoke I hope you're doing as well as you can, I'll PM you <3

Martin <3
Yeah speculation isn't helping anyone let alone his poor family if they were to ever come on here to see what Martin had been doing.

Mugz journey has come to an end abruptly, but if it was an OD then we can all take a bit of peace in the fact he died getting high doing things he enjoyed.

I'm sad i never got a chance to meet up with him, we had arranged to meet at one point but money was a factor n we both had work.
I've been trying to process this terribly sad news all afternoon since I found out. I just....I really don't know what to say :(
Like many others here, I am heartbroken.

RIP Martin <3
It's going to take a long time to adjust to the loss on this board, it ill be so much quieter without him

I hope his Mum Dad and Sis are ok,
And <3 to Angelsmoke for having to deal with this n be the bearer of terrible news. hope you are holding up
Another one lost.

I remember saying up late talking to him way into the small hours and often the next day/afternoon about everything and anything, god that was years ago, but it seems so recent. He talked some sense into me a few times, quite a few times, listened to my tears when he phoned me if he thought i'd seemed a bit down, and I'd like to think I was there for him too. He really was a special character. <3

The first time I met him, I remember his really really big smile, which got bigger the more pints we all drank.

He did something really nice for me a couple of weeks back when I had no money for food, he bought me a takeaway from justeat.co.uk, and had it delivered to my address. I remember him telling me to pick carefully as if I was clever I could get things that would last and I'd get a meal for the next day out of it too.

When am I going to stop finding out BL'ers I'm close to have died :(

My heart goes out to all those close to him <3
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RIP Matey .

I'll always remember that night in Keynsham . Proper good laugh you were on top form <3
The fact that there is 173 posts and growing in this thread says it all really. Its only just starting to sink in for me now, couldnt really accept it yesterday.
The fact that there is 173 posts and growing in this thread says it all really. Its only just starting to sink in for me now, couldnt really accept it yesterday.

The really sad thing is i doubt Martin had a clue how popular n well liked he is/was

I hope he can see this thread and Bl in general
Another one lost.

I remember saying up late talking to him way into the small hours and often the next day/afternoon about everything and anything, god that was years ago, but it seems so recent. He talked some sense into me a few times, quite a few times, listened to my tears when he phoned me if he thought i'd seemed a bit down, and I'd like to think I was there for him too. He really was a special character. <3

He did something really nice for me a couple of weeks back when I had no money for food, he bought me a takeaway from justeat.co.uk, and had it delivered to my address. I remember him telling me to pick carefully as if I was clever I could get things that would last and I'd get a meal for the next day out of it too.

When am I going to stop finding out BL'ers I'm close to have died :(

My heart goes out to all those close to him <3

That's really, really sweet! :(:(:(
man its weird because I remember seeing Mugz on tinychat often and he was just beyond trashed on what im assuming was heroin. Ive seen the look on people more than I'd like to, and im not trying to insinuate anything but I would suspect it was an accidental overdose.

He seems like the kind of person who would leave a long farewell post if it was a real suicide

either way RIP Mugz

and all you EADD haters just know not everyone in the Lounge is an immature piece of shit and Id like to see any one of you actually be as clever as 80% of the people who post in there
^ Mugz only started dabbling in heroin very recently so whatever you saw him trashed on previously it wasn't that.

I very much doubt he committed suicide though. But not really wanting to speculate too much. Misadventure seems a likely verdict though, I'd say. Tragic in its own way but not suicide.

FWIW, he was in fine spirits and good form last I spoke to him a few days back. Talking about his plans for things he had coming up over the next few months and stuff. Seemed very happy which is why it's kinda odd to read those last coupla posts of his :\:(
Thats even more proving my point Shambles

low tolerance

although I forgot you guys get medicore dope over there
We get good, bad and mediocre gear here. Same as everywhere. Either way, I don't think it will turn out to be that. But there's little point speculating really.

Anyways I keep expecting a big 'JK', not a comment on anyone here, or Mugz, but it just feels like that's what should happen, you know?
and all you EADD haters just know not everyone in the Lounge is an immature piece of shit and Id like to see any one of you actually be as clever as 80% of the people who post in there

Thats even more proving my point Shambles

low tolerance

although I forgot you guys get medicore dope over there

Surely this is case and point ? On one hand your saying your not an immature piece of shit - the very next breath you have a pop about about tolerance, and medicore dope.

This thread is not the place - this thread will be merged into Mugz shrine thread, do you want post like yours in there?