• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

RIP Mugz

Over the years, I've developed a 'mental list' of people whose chaotic posts worry me. Of course, I'm being euphemistic describing it that way. The truth is, it's a list of posters who I'm certain will lose the fight and die as a result of a drug-related incident. Mugz had been at the head of that list for a very long time. The list is disappointingly accurate.

Martin, you were an amiable, if misguided character. I'd berated you so often for your recklessness and your passing does not come as a surprise to me in the slightest. Someone described it as an inevitability and I am hard-pressed to disagree. You deserved something better and we wanted nothing but the best for you - specifically, health, recovery, balance and a life outside of this sphere.

What a waste.

For anyone who might've ended things with Mugz on a sour note, don't feel bad. When someone dies there's always something you could've done, could've done better, could've done more of. Loss makes it like that & it makes remembering stuff like that painful. After time the negative memories fade & you start remembering good stuff.

He wasn't a grown up guy, he was a big kid, with little guile. He said what he thought. He also suffered from an extraordinary excess of personality & when you're that kinda person you polarise the people around you. Some people love you for it, others, not so fond of ya! So people who maybe had a go at him here, don't sweat it, you can't change the past. Change the future, keep you temper on forums, don't make enemies on BL. We need to stand together. I can't think of a better community within which to foster unity. Everyone of us here is different in a thousand different ways but we share our interests in mind altering substances. We represent one of the most downtrodden groups amongst Western society. We need to stand together, no more petty in-fighting. Let's stand as one!

Please I mean absolutely no offence by the excess of personality comment, it's meant kindly <3
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For anyone who might've ended things with Mugz on a sour note, don't feel bad. When someone dies there's always something you could've done, could've done better, could've done more of. Loss makes it like that & it makes remembering stuff like that painful. After time the negative memories fade & you start remembering good stuff.

He wasn't a grown up guy, he was a big kid, with little guile. He said what he thought. He also suffered from an extraordinary excess of personality & when you're that kinda person you polarise the people around you. Some people love you for it, others, not so fond of ya! So people who maybe had a go at him here, don't sweat it, you can't change the past. Change the future, keep you temper on forums, don't make enemies on BL. We need to stand together. I can't think of a better community within which to foster unity. Everyone of us here is different in a thousand different ways but we share our interests in mind altering substances. We represent one of the most downtrodden groups amongst Western society. We need to stand together, no more petty in-fighting. Let's stad as one!

Please I mean absolutely no offence by the excess of personality comment, it's meant kindly <3

Good words Si.
Jesus i almost screamed reading this. No way man been an eadd lurker for yonks loved his posts. Farewell.
I'd been talking to him not to long ago and he was saying about how he hoped we could still talk to each other once he had been in rehab/stopped the drugs and that we should still talk, but just wouldn't be able to talk about drugs.
And that's the point really, drugs aside, there was so much more to Martin as just a nice person. I wish we had been able to have that post-drugs talk.

I'll miss him a lot.
Walking around London covered in egg, really high and completely lost
Trying to do lines of meph off each other because we thought it'd be sexy, then finding it's actually really impractical and tickles

Those two really made me laugh. Just the randomness of walking around covered in egg. I didn't get to know him as well as I would've liked to but from what I could tell and all these posts he really did seem like a wonderful person.

This just all feels so sudden. A few days ago he was telling me how he was going to come visit me in London in May and was trying to get me to send him my book and to convince me to play a part in his future film :D
It was really sweet. He was just an overall really sweet guy.
Rly sad. I think if there is problem in IRL, stay off the drugs, fuck them, leave for now. They take all motivations away.

aw what. been a reader on here for a long time, just not a poster. not been over to this side of the interweb in a while but whenever I was Mugs was all over these forums. damn. RIP man.
had a cracking wend last year at Sunflower festival and was planning on him coming over for either Vantastival or Kilbree rising festivals this year.

he made the worst attempt at putting up a tent that i have ever seen, only met the chap 15mins and i was on the ground laughing at him.

the last time i saw him was outside a Belfast pub after we had dinner and 2 drinks, he gave me a big warm hug goodbye. he went towards the airport and me towards my hotel.

ahaha i also remember this, if it wasnt for you i dont think me or mugz would have our tents pitched that night!
Me and mugz were chatting pretty recently about the near death of a friend and he was saying how distraught he would be if anything had of happened then no more than a week later i heard this terrible news :(
I never wanted to see this, Mugz, though I feared for it many times. You struggled and struggled and fought so hard. I am so full of sorrow that I am speechless. I will come back to this thread later. For now I will go sit with the pain of this and honor your life. I am truly sorry, friend.<3
Martin, you were an amiable, if misguided character. I'd berated you so often for your recklessness and your passing does not come as a surprise to me in the slightest. Someone described it as an inevitability and I am hard-pressed to disagree. You deserved something better and we wanted nothing but the best for you - specifically, health, recovery, balance and a life outside of this sphere.

What a waste.


Tamb has put it better than I ever could...You have a knack for doing that. What Martin needed more than anything was a community of friends outside of bluelight to look after him and support him, besides his own father and a few close relations. He was only just starting to make this transition, which makes the timing of his death particularly unpalatable. But what's done is done. Death rarely comes at a convenient time.
really shit news, i haven't been on here for ages but it's news that brought me back here. mugz i will never forget your mental stories and general chaotic "how does he get away with it"ness. it's very sad that this is one you won't get away with... RIP mate.

def got a lovely smile. will never forget his story about walking through US customs fucked on valium after some drug-gambling bender with thousands of valliums in his pockets and everywhere.... :D
I am so terribly sorry. Martin did not post often in TDS but when he did he was courageously honest about his pain and the frustrations that stemmed from feeling he could not get out of the cycle. He was always encouraging to others in their own fight and I am so sorry that we could not have been more support to him in these past few weeks. He was young and full of dreams and there is just no way to fathom the fact of his death.

All my sympathy and love go out to his family and to his friends, to all those left with the terrible absence where a beautiful, passionate, funny, vulnerable and courageous young man once stood.
Jeezus, that's just so fucked up! I didn't know the guy at all and never directly replied to one of his posts. But when I first found Bluelight, Mugz's name was all over it - in fact I think the first post I ever read was by him (I was researching mephedrone just before it got banned and found his & Angel's thread about meph addiction). The weird thing is, his posts always reminded me of a younger version of myself (probably because I'm also called Martin), so I felt a certain affinity with him - particularly his love of excess, but also his crazy ideas and lovable immaturity (and I mean no offence by that in any way). Condolences to all his family and friends.

RIP Man!!
R.I.P Mugabe - Mugz - Martin.

Sad news indeed.

Over the years, I've developed a 'mental list' of people whose chaotic posts worry me. Of course, I'm being euphemistic describing it that way. The truth is, it's a list of posters who I'm certain will lose the fight and die as a result of a drug-related incident. Mugz had been at the head of that list for a very long time. The list is disappointingly accurate.

Sad but true.