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Recommend some more good movies per post

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i thought it was pish. i love the WALKEN but not that film.
MOON by David Bowie's son is a masterpiece;( i watched it whilst i had GBL physchosis and it fucking scared me for hr's till someone recognized i was not myself n asked if i needed to talk,thank god i did, i really thought i wasa clone or an aborted fetus stuck here in this life which was purgatory,aarrgghh) and of course

THE ROAD An epic posy apocalyptic non Hollywood style film, literally the world is dying earthquakes,volcanoes,no sunlight,all animals are dead, people that have survived must go go thru the most gruesome of horrid ,horrid experience's if they really want to live and they must be weary of other survivors...looking for food cos they may just be cannibals,.There is hardly many special effects ,but it is a really good morality tale on parenting and instilling courage n goodness n strength in ones child.The post Apocalyptic world holds no joy for an 7-9 yr old but when the boy's dad dies when he is 10, he barely knows how to relate to people as he's only met cannibals, or old dying, or young dying, staving, people,he has never seen another kid,but remember this world is all he knows,not like his Pa who lives daily with the thoughts of how lush n civilised life once was. a a
dripping intense film that allow one to really ponder and wander the hell life would be were we to live in a dying world that's forced folk to suicide, madness and cannibalism and violence to others ,like nevr before,no infrastructure no Goverments and the earth getting swallowed by quakes daily, Best film I have seen this year for sure a billion and one plus one infinity stars always.

Bad Lieutenant is a good, bad,grimy,nasty ass cop movie.

Fourth Kind I don't rate it to well yet but will watch again.

Watchmen Shit i thought

Hurt locker Good

Crazy Heart Most surprisingly a good tale well wrote, well acted and it truly conveys the struggles n heartaches the characters go thru,IT almost has a lovely happy Hollywood ending ,but not quite,like a true Texas American Cowboy hard living man of the world he really has full awareness of his regrets and failures and see's what he could have had if he only,....in time. But he puts a smile on looks out into the distance at what could have been his if he only managed to stop in time,he see's go with a promise to give an interview and the he Sucks it up! (As Americans say ) oh then he mans up pulls up his belt and we are left listening to a song she inspired him to write. that has earned him thousands,and pan to stunning views. It got me from the get go thee characters were real ,funny,n defective,nicely human, Not one that I'd go to the flicks to c but file shared is another matter.

Oh this is so,so so, scary for me THE COLLECTOR he collects people and puts them in boxes alive the size of a tea chest,y,what 4,how long? I've done to much jail so i hate being confined now so the idea of simply being randomly collected to be folded so i fitted into a tea chest sized box,absolutely petrifies and makes me want to get fresh air now just writing this. See thing is one good fit into and survive in that space but ones legs and back would ache.would u be let out do u soil ur self, n for how long r u due to be in there and of course WHY?Are u his new thing his new pet? god that film scared me, i'm focusing on a very ,very small element there,there is so much more horror and strange ,baffling torture and seemingly random evil inflicted and done to the victims by the Collector,His mask is so, so, so, wrong as well,he is a big strong lump who can fight n use a weapon or 30.FUCK Saw this wins hands down,just like the first Saw it's mega low budget ,unknown actors ,minimum location change shots,the absolute vileness of the clever story woven with abandoned raw terror and perverted horror,makes for a splendid horror film. That will leave one gasping,oh and watch all thru the end of the credits,hints at answers are giving .along with a hefty kick to the box he's now filled up, as the victim probably is just starting to freak...again cos of leg cramps. THWACK goes the work boot to stop n shut up the box's tenant. Oh at one point it's said he only keeps u if he likes u.otherwise he kills u brutally.Freaky shit.

Goodun for the Black Comedy lovers out there.


British horror flick that came out last year. Very decent, a lot of homages to old 70s horrors, with some newer twists & touches.

Definitely worth a watch. Got nominated for a British Independent Film Award too.
Watched this last night:


Woody Harelson can pull off the mentally ill-chic thing pretty well.


British horror flick that came out last year. Very decent, a lot of homages to old 70s horrors, with some newer twists & touches.

Definitely worth a watch. Got nominated for a British Independent Film Award too.

Added this to my lovefilm list.

I've got The Class, not the French one but an older Hungarian (i think) film and Eastern Promises to watch.

One of several global dramas that reportedly culled direct inspiration from the infamous Columbine High School Massacre (and evidence, given its geographic origins, of that tragedy's global impact), Ilmar Raag's harrowing Estonian drama The Class (AKA Klass, 2007) unfolds in an Eastern European high school overrun by psychotic bullies. Amid this morass, 16-year-old Joosep (Part Usuberg) suffers from constant, sadistic belittlement and humiliation. One of his torturers, newcomer Kaspar (Vallo Kirs), soon changes sides and offers to protect the victim, as a kind of bodyguard, but in time, per human nature, the bullies also turn him into a pariah. One act of systematic humiliation too many soon pushes the two boys over the edge and sets the stage for an unremitting bloodbath of vengeance. Raag also authored the original script.~ Nathan Southern, All Movie Guide
Let The Right One In is fantastic, has to be the best vampire film I've seen.
I know this thread is all about recommending good movies, but I consider this a public health risk & I'm doing my part to avoid people self harming.

Do not ever watch this atrocity.

yeah saw Let The Right One In at the cinema, great film, and In Bruges is just fantastic :D

going to recommend this as I watched it last night for the first time in ages (my rents have hoarded loads of my DVDs, I keep finding them here in Portugal...)

anyway, this is a boss film, needs no explanation, it almost makes one want to give up being a waster and start martial arts ;)

Cletus I saw that at the cinema in Thailand, it's no great or anything but it was watchable.
+1 for Let The Right One In and Enter The Dragon. :)

That reminds me, I must start learning how to use those nunchucks properly. :D
Aye but surely it was no different to what you expected? A Holywood flick with John Travolta playing a wise guy, bad ass secret agent. It was never going to be anything other than a cheesey 'action' film. No surprise that is wasn't a masterpeice.
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I never knew anything about it beforehand to be honest, so it's not like I built it up any.

Travolta has escalated into an even worse actor & annoying fat fuck than I remembered.
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