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Recommend MANY MORE Movies vrs. 3 or something

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i'll take that as a recommendation, don't think i've ever seen an Indonesian film before

Give it a spin. Lots of fighting, possibly not much brain. There are a couple of different subtitles (.srt) files around the place, ranging from batshit nonsensical to OK. Er, if your DVD doesn't come with the good ones. I had a Mugz-like dream of writing my own fantastic subtitles for it as it started, then as the film went on and on I somehow ripped the shit out of a new pair of trousers, which I found at the foot of my bed when I woke up two hours late this morning with a strangely shaved beard. Diazepam and warm beer were involved.
Gommora looked like it'd be a cracker, went to see it at the cinema, turned out to be fairly dull. Too many stories going on and most of them went nowhere. Not enough action. Film didn't flow very well. Disappointing.
watched the naples mafia documentary, still not seen gommora, also got a copy the raid but no subtitles yet.

anyone know of any foreign gangster/crime films i'm missing out on?
watched the naples mafia documentary, still not seen gommora, also got a copy the raid but no subtitles yet.

anyone know of any foreign gangster/crime films i'm missing out on?

Have you got Mesrine yet? That's a biopic you need at least a 1/4 to sit down with and watch! Celda 211 is absolutely brilliant too (Have you seen it spade?). District 13, but you've probably seen that. Not a crime film but Run Lola Run, a German film, is good too. A Bittersweet life is alright, but not everything it could be in my opinion.

I watched this film last night:

It's about 3 different alternative end of the world type scenarios. It's got dark comedy, weird comedy, horror, surrealism, sci-fi, romance, drama everything really... It's a mish mash and I thought it was wicked.

Out of all of those films I just threw up all over the screen, i'd probably tie the top spot between Celda and Doomsday Book. They are two different to pick which one is better for me.
seen and loved every moment of mesrine! not seen celda 211 or district 13.. getting them on the case now, as well as run lola run / bittersweet life & doomsday book that should those should keep me well busy cheers a bunch MSB

i've not seen the old school 1984 mesrine though, anyone seen that one?
Have you got Mesrine yet? That's a biopic you need at least a 1/4 to sit down with and watch! Celda 211 is absolutely brilliant too (Have you seen it spade?). District 13, but you've probably seen that. Not a crime film but Run Lola Run, a German film, is good too. A Bittersweet life is alright, but not everything it could be in my opinion.

Seen all of them except Celda 211, looks OK though. Actually haven't seen Bittersweet Life either. I don't watch nearly as many films as I used to, would watch one every night almost when had my Love Film subscription and go to the cinema nearly every weekend. Now I rarely see anything though I've been checking Film 4 every night for good films. Nothing decent last couple of nights.
Mesrine, ive got that around here somewhere, not watched it yet though
Get both parts Dan and watch them ASAP! Epic!

Anyone seen Che parts 1 & 2? Both quality.
fuck yeah just found them =D they've been sat around here for ages, forgot all about them. Mesrine - Parts 1 & 2. will check them out mate, judging by your enthusiastic response they sound worth a watch :)


right, gonna finish Jackie brown
Vincent Cassel is the fucking man, one of the best actors on the planet!
they are quality dan!,

che 1&2 top suggestion spade i forgot about those and never got round to buying
not a film, but im tempted to re-buy the sopranos, love that gangster stuff

not films either but Dexter and Game of thrones is amazing

anyway the internet is distracting, need to drag myself away from it, gonna crack on with Jackie brown. laters <3
What is Mesrine all about?

Just watched Safehouse, I was pretty impressed with it to be honest. Basically just about the corruption in the CIA but well worth a watch.
Just googled looks good. My download speed is so shit its taking 2-3 days to get a movie. Still downloading Gommora ha. Hopefully I'll have this french 2 part job by next weekend :\
lol 3 days? - has scotland not got broadband yet? - it will be worth the wait anyway

I really enjoyed them, action packed, well shot and well acted. Benicio Del Toro is the man, perfect as Che too. %)

If i was doing the casting for that film i don't think i'd be able to think of anyone else but Benicio Del Toro for the role
Watching The Beach and realising that despite having 'watched' this film about a dozen times (it always gets played in hostels, tourist buses and bars when travelling in backpacker hotspots) I've never seen the whole film. Never saw the start of it before, always started watching it when Di Caprio is already on the island. Good to understand how he ended up there and cool to see places I've been in Thailand too. Can pin point some of the exact locations in Bangkok and on the islands.
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