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Random MSN Gibberings LXXI: My kingdom for those headphones

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over the years I've posted at hardcore porn forums, trollboards, anti-govnt forums, you name it ... and I've made the same assumption myself numerous times until it became apparent that it's sadly not true. niche communities tend to be the worst for 'herding' in my experience and something that borders on incredulous to me really. Yeah, it chaps my hide too ... different groups 'understanding' and 'connecting' via seemingly related principles in ideologies isn't commonplace. and those who think they possess the 'broadest' of minds, are very often in possession of exactly the opposite. fucking sad.

You speak sense again. Pretty much every youth subculture I flirted with came with some nailed-on sense of 'values' that was great in your bedroom but was ultimately hollow when you encountered the same rectionary attitudes and social hierarchies that you would in the wider world. When you get older and supposedly wiser you should know better, but sometimes I find I can get a broader, more tolerant overview from the guys down the working men's club than I can in any group that shares a specific interest that in theory should make them more open-minded. C'est la vie.

Marmalade said:
<3 some of the comments you've been making in this thread Sam, and Kudos to you for taking the time to type it all out.

Nah, thank you for the comment above and for the positivity you've brought so far. Good posters are what this place is about. ;)
I find it quite arrogant to run around telling others that they have put a lack of critical thinking into their beliefs and viewpoints when you don't really know them or anything about them other than the fact they don't agree with you.
really? you do? well, I find it quite telling that you applied what I wrote to Sam as a proxy response to your own opinions. It wasn't, and that's not even a cheap 'get out clause', which I could use If i chose to, because I know how to [either in this form, or another, like many other people do in this thread]. some folk may call YOU arrogant for making that original assumption, or call you defensive or something else I'm not gonna spend the time to think about and apply the level of contemplation/thought that I tend to do before I summise any subject, or ideal, or theory on any point [re: I never conclude, ever, btw ... edit... and I spend days, weeks, and an infinite, nay, indefinite amount of hours contemplating this exact kinda topic ].

For anyone [and that incl you, MISB's, since you're the one asking], wishing to critically analyse my own opinions and shortcomings, by all means do so, I'll possibly even find it incredibly fucking flattering that youre even considering doing such [because I'm a pretty fucking basic humble human, and often value other peoples opinion more than my own as that's how i learn]. anyway, please take the following into account before you do your reasoning. Take this as truth from me as far as i see it, and feel free to critically evaluate or compare whatever i write, or have written, now or in the future against the following statement. I believe that barring a few, very rare exceptions, we are all born with the same needs, and therefore intent and therefore goals, as human beings. that we all attempt to achieve them in our given [and born of] conditioned circumstances, whatever they are. I believe those conditioned circumstances are the reason for, and key to almost every fundamental difference/problem/issue arising between the humans trying to attain those colloquial goals, and that the fundamental rights of each of those humans supercedes the conditions that motivate and 'force' them to act in the ways [others conditioned to believe otherwise] deem are 'morally wrong'

I believe very few non-scientifics, other than:

It's unacceptable to harm another person physically

I do not see a 'council' or 'govnt' or 'body' as my moral superiour or guidance or leader. my own values and humanity take personal responsibility for my own behaviour and viewpoints

[edit] ... life is full of complex contradictions. it is not simple. it creates complex 'injustices', behaviours and responses. those who realise this are few and far between. those who can articulate those juxtapositions are to be revered, and I'm certainly not one of those people ... check out Chris Morris, he's one of the good guys <3
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I am currently enjoying the contributions of Marmalade and yellowpolkadothalo on the forum lately.

[I'm <3 <3 <3ing the contibutions of the two bottles of red I've just finished also ;p]

[edit] pee ess: <3 to you brimz, forgot to issue happy beedays and hawt flat warmingz pour vous ...
christ, there's nawt nearly enough <3 <3 <3's in theee above post, so here's some moar ---->>>


[edit] and good news on your prefered alt treatment MISBs. get a flu jab while theyre free and if it goes with your meds etc etc <3
really? you do? well, I find it quite telling that you applied what I wrote to Sam as a proxy response to your own opinions. It wasn't, and that's not even a cheap 'get out clause', which I could use If i chose to, because I know how to [either in this form, or another, like many other people do in this thread]. some folk may call YOU arrogant for making that original assumption, or call you defensive or something else I'm not gonna spend the time to think about and apply the level of contemplation/thought that I tend to do before I summise any subject, or ideal, or theory on any point [re: I never conclude, ever, btw ... edit... and I spend days, weeks, and an infinite, nay, indefinite amount of hours contemplating this exact kinda topic ].

For anyone [and that incl you, MISB's, since you're the one asking], wishing to critically analyse my own opinions and shortcomings, by all means do so, I'll possibly even find it incredibly fucking flattering that youre even considering doing such [because I'm a pretty fucking basic humble human, and often value other peoples opinion more than my own as that's how i learn]. anyway, please take the following into account before you do your reasoning. Take this as truth from me as far as i see it, and feel free to critically evaluate or compare whatever i write, or have written, now or in the future against the following statement. I believe that barring a few, very rare exceptions, we are all born with the same needs, and therefore intent and therefore goals, as human beings. that we all attempt to achieve them in our given [and born of] conditioned circumstances, whatever they are. I believe those conditioned circumstances are the reason for, and key to almost every fundamental difference/problem/issue arising between the humans trying to attain those colloquial goals, and that the fundamental rights of each of those humans supercedes the conditions that motivate and 'force' them to act in the ways [others conditioned to believe otherwise] deem are 'morally wrong'

I believe very few non-scientifics, other than:

It's unacceptable to harm another person physically

I do not see a 'council' or 'govnt' or 'body' as my moral superiour or guidance or leader. my own values and humanity take personal responsibility for my own behaviour and viewpoints

[edit] ... life is full of complex contradictions. it is not simple. it creates complex 'injustices', behaviours and responses. those who realise this are few and far between. those who can articulate those juxtapositions are to be revered, and I'm certainly not one of those people ... check out Chris Morris, he's one of the good guys <3

I wasn't replying solely from my own perspective, not that I really have the right to reply for others. Your post seemed to be an open agreement with sam, as well as an attempt to paint people who disagreed with him in a negative light (and obviously I would be included in that group in this instance). I think most, if not all, people on this forum would agree that we form our own behaviors and viewpoints independent from any group of people who have decided they have the right to tell us what to do. Apart from of course on points which 99.99% of people would agree on - such as not physically harming people as you said yourself.

We may well all be conditioned, or have it in our genes, to behave in certain ways to attain our desires. But what if one group, in this case gypsies, are conditioned to behave in ways that stop others attaining their desires in order to gain theirs? Are we meant to just accept the way they behave and say 'hey its their culture'? Or should we realise that if we can't all behave that way because there would be anarchy, and someone has to pick up the bill, then it isn't fair that a small minority of people are using every trick in the book to bully and guilt trip us into getting an easy ride at our expense?

I would pretty much agree that my viewpoints are not fixed on many if any particular topics or subjects as well. Although in my experience I would suggest that it is people of the more 'liberal' or left wing persuasion who are the most set in their ways, as well as the most likely to demonise anyone who disagrees with them. There I go stereotyping and generalising again, ho hum.

I don't really ever take offence at anything that's said to me, or take offence from anyone else's opinions. I don't really enjoy this debating about debating stuff though, it seems like we never get into the meat of an actual topic. I didn't mean anything by the arrogant comment, it was a bit of a flippant add on at the end of my post, I think because i'm giving up smoking again. Sorry about that. (You might want to take a screen shot, it's not often I appologise for anything ;))

(How I could I be a BL member and not have heard of Chris Morris? lol)
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christ, there's nawt nearly enough <3 <3 <3's in theee above post, so here's some moar ---->>>


[edit] and good news on your prefered alt treatment MISBs. get a flu jab while theyre free and if it goes with your meds etc etc <3

Thank you :) They keep offering me flu jabs, but i'm a bit perplexed as to whether it is a good idea? I think the flu jab is a 'dead' virus, but I think I read somewhere there is a tiny chance it can give you the flu? I got swine flu and regular flu when I was on azathioprine before, and it just made the flu itself twice as bad!
I find it quite telling

since were on about what we find telling, i find it quite telling that you ignored this question, since you clearly took time to respond to that post:

May I ask what makes you so sure that Sam has gone through the rigorous process you have outlined?

totally loved your post about how to judge a man, i guess this post is asking for more info on how prescisely we can apply that wisdom to our lives. i'm a bit stupid so i need an example.
I think we're giving peace a chance over here. Maybe somebody should post more Elvis. It always makes me happier.

Morning EADD. Where did you stash your keys? I need some fresh October Thursday air.

Me to I'm not reading through that lot, you all seem to have it all sorted out...whatevere it was that needed sorting...I'm off to walk the dog, I don't have the grammatical abilities to converse at such a level;)
Good morning sir! May your commute be as kind as I'm hoping mine will be. I have fine literature and a seedy grin with which to enrich the journey, but then again I'll be a passenger. Which I'm putting off as usual.
I've got to suffer then Thames Link into London for the third day in a row, not my usual commute and I'm not liking it ...its full of other people for crying out loud...whats's that all that about, I feel the need for some vallies comming on;) Have a new audio book to start though The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson liked seom of his other stuff so I gues its all good
Right is the big one today Compulsory tenant training 7 hours of it wish me luck
That's the worst part of public transport - other people. I have the option of either shrieking schoolkids or bellowing students. I'm not sure if I prefer either. I'm sure associating summer with half-empty vehicles, space and peace doesn't help matters for me either.

Good luck Brimz. Sounds like they make you jump through hoops but it's worth it in the end I reckon.
That's the worst part of public transport - other people. I have the option of either shrieking schoolkids or bellowing students. I'm not sure if I prefer either. I'm sure associating summer with half-empty vehicles, space and peace doesn't help matters for me either.

Aye public transport is a cunt. You don't even realise that the schools/unis have been off (making the trek to work a bit more bearable) until they come back & the bus is filled with little cunts. I don't mind the train as much but the bus always seems to attract the mutants. Never have I contemplated suicide or a mass killing spree more than the days I've found myself on the bus with no headphones.


Me to I'm not reading through that lot, you all seem to have it all sorted out...whatevere it was that needed sorting...I'm off to walk the dog, I don't have the grammatical abilities to converse at such a level;)

It' alright. The polis shifted them. Job's a good'un. ;)
Hello all.

I'm in New Zealand.

You probably aren't. Hope your day is beginning brightly :)

That's the worst part of public transport - other people. I have the option of either shrieking schoolkids or bellowing students. I'm not sure if I prefer either.
The one good thing about my commute is that it's mostly suits. And say what you like, at least they know how to travel. Head down, bunch up, don't cause trouble. That said: I was desperately trying to get onto a train and the guy in the doorway just wasn't having it, didn't want to move into the train. It was his space, dammit! Finally get on, and see he's reading Atlas Shrugged. Figured....
Never have I contemplated suicide or a mass killing spree more than the days I've found myself on the bus with no headphones.
You need to make this a staple of life - Any transport you don't have sound control over requires headphones.

Good morro EADD. Doc's for me at half 2. Going to be asking to up my Benzos due to having to cut drinking off like a cancerous evilump... Wondering how that'll go down. It's either that or back where I was the otter week though.

Hope you all have a fair day. It's not looking too bad out considering it was Mr. Frosty's territory earlier.

IJ - I writhe in envy! Enjoy man :) Holiday is it?
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