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Random MSN Gibberings LXXI: My kingdom for those headphones

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Morning all,

Today is my weekly treat into central London on the tube at rush hour....Severe delays booya. I hate crowded tube trains, but on Sunday someone started rubbing their crotch on me (this happens more than you'd like to think I suspect). Apparently me pointedly moving away wasn't enough for him, actually had to tell him to stop it in the tone of an irritated head teacher. Got off next stop, presumably to do the same thing to someone else.
Back seeing family, cousin's wedding, and plus got tickets for the rugby via my dad. Had to come really.

(Honestly, NZ isn't that exciting if you're from here, and most of the trip is sitting round the suburbs waiting for your mates to get off work so you can go to the pub before they go home to their kids....:D).
You need to make this a staple of life - Any transport you don't have sound control over requires headphones.

Trust me, it definitely is a staple of life. Just that odd day when the gods conspire against you & you forget them or the battery goes dead on the phone/ipod.

Morning all,

Today is my weekly treat into central London on the tube at rush hour....Severe delays booya. I hate crowded tube trains, but on Sunday someone started rubbing their crotch on me (this happens more than you'd like to think I suspect). Apparently me pointedly moving away wasn't enough for him, actually had to tell him to stop it in the tone of an irritated head teacher. Got off next stop, presumably to do the same thing to someone else.

Yas! Haha. I've just found my new way to make long train journeys bearable. Forgotten your headphones? Get in about some crotch rubbing.
I can understand your annoyance wibble.. At the same time that is one of my oldest most reliable fantasies standing on a crowded train.. listening to my music all rammed in like sardines .. pretty bored and impatient to be home when suddenly I feel...
I just said "stop it" pointedly. He pretended not to hear, but then got off.

Last time this happened to me I didn't know what to do and just kept trying to move away - guess they like that. Having to say something gave me the shakes (adrenaline I guess). It's stupid you want to shout "get the fuck off me", but something about the whole situation means that even telling someone to stop sexually assulting you under your breath is nerve wracking.
Clubs must be brutal for that eh? I know a lot of the birds I regularly go clubbing with complain about it all the time...

I just pretend not to hear them ;)
I have no idea WTF is wrong with some people... It seems to be especially bad in the clubs that revolve around drinking. People seem to think it's acceptable to just straight up grab someones tits or ass... The number of fights you get in if you go out with the missus is just plain annoying. I don't enjoy those shitty clubs any way so it's no loss not going.
People take the hint more readily in clubs, they're a bit less cortch rubby and invasion of personal spacey xD
People take the hint more readily in clubs, they're a bit less cortch rubby and invasion of personal spacey xD

What goes through a blokes head when he's doing that do you think? He must have deliberately gone out of his way to buy a ticket and ride the tube just to rub his knob on women... My law teacher was persuing a civil case about a decade ago on behalf of a woman who got poked in the back by some guys boner. The guy was well known for it, and several cases had been brought against him. But he always carried an umbrella so he could claim it was that lol. Just nail them right in the nuts next time wib!
That exchange of posts about nightclubs that revolve around shitty R&B and alcohol are exactly why I hate those places and I seriously doubt I will ever find myself in one again. They are full of underage boys and girlsl, cocky lads, pervs, people that actually like the music 8( sluts, chavs, and parents out for a night away from the kids. The types of girls that I have seen in these clubs when I used to go to them on work nights out had for the most part been people that I would really not have been interested in. Have seen so many fights erupt over nothing in places like that it is ridiculous.

Anyways, good morning (almost) EADD :) How is everyone on this fine Thursday, I have no work today or tomorrow, working the weekend though, boooo. Might have a nap in a minute, then a cup of rice and toast for brunch:)
Clubs must be brutal for that eh? I know a lot of the birds I regularly go clubbing with complain about it all the time...

I just pretend not to hear them

Haha goood waan saan! =D

Wait it go Mugz for the negativity, on the other hand they're full of quality tunes, smoking hot women, outrageous banter, alcohol and drukqz! Quite simply pubs/bars for work night out, clubs for the sesh, leave it at that :D
Mugz is spot on with his description of those types of clubs. I hate places like that & never go near them. If they play R&B/chart music at all then I stay the fuck away from them.
Woops I missed the bit about R&B, sorry Mugz!

I'm sat ripping the arse out some old tunes off my external harddrive, I fucking love music and the memories it brings back to mind! Big up the tunage!!!! =D
yeah, I have nothing against decent clubs with decent music and decent people and decent drugs =D Just not going to find many of those in your local city centre next to the jeremy kyle fan club HQ
Hahahaha! They should all be kept underground in a basement and abused my sexually deviant terrorists that lot :D
Ah, sexual abuse. That old comedy staple. :\

Ah so glad someone said that, I couldn't be bothered to go off on one but it's actually fucking shite.

My headphones are broken so I can't listen to music at work =(
another day off work and my stash arrived, time for a trip with lucy :-D
My headphones are broken so I can't listen to music at work =(

That sucks wibs, just blast it out loud from the speakers =D I'm sure people will understand 8) or maybe not

muzzard said:
another day off work and my stash arrived, time for a trip with lucy :-D

<=====JEALOUS I want lucy :(

Have fun though :) where are you going to be taking it? looks a nice day for an outdoor trip here.
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